Twenty Thousand Leagues Underthe Sea_第1页
Twenty Thousand Leagues Underthe Sea_第2页
Twenty Thousand Leagues Underthe Sea_第3页
Twenty Thousand Leagues Underthe Sea_第4页
Twenty Thousand Leagues Underthe Sea_第5页
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1、TwenTy Thousand TwenTy Thousand Leagues Leagues underTheunderThe sea sea 日院 田泽禹Jules Gabriel Verne, a French author who pioneered the science fiction genre.He is the second most translated author in the world. Some of his books have also been made into live-action and animated films and television s

2、hows. Verne is often referred to as the “Father of Science Fiction”. About the authorThe story started at 1866, Aronnax was French, and he was studying a large monster under the sea. At that time, this large monsters massager was traveling around the world. And after the reserch, he would return fro

3、m abroad, and then he climbed up the chaser of America, to make the large monster die out. By the hardship, the large monster wasnt being dying, but Aronnax and his servant, a whaler came the captive of the large monster.They stayed there not bad, but captain Nemo doesnt let them leave, they need to

4、 keep secret. And ten months later, they run away, and tell everyone the truth.自信,因为他的头在其肩部轮廓所形成的弧线上面高傲般扬着,那双阴郁神态的眼睛冷静沉着地注视着别人。镇定,因为他的皮肤苍白而不红润,说明他性情平和。坚毅,这从他眼眶筋肉的急速收缩就能看出。果敢,因为他的深呼吸就显示出了十分强盛的生命力。Captain Nemoself-confidence, since his head reared like a noblemans above the arc formed by the lines of

5、his shoulders, and his black eyes gazed with icy assurance calmness, since his skin, pale rather than ruddy, indicated tranquility of blood; energy, shown by the swiftly knitting muscles of his brow; courage, since his deep breathing denoted tremendous reserves of vitality.I might add that this was

6、a man of great pride, that his calm, firm gaze seemed to reflect thinking on an elevated plane, and that the harmony of his facial expressions and bodily movements resulted in an overall effect of unquestionable candor- according to the findings of physiognomists, those analysts of facial character.

7、He was tall, his forehead broad, his nose straight, his mouth clearly etched, his teeth magnificent, his hands refined, tapered, and to use a word from palmistry, highly psychic, in other words, worthy of serving a lofty and passionate spirit. This man was certainly the most wonderful physical speci

8、men I had ever encountered. 这个人显得很高傲,他那坚定沉着的目光似乎反映出高深的思想。从他的整体形象来看,从其举止和表情的一致来看,按照相面先生的说法,他富有一种不容质疑的直率性格。他身材高大,前额开阔,鼻直口方,两手纤细,用手相学术语来说,极富“通感”,也就是说与他高傲而富于情感的心灵相辅相成。可以说,这个人恐怕是我从来没有遇到过的最为完美的一类人。Captain NemoA scientistA heroA legendary figure!BuTwho is he?Independence is possible only here! Here I recog

9、nize no master! Here I am free!在海中我不承认有什么主子!在海中我是完全自由的!Ok,he is Prince DakkarAn Indian prince尼摩船长时间表(尼摩船长时间表(神秘岛神秘岛)一、达卡王子一、达卡王子十岁时,父亲送他到欧洲,接受最全面的教育。十岁时,父亲送他到欧洲,接受最全面的教育。十岁到三十岁,他学习了各方面的知识,在自然科学、文学、艺术等领域都获得了非常高十岁到三十岁,他学习了各方面的知识,在自然科学、文学、艺术等领域都获得了非常高深的造诣。深的造诣。周游欧洲。周游欧洲。1849年,达卡王子回到本德尔汗德。他同一位印度女郎结婚并生了两



12、的同伴一个个死去,可他的同伴一个个死去,“鹦鹉螺鹦鹉螺”号开始变得空荡,最后只剩船长一人。号开始变得空荡,最后只剩船长一人。60岁时,船长一人把岁时,船长一人把“鹦鹉螺鹦鹉螺”号开到林肯岛下面的海底港口。号开到林肯岛下面的海底港口。船长在这里生活了六年,偶然遇到了赛勒斯等五人。船长在这里生活了六年,偶然遇到了赛勒斯等五人。“And I also hope that his powerful vessel has conquered the sea at its most terrible gulf, and that the Nautilus has survived where so man

13、y other vessels have been lost! If it be so-if Captain Nemo still inhabits the ocean, his adopted country, may hatred be appeased in that savage heart! May the contemplation of so many wonders extinguish for ever the spirit of vengeance! May the judge disappear, and the philosopher continue the peac

14、eful exploration of the sea! If his destiny be strange, it is also sublime. ”“我同时又希望,他的强有力的潜我同时又希望,他的强有力的潜水船战胜了那海洋中最可怕的深渊,水船战胜了那海洋中最可怕的深渊,鹦鹉螺号在无数的船只都沉没了的号在无数的船只都沉没了的海上独能存在!如果事实是这样,海上独能存在!如果事实是这样,如果尼摩船长老是居住在他所选择如果尼摩船长老是居住在他所选择的祖国海洋中,但愿所有的仇恨都的祖国海洋中,但愿所有的仇恨都在这颗倔强的心中平息!但愿海底在这颗倔强的心中平息!但愿海底无限神奇的潜心静观熄灭他心中的

15、无限神奇的潜心静观熄灭他心中的复仇情绪!但愿他这个裁判执行人复仇情绪!但愿他这个裁判执行人潜没无踪!潜没无踪!但愿他这个高明的学者继续作和平但愿他这个高明的学者继续作和平的探海工作!固然他的命运是离奇的探海工作!固然他的命运是离奇古怪,但他也是崇高伟大的。古怪,但他也是崇高伟大的。”Two conclusions I must inevitably draw from it-one bearing upon the unparalleled courage of Captain Nemo, the other upon his devotion to a human being, a repr

16、esentative of that race from which he fled beneath the sea. Whatever he might say, this strange man had not yet succeeded in entirely crushing his heart. When I made this observation to him, he answered in a slightly moved tone: That Indian, sir, is an inhabitant of an oppressed country; and I am still, and shall be, to my last breath, one of them!其中有值得注意的两点一定要其中有值得注意的两点一定要握出来。一点是关于尼摩船长握出来。一点是关于尼摩船长的无比勇敢,另一点是关于他的无比勇敢,另一点是关于他对人类、对于逃到海底下去的对人类、对于逃到海底下去的这一种族的一个代表的牺牲精这一种族的一个


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