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1、2018年云南曲靖中考英语解析第二部分英语知识运用(共二节,满分 30分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21.(2018?云南曲靖)一Look! This must be a girl s room.It s so clean and tidy!A.I guess soB. Never mind C. It doesn t matterD. Just so-so21 .A考查交际用语。I guess so意为 我想是这样;Never mind意为 没有关系;不用担心”;It doesn t matter为 没有关系;Just so-so意为 马马虎虎”。句意:一看!这一

2、定是一个 女孩的房间。一我想是吧。它很干净整洁。根据答语后半部分可推断出 选项A符合题意。22 .(2018?云南曲靖)Imagine you re Yu Gong, what could you do moving the mountain?A. in the middle of B. instead of C. across fromD. up to22 .D考查介词短语。in the middle of意为 在中间“;instead of意为 代替,而不是;acrossfrom意为 对对面”;up to意为 不多于句意:假若你是愚公,除了移这座山之外,你会做什么?故选D。23 .(201

3、8?云南曲靖)一Have you seen the movie Amazing China ?Yes. It s exciting documentary.A. aB. theC. anD./23. C考查冠词。句意: 一你看过迷人的中国这部电影吗?一看过。它是一部激动人心的纪录片。此处表示数量表示泛指,用不定冠词;exciting是以元音音素开头的单词,故选Co24. (2018?云南曲靖)What s your opinion on friends? They are like books. We don t need a lot of them they re good.A. as lo

4、ng asB. as soon as C. so thatD. as if24.B考查连词 短语。as long as意为 只要;as soon as意为 工就;so that意为 以至于;as if意为 好像”。句意:一你对朋友的观点如何?一他们就象书一样。只要他们是好朋友,我们就不需要很多。故选Ao25. (20187S南曲靖)The earth is the only home for us, so Green Hills and Clean Water is trueA. communityB. discovery C. relationD. treasure.25.B考查名词的辨析。

5、句意:地球是我们唯一的家园,所以青山和绿水才是真正的财富。根据句意可知选项 D符合题意。26. (20187S南曲靖)When I saw my father for me on a cold winter night. I couldn t keepback my tears.A. waitB. waitedC. to waitD. waiting26.B考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:当我看到我的父亲在一个寒冷的冬夜里等着我的时候。我无法抑制住我的眼泪。see sb. doing sth.意为 看到某人正在做某事”;现在分词作宾语补足语。故选B。27. (2018?云南曲靖)Hi, class

6、! You come to school tomorrow.Wow, great news!A. wasn t able to B. won t have to C. shouldn tD. mustn t27.B考查情态动词。句意: 一嗨,同学们!你们明天不用来学校了。 一哇,很棒的消息!由时 间状语tomorrow可排除选项 A; shouldn意为不应该;mustnt意为禁止。故选B。28. (2018?云南曲靖)Harry, are you free next week?. I ll have a lot of things to do.A. It s quite full for m

7、B. I d love to. C. I;m free. D. It s very relaxing for me.28.A考查交际用语。句意:哈利,你下星期有空吗?一对我来说安排得满满的。我有很多事情要做。根据答语.have a lot of things to do可知此处表示安排得满,故选 A。29. (2018?云南曲靖 )In our hometown,villagers leave for big cities to look for jobs.A. two hundreds of B. hundred of C. hundreds ofD. two hundreds29.C考查数

8、词的用法。句意:在我们的家乡,数百名村民前往大城市寻找工作。表示具体 数词后面hundred不用复数形式,hundreds of表示数量多,根据句意可知选项C符合题意。30. (2018?云南曲靖)What do you think of your junior school life?It some sweat memories in my heart in the past three years.A. leaveB. leftC. has leftD. will leave30.C考查动词时态。句意: 你觉得你的初中生活如何? 它在过去的三年在我心里保留 下了甜蜜的记忆。根据时间状语 i

9、n the past three years可知此处要用现在完成时,故选 C。31. (2018?南曲靖).could you tell me where to park my car? Sure. There s an unrground parking lot over there.A. Let it go.B. Pardon me. C. Excuse me.D. On the way31.C考查交际用语。Let it go意为放手吧;Pardon me意为请再说一遍;Excuse me意为“打扰一下;on the way意为“沿途”。句意:一打扰一下,你能告诉我把车停在哪 里吗?一当然

10、。那边有个地下停车场。故选 Co32. (20187S南曲靖)Nowadays China for its new “ four great inventionsared bic”cle, electronic payment, high-speed railways and online shopping.A. was knowingB. was known C. is knowingD. is known32. D考查动词短语。句意:如今,中国以其新的 四大发明”而闻名一一共享自行车、电子 支付、高速铁路和网上购物。be known for意为因而知名”,由时间状语nowadays可知用一

11、般现在时,故选 D。33. (20187S南曲靖)Learning is a lifelong journey because it brings every day.A. new something B. something new C. anything new D. new anything33.B考查不定代词和形容词的用法。句意:学习是一段终生的旅程,因为它每天都带来新的东西。形容词修饰不定代词要放在后面,这是一个肯定句,故只有选项B符合题意。34. (20187S南曲靖)When the best singer in our class, everyone shouted with

12、excitement.A. look upB. put upC. showed upD. made up34.C考查动词短语。look up意为“仰视;查找;put up意为“张贴;搭建“;show up意为“出现;露面;make up意为“编造”。句意:当我们班上最好的歌手出现时,每个人都兴奋地喊叫起来。故选 Co35. (20187S南曲靖)Why do you like watching QJ TV News?Because I want to know around Qujing.A. what s happening B. why will it happen C. who s ha

13、ppening D. when we will go36. A考查宾语从句。句意:一为什么你喜欢观看曲靖电视新闻?一因为我想知道在曲靖周围发生的事情。宾语从句中用陈述语序,可排除选项 B;根据句意,可知选 Ao第二节(20187S南曲靖)完形填空Helping others always brings you something sooner or later, one way or another. I didn t know that until one day when I went to my _36_ school.It was a cold and _37_ morning aft

14、er the winter vacation. Actually, it was my _38 _day at my new school. I was walking slowly and worrying about lots of things. It was early and there weren t many people on the roacA girl _39_ was on a bike passed me quickly. She was ridingon snowy ice when suddenly she fell off her bike just a few

15、steps in front of me. She was trying hard to get up, _40 fell again. Without thinking, I went over and helped her stand up. She said, “Thank you with a smile and then rode away. The words_41 _Thanlaiyoithis smallevent made me feel less nervous about my new school._42 , I got to school. The teacher l

16、ed me to the classroom and asked me to sit down43 a girl. I was so nervous, I knew some of the students were looking at me but I didnto look at them. Soon the first class started. It was English. They used a different textbook frommy old school and I didn t have a copy. As I was wondering what to do

17、, a book appeared in front of me. Let s share. the girl next to me said. And 44 I . It waCirrieirl I I _helped that morning. _45_ a surprise!From then on, we became good friends. She was my first and best friend at my new school. Helping her also helped me find a friend .36.A.oldB.newC.smallD.big37.

18、 A.snowyB. rainyC. cloudyD.sunny38. A.thirdB.secondC.firstD.last39. A.whatBwhoC.whichD.whose40.A.orB.soC.andD.but41. A. surprisedB.worriedC.helpedD.warned42.A. TrulyB.FinallyC. ExactlyD. Suddenly43.AbesideB.besidesC.acrossD.from44.A.looked upB. got upC.looked downD.sat down45.A.WhenB.WhereC.WhatD.Ho

19、w体裁;记叙文话题故事词数281【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,主要同我们描述作者在第一天上新学校时途中帮助了一个 _J女孩,最后这个女孩成为了作者的同桌和最好的朋友。作者由此感悟到: 帮助别人会给自己带来一些东西。36. B句意:直到有一天我去了我的新学校,我才知道这一点。根据下文的“ at my new school”可知此处表示作者的新学校,故选 Bo37. A句意:这是寒假过后一个寒冷下雪的早晨。根据下文的 She was riding on snowy ice 可知这是一个寒冷下雪的早晨。38. C句意:实际上,这是我在新学校的第一天。根据下文“They used a differen

20、t textbook frommy old school and I didn t have acopy.出作者第一天上新学校。39. B句意:一个骑自行车的女孩很快地从我身边经过。这是一个定语从句,先行词是表示 人的girl,而从句欠缺主语,故用 who。40.D句意:她努力想站起来,但又跌倒了。根据句意和语境可知此处表示转折关系,故用but。41.C句意:谢谢”这个词帮助了我,这个小事件让我在我的新学校里感到不那么紧张。根 据句意可知选C项。42.B句意:最后,我到达了学校。根据前面的内容可知作者是在上学的路上,此处表示时 间顺序,故选项 B符合题意。43. A句意:老师领我到教室,让我坐

21、在一个女孩旁边。此处表示在.旁边。44. A句意:我抬头看。根据下一句说到作者看到的是自己帮助过的女孩,由此可知是作者 抬头看到。45. C句意:这是多么令人诧异的事情!此句是感叹句,修饰的是名词,故用 what引导。第三部分阅读理解(共三节满分35分)(2018?zi南曲靖)第一节 根据短文内容,判断正误。正确的填“T:错误的填“F,”并将答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)To me, life would be boring without music. I realize that it is not true for everybody. Many

22、people get along quite well without going to the concerts, and listening to the CDs. But music plays an important part in everyones life, whether he realizes it or not. Try to imagine, for example, what films or TV plays would be like without music. Would the feeling, the moving story, and the great

23、est interests, be so exciting? Im not sure about it.Now, we have been speaking of music in its more common meaning - the kind of music we hear in the concert hall. But if we look at some parts of music more closely, we discover them in our everyday life, too in the sound of the sea, the singing of a

24、 bird in the woods and so on. So music surely has meaning for everyone. And, of course, it has special meaning for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music.It is well said,“ Though music a child enters into a worldsafjty express himself from hisheart, feels the joy of

25、 doing things alone, learns to take care of others, develops his mind and makes his body strong ”46. Music is very important in my life.47. Some people dont realize the importance of music.48. Music cant be found everywhere in everyday life.49. Music has meaning, especially for musicians.50. The wri

26、ter talked mainly about the development of music.体裁;议论文话题娱乐活动词数209【主旨大意】本文谈论的是音乐在生活中的重要性以及意义。46 .T 细节理解题,根据第一段中 “music plays an important part in everyones life 得知音乐在 生活中很重要。47 .T细节理解题,根据第一段中“whether he realizes it or not.得知有些人并没有意识到音乐 的重要性。48 .F 细节理解题,根据第二段中 “if we look at some parts of music more

27、closely, we discover them in our everyday life, too得知音乐在日常生活中随处可以被发现。49 .T 细节 理解题,根据第三段中 “Smusic surely has meaning for everyone. And, of course, it has special meaning for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music. 得知音乐对每个人来说都有含义尤其对音乐人来说。50 .F主旨大意题 本文谈论的是音乐在生活中的重要性以及意

28、义。而不是讨论音乐的发展。第二节 根据短文内容,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并将所选答 案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。(共 10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)(2018云南曲靖)ASUNNYSIDECOMMUNITY CENTERNOTICEBOARDA. a Green city: help make the city greener by planting a treeTime:10-11:30am,every Sat.JUNELocation: Foxdale ParkB. BECAUSE WE LOVE BOOKS!talk about the best write

29、rsThis month : JK. Rowling. Time:11-12am, 7th June Place: Coffee Quest,54 the willows Free. All adults welcome.All ages welcome.C. DANCERCISE!Have fun and do exercise to jazz and hip-pop musicat 6-8 pm, every Tue. and Thur.Location: Sallys Dance Studio, 32 Road!51. What does the underlined wordAll a

30、ges welcome.A.警告C2stVolunpeeclaare welcome toA. plant a treeD. story time with Tom all your favorite children s stories Told by actor Tom WellsFREEWhen: 3-5pm,23rd June“NOThCEBOA.dJ Pmea Library.B.公告柱 6 to 9-year-olds aCipOenS 领to make the city more beautiful a B. ride public bikesE.Eat WellBe Healt

31、hy.With Dr.SmithJoin us 2-4pm,3rd JunePlace: Sunnyside Hall,12 Main Street All adDtsweicome. FreeFoxdale Park51. What does the underlined wordB.公告栏“NOTICEBOARD mean?C.失物招领D.社团招聘52. Volunteers are welcome toto make the city more beautiful at Foxdale ParkA. plant a treeB. ride public bikes C. save wat

32、erD. clean up the park53. The book lovers will talk aboutthis month.A. Aron Ralston B. JK RowlingC. Charles DickensD. Hemingway54 . Bill plans to have four jazz lessons, and he has to payA. $28B. $51C. $5455. Mr. Li can take his son to Sunnyside Public Library atD. $68to listen to stories.体裁A. 15: 0

33、0, 23rd June B. 16: 00, 24th JuneC. 16: 00, 23rd JulyD. 15: 00. 24th June说明文话题娱乐活动词数128【主旨大意】本文介绍了六月的活动,A.植树活动.B.讨论最好的作家 C.舞蹈活动D.故事时间E.养生活动51.B词义猜测题,根据下文中得知都是通知,故选Bo52.A细节理解题,根据A栏中得知通过种树使得城市更漂亮,故选Ao53.B54.B细节理解题 根据B栏中得知读书爱好者将讨论JK Rowling ,故选B。细节理解题根据C栏中$17 per class及题干four jazz lessons,得知总共花费51美元,故选

34、B。55 .A细节理解题 根据D栏中When:3-5pm, 23rd June得知故事时间,故选 A。(20187S南曲靖)BOne night, four naughty(顽皮的)boy students stayed out of school having a late party at a night club and having a great time. They were partying so happily that they forgot they were going to take an exam the next day.The next morning, they

35、 got up too late to take their exam. In order not to be punished, they thought of a plan which they believed was perfect. They made their clothes dirty and went to the teachers office.“Mr. Johnso, we went to a friends house last night in another town. On the way back, our car got a flat tire( 爆胎),so

36、 we had to push the car all the way back to school. Thats why we didn make it for the exam. ”The teacher listened to their story, and told them in a kind voice,“It doesnt matter. I am gto give you another chance to take the test three days later. The four students thanked him andleft happily.Test pa

37、per (100 points) Your name:(1 point)Which tire burst (轮胎爆裂)?(99 points)A. Front leftB. Back leftC. Front rightD. Back leftThe test day arrived in the end. The teacher asked them, “ lam going to put each one of you in a different room for the test. Are you OK with that?OK the students were fine with

38、that because they had all studied hard.Then they got the test paper. It had only two questions. 56. Why didnt the students take the exam?A. Because their car had a flat tire B. Because they stayed up too late the night beforeC. Because the teacher didnt want them to D. Because their clothes were too

39、 dirty 57. What did the teacher do after listening to their story?A. He believed them by giving them a second chance. B. He didnt do anything about it.C. He used a different way to tell if they were lying. D. He was very angry. 58. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. They remembered the exa

40、m the next day.B. Their car was broken on the way back to school.C. They had a great time taking the exam.D. They took the second test seriously.59. According to the passage, we can learn that.A. the teacher had no doubt about what the students said. B. the students were very cleverC. the students t

41、old a terrible lie D. the students didnt tell a lie 60. What do you think of the teacher?A. Wise B. StupidC Hard-workingD Unhealthy体裁;记叙文话题学习活动238【主旨大意】本文讲述四个男孩在考试前一天晚上参加晚会玩得很晚,第二天考试迟到。为了免遭惩罚,他们跟老师说在回来的路上爆胎了而没有及时参加考试。三天后,老师让这四个孩子在不同的 房间考试,考试卷上只有两个题目,名字以及车子的哪个轮胎爆裂。56.B 细节理解题 根据第一段及第二段第一句Theiext morni

42、ng, they got up too late to taketheir exam.得知是因为他们前一晚玩得很晚忘记了考试,故选 B。57 .A 细节理解题 根据第四段第一句 Theeacher listened to their story, and told them in a kind voice, ddesnt matter. I am going to give you another chance to take the test three days later.” 得知老师相信他们并给予他们第二次考试机会,故选 Ao58 .D 细节理解题 根据第六段第一句OK , thetu

43、dents were fine with that because they hadall studied hard.得知他们很认真对待这次考试,故选D。59 .C推理判断题根据第一段他们参加聚会玩得很晚以及第三段说爆胎的故事得知他们撒了个 大谎,故选Co60 .A推理判断题 根据老师所给是题目得知老师知道他们撒谎了,老师是明智的,故选 Ao (2018?zi南曲靖)第三节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最传选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上,选项中有两项为多余项,(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)Our skin( 皮肤)is like a bag that

44、we live in. Inside the bag, 61. Our water is like thewater in the sea. It is very salty. Also, like the ocean, we can lose our water. The sun could take it away. Our bag of skin keeps our bodys ocean from drying up.Our skin keeps out sunshine, 62. Skin also keeps out dirty things. Thats important be

45、cause some kinds of them can make us sick. 63. It feels warm things, cold things, things it touches, and things that hurt it. A fire feels warm A snowball feels cold.Our hair helps keep things out of our eyes, ears, and nose. Hair is also good for keeping us warm. When we get too cold, our body hair

46、s stand up and hold air close to our skin like a heavy quilt. 64. Some animals have more hair than others, so they are not afraid of cold weather.Our nails (指甲)are another special skin which are very hard. 65. Our nails arent as strong or sharp as the nails that animals have. But they are just good

47、for the basic human needs. A. Our skin feels things B. Fingers are easily hurt C. our bodies are mostly water D. Hair keeps animals warm, too E. Too much sunshine can hurt usF. Hair can be used to make some quiltsG. They help keep our fingers from getting hurt体裁;说明文话题身体部位词数193【主旨大意】这篇短文主要介绍了我们的皮肤就像一

48、个袋子把我们包裹在里面。阻止水分蒸发流失,保护我们避免日晒。我们的头发可以使东西挡在眼睛耳朵鼻子之外以及保持温暖。我们的指甲就像另一种特殊的皮肤,对人类基本需求有好处。61 .C根据上句皮肤就是袋子以及下句我们的水就像海洋中的水,得知身体大多数是水。故 选Co62 .E根据上句皮肤可以抵挡阳光得知太多阳光会伤害我们,故选 E。63 .A根据下句得知皮肤能感知疼痛但不能伤害他人,故选 Ao64 .D根据上句皮肤可以使人暖和以及下句动物比人有更多的毛发得知毛发毛发也可以使动 物暖和,故选D。65 .G根据上句皮肤是另一种特殊的皮肤,很硬得知指甲能够使我们的手指避免受伤,故选G。第n卷非选择题(满分

49、25分)第四部分 写作(共三节,满分25分)(2018?zi南曲靖)第一节 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)66 .What do you usually do on weekends?- I sometimes go to the old peoples home as a(help).67 . Beipanjiang Bridge in my hometown is(cool) one I have ever seen.68 . Boys and girls, safety comes first! Its important for you to learn to protect(you).69 .I have been running into a lot of troubles these days. Take it easy, Problems and(worry) are normal in daily life70 .With great courage and effort, Liu Chuanjian, a national hero,(success) landed the plane, saving over 100


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