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1、2016 年湖南省永州市中考英语试卷第二部分知识运用第一节选择题(共15 小题,每小题1 分,满分15 分)1. I find_pen on the ground Whose is _pen ?()A.a, theB.the, aC.a, aD.D、【答案】A【考点】不定冠词【解析】我在地上发现一只钢笔这只钢笔是谁的?【解答】答案:A.根据句意可知,第一空处为一只 pen,可排除答案B. D.第二空处为第一 处提到的pen,是特指,故填the,因此可排除答案 C.所以本题答案为 A.2. I think eating is good for health ( )A.tomatoesB.bana

2、naesC.egges【答案】A【考点】名词的辨析方法【解析】我认为吃西红柿对健康有益【解答】答案:A题干是“我认为吃对健康有益”,设空处单词如果是可数名词,应使用复数形式,选项B和C中的名词变复数应该在词尾直接加-s", tomato的复数形式是加-es",故选A3. Our teachers often tell us how to teach ( )A.themselvesB.ourselvesC.yourselves【答案】 B【考点】反身代词【解析】老师们经常告诉我们如何自学【解答】答案:B根据 Our teachers often tell us how to

3、teach ,可知这里考查了teach oneself,自学,反身代词和前面的人称保持一致,这里是us,所以应该是oursekes.故选B.4. Mount Tai is so famous that people visit it every day ( )A.hundred ofB.seven hundreds ofC.hundreds of【答案】C【考点】数的表达【解析】泰山是如此的有名以至于每天有数百人来参观【解答】答案C考查数词,表示具体数字时,hundred要用单数,后面不能接介词of.七百seven hundred ,排除答案 B,表示概数,hundred要用复数,后接 of,

4、即hundreds of, 表示成百上千的,排除答案A,注意hundreds of前面不能用具体的数字,故选:C.5. Look out!LooK at the traffic lights crossing the road ( )A.beforeB.afterC.since【答案】A【考点】时间介词【解析】当心!在过马路之前看看交通灯【解答】答案:A根据设空处前面的Look at the traffic lights 推测本句的句意是“当心!在过马路之前看看交通灯.”表示 在以前”用介词before ,故选:A.6. - Which subject do you like, English

5、 or math?-Of course, English.()A.wellB.betterC.best【答案】B【考点】副词的比较级和最高级【解析】英语和数学,你更喜欢哪一个?-当然是英语.【解答】答案:B根据问句中的"English or math,何知在两者作比较,表示两者之中你更喜欢哪一个?故应该用比较级like 为动词,其后需要副词well 修饰动词like, well 的比较级为 better 故选B7. 一 you ever to the Great Wall ?一Yes, Three times .()A.Has, beenB.Have, beenC.Have, gon

6、e【答案】B【考点】现在完成时【解析】-你曾经去过长城吗? -是的.去过三次了.【解答】答案:Bhave been to表示曾经去过某地,have gone to,表示已经去了某地,或正在去某地的 路上,根据ever 和 three times ,可以推测这里表示曾经去过某地,现在已经回来了,主语是you,这里应该用 have.故选B.8. do you have an English test ? 一Once a month .() A.How oftenB.How longC.How soon 【答案】A 【考点】 疑问词组 【解析】 你多久进行一次英语考试?-一月一次.【解答】 答案:A

7、根据答句"Once a month”(一月一次),可知答句回答的是频率.how often提问频率;how long提问时间段,一般用 for+时间段回答;how soon多久之后,一般用 in+时间段回答.故选 A.9. 一 What are you doing now ?-I to the music .()A.is listeningB.am listeningC.Was listening 【答案】 B 【考点】 现在进行时 【解析】 你现在在做什么? 我正在听音乐.【解答】答案B.由语意:-你现在在做什么?-我现在正在听音乐.与时间副词 now, 可知应用现在进行时态,又因

8、为主语是 I,所以用am listening ,故选B.10. The new railway _in our hometown in 2013 ( ) A.was builtB.is builtC.has built【答案】 A 【考点】 各种时态的被动语态 【解析】 2013 年我的家乡建了新铁路【解答】 答案: AThe首先根据句中的时间状语in 2013,判断句子中的谓语动词用一般过去时,主语new railway 是谓语动词build 的承受者,二者为被动关系所以用被动语态,故该空处为一般过去时的被动语态,其结构为:主语+was/were+ 及物动词的过去分词,主语Thenew ra

9、ilway是单数名词,be动词用was, build的过去分词是built,套用结构,故选 A11. David never fights with his classmate , ?()A.does heB.doesn t heC.isn t he【答案】A【考点】反意疑问句【解析】David 从不和他的同学打架,是吗?【解答】答案: A根据David never fights with his classmate ,可知本题考查反意疑问句在反义疑问句中,前肯定,后否定;前否定,后肯定.由于前半句中有never,所以是否定形式,故后面的附加问句部分为肯定形式,前面的句子中出现了实意动词fig

10、hts,所以后面的反义疑问句应该相应的用助动词 does,人称是he;故选A.12. The school sports metting will be _because of the heavy rain ( )A.put upB.put onC.put off【答案】C【考点】动词短语【解析】 由于大雨,校运动会将会被推迟【解答】答案:Cput up 张贴; put on 穿上; put off 推迟根据because of the heavy rain ,可知由于下雨,所以校运动会将会被推迟,这里句子使用了一般将来时的被动语态,由will be+ 动词的过去分词put off 推迟故选C

11、13. The woman _is talking with my mother is our class teacher ( )A.whichB.whoC.whose【答案】B【考点】关系代词【解析】那个正在跟我的妈妈谈话的女士是我们的班主任【解答】答案:B首先分析句子结构,本句中的_is talking with my mother 在复合句中作定语从句,其中先行词the woman 指人,且在定语从句中做逻辑主语,所以关系代词用that/who ,故选 B试卷第 3 页,总 17 页)C.with”和本题设空处前面的形容词是It ' s+adjrfor sb. + 不定式,for

12、 意为对14. It is important us to make full use of timeA.forB.of【答案】A【考点】其他介词【解析】对我们来说,充分利用时间很重要.【解答】答案:A.结合句意 对我们来说,充分利用时间很重要.“important 一般用来修饰事物,所以用句式: 于”.故选A15. Neither Li Hua nor I good at writing.A.amB.isC.are【答案】A【考点】主谓一致【解析】李华和我都不擅长写作。【解答】A考查主谓一致。neitherno既不也不;后面的谓语要用就近原则,即根据离 得最近的主语来确定;be good a

13、t爱好,擅长,此处的 be离主语I近,所以用am,句意为:李华和我都不擅长写作。故选 Ao第二节词语填空(共 1小题,每小题10分,?t分10分,阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从3140小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案)16. Nowadays, some students seldom help their (1) do housework at home .Some parente love their children too (2) and don ' t let them work at horne (3) the one hand, they think tha

14、t their children are too busy (4) their studies and expect them to do well in their lessons only . On the ( 5) hand, they think their children don ' t(knovto do the housework . , I think students should help their parents do housewoke at home . First, that can develop their love for work . Next,

15、 that can help them(8)their parents better . ( 9) and the most importantly, that can help them cultivate (培养)their ability to (10) in the future .( 1)A.parentsB.teacherC.doctor( 2)A.manyB.muchC.little( 3)A.AtB.InC.On( 4)A.withB.forC.by( 5)A.anotherB.otherC.others( 6)A.howB.whatC.when( 7)A.AndB.OrC.H

16、owever( 8)A.mindB.understandC.hate( 9)A.ThenB.SecondC.Last( 10)A.liveB.studyC.think【答案】ABCABACBCA【考点】说明文完形填空【解析】如今,一些学生很少在家里帮他们的父母做家务一些父母太爱孩子,不让他们在家干活,一方面,他们认为他们的孩子学习太忙,希望他们做好他们的功课,另一方面,他们认为孩子不知道如何做家务然而,我认为学生应该帮助父母在家做家务首先,可以培养他们热爱劳动其次,可以帮助他们更好的理解他们的父母最后最重要的是,可以帮助他们培养他们在未来生活的能力【解答】(1) A考查名词的辨析.空格前是 t

17、heir,应该填名词,结合下文可知本文主要是号召 孩子们在家帮父母做家务,所以此处应该是parents,父母,即:在家帮父母做家务,故选A( 2) B 考查固定词组,结合下一句句意:不让他们在家干活,可以推断出此处应该是:一些父母太爱孩子.空格前是too ,所以此处考虑 much, too much,太多,故选B.( 3) C考查固定词组,根据题干.(33) the one hand,可知考查的是固定词组,on the one hand ,一方面,和下文的On the_ ( 35) hand 另一方面相对应,故选C( 4) A 考查介词的辨析根据题干they think that their

18、children are too busy ( 34) theirstudies空格前是busy,可知此处考查 be busy, with sth .忙于某事,和句意他们认为他们的孩子学习太忙”相符,故选A( 5) B查固定词组.根据题干On the (35) hand,可知考查的是固定词组,on theother one hand ,另一方面,和上文的.(33) the one hand 一方面相对应,故选B.( 6) A 考查疑问词的辨析根据题干they think their children donow t( kn36) _todo the housework 空格后是动词不定式,这是

19、特殊疑问词+不等式的结构,根据句意:他们认为孩子不知道如何做家务此处应该是疑问词how 如何,故选A( 7) A考查连词的辨析.根据题干这是第二段的开始,第一段主要讲述的是父母不愿意让孩子做家务,第二段讲述的是作者的观点,主张做家务,所以此处应该是表示转折的词,故选A, but 但是( 8) B 考查动词的辨析根据上一句说的做家务的好处的第一点,此处也是做家务的好处,根据题干that can help them ( 38) _their parents better ,空格前是动词help,是help sb. do sth.句型,此处应该是动词understand理解,即做家务能帮助理解父母,

20、故选B( 9) C 考查副词的辨析根据上面文章First, that can develop their love for work Next,that can help them ,此处应该是last,最后,结合句意:最后最重要的是,故选 C.( 10) A 考查动词的辨析根据上面几句实在说做家务的好处,结合题干空格前是to ,此处应该是动词原形,做家务应该是和生活有关的,故填 live,培养在未来生活的能力, 故选A第三部分阅读理解(共三节,满分20 分)第一节阅读理解(共2 小题,每小题10 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、 B 和 C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问

21、题或完成句子)17.Confidence is very important in daily life is helpful to develop a healthy attitude (态度) If people are more confident ,they are much happier And they can have more chances to be successful Here are some suggestions to be more confident Speak loudly!When you are not confident ,you can t do

22、well what you want to do You speak in a voice so low that other people can ha rdly hear you Try to speak loudly in order that people can hear you clearly The high voice can help you become more confident Play sports!Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed A strong body helps y ou be

23、 full of confidence 试卷第 7 页,总 17 页Encourage yourself!Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many thing s you have done well. Give yourself praise for the good things you ' veone .Keep a hobby!If you like drawing , draw as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you

24、 perfect . And it will make you happy and confident . What does "it " miesthe first paragraph (段落)? A. Attitude .B. Confidence .C. Happiness.(2)can make you perfect , happy and confident . A. A hobbyB. SportsC. Encouragement(3) What can make you tired but strong according to the passage ?

25、A. Travel.B. Exercise.C. Hobbies.(4) Which suggestion to be confident is not mentioned in the passage ? A. Speak loudly.B. Encourage yourself.C. Make progress.(5) What the best title (标题)of the passage? A. The Importance of Confidence .B. Some Suggestions to Play Sports.C. How to Be More Confident .

26、【答案】B,A,B,C,C【考点】文中细节内容归纳人生感悟类阅读【解析】【文章大意】这篇文章主要介绍了如何变得更加自信的四个建议,分别是大声说话、 运动、自我鼓励,保持一个爱好.自信能让人变得更加开心,也会拥有更多成功的机 会,所以如何更加自信就很重要.本文介绍了四个建议,第一是大声说话,大声说话 可以让人们更清楚的听到你说的话,也会让你变得更加自信.第二是运动,一个强健 的体魄会让你更加自信.第三是自我鼓励,对于自己做的是要多多自我夸奖.第四是 保持一个爱好,爱好可让你更加完美,也会变得更加开心和自信.【解答】(1)答案为B.细节理解题.根据文中"Confidence is ver

27、y important in daily life . is helpful to develop a healthy attitude", 我们知道it指代前文的confidence ,它能让人们有一个积极向上的态度.所以答案为B.(2)答案为A.细节理解题.根据文中 “Insome ways,a hobby can make you perfect And it will make you happy and confident ,我们可以得知, ”爱好能让你更完美,变得更加开心和自信,所以答案为A(3)答案为B.细节理解题.根据文中“ Plasyports!Physical e

28、xercise makes you tired but completely relaxed ,A strong body helps you be full of confidence ”,我们可以得知,运动虽然会让你疲劳, 可是也会让你变得更加强壮所以正确答案为B(4)答案为C.推理判断题.文中一共提到了四条建议,分别是 Speak loudly, Play sports, Encourage yourself, Keep a hobby,所以只有 C选项在文中没有提及,所以 答案为C(5)答案为C.主旨大意题.根据文中“ Hereare some suggestions to be mo

29、re co nfident ,我们知道这篇文章主要讲的是能变自 ”信的四条建议,所以如何变得更加自信作为标题比较合适故答案为C18. As the Internet is developing fast, more and more new words and phrases have been created in Chinese Here are some examplesOne of the most popular words is Dianzan, which is often used when you quite agree with someone Another exampl

30、e is Renxing When you say somebody is Renxing, you mean that they will do whatever they like The phrase Miaosha first came from online shopping, which means you can complete your shopping orders before others But now it s widely used when you achieve your in a very short time If you describe somebod

31、y as a Tuhao, you mean that he is very rich You can find lots of such new Chinese words Keep learning and you ll know more about Chinese culture ( 1) When you quite agree with someone , you may sayA.Renxing B.Miaosha C.Dianzan( 2) What does Renxing mean in English ? A.Someone can complete his/her sh

32、opping orders before others B.Someone will do whatever he/she likes C.He/She is very rich( 3) How many kinds of Internet language are mentioned in the passage ? A.Three B.FourC.Five( 4) What does the underlined word mean in Chinese ? A.目标.B.讨论.C.成功.( 5) Which of the following is Right according to t

33、he passage ? A.Now, fewer and fewer words and phrases have been created in Chinese B.Miaosha has been created two meanings in Chinese C.You can find lots of new Chinese words without learning 【答案】CBBA B 【考点】日常生活类阅读 语言知识 选择填空【解析】随着网络的快速发展,越来越多新的中文词汇和短语被发明.这里有一些例子.其中最流行的词汇是点赞,被用在当你赞同某人的时候.另一个例子是任性.当你说

34、 某人任性,你的意思是他们能做他们喜欢做的.短语秒杀是来自于网络购物,意味着 你能比其他人先完成你的购物订单.但是现在广泛运用在当你在很短的时间达到你的 目的时.如果你描述一个人是土豪,你的意思是他很富有.你能找到许多像这样的新的中文词汇.继续学习你就能更多的了解中国文化.【解答】(1) C. 细节理解题; 根据 One of the most popular words is Dianzan , which is often used when you quite agree with someone .可知点赞是说赞同某人,故选C.(2)答案:B.细节理解题;根据 Another exam

35、ple is Renxing . When you say somebody is Rcnxing, you mean that they will do whatever they like 可知任性指的是做自 己喜欢做的事情,故选B.(3)答案:B.细节归纳题;本文提到了点赞,任性,秒杀和土豪四个网络词汇,故 选B.(4)答案: A.词义推测题;根据 The phrase Miaosha first came from online shopping , which means you can complete your shopping orders before others . Bu

36、t now it ' s widely used when you achieve your purpose in a very short time 可知秒杀首先是出现在购物上, 是说比其他人先完成订单,后来广泛运用于说在短时间达到,根据完成购物订单也就是达到购物目的,在其他方面秒杀也可指在很短的时间达到自己的某种目的,故可以 猜测purpose是表示目的含义,故选 A.(5)答案:B.细节理解题;根据 The phrase Miaosha first came from online shopping , which means you can complete your shop

37、ping orders before others . But now it ' s widely used when you achieve your purpose in a very short time 可知秒杀有两种含义,故选 B.第二节摘录要点(共 1小题,每小题10分,?t分10分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容填写表格,将信息补充完整,每空不超过3个单词19. Studying makes you tired . How to deal with the worries and relax yourself ? Here is some advice which may

38、add happiness to your life .1. Rest at weekendsWeekends arc time for a rest . After a week ' s hard workweekends are the best time for you to relax yourself. Having a nice sleep is a good idea, because good sleep makes sure of your study .2. Cry outIf you feel sad , don ' t try to hide your

39、feelings Crying out may help reduce your sadness .3. Keep a diaryYou can write down all that you want to say . That ' s a great way to think about and remember life . You can do it on paper or on computers .4. Enjoy a big mealIt ' s not a good idea for a kid to lose weightso you don ' t

40、need to eat less fooWhen you 试卷第 9 页,总 17 页feel upset, enjoy a big meal. Eating delicious food will make you feel good .5. Join in activitiesHaving a get together is great fun . Going out with friends for a trip will make you happy. And it will also bring you a good sleep .(51) about AddingHappiness

41、Rest at weekends(52) makes sure of vour study .Cry out(53) by crying out .(54) Write down all that you want to say on paper or on computers.Enjoy a big meal.Eating delicious food will make you feel good .Join in activitiesHaving a oartv or (55) with friends will makeyou happy and sleep well .【答案】Adv

42、ice,Good sleep,Reduce sadness,Keep a diary,going out【考点】日常生活类阅读选择填空填写句子【解析】学习让你疲劳.怎样处理焦虑放松自己呢?这里有一些建议能让你的生活添一些快乐.1 .周末休息周末是休息时间.一周的辛苦学习后,周末是最好的时间去放松自己,有一个好的睡眠是一个好主意,因为好的睡眠能确保你的学习.,2 .哭出来如果你感到悲伤,不要隐藏自己的感情.哭出来能帮助你减少悲伤.3 .记日记你可以记下所有你想要说的,那是一个思考和记住生活的好方法.你能在纸上或者电 脑上记日记.4 .吃一顿大餐孩子减肥不是一个好主意,所以你没必要去吃少的食物.当

43、你感觉不安的时候,吃一 顿大餐.吃美食能让你感觉很好.5 .参加活动聚会很有趣.和朋友一起出去旅行能让你开心.也会给你带来好的睡眠.【解答】51. 答案: Advice. 推理判断题. 根据 Here is some advice which may add happiness to your life ,可知这里是列举一些建议,故填 Advice.52. 答案: Good sleep. 细节理解题. 根据 because good sleep makes sure of your study,可知是好的睡眠能确保你的学习,故填 Good sleep.53. 答案: Reduce sadnes

44、s. 细节理解题. 根据 Crying out may help reduce your sadness 可是哭出来能减少伤心,故填 Reduce sadness.54. 答案:Keep a diary.细节理解题.根据 Keep a diary write down all that you want to say on paper or on computers 可知这是第三条建议记日记,故填 Keep a diary.55. 答案:going out .细节理解题.根据 Having a get - together is great fun . Going out with frien

45、ds for a trip will make you happy 可知聚会和与朋友一起去旅行能让你开心,故 填 going out.第三节回答问题(共 1小题,每小题10分,?t分10分)阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题56. Did you know that tea , the most popular drink in the world , was invented by accident ? Many people believe that tea was first drunk about 5 , 000 years ago. It is said that a Chin

46、ese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink . One day, Shen Nong was boiling drinking water over an open fire . Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time . It produced a nice smell so he tasted the brown water . It was quite delicious ,

47、 and so, one of the world ' s favorite drinks was invented .A few thousand years later , Lu Yu, “the saint of tea, mentioned Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing The book describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea . It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kin

48、ds of water were used. From then on , the tea was getting more and more popular in the world .56. When was tea first drunk ? 57. In which country was tea drunk first ? 58. What color was tea found first ? 59. Who was "the saint of tea?”60. What' s main meaning of the first paragraph (段落)? .

49、About 5 , 000 years ago. ,China,Brown,Lu Yu,Tea was invented by accident【考点】日常生活类阅读选择填空回答问题型【解析】你知道世界上最流行的饮品-茶是偶然发明的吗?许多人认为第一次喝茶是在大约 5000年之前.据说是中国的皇帝神农第一个发现茶是一种饮品.一天,神农在屋外烧 水.一棵树上的一些树叶掉落在水里并停留了一段时间.皇帝注意到水中的叶子发出 一种怡人的气味.所以他尝尝这种棕色的水.它相当可口.就这样,世界上最受欢迎 的饮品之一诞生了.几千年后,陆羽-茶圣,在他的茶经中提到了神农.这本书描述了茶树怎样种 植,怎样用来泡

50、茶.也讨论了哪里产最好的茶叶,应该用什么样的水泡制.从那时起, 茶在世界上越来越受欢迎.56.答案:About 5 , 000 years ago.细节理解题.根据 Many people believe that tea试卷第11页,总17页was first drunk about 5 , 000 years ago 可知第一次作为饮品是在5000 年前,故填About5, 000 years ago57.答案:China,细节理解题.根据 It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover

51、tea as a drink 可知是中国的神农第一个发现的,故是在中国China,故答案是China58答案:Brown 细节理解题根据It produced a nice smell so he tasted the brownwater 可知是棕色的,故填Brown59.答案:Lu Yu.细节理解题.根据 Lu Yu, "the saint of tea, mentioned Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing可知茶圣是陆羽,故答案是Lu Yu60答案:Tea was invented by accident 段落理解题根据Did you know th

52、at tea , themost popular drink in the world , was invented by accident ?这是第段的主旨句, 下文 就是围绕茶是偶然发明的来陈述的,故本段的段意是茶是偶然发明的,故填Tea wasinvented by accident 第四部分写作技能(共三节,满分10 分)第一节调查访谈(共1 小题,每小题10 分,满分 10 分)根据你的实际情况完成调杏访谈并在答题卡上将答案填写在对应题号的横线上21. Reporter: Hello!I am a reporter Can I ask you some questions?You:

53、Sure, pleaseReporter : Are you a student ?You: ( 61) Reporter : How do you go to school ?You: ( 62) Reporter : Where do you have lunch ?You: ( 63) Reporter : What do you usually do after school ?You: ( 64) Reporter : When do you go to bed in the evening ?You: ( 65) Reporter : That s all for my quest

54、ionsThank youYou: You re welcom e【答案】Yes, I am,I go to school by bus ,I have lunch at school,I usually play football,I go to bed at nine in the evening 【考点】情境对话补全对话【解析】Reporter :记者:你好!我是一名记者,我能问你一些问题吗?You:当然,请问.Reporter:你是一个学生吗?You:是的,我是.Reporter :你怎样去上学?You:我乘公共汽车去上学.Reporter :你在哪儿吃午饭?You:我在学校吃午饭.R

55、eporter :放学后你通常干什么?You:我通常踢足球.Reporter :你晚上什么时候上床睡觉?You:我晚上九点钟睡觉.Reporter :好了,这就是我问的所有问题,谢谢你.You:不客气.【解答】61答案:Yes I am;该题考查英语交际;根据上述问句Are you a student ?结合下面的内容可指应为肯定回答;故填Yes, I am;62答案:I go to school by bus;该题考查英语交际;根据上述问句 How do you go to school?可知是询问上学的方式;故填 I go to school by bus;63 答案: I have lunch at school ;该题考查英语交际;根据上述问句Where do you havelunch ?可知是询问对方吃午饭的地点;故填 I have lunch at school;64 答案: I usually play football ;该题考查英语交际;根据问句What do you usually


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