



1、外研版小学四年级英语期末测试卷班级: 姓名: 成绩: 一、选出不同类别的单词。(4分)( )1、A、naughty B、nice C、cool D、west ( )2、A、New York B、San Francisco C、London D、Great Wall ( )3、A、bigger B、winter C、better D、taller ( )4、A、fell B、went C、wide D、bought( )5、A、east B、west C、city D、south( )6、A、happen B、old C、young D、strong( )7、A、Monday B、Wednesd

2、ay C、holiday D、Tuesday( )8、A、zither B、guitar C、drum D、picnic二、单项选择,将最佳答案的选项写在括号里。 (18分)( )1、Beijing is the capital _ China.A、in B、off C、of( )2、-Will robots do everything? -No, they _.A、wont B、will C、arent( )3、Both Amy and Tom like playing the zither, but Amy is much _ than Tom.A、good B、better C、best

3、( )4、Peter _cute then and he _two years old. A、was, was B、is, was C、was, is( )5、Yesterday, I _ an accident on the way to Super Park.A、have B、had C、has( )6、Look at _ little sister, she is so cute.A、Amy B、Amys C、Amys( )7、I _take my kite and my ball on SaturdayA、am B、will C、was( )8、We _ our grandparent

4、s last weekend.A、visits B、visit C、visited( )9、Young Sam fell _ his bike.A、of B、off C、on( )10、The watermelon on Toms bike _ my head yesterday.A、bump B、bumped C、bumping( )11、We _ for a bike ride last night.A、go B、goes C、went( )12、It _ at last night.A、happen B、happened C、happens( )13、The day after Satu

5、rday is _ .A、Thursday B、Friday C、Sunday( )14、Sam is _ than Lingling.A、tall B、taller C、tallest( )15、It _be windy in Beijing.A、going B、is C、will( )16、We are _ to have a picnic.A、go B、going C、goes( )17、Tian an men Square is in Beijing. Its very _.A、long B、new C、big( )18、I will go to play basketball tom

6、orrow, because it will be _.A、cold B、windy C、sunny三、将正确答案的选项填入括号里。(10分)公司还组织各国的“芝自制饰品店”定期进行作品交流,体现东方女性聪慧的作品曾在其他国家大受欢迎;同样,自各国作品也曾无数次启发过中国姑娘们的灵感,这里更是创作的源泉。( ) 1、Where is New York A、I live in Beijing.( ) 2、Where do you live B、Yes, It will.§8-4情境因素与消费者行为 2004年3月20日( ) 3、Who are they C、They are my g

7、randparents.“漂亮女生”号称全国连锁店,相信他们有统一的进货渠道。店内到处贴着“10元以下任选”,价格便宜到令人心动。但是转念一想,发夹2.8元,发圈4.8元,皮夹子9.8元,好像和平日讨价还价杀来的心理价位也差不多,只不过把一只20元的发夹还到5元实在辛苦,现在明码标价倒也省心省力。( ) 4、Whats this D、Its in the east.在上海, 随着轨道交通的发展,地铁商铺应运而生,并且在重要的商业圈已经形成一定的气候,投资经营地铁商铺逐渐成为一大热门。在人民广场地下“的美”购物中心,有一家DIY自制饰品店-“碧芝自制饰品店”。( )5、Will it be wi

8、ndy in Tianjin E、Its a robot.我们长期呆在校园里,对社会缺乏了解,在与生意合作伙伴应酬方面往往会遇上困难,更不用说商业上所需经历的一系列繁琐手续。他们我们可能会在工商局、税务局等部门的手续中迷失方向。对具体的市场开拓缺乏经验与相关的知识,缺乏从职业角度整合资源、实行管理的能力;四、根据短文内容连线。(8分)This is the map of China. In the north, its Harbin. Shanghai is in the east.Sanya is in the south. Lhasa is in the west. Shanghai north(三)大学生购买消费DIY手工艺品的特点分析Sanya southHarbin west Lhasa east五、看一看,读一读,选一选。(10分)ran walked longer bought fell1、2、 据调查统计在对大学生进行店铺经营风格所考虑的因素问题调查中,发现有50%人选择了价格便宜些,有28%人选择服务热情些,有30%人选择店面装潢有个性,只有14%人选择新颖多样。如图(1-5)所示Pollys hair is _ than Mollys.3、4、 秘诀:好市口个性经


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