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1、Analysis Of Ticket Price Increases In Chinese Tourism中国旅游景区门票价格上涨分析中国旅游景区门票价格上涨分析:1234Present situation (现状)Summary (总结)Case analysis (案例)Cause analysis (原因)Present situation1Present situation“Hundred times”(百元时代)Limited price increases in three years(三年限涨令)Rise in price after three years(三年必涨定律)“”?

2、什么是“百元时代”?截至去年底,中国186家5A级景区的门票平均价格已达112元,2012、2013、2014各年度5A级景区门票平均价格分别为109元、110元和112元。Tourism research center of Chinese academy of social sciences published Chinese 5 a grade scenic spot ticket price analysis and international comparison (2015) reportAt the end of last year, 186 5 a grade scenics

3、spot ticket prices have reached an average of 112 yuan, in 2012, 2013, 2014, the annual average price have reached to 109 yuan, 110 yuan and 112 yuan respectively.“”?什么是“三年限涨令”?2007年国家发改委下发通知开始,规定旅游景区门票价格的调整频次不低于3年。In 2007 the national development and reform commission notice, tourism scenic spot ti

4、ckets to the adjustment of the frequency of price not less than three years.“”?什么是三年必涨定律?国家旅游局出台关于景区门票价格“三年限涨令”,导致旅游景区门票在解禁年“三年必涨”怪圈。2008年是国内许多景区最近一次价格调整,至2013年第二个“解禁年”,据统计,国内5A级景区平均票价已迈入“百元时代”。每到“解禁年”,各旅游景区都在摩拳擦掌,迫不及待地准备涨价。Due to the national tourism administration about scenic spot ticket prices f

5、ixed in three years , hence tickets for scenic spots in ban three years will rise cycle.In 2008, many scenic spot adjust price recently, until the second year of release in 2013, statistics show that domestic 5 a grade scenic spot has moved to the one hundred yuan era . Every ban, all the scenic spo

6、ts cant wait for rising upprice.2011年-2014年部分景区门票涨幅景区景区原价(元原价(元)现价(元)现价(元)涨价百分比涨价百分比宜昌三峡大瀑布景区宜昌三峡大瀑布景区989813013032.65%32.65%广东丹霞山景区广东丹霞山景区16016020020020%20%丽江玉龙雪山景区丽江玉龙雪山景区10510513013019.23%19.23%四川峨眉山景区四川峨眉山景区15015018518523.34%23.34%江西婺源景区江西婺源景区18018021021014.29%14.29%扬州瘦西湖景区扬州瘦西湖景区12012015015025%2

7、5%苏州园林拙政园苏州园林拙政园7070909028.57%28.57%北海涠洲岛火山国家北海涠洲岛火山国家地质公园地质公园909011511527.78%27.78%(数据来源:中国旅游网)Cause analysis景区“成本压力说”:近年来,每逢景区票价调涨,相关地方部门便往往以“成本压力”为由,但是基础设施和服务质量上却总是跟不上涨价的势头。“攀比跟风涨价”:景区与景区之间竞争演变成一种攀比跟风式涨价风潮。In recent years, hen the price of ticket rising up, the relevant local authorities will ten

8、d to cost pressures , on the opposite,theinfrastructure and service quality are always cant keep up with prices.Bad comparing phenomenon between sceneCause analysis价格听证会听证制度不健全景区想涨价了,更多的是依靠地方发改委部门和物价部门的批复,什么听证会,或者干脆不干,或者就把听证会开成涨价会。Public price hearings is not perfectWhen scenic areas want to rise up

9、 price,They can just do it by themselves.Therefore,Is it indeed necessary to rising up the price of scene for increasing income? Case analysis(反面案例)湘西凤凰古城(正面案例)杭州西湖(The opposite case) Xiangxi phoenix ancient city(Positive case)Hangzhou west lakeANALYSIS案例分析起因结果现状凤凰古城CAUSEon April 10, 2014, the ancie

10、nt city of phoenix implement a vote, visitors enter the scenic area must pay 148 yuan .In the past, the former residence of Shen Congwen and other nine big attractions have to buy packages, now New Dealoftickets to 148 yuan from attractions charge to a scenic spot, triggered the touristscontroversy

11、about the bundling . To the adjustment of ticket price, the consumption patterns of the bundled ,there is a force of consumption。2014年4月10日起,湖南凤凰古城实施一票制,游客进入景区须支付148元门票,有效期三天。以往,游客进入游览沈从文故居等9大景点才要购买套票,如今“门票新政”让148元从景点收费变身为景区收费,引发了游客们关于“捆绑销售”的争议。 对于凤凰古城门票价格调整,这种“捆绑式”的消费方式也存在着强迫消费之嫌。The rising of tick

12、et prices of the ancient city of phoenix lead to fewer tourists, merchants complain that business is bad. the city starts charging after the news,the number of tourists sharply reduce , and related services of many rely on local tourist industry business is bad, affect the normal business income.凤凰古

13、城门票涨价导致游客减少,商户抱怨生意惨淡。古城凤凰开始收费的消息公布以后,去往凤凰的游客数量大幅减少,而当地许多依靠游客的相关服务行业生意惨淡经营,影响到商家的正常收入来源。SThe ancient city of phoenix will be suspended and set up checked posts centeral city, keep centeral city attractions. That is to say, the city will be suspended a vote,tourists in the ancient city dont have to bu

14、y tickets for 148 yuan bundled big, they just need to buy when they visit scenic spots tickets accordingly.凤凰古城将暂停围城设卡验票方式,保留古城景点验票方式。也就是说,凤凰古城将暂停一票制,游客进古城游览不必再购买148元的“捆绑式”大门票,只需在游览景点时购买相应门票。ANALYSIS案例分析起因现状杭州西湖起因西湖自2003年开始实行免费,数据显示,景区每年因此直接减少门票收入2530万元,但公园免费带动了景区商业网点经营价值的提升。通过拍卖、出租或承包景区商业网点经营权等市场化手

15、段,不仅抵补了损失的门票收入,而且使景区管理部门增收逾亿元,带动了杭州旅游产业新增经济效益上百亿元。Since 2003 , according to data, the scenic spot reduce the ticket income of 25.3 million yuan a year, but the park free of the scenic area commercial outlets operation value. By sale, lease or contract market-oriented means such as commercial network

16、 management of scenic spots, not only cover the loss of ticket sales, and more than one hundred million yuanThese management led to increase more than billions of dollars to the hangzhou tourism industry.现状自2003年不收门票以来(截止至2014年),门票少收入2亿人民币,杭州旅游收入在2003年以前,年度平均旅游收入是549亿,但从不收门票以来,年平均收入为1191亿人民币,且每年递增幅度

17、大,游客满意度高达98.29%。Without tickets in 2003 (by 2014), It reduces 200 million yuan of income,before 2003,The annual average tourism revenue of hangzhou is 54.9 billionWithout tickets , the average annual income is119.1 billion yuan, with a large range and increasing every year, tourists satisfaction as

18、high as 98.29% 凤凰古城2013年总收入(A1)2013年门票收入(B1)百分比 综合满意度66.68亿1.7亿2.55%79.36%2014年总收入(A2)2014年门票收入(B2)百分比80.98亿1.8亿2.22%评论来自大众点评凤凰古城杭州西湖自2003年不收门票以来(截止至2014年),门票少收入2亿人民币,杭州旅游收入在2003年以前,年度平均旅游收入是549亿,但从不收门票以来,年平均收入为1191亿人民币,且每年递增幅度大,游客满意度高达98.29%Without tickets in 2003 (by 2014), It reduces 200 million

19、yuan of income,before 2003,The annual average tourism revenue of hangzhou is 54.9 billionWithout tickets , the average annual income is119.1 billion yuan, with a large range and increasing every year, tourists satisfaction as high as 98.29% summary“免费 + 周边消费”的商业运作模式。“免费为主,收费为补 ”的经营模式,其中部分门票收入成为景区日常管

20、理经费的来源之一,直观上降低了游客的旅游成本。但是游客逐年增加,逗留时间延长,使餐饮、旅馆、零售、交通等服务行业都获得了新的发展空间,为旅游地创造大量的就业岗位和经济效益,促进城市的旅游整体经济发展。The business model free + surrounding consumer and give priority , free charge to fill .Some ticket sales become the source of the daily management of funds of some scenic area,although it reduces the cost of tourists intuitively.the number of tourists increase year by year,due to prolonged staying, the catering, hotel, retail, transportation and other service industries have gained a new development spa


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