



1、anthracite无烟煤, lignite 褐煤, bituminous coal 烟煤, graphite 石墨 coke 焦炭,liquefaction 液化, gasification 气化,hydrogenation 加氢 Coal assay 煤质分析, moisture 水分Volatile content 挥发分Ash content 灰分Fixed carbon 固定碳Relative density 相对密度Particle size distribution颗粒粒度组成Float-sink test 浮沉试验Abrasion test 磨耗试验Specific energ

2、y 比能Ash fusion test 灰融试验Crucible swelling index坩埚膨胀序数Energy output 发热量 矿 石 粒 度 size of the ore,有用矿物颗粒 grains of valuable minerals 细 粒 嵌 布 finely disseminated,低品位矿石 low grade ore 解 离度 degree of liberation ,光 学性质 optical properties 磁 性 magnetic properties,导 电性 electrical conductivity propertierun-of-m

3、ine ore 原矿, ore dressing 选矿, milling选矿,磨矿, metallic ore金属矿, non-metallic mineral非金属矿物,end product 最终产品, valuable mineral有用矿物gangue mineral脉石矿物,enrich 富集,concentrate精矿, tailing尾矿, recovery回收率, leaching浸出, finely dissemination细粒嵌布liberation解离,concentration富集 comminution 粉碎, crushing 破碎, grinding 磨矿, p

4、article size 颗粒粒度 degree of liberation 解离度overgrind 过磨 grade 品位sorting 拣选hand selection 手选, froth flotation 泡沫浮选, pulp 矿浆,low intensity magnetic separator 弱磁场磁选机high-intensity separator 强磁场磁选机ferromagnetic mineral 铁磁性矿物 paramagnetic mineral 顺磁性magnetite磁铁矿Non-ferrous mineral有色金属矿Non-metallic mineral

5、非金属矿Electrical conductivity properties导电性 magnetic separation磁选, high-tension separation高压电选,Beneficiation选矿,富集,roasting煅烧,焙烧, sizing筛分, screen筛子, classifier分级机, Dewatering脱水, thickener浓密机, filter过滤机, drier干燥机. Comminution 粉碎Disseminated浸染的Associate 伴生 Conveyor运输机Stage段Reduction ratio破碎比mill 磨矿机grin

6、ding media 磨矿介质feed 给矿stress 应力Tensile stress 拉应力 potential energy势能Adsorption吸附Surfactant 表面活性剂Primary crushing 粗碎Secondary crushing 中碎Tertiary crushing 细碎Open circuit 开路Scalping screen 棒条筛Grizzly 棒条筛Throughput 处理能力Swinging jaw动颚Jaw crusher 颚式破碎机Gyratory crusher 旋回破碎机Impact crusher 冲击式破碎机Cone crush

7、er 圆锥破碎机Roll crusher辊式破碎机sieve bends 弧形筛shaking screens 振荡筛 reciprocating screen 往复筛gyratory screens 回转筛 vibrating screens 振动筛screening 筛分screen 筛子 coarse material 粗粒物料efficiency 效率 undersize 筛下,筛下物 oversize 筛上,筛上物 closed-circuit 闭路 near mesh particles 难筛粒 classification分级settling rate沉降速率 terminal

8、velocity沉降末速Specific gravity比重 viscosity粘度overflow溢流 underflow 底流Resistance 阻力viscous resistance 粘滞阻力 turbulent resistance 紊流阻力, buoyant force浮力 drag force 拖曳力percentage of solids by weight固体重量百分比spherical particle球形颗粒Stokes law斯托克斯公式 Reynolds number雷诺数free settling自由沉降 Hindered settling干涉沉降free set

9、tling ratio自由沉降等沉比 Hydraulic classifier水力分级机Settling cone 圆锥分级机,深锥Mechanical classifier 机械分级机Hydrocyclone 水力旋流器Gravity concentration重力选矿Froth flotation泡沫浮选 Flotation reagent浮选药剂Concentrate v.富集,n.精矿Concentration criterion可选性判定系数,可选性准则Jig跳汰机 Cone圆锥分选机Spiral螺旋分选机 Shaking table摇床Flow-film separation流膜选

10、矿pulp density矿浆浓度Thicken浓缩 Thickener浓密机,浓缩机Settling cone沉降池,浓密斗Cyclone旋流器deslime 脱泥 middlings 中矿rougher 粗选preconcentration 预选feed density 给矿浓度Heavy medium separation/ dense medium separation重介质分选Sink and float test (heavy liquid test)浮沉实验Specific gravity比重 Heavy liquid重液Near-density material/ near g

11、ravity material近比重物料Upper size limit粒度上限 Separating density分选密度 Misplaced material错配物Apparent density 表观密度Density fraction密度级Yield产率 Ash content灰分Weight fraction / weight per cent质量分数Washability curves可选性曲线Medium cleaning facility介质净化设施Flotation 浮选 Direct flotation 直接浮选Reverse flotation 反浮选Hydrophob

12、ic 疏水的Hydrophobicity疏水性Hydrophilic 亲水的Floatability 可浮性Collectors 捕收剂Frothers 起泡剂Regulators 调整剂Activates 活化pH modifiers pH调整剂Dispersants分散剂Coagulators凝聚剂Flocculants絮凝剂Kinetics of flotation 浮选动力学Conditioning 调浆Aeration 充气Flowsheet流程Mineralized froth矿化气泡Flotation column浮选柱Coagulation凝聚Flocculation絮凝Sed

13、imentation沉降Filtration过滤Thermal drying热力干燥Agglometrate团聚Flocs絮团Polyacrylamides聚丙烯酰胺Centrifuges离心机Screw conveyor螺旋输送机 Solid bowl scroll centrifuge螺旋卸料沉降式离心机 选煤部分词汇:Coal preparation选煤 run of mine 毛煤 raw coal原煤 cleaned coal/clean coal精煤Middlings 中煤 reject/refuse 矸石 washability/preparability可选性 flotabil

14、ity可浮性Float-and-sink analysis/test浮沉试验 washability curve 可选性曲线design capacity 设计能力 Pithead coal preparation plant 矿井选煤厂 groupmines coal preparation plant群矿选煤厂Mine coal preparation plant矿区选煤厂 central coal preparation plant中心选煤厂Uses coal preparation plant用户选煤厂 size粒度 sizing 分级 size consist粒度组成 Sized c

15、oal 粒级煤 lump coal 块煤mixed coal混煤 classification 分级 Size analysis 筛分分析 mean size平均粒度fines 粉煤 desliming 脱泥 classifier 分级机 Hydrocyclone水力旋流器density consist密度组成 launder 溜槽 closed water circuit洗水闭路循环slimes 细泥 slurry 煤泥水 gravity concentration/separation 重力选煤 preparation of blended raw coal 配煤入洗preparation

16、 of grouped raw coal 分组入洗 preparation of unsized raw coal 不分级入洗preparation of deslimed raw coal脱泥入洗 spilt flow分流 Froth flotation泡沫浮选 selective flocculation methed选择性絮凝法 pulp矿浆 flotation concentrate 浮选精煤 flotation tailings浮选尾煤 flotation middlings浮选中煤 contact angle接触角 hydrophobic mineral 疏水性矿物 hydroph

17、ilic mineral 亲水性矿物 flotation time 浮选时间 flotation agent浮选药剂 emulsifier乳化剂 regime of agent药剂制度 direct flotation直接浮选 thickening flotation 浓缩浮选 roughing粗选 scavenging 扫选 cleaning 精选 flotation test 浮选试验 batch-flotation test 单元浮选试验 timed-release analysis 分布释放浮选试验 flotation column 浮选柱dewatering脱水 drying 干燥

18、filtration 过滤 flocculation 絮凝 clarification 澄清 thickening 浓缩 slurry pond煤泥池 fixed screen固定筛 basket centrifuge 过滤式离心脱水机 solid-bowl centrifuge沉降式离心脱水机 screen-bowl centrifuge沉降过滤式离心脱水机 centrate离心液 filter cake 滤饼 filtrate滤液 pressure filter压力过滤机 filter press 压滤机 vacuum filter真空过滤机 dredging sump捞坑 floccul

19、ant 絮凝剂 flocs絮团 settling pond 沉淀池 rake thickener耙式浓缩机cyclone thickener浓缩旋流器 filter aid助滤剂 centrifuge 离心脱水机 filter 过滤机 disc-type filter 圆盘式真空过滤机 drum-type filter圆筒式真空过滤机 hyperbaric filter 加压过滤机 slime煤泥 coarse slime 粗煤泥 primary slime 原生煤泥 secondary slime 次生煤泥 crushing破碎 grinding磨碎 reduction ratio破碎比 liberation解离 crushability 可碎性 grindability可磨性 jaw crusher鄂式破碎机 roll crusher辊式破碎机 rigid-hammer crusher 固定锤式破碎机 ball mill球磨机 Efficiency 效率 y


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