Unit 4 Career Planning_第1页
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Unit 4 Career Planning_第4页
Unit 4 Career Planning_第5页
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1、 Unit 4Part one 1. Jobs and StereotypesnStep One: nEach group makes a list of jobs and the group which gets the most win.nJobs: manager, policeman, clerk, doctor, nurse, engineer, director, designer, DJ (disc jockey ), researcher, teacher, tutor, photographer, repairman, tailor, dressmaker, barber,

2、hairdresser, scientist, physicist, chemist, geneticist, reporter, journalist, secretary, salesman, CEO (Chief Executive Officer首席执行官), CFO (Chief Finance Officer首席财务官), CTO(首席技术官), bank teller, cashier, dentist, surgeon, statistician, athlete, conductor, lawyer, air hostess, flight attendant, pilot,

3、 actor, actress, waiter, waitress, professor, artist, author, baby-sitter, architect, guide, sailor, astronaut, shop assistant, web master, politician, accountant, financial analyst, stock broker, interpreter, coach, referee, computer programmer, farmer worker nStep TwonEach group chooses a person t

4、o talk about their stereotypes of a certain job, i.e. what they think of this particular job. Then note their responses.nStep ThreenEach group reports briefly the main stereotypes of the job they have chosen.2. Word Familyn1. jobn2. businessn3. traden4. laborn5. professionn6. workn7. occupation n8.

5、careern9. task n Try to fill in one word which is related to work in the sentencesn .work, .job, profession, .vocation, post/position, line of work/business, occupation, careern 1.I need a part-time _.n 2.She wants to go back to _ after having the vacation.n 3.He was appointed to the _ of professor

6、of English at Stanford University.n 4.Please state your name, address and _.n 5.Her political _ began 20 years ago.n 6.What made you choose law as your _?n 7.Teaching isnt just a job, it is a(n) _.n 8.-What do you do?-Id like to get into that _.Keyn1. jobn2. workn3. post/positionn4. occupationn5. ca

7、reern6. professionn7. vocationn8. line of work/business3. Matching GamenSection An1) jobn2) careern3) professionn4) tradenSection Bn1) payn2) feen3) salary/wagesn4) incomenSection Cn1) job-seekern2) employern3) firen4) interviewMatching1. LawyerA. cautious2. TeacherB. eloquent3. JournalistC. shrewd4

8、. NurseD. trustworthy5. AccountantE. extroverted6. SecretaryF. persuasive7. SpokesmanG. diplomatic8. CEOH. easy-going9. Sales representativeI. tolerant10. Estate agentJ. talkativeCompare the following wordsnCareer: a job or profession for which one is trained and which one intends to follow for part

9、 of the whole of ones life.职业,一生的事业nOccupation: a job, employment 工作,职业nProfession: a form of employment, esp, one that is possible only for an educated person and after trainings (such as law, medicine, or teaching) and that is respected in society as honorable.职业nJob:A position in which one is emp

10、loyednWork: A job; employmentnTask: A piece of work assigned or done as part of ones duties.任务nTrade: An occupation, especially one requiring skilled labor; craft 行业,手艺nLabor: Physical or manual exertion, especially when difficult or exhausting 工作,劳动,苦力nBusiness: n1)Something involving one personall

11、y: 事情n2)The occupation, work, or trade in which a person is engagedn职业,行业一个人所从事的职业、工作或行业:line of businessnPosition: A post of employment; a job. 职位,雇佣职位nVocation: A regular occupation, especially one for which a person is particularly suited or qualified.行业,职业正规的工作,尤指一个人特别适合或尤其有资格胜任的职业 Steps to get

12、a world-class jobnA good resume/curriculumnA good cover letternA good interviewresumeHow to write an English resume?Form of a resumeName: ZHANG SanAddress: Zijinhua Road, Hangzhou, P.R. ChinaTelephone:ducation: present past / past - presentProfessional / Work Experience: Awards / Hono

13、rs and Scholarships:Publications:Professional Memberships:Language: A Job InterviewnCan you tell us something about yourself (life / background / education / experience)?nWhat are your career goals?nWhy do you want this job?nWhat do you hope to be doing 5 years from now?nWhat are your greatest achie

14、vements?nWhat are your strengths and weaknesses?nHow are your English and computer skills?nCan you work with people from other countries or cultures?nWhy should we hire you instead of other qualified applicants?Key for referencenL-eloquent, T-tolerant, J-extroverted, N-trustworthy, A-cautious, S-eas

15、y-going, S-diplomatic, C-shrewd, S-persuasive, E-talktativePreparationWhat do you think is the most ideal occupation?How are you preparing for the career? - acquire specialized knowledge - practice makes perfect - learn how to use computer as a tool - polish a creative mindTo be an engineer Preparat

16、ionDo you think what the most ideal occupation is?How are you preparing for the career? - learn about economy - read widely, especially about history, world culture, geography, etc. - communication abilityTo be a businessman / businesswoman Pre-reading activitynDo you have any idea of your future jo

17、b?nIf so, what is it?nWhat preparations will you make for your job? nWords, Phrases and Grammatical Pointsnfollow (L1,P1): to act in agreement or compliance with; obeyne.g. follow the steps; follow the rules; follow ones instincts, etc.nplace weight on (L2-3,P1): attach importance tone.g. The govern

18、ment gives special weight to public opinion.ne.g. The scientists involved put different weight on the conclusions of different models.ne.g. After he was voted out of power few people attached much weight to what he said.nweight (L2,P1) n. importancene.g. His opinion carries weight, since he is an ac

19、knowledged authority on that subject.nestimate (L7,P1) v./n. to try to judge the value, size, speed, etc. of sth., partly by calculating and partly by guessingne.g. It is estimated that between 70 and 90 percent of crimes occur in the daytime.ne.g. He was, in my estimate, not capable of doing the jo

20、b.ncf. estimation, evaluate, assess ne.g. According to my estimation, his chance of winning the scholarship is slim.ne.g. The police have stopped evaluating their employees performance in terms of the number of arrests they make. (activity, plan, suggestionWhether or not to start doing it or continu

21、e doing it.)ne.g. This test provides an excellent way of assessing applicants suitability. (work, ideas or productsWhat standard, how useful they might be to you.)noutcome (L7,P1) : n. the final resultne.g. We are anxiously waiting for the outcome of the negotiations.nalternative (L9,P1) :指(除之外)可供选择

22、的办法、事物等ne.g. We have no alternative but to go on.nfeasible (L9,P1) : a. (a plan, idea or method that is) possible and likely to work 可行的, 行得通的ne.g. a feasible plan / explanationne.g. His story sounds feasible.nefficient (L2,P2) : a. working well, quickly, and without wastene.g. an efficient heating

23、systemne.g. an efficient secretarycf. effective: a. producing the result that was wanted or intendedne.g. The ads were simple, but remarkably effective.nprofessional occupations (L5,P2) :专业性的职业 (lawyer, doctor, etc.)nengage (L7,P2) :1) to take part in; to be busy withne.g. He is engaged in writing a

24、 novel.ne.g. He is engaged in various business activities.2) to attract sb. and keep ones interestne.g. The new toy didnt engage the childrens interest for long.3) to arrange to employ sb.ne.g. His father engaged a private tutor to improve his maths.engaged: a.ne.g. Have you met the man shes engaged

25、 to (订婚)?ne.g. an engaged telephone / line / number (电话)占线ncope with (L4-5,P3) : deal effectively withne.g. The system can cope with up to 40 terminals (终端).ne.g. She is not a competent driver and cant cope with driving in heavy traffic.ncomplacence=complacency (L5,P3) : n. 自满,沾沾自喜(贬义)ne.g. After so

26、 many wins we got complacent and thought wed never loseso of course we lost next match.ne.g. Complacency is a drawback to progress.cf. contentment n. 满足,满意ne.g. He found contentment in reading novels.nchallenge (L6,P3) : v. call into question 对表示异议,怀疑,提出挑战ne.g. This is a book that challenges establi

27、shed beliefs.ndominant (L10,P3) : a. 有统治权的, 占优势的, 支配的ne.g. The right hand is dominant in most people.cf. predominant: a.支配的, 主要的, 突出的, 有影响的ne.g. Bright red is the predominant color in a design.n at stake (L12,P3) : at riskn e.g The tension was naturally high with so much at stake.n e.g. The company

28、is on the verge of bankruptcy, and hundreds of jobs are at stake. stake: v. 1) risk money on a race or competition 作赌注n e.g Jack staked all his money on the horse racing.n e.g. William staked his whole fortune on one card game. 2) risk losing sth. valuable or important冒危险(usu. stake sth. on sb./sth.

29、)ne.g The recent poll indicates that Bush is staking his presidency on waging war against Iraq unilaterally (单方地).n e.g. The president is staking his reputation on these trade talks.n but that does not describe career decision. (L20-21, P3) n Here “that” refers to the previous clause “complacency is

30、 at stake”.n “describe”在这里可理解为“适用于”。nconfront with (L2-3,P4) :使面临, 使面对ne.g. I am confronted with many difficulties. ne.g. Only when the police confronted her with evidence did she admit that she had stolen the money.cf. be faced withne.g. They face /are faced with financial penalties.nresort to (L5,

31、P4) : turn to for help诉诸,求助ne.g. Congress has a responsibility to ensure that all peaceful options are exhausted before resorting to war.resort n. 1) person or thing turned to for help诉诸,求助ne.g. Our only resort is to inform the police.2) popular holiday centerne.g. summer resort 避暑胜地as a last resort

32、/ in the last resort: 作为最后的手段,最后的凭借ne.g Jimmy Carter, the latest Nobel Peace Prize winner, states that all border conflicts can be solved peacefully, while not resorting to war hastily. Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last resort.nimplication (L7,P4) : a possible later effect of an action可能

33、会产生的影响nproduce (L11,P4) : 1) causene.g. The election did not produce a clear victory for any party.2) show or bring outne.g. She produced no evidence in support of her argument.npanic (L4,P5) : n./v. (panicked, panicking)ne.g. When the theater caught fire, there was a panic.ne.g. The crowd panicked

34、at the sound of the guns.nseize on/upon (L5,P5) : use sth. in an enthusiastic way in order to gain an advantagenCompanies were quick to seize on the possibilities offered by new technology.nhastily invented solution (L5-6,P5): 在匆忙中想到的解决办法nover- (L6,P5) : 越过,超过,过分,额外ne.g. overpass, overpopulation, ov

35、ercooked meat, overwork, overtimenas well as & as well (L7,P5) :ne.g. They own a house in London as well as a villa in Spain.ne.g. They own a house in London and a villa in Spain as well.n常与conduct连用的名词 (L5,P6) :nconduct a search / a survey / an experiment / an inquirynkey to (L1,P7) : similar e

36、xamples:nanswer / solution / entrance / preface / introduction / reply tonstrengths and weaknesses (L5-6,P8) : 优缺点nenable sb. to do sth. (L8,P8) : make sb. be able to do sth.ne.g. This dictionary enables you to understand English words.ne.g. The rights protection law for the comsumers enables any im

37、paired comsumer to claim money from the company.en- or em-: cause to become; makenenlarge, enrich, enact (制订法律), enclose, embed, embodyntime blocks (L3-4,P9) : the different periods of (ones life)nhalf-formed (L6,P9) : not fully formed; immatureninsight (L7,P9) : usu. followed by “into”n gain an ins

38、ight into / have an insight intontake stock of (L2,P10) : If you take stock, you pause to think about all the aspects of a situation or event.ne.g. It was time to take stock of the situation.ne.g. I was forty, the age when people take stock and change their lives.ntake/make inventory of (L4,P10) : m

39、ake a list ofne.g. We made a complete inventory of everything in the apartment before we moved out.ne.g. The store is closedwe are taking inventory.nstart over (L2,P11) : start again from the beginningne.g. We decided to abandon the first draft of the report and start over.nsocio- (L1,P12) : 社会,社会的n

40、traditional business (L3,P12) : 惯例nforesee (L1,P15) : v. (foresaw, foreseen) see or know beforehandne.g. Some analysts foresaw the rapid increase in unemployment.ne.g. Those who can foresee difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear.fore-: 在前,在先nforecast, forefather,

41、foretellnwork out (L9,P15) : 想出,计算出ne.g. I cant work out what to do.ne.g. An international peace plan has been worked out.ne.g. It took him the whole morning to work out the sum.nshape (L10,P15) : v. form; give a particular form to; createne.g. He shaped a pot out of the clay.ne.g. There are some sp

42、ecial events which shape peoples lives.Reading ComprehensionnWhat is the present situation in job market according to the passage? nWhat are the students flaws in career planning according to the author? nWhat are suggestions offered by the author for students career planning?nDo you think they are

43、workable? Why or why not?Key to Reading Comprehension1) Introduction (para. 1)Career planning does not necessarily follow routine or logical steps.2) Students weaknesses in career planning (para. 2) A. Most students choose from a very narrow group of occupations. B. 40 to 60 percent of the students

44、choose professional occupations, but only 15 to 18 percent of the work force is engaged in professional work. C. Young men lack interest in fields that offer many job opportunities. D. A third of the students are unable to express any choice of occupation.n1. Understanding the Organization of the Te

45、xt3) Serious flaws in the ways of decision making (para. 1-5) i) Complacencyignoring challenging information. ii) Defensive avoidance resorting to wishful thinking or daydreaming. iii) Hypervigilancesearching frantically for career possibilities and seizing on hastily invented solutions.4) Keys to c

46、areer planning (para. 6-11) i) Study yourself. ii) Write your career goals down. iii) Review your plans and your progress periodically with another person. iv) If you choose a career that does not fit you, you can start over.n5) Changes in careers (para. 12-13)i) Few changes involve downward movemen

47、t; most involve getting ahead.ii) Job changes and career shifts occur at all agesn6) Conclusion (para. 14-15)Although there is no sure way to make career plans work out, there are things that you can do now to shape your career possibilities.2. Understanding Specific Informationn1) Tn2) Tn3) Fn4) T

48、n5) Fn6) Tn7) T n8) Tn9) Tn10) FKey to Vocabulary1.n1) periodicallyn2) efficiencyn3) insightn4) instabilityn5) clericaln6) evaluationn7) foreseeablen8) challengingn9) integraten10) formula2n1) in casen2) Every so oftenn3) resort ton4) talk overn5) start overn6) in realityn7) at staken8) seized onn9)

49、 leading ton10) take stock of3.n1) countryn2) wayn3) technicaln4) bothn5) providedn6) whon7) suchn8) neededn9) opportunities n10) whenn11) ton12) Completionn13) holdingn14) early n15) hiren16) promoten17) upn18) educatingTranslation 1. I used to enjoy / like photography2. There is no sure way to tel

50、l / predict3. whether or not the brain can grow new cells4. as much as I once did5. direction you should be heading6. taking the time to review and reflect on the path you have taken / spending some time reviewing and thinking about the path you have taken 7. not necessarily have to marry him8. poor

51、ly some stuedents write their rsumsAfter-Class Reading Passage InWhat jobs can you take if you can not find a career-oriented one?1. 1. Vocabulary ReviewVocabulary Reviewn1) An2) Bn3) Cn4) Cn5) Cn6) An7) Cn8) Bn9) Bn10) C2. Which Career Is the Right One for You?nStep One: nLook at the following cate

52、gories and refer to those mentioned in the passage “Which career is the right one for you?”. Then decide which of the categories best describes your interests and skills. nStep two:nWork in groups and make a list of careers. Then present it to the whole class.nStep Three:nChoose from the careers the

53、 one which is related to your chosen category.nStep FournOf the careers you have ticked, underline the one you would like to do most. Describe it to your classmates in English or with your body language without mentioning the names. See if he/she can guess what the job is.3. Looking for a JobWork in

54、 groups. Scan the ads (p. 109) and find an appropriate job for the following people of distinctive characteristics.1) G 2) D 3) B 4) H 5) I5. Are Summer Jobs Necessary?nThe whole class is divided into 2 groups and debate whether it is necessary to have a summer job.Advantagesn-enable one to earn som

55、e money to pay tuition fees;n-help one to gain some work experience;n-help one to compare different jobs and decide on one as ones lifelong career;n-help one to learn about the outside world;n-help to apply and practice what he/she learns at university; n-help one to gain additional training;n-help

56、one to make contacts, met new people;n-help one to serve the community or help others.Disadvantagesn-distract ones attention from studiesn-make one become too practicaln-make one become money-oriented n-spoil ones vocation which could be spent on relaxation,traveling,etc.n-cause one to spend more ti

57、me away from ones familyn-tiring,unhealthy work conditionsn-prevent one from taking summer courses6. Funny Job InterviewsnA. I: Do you have a boyfriend?A: Yes.I: Is he here, in this city?A: No, he is in another city.I: Sorry, we will not employ you.A: Why not?I: You would not be keeping your mind on

58、 your work. Whats more, we do not want to see our telephone bill increase enormously because of you.nB. I: Do you have a girlfriend?A: No.I: Have you ever dated a girl?A: Yes, but she didnt want to date me.I: Do you want to date girls after you have a job?A: I will set my mind on work first. I will

59、not consider my marriage now.I: Sorry, we will not employ you.A: Why not?I: You are lacking in the ability of dealing with interpersonal relationships. Also, you lack self- confidence.nC. I: Do you have a girlfriend?A: Yes.I: Is she pretty?A: Not quite.I: Sorry, we will not employ you.A: Can it be that


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