1、Unit12. Translate the following into Chinesematerials science 材料科学 Stone Age 石器时代naked eye 肉眼 optical property 光学性能mechanical strength 机械强度 Bronze age 青铜时代integrated circuit 集成电路 thermal conductivity 导热系数 “Materials science" involves investigating the relationships that exist between the struct
2、ures and properties of materials. In contrast, “Materials engineering” is, on the basis of these structure-property correlations, designing or engineering the structure of a material to produce a predetermined set of properties.“材料科学”涉及到材料的结构和性能之间的关系研究。相比之下,“材料工程”是在这些结构性能的相关的基础上,设计材料的结构以生产预定的一组属性。 “
3、 Virtually” all important properties of solid materials may be grouped into six different categories: mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical. and deteriorative.“事实上”固体材料的所有重要特性可分为六个不同的类别:机械,电,热,磁,光和变质。 In addition to structure and properties, two other important components are involved i
4、n the science and engineering of materials. namely "processing" and "performance" .除结构与特征外,材料科学和工程还包括另外两项重要的研究内容,即(材料的)加工与性能。 The more familiar an engineer or scientist is with the various characteristics and structure-property relationships, as well as processing techniques of m
5、aterials, the more proficient and confident he or she will be to make judicious materials choices based on these criteria.工程师与科学家越熟悉材料的结构-性质之间的各种相互关系以及材料的加工技术,根据这些原则,他或她对材料的明智选择将越来越熟练和精确。 On only rare occasion does a material possess the maximum or ideal combination of properties. Thus, it may be ne
6、cessary to trade off one characteristic for another.只有在极少数情况下材料在具有最优或理想的综合性质。因此,有必要对材料的性质进行权衡。3. Translate the following into English交又学科 interdisciplinary study 介电常数 dielectric constant 固体材料 solid materials 热容 heat capacity力学性质 mechanical property 电磁辐射 electromagnetism radiation 材料加工 materials proc
7、essing 弹性系数(模数) elastic modulus直到最近,科学家才终于了解材料的结构要素与其特性之间的关系。It was no until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand the relationships between the structural elements of materials and their properties.材料工程学主要解决材料的制造问题和材料的应用问题。Materials engineering is to solve the problem during th
8、e manufacturing and application of materials.材料的加工过程不但决定了材料的结构,同时决定了材料的特征和性能.Materials processing process determines not only their structure but also their characteristic and performance.材料的力学性能与其所受外力或负荷而导致的变形有关。Material mechanical properties is relative with its deformation coming from outside for
9、ce or load.Unit22. Translate the following into Chinesecomposite materials 复合材料 nonlocalized electrons 游离电子advanced materials 先进材料 stiffnesses 刚性semiconductor 半导体 biomaterials 生物材料smart materials 智能材料 nanoengineered materials 纳米工程材料 Metals are extremely good conductors of electricity and heat,and ar
10、e not transparent visible light; a polished metal surface has a lustrous appearance.金属导电、导热能力特别强,对可见光不透明;一个抛光的金属表面具有光泽。 Ceramics, are typically insulative to the passage of heat and electricity, and are more resistant to high temperatures and harsh environments than metals and polymers.陶瓷是典型的绝热、绝缘体,
11、在对高温和苛刻环境的抵抗力方面优于金属和高聚物。 Materials that are utilized in high-technology (or high-tech) applications are sometimes termed advanced materials.应用于高技术领域的材料有时候被称为先进材料。 Piezoelectric ceramics expand and contract in response to an applied electric field (or voltage); conversely, they also generate an elect
12、ric field when their dimensions are altered.响应外加电场(或电压),压电陶瓷会膨胀和收缩;相反的,当尺寸改变时,压电陶瓷也会产生一个电场。 With the advent of scanning probe microscopes, which permit observation of individual atoms and molecules, it has become possible to manipulate and move atoms and molecules form new structures and,thus,design
13、 new materials that are built from simple atomic-level constituents (i. c., “materials by design”).随着扫描探针显微镜的问世,这种显微镜允许观察单个原子或者分子,使得操作和移动原子和分子形成新的结构、基于简单原子水平上设计新材料成为可能。3. Translate the following into English先进材料 advaneced materials 陶瓷材料 ceramic materials高性能材料 high-perfomiance materials 黏土矿物 clay min
14、erals合金 alloys 移植 implant 玻璃纤维 glass fiber 碳纳米管 carbon nanotube金属元素有许多游离电子,金属材料的许多性质可直接归功于这些电子。Metallic materials have large numbers of nonlocalized electrons, many properties of metals are directly attributable to these electrons.许多聚合物材料是有机化合物,并具有大的分子结构。Many of polymers are organic compounds , and
15、they have very large molecular structures.半导体材料的电性特征介于导电材料(如金属、金属合金)与绝缘体(陶瓷材料和聚合体材料)之间。Semiconductors have electrical properties that are intermediate between the electrical conductors (viz. metals and metal alloys) and insulators (viz. ceramics and polymers).生物材料不能产生毒性,并且必须与人体组织互相兼容。Biomaterials mu
16、st not produce toxic substances and must be compatible with body tissues.Unit32. Translate the following into Chinesenaked eye 肉眼 transition elements 过渡元素mechanical property 力学性能 atomic number 原子序数 elementary chemistry 基础化学 positively charged protons 带正电的质子 Metals behave differently than ceramics,an
17、d ceramics behave differently than polymers.金属行为不同于陶瓷,陶瓷行为不同于高聚物。 The atomic structure primarily affects the chemical, physical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties. The microstructure and macrostructure can also affect these properties but they generally have a larger effect on me
18、chanical properties and on the rate of chemical reaction.原子结构主要影响材料的化学性能、物理性能、热性能、电学性能、磁学性能、光学性能,微观结构和宏观结构也影响这些性能但更主要影响材料的力学性能和化学反应速率。 The strength of metals suggests that these atoms are held together by strong bonds.金属的强度表明这些原子靠强键结合。 An element's atomic number indicates the number of positivel
19、y charged protons in the nucleus. The atomic weight of an atom indicates how many protons and neutrons in the nucleus.元素原子序数表明原子核中带正电的质子数目。原子量表明原子核中有多少个质子和中子。3. Translate the following into English微观结构 microstructure 宏观结构 macrostructure 化学反应 chemical reaction 原子量 atomic weight电荷平衡 balanced electric
20、charge 带正电子的原子核 positively charge nucleus从我们呼吸的空气到各种各样性质迥异的金属,成千上万种物质均是由100多种原子组成的。These same 100 atoms form thousands of different substances ranging from the air we breathe to the metals of various properties.事实证明金属原子是通过很强的键结合在一起的。The facts suggests that metal atoms are held together by strong bon
21、ds.微现结构是指能够通过显微镜观察到的而不是用肉眼直接观察到的结构;宏观结构是指可以直接用肉眼观察到的结构。Microstructure indicates features that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but macrostructure indicates features that can be seen with the naked eye.原子核中质子和中子的量的总和就是原子量。The combination(total) of protons and neutrons in the nucleus is the atomic w
22、eight of an atom.Unit42. Translate the following into Chinese phase transformation temperatures 相转变温度 specific gravity 比重thermal conductivity 热导率 the melting point 熔点the acceleration of gravity 重力加速度 magnetic permeability 磁导率 An object will float in water if its density is less than the density of w
23、ater and sink if its density is greater that that of water. Similarly, an object with specific gravity less than one will float and those with a specific gravity greater than one will sink. 物体密度比水轻时将漂浮在水面,密度比水大时将下沉。类似的,比重小于1的物体将漂浮,比重大于1的物体将下沉。 Materials that cause the lines of flux to move farther a
24、part, resulting in a decrease in magnetic ux density compared with a vacuum, are called diamagnetic. Materials that centrate magnetic flux by a factor of more than one but less than or equal to ten are called paramagnetic; materials that concentrate the flux by a factor of more than ten are called f
25、erromagnetic. 使磁力线相互分开,导致磁通量比真空小的材料被称为反磁性材料。使磁通集中、相对磁导率大于1小于或等于10的材料被称为顺磁性材料;使磁通集中、相对磁导率大于 10的材料被称为铁磁性材料。 Certain ferromagnetic materials , especially powdered or laminated iron, steel, or nickel alloys, have r that can range up to about 1000000. Diamagnetic materials have r less than one, but no kn
26、own substance has relative permeability much less than one. 某些铁电材料,特别是粉末状态或者叠层状态的铁、钢、镍合金,他们的相对磁导率可以大到1000000。反磁性材料的磁导率小于1但是相对磁导率远远小于1的物质还没有被发现。 When a paramagnetic or ferromagnetic: core is inserted into a coil, the inductance is multiplied by r compared with the inductance of the same coil with an
27、air core. 当顺磁性或铁磁性芯被插入到线圈中时,磁感应强度是空气芯时的r倍。3. Translate the following into English 相对密度 Relative density 沸点 boling point 磁感应 magnetic induction 热导率 Thermal conduction 玻璃转变温度 glass transition temperature 有色金属 nonferrous metal线性热膨胀系数 linear coefficient of thermal expansion 单位体积质量mass per any unit of vo
28、lume 化学性质是用来描述一种物质变成另外一种完全不同的物质的性质.Chemical properties are those that describe how a substance changes into a completely different one. 相变是一种物理性质,并且物质存在四种相: 固相,液相,气相和等离子体.Phase transition is a physical property and matter can exist in four phases : solid , liquid , gas and plasma. 当温度低于熔点时,聚合物的晶体结构破
29、坏,但其分子仍然在分子链上,从而形成一种柔软性和柔顺性材料.Instead , at some temperature below the melting point , polymers start to lose their crystalline structure but the molecules remain linked in chains , which results in a soft and pliable material. 在工程应用中,渗透率通常用相对值而不是绝对值来表示.In engineering applications , permeability is o
30、ften expressed in relative , rather than in absolute , terms .Unit52. Translate the following into Chinese the service life 服役期限 the longitudinal direction 纵向方向the transverse direction 横向方向 dynamic or cyclic loading 动态或循环载荷the initial length of the material 材料的初始长度 elastic deformation 弹性形变plastic de
31、formation 塑性形变 localized deformation 局部形变The mechanical properties of metals determine the range of usefulness of a material establish the service life that can be expected. 金属的力学性质决定了材料使用范围,和服役期限。Therefore, multiple tests are commonly conducted to determine mechanical properties and values reported
32、 can be an average value or calculated statistical minimum value. 因此,为了确定力学性质,一般需要做大量实验,报道的值一般是平均值或者经过计算的统计学上的最小值。The way a material is loaded greatly affects its mechanical properties and largely determines how, or if, a component will fail; and whether it will show warning signs before failure act
33、ually occurs.材料受载方式很大程度上决定了其力学性质,同时也在很大程度上决定了零部件怎样失效或者是否失效,以及在失效发生以前,是否会给出预警信号。However, a bar loaded in bending will have a stress distribution that changes with distance perpendicular to the normal axis. 但是,承受弯曲载荷的棒其应力分布状态与垂直法线轴的距离有关。Elastic deformation only occurs in a material when stresses are l
34、ower than a critical stress called the yield strength. 低于一个被称为屈服极限的临界应力时,材料仅仅发生弹性形变。3. Translate the following into English 实验样品 test specimen 静负荷 static loading作用力 applied force 垂直轴 normal axis工程应变 engineering strain 临界应力 critical stress 屈服强度 yield strength 应力面积 stress area应力-应变曲线 stress-strain cur
35、ve通常,温度低于室温时,金属合金的强度性质降低,而延展性,破碎韧度和拉伸性能增强.Temperature above room temperature usually cause a decrease in the strength properties of metallic alloys,but a increase in ductility, fracture toughness and elongation.从材料的角度来说,应力是一种在材料内部所分布的力,它可以平衡所施加的负荷与其发生相互作用.From the perspective of what is happening wi
36、thin a material , stress is the internal distribution of forces within a body that balance and react to the loads applied to it. 工程应变可定义为: 所施加方向上的材料的改变量与材料原始长度的比值.Engineering strain is defined as the amount of deformation in the direction of the applied force divided by the initial length of the mat
37、erial .高强度和高延展性的材料比低强度和低延展性的材料的韧性高.A material with high stress and high ductility will have more toughness than a material with low strength and low ductility Unit62. Translate the following into Chinese Silicon single crystals 单晶硅 computed tomography scan 电子断层扫描magnetic resonance imaging 核磁共振显像 the
38、 military industrial complex 军工复合物Gross National Happiness 国民幸福指数 the average population growth rate of the world 世界人口平均增长率 With impending and burgeoning societal issues affecting the human condition on our, the MSE community has a responsibility and an opportunity to truly make a differ by addressi
39、ng the needs of the world of tomorrow-needs in energy, transportation, food, recycling. and health. 随着各种影响人类生存环境的社会问题的快速发展和逼近,材料科学与工程协会有责任,也有机会改变未来世界的需要一包括能源、交通、住房、食物、循环利用及健康。 Population is growing at much higher rates in the less developed countries in comparison to the average population growth ra
40、te of the world, which is l.4%. 1.4%欠发达国家的人口增加速度高于世界平均水平1.4% 。 Projections are that global energy use will grow by 1. 7% annually until 2025, Which a faster rate than the world population growth rate.据预测,直到2025年,全球能源消耗年增长率为1.7%,该数值超过世界人口增长率。 Moreover, average energy use per person is still more than
41、 nine times greater in developed regions than in less developed regions. 而且,发达地区的人均能源消耗是欠发达地区的九倍多。3. Translate the following into English 国内生产总值 grass domestic product 材料科学与工程 material science and engineering市场经济 market economy 社会问题 social issue经济指数 economic index 卫生保健 market economy国民生产总值 gross nat
42、ional product 人口增长率 population growth rate 然而,随着时间的变化,人类的革新与创造力,工程师满足社会需求的能力和建立工程企业的精神是永恒不变的.However, some things that have been constant over time are human innovation and creativity, the engineers ability to address societal needs, and the entrepreneurial spirit of engineering 我们可以看到医学,通信学和运输工业的革命
43、给我们生活带来的变化.We have witnessed the re-shaping of our lives through revolutions that have taken place in medicine , telecommunications, and transportation industries. 18%的世界人口缺少安饮用水,几乎40%缺少环境卫生设施.Eighteen percent of the word' s population lacks access to safe drinking water and nearly 40% has no ac
44、cess to sanitation. 材料与社会是互相联系的,并且我们应当认为材料科学工程的发展与影响人类生存条件的全球社会问题存在紧密的联系,这是唯一理性的看法.Materials and society are interlinked, and it is only rational that we should see a close relation between the MSE - research agenda and societal issues that affect the human condition on the globe.Unit72.Translate th
45、e following into Chineseconduction bands 导带 alkali metals 碱金属atomic radius 原子半径 overlap of orbital energies 轨道能量重叠the ion lattice 离子晶格 solid solution 固溶体 In chemistry, a metal is defined as an element that readily loses electrons to form dive ions and forms metallic bonds between other metal atoms.化
46、学上,金属被定义为这样一种元素:容易失去电子行程正离子、容易和其他金属原子形成金属键。 The nondirectional nature of metallic bonding is thought to he the primary reason for malleability of metal.金属键的无方向性被认为是金属延展性的主要原因。 Crystals with covalent bond can only be deformed by breaking the bonds between at-thereby resulting in fragmentation of the
47、crystal.共价键晶体只有打破原子间价键才能发生形变,因此导致了晶体破碎。 Alloys specially designed for highly demanding applications, such as jet engines, contain more than ten elements.为了一些高性能场合应用,如喷气式发动机,特殊设计的合金可以包含10种以上元素。3.Translate the following into English离域电子 delocalized electrons 电子结构 electrical structure碱土金属 alkali-earth
48、metals 化学电池 electrochemical cell核电荷 nuclear charge 导电性 electrical conductivity金属有时被描述为由游离电子团包围的正离子晶格。Metals are sometimes described as a lattice of positive ions surrounded by a cloud of delocalized electrons.通常地,金属其有良好的导电性和导热性,其有金属光泽,密度较大,并且其有在压力下变形而不会断裂的能力。Metals in general have superior electric
49、and thermal conductivity, high luster and density and the ability to be deformed under stress without cleaving. 合金是指两种或两种以上的元素形成的固溶体混合物,其中主要组分为全属.An alloy is a mixture of two or more elements in solid solution in which the major component is a metal.不同比率的金属结合成为合金可以改变纯金属的性质,从而产生所需要的性能.Combining diffe
50、rent ratios of metals as alloys modifies the properties of pure metals to produce desirable characteristics.Unit82. Translate the following into Chinesehigh-performance alloy 高性能合金 mechanical strength 机械强度single crystal alloys 单晶合金 oxidation and corrosion resistance 抗氧化腐蚀性precipitation strengthening
51、 沉淀强化 crystalline lattice 晶格Superalloy development has relied heavily on both chemical and process innovations and has been driven primarily by the aerospace and power industries.超耐热合金的发展高度依赖于化学和工艺的革新、主要由航空和能源工业推动。Creep resistance is dependent on slowing the speed of dislocations within the crystal
52、structure抗蠕变依赖于在晶体结构中降低位错移动速度。The historical developments in superalloy processing have brought about considerable increases in superalloy operating temperatures.超耐热合金加工技术的历史发展导致了超耐热合金使用温度的巨大提高。Single-crystal superalloys (SC superalloys) are formed as a single crystal using a modified version of the
53、 directional solidification technique, so there are no grain boundaries in the material.单晶超耐热合金材料是以一种单晶体状体态而形成的,这种单晶体是应用一种修正的定性凝固技术被制造出来的,因此单晶超耐热合金材料中没有晶界。3. Translate the following into English面心立方晶休结构 Face centered cubic crystal structure 涡轮入口温度 turbine inlet temperature金属材料 Metallic material 相稳定性
54、 phase stability核反应堆 Nuclear reaction 纳米粒子的合成synthesis of nanoparticles典型的超耐热合金具有奥氏体的面心立方晶体结构。.Superalloys typically have an austenitic face-centered cubic crystal structure.根据超耐热合金的性质,超耐热合金的产品可以在高温和腐蚀环境中得到应用。Superalloys are used where there is a need for high temperature strength and corrosion /oxidation resistance, according to their properties.超耐热合金主要用于航空工业、潜水、核反应堆、军用发动机等方面。The largest applications of superalloys are the following: aerospace, submarines, nu
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