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1、Good is good, but better carries it.精益求精,善益求善。人教新课标届高三英语一轮复习精品同步练习选修UnitInventorsandinventions高考资源网Unit 3Inventors and inventions.多项选择1Mum,it is nice weather.I want to skate this afternoon.Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin to_your weight?AcarryBbearCcatch Dtake解析:选B。这里的bear不表示“忍受”,而是“承受

2、”的意思。2How did you like the lecture tonight?Very_.I doubt if I will come to this kind of lecture next time.Aencouraging BencouragedCdisappointing Ddisappointed解析:选C。此处指对事物lecture的看法,故使用v.ing形式。结合后面的“I doubt.”可知此题答案为C项。3(2011年吉林模拟)Listen,there is some strange noise.This machine must be_.I think so.You

3、 must have it checked.Aout of order Bout of dateCout of sight Dout of control解析:选A。out of order出故障了,可根据“你必须让人检查一下”判断。out of control失去控制,不符合句意。4I havent seen Anna since she left our hometown two years ago,but we do keep in touch with each other by sending emails _.Ahere and there Bsooner or laterCat

4、one time Dnow and then解析:选D。now and then意为“有时,偶尔”。句意:两年前安娜离开家乡以来我就没见过她,但我们的确有时发电子邮件保持联系。here and there到处;sooner or later迟早;at one time一度,过去有一段时间。5When would it be _ for you to go to the science museum with me?I am free this Friday afternoon.Lets meet at 2 pm.at the school gate.Afamiliar BpleasantCne

5、cessary Dconvenient解析:选D。本题考查形容词convenient的用法。convenient“方便的,合宜的”,故选D。6Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, this creating a _ environment.Apeaceful BsensitiveCcommon Dstable解析:选D。句子表示“创造了一个稳定的环境”,所以应用stable。peaceful和平的;sensitive敏感的;common普通的。7To be honest,

6、the role John plays in this film doesnt come up to my _, though he is one of my favorite actors.Aexcuses BexplanationsCexperiences Dexpectations解析:选D。expectation意为“期待,期望,预料”,短语not come up to(ones)expectations意为“未达到期望(的水平)”。句意:老实说,虽然约翰是我最喜欢的演员之一,但他在这部电影中扮演的角色没有达到我的期望。8As far as the American children

7、are concerned, the Christmas is _ with excitement, happiness and gifts.Aassociated BgetCdeal Dsatisfied解析:选A。句意:对于美国的孩子来说,圣诞节与兴奋、幸福和礼物连在一起。associate“联想;联系”,be associated with“与有联系”,符合题意。be satisfied with“对感到满意”;其余两项搭配不当。9When we plan our vacation, mother often offers _ suggestions.Acareful Bpractica

8、lCeffective Ddoubtful解析:选B。母亲是长辈,她所拥有的是实用的信息。建议要经过检验之后才知道是否有效,排除C项。10Nowadays senior high school students are burdened with too many _ which is making them less and less confident.Amotivations BexpectationsCamusements Dopportunities解析:选B。考查名词词义辨析。expectation“期望”。句意:现在高中生背负着太多的期望,使得他们越来越没有自信。motivati

9、on“动机”;musement“娱乐”;opportunity“机会”。.完成句子1The performance of the host,_(旨在)to please the audience and draw their attention,was greeted with a cold silence,however.(intend)解析:考查定语用法。“旨在做”可表达为be intended to do,据此可选用定语从句或过去分词作定语。答案:(which was)intended2Im afraid I wont be able to attend the meeting at 3

10、00 pm. next Monday. I _(已经坐飞机到) New York long before then.(fly)解析:考查动词时态。由next Monday以及before then可知fly的动作应是将来完成时。答案:will have flown to3Come to my office tomorrow if _(你方便的话)(convenient)解析:考查状语从句。it is convenient to sb.是一个习惯用法,意为“对某人来说是方便的”。答案:it is convenient to you4Youd better call him up _(万一他记不清

11、)the exact time.(remember)解析:考查状语从句。由语境可知要使用连词in case,从句动作应为一般现在时。答案:in case he doesnt remember5The food must be eaten up within three days _(一旦打开)(open)解析:考查状语从句。由语境可知要使用连词once,open的动作与主语是被动关系,因此用被动语态。由于主、从句主语一致,本题也可以使用省略形式,即once opened。答案:once (it is)opened6A major problem arose at the meeting _(要

12、花多少钱) to complete the whole project.(cost)解析:考查同位语从句。本题是一个分割性的同位语从句,引导词要用that,从句动词cost的动作尚未发生,因此用将来时态。答案:how much it would cost7He wished to forget everything _(与原来生活有联系的)and start a new life.(associate)解析:考查定语用法。“与有联系的”可表达为be associated with,据此可选用定语从句或过去分词作定语。答案:(that is)associated with his former

13、life8In no case _(允许他)to get up until he was completely recovered from his illness.(allow)解析:考查倒装结构。含否定意义的短语in no case置于句首,句子部分倒装。答案:should he be allowed9She is busy with applying for a patent recently,and has _(没时间整理房间)which is in a mess now.(tidy)解析:考查动词短语。have no time to do sth.意为“没有时间做某事”。答案:no

14、time to tidy her house10Color blind people often find _(难以区分)between blue and green.(distinguish)解析:find it(is)difficult to do意为“发现做某事很难”。答案:it (is)difficult to distinguish.阅读理解Words:482难度系数:建议用时:7(2011年南通模拟)Being the boss might mean more money and challenging work but it can also cause damage to ph

15、ysical and mental wellbeing, according to a Canadian study.For years studies have shown people in lowerstatus jobs generally have higher rates of heart disease and other illnesses and die earlier than those in higherstatus positions while job authority has shown no relationship with workers health.B

16、ut University of Toronto researchers, using data from 1,800 US workers, found the health of people in higher positions is affected by work as they are more likely to report conflicts with coworkers and say work disturbs their home life.However the positive aspects of having a power position at work,

17、 such as higher status,more pay and greater independence, seemed to cancel out the negative aspects when it came to peoples physical and psychological health.These latest findings, reported in the journal Social Science & Medicine, suggest that the advantages and disadvantages authority position

18、s basically cancel each other out, giving the general impression that job authority has no health effects.For the study, the researchers surveyed participants about various aspects of their work, life and wellbeing.Job authority was judged based on whether a person managed other employees and had po

19、wer over hiring, firing and pay.Physical health complaints included problems like headaches, bodyaches, heartburn and tiredness.Psychological complaints included sleep problems, difficulty concentrating and feelings of sadness, worry and anxiety.“This isnt to suggest that having authority is badin f

20、act, we show it has benefits.but it is important to identify the negative sides and deal with them.” researcher Scott Schieman said.Schieman said conflicts with coworkers or involvement of work into home life may destroy physical and mental wellbeing by creating stress.“These are key stressors that

21、can tax individuals ability to function effectively,” Schieman said.【解题导语】公司老板和身处较高职位的人要正确处理高薪工作给自己带来的好处和弊端,如果不能正确处理,则会有损于自己的身体健康。1Work will have a negative effect on job authoritys health probably because _.Athey are not fit for their workBthey have power over hiring and payCthey are faced with sev

22、ere competitionDthey dont get on well with their coworkers解析:选D。细节理解题。由第三段“as they are more likely to report.life.”可知D项正确。2Most people dont see that bosses have health effects because _.Atheir health problems are not serious enough to seeBthey have enough money to keep themselves healthyCtheir probl

23、ems are quite different from those of workersDthe advantages and disadvantages of their status work against each other解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第五段“the advantages and disadvantages authority positions basically cancel each other out,giving the general impression that job authority has no health effects.”可知答案应选D

24、。cancel out取消,抵消。3From the passage we can infer that the study aims to _.Awarn people not to be a boss for everBremind the boss to deal with bad effects of their workCshow that having authority is harmful to ones healthDprove that being a boss can benefit a lot解析:选B。作者意图题。根据全文内容可知,文章的写作目的就是提醒做老板和身居高职的人要正确处理工作给他们带来的消极影响。故选B。4The best title for this passage might be _.ALowerstatus can affect healthBAuthority can affect healthCPositive aspects of a power pos


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