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1、Unit 1 考点提要考点提要单词回闪单词回闪 words Flashbackcharacteristicpositivescientificmovementanalysecautiousdefeat rejectexpertpolluteannouncecontributedeadlychallenge特征特征, 特性特性 n.科学的科学的 adj.分析分析 vt.打败打败, 战胜战胜 vt./n.专家专家 n. 熟练的熟练的 adj.宣布宣布, 通告通告 vt.致命的致命的 adj.积积极的极的, 肯定的肯定的 adj.移动移动, 运动运动 n.拒绝拒绝, 抛弃抛弃 vt.小小心的心的,

2、谨慎的谨慎的 adj.污染污染, 弄脏弄脏 vt.捐献捐献, 贡献贡献 vt/vi.向向挑战挑战 vt. 挑战挑战 n.单词拼写练习:单词拼写练习:1. Madame Curie devoted herself to s_ research.2. Cholera was such a d_ disease that many people died of it.3. After they had studied for years, they a_with certainty that they found out the reason.4. I think AIDS can be d_ by

3、 man in a few years time5. Many people are in hospital because of the p_ water.cientificeadlynnouncedefeatedolluted短语回闪短语回闪 Phrases Flashbackput forward make sense draw a conclusion be linked tobe exposed to look into in addition to lead to take up be to blame forapart from/except for/besidesother t

4、han/but/except提出提出 有意义有意义得出结论得出结论和和有有联系联系暴露于暴露于调调 查查也,另外也,另外通向,导致通向,导致开始,占据开始,占据除了除了之外,还有之外,还有 因因该该受责备受责备be strict with sb. in (doing) sth. prevent/stop/keepfrom doing sthbe absorbed in be determined to doso that die of/fromattend to/take care of/look aftercure sb of ones disease/illness对某人严格要求做某事对某

5、人严格要求做某事阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事专心致志专心致志决定做某事决定做某事如此如此以至以至死于死于照顾,照看照顾,照看治好某人的病治好某人的病短语实际应用:短语实际应用:1.The doctor _ him _ his mental disease after staying in No. 7 hospital.2. Beckham is _ handsome _ all girls are crazy about him.3. He was so _ _love story that he didnt notice the teacher behind him.4. We _ that

6、 all men with much money are all play boys.5. Pan Jinlian and Xi Menqing _ _ the death of Wu Dalang.cured ofso thatabsorbed indraw a conclusionwere to blame for6. _ money, I have nothing.7. Conan _ the detective affairs when he was very young.8. The police try their best to _ the cause of the case.9

7、. We should _ ourselves. In this case, we can get a good mark.10. The old man _ a plan that he will travel around the world by bike.Apart fromtook uplook intobe strict withputs forward11. 每次考试的时候我总很紧张每次考试的时候我总很紧张(一开始考试一开始考试 我就紧张我就紧张)。12. 这个问题老师重复了这个问题老师重复了5遍我才弄明白了遍我才弄明白了。Im always very nervous _ I take an exam.I felt nervous _ the exam began.I _ understand the question _ the teacher repeated it five times.didnt untilevery time/each timeimmediately/the moment13. 老师建议我们每天记单词来扩大老师建议我们每天记单词来扩大(enlarge) 词汇量。词汇量。14. 现在孩子脾气差家长应该现在孩子脾气差家长应该受到责备。受到责备。The teacher _ tha


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