1、简单英语谜语1What time is it when20 dogs are after l cat?2When should you kick 踢 a birthday?3What room has no walls , no doors, no floors and no windows?4Why can' t your nose be twelve inches long?5It is yours , but others use it more than you do What is it?6What has a bed but never sleeps?7Which trav
2、els faster , heat or co1d?8What five letter word has six left when you take two away?9What is the end of everything?10There are three men on a train Mr A speaks English and Chinese Mr B speaksFrench and English Mr C can only talk with Mr A What language does Mr C speak? 11What is it that can carry a
3、 message to anybody in any town?12What is it that , when once lost , you can never find again?13What is it that we never borrow but often return?14What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?15What walks all the time but never leave his place?16What hands never hold anything?17It has a mouth
4、, but never speaks; it has bed, but never sleeps on it Whatis it?No 3 is Space roomNo 5 is NameNo 6 is Gum No7 is Cold No8 is Sixty No 9 is ResultsNo 10 is ChineseNo11 is Mobile No12 is Time No13 is Life No 14 is TeacherNo 15 is Clock No16 is handrail No17 is Bodhisattva 18Today is Monday Jim got to
5、 Beijing last Wednesday John got there two daysearlier than Jim On what day did John go to Beijing? last Monday 19What has two legs but cannot walk A pair of trousers 20Bob's uncle was a three bottle man 大酒徒21Take it easy, my boy It isn't dangerous at all 别紧张22It will be all right before you
6、 know it 很快23Which country is good for skaters?24Which country is useful at mealtime?25Which country has no problem of water supply?26Which country is useful to turn a lock?27Which country has its most part in pain?28What goes up but never comes down? Your age29He stands first in his class What does
7、 it mean?He is the best student in hisclass30What does the sentence “ His race is nearly run mean? His days are number/Heis dying 31What runs from Beijing to Shanghai without morning? road32Who always goes to bed with his shoes on? 马33Which bird can ' t fly? 驼鸟34Where' s the john?厕所35Jim doe
8、sn't go to play with us Because some of us don' t give him the time ofthe day不喜欢它36When a man became ninety years old , his days are numbered 寿命不长37If you lose your job , I' ll lose mine , so we are both in the same boat命运相同38It is an open book that Jane has got married 人人皆知39When the en
9、gine caught fire , I just lost my head 不知所措40The doctor is up to his eyes in work today 忙得要命41Why sixty is bigger than sixty one? 60 年代生的人比 61 年代人大。42Which thing is the biggest and smallest? 人心43America will hold the Olympic Games in 1996 26th44It's half past one What time will it be twenty hour
10、s later? It 's half pastnine45I'm not quite myself “ means “I'm 46A lot of people are having lunch in a big room Four people are drinking a bowl碗 of water Two are eating a bowl of rice Three are eating a bowl of meat They need 52bowls How many people are there ?48 47Xiao Dong wrote 写 ten
11、 letters on the card But one letter is lost 丧失 Canyou find it for here 48. 什么“ man 一太阳就 “消失雪人49. I can fly , I can si ng , I have a beak喙, So my n ame is bird ?50. Xiaoming 's grandpa is 60 years old. His is birthday is in February . But he onlyhad 15 birthdays. Why.因为他的生日在 2月 29日51. What's
12、nine and four? Is it one? Sometimes it's one. Why? 如 9堆沙加 4 堆沙为一堆沙52. What stands in the middle of the world? r53. What kink of dog is always bitten but never barks?热狗54. What five letter word cab lose four without changing its sound? queue 辫子55. 什么桌子在田里见到 ? Vegetables蔬菜56. 什么桌子没腿 ? Timetable 时间
13、表57什么人不住房: Snowman 雪人58什么东西人们千方百计争夺,又立刻扔掉 ? basketball 篮球59临时政府晴朗的天空为什么没有云? 因为是在晚上60小东吃葡萄为什么不吐葡萄皮 ? 因为他吃的是葡萄干61天亮了 打一城市巴黎62书店里没卖的是什么书 ?秘书63为什么一架纸收音机的价钱到达上万元 ? 因为它是钞票折成的64对于人来说, ,只会增大不会减小的是什么 ? 年龄65打什么用脑不用手 打官司66开什么会不用本人去? 家长会67什么鱼没有牙 ? 木鱼68什么书的毛病最多 医学书69工人干什么活不领取报酬 ? 家务活70什么球不能摸,也不能玩 ? 血球71在什么地方打人,人
14、们会鼓掌叫好 ? 击赛场72怎样使天变大 ?73伤了什么不能用药治?74什么豆腐可以打死人?75什么字人们总要念错?76为什么英国问题女人当女皇 ?77什么布剪不开 ?78宝地猜中国一个省79世界上残废率最高的是什么地方80吃苹果时最怕见到什么 ?81世界一共有多少种人 ?去掉上面一横伤了心冻豆腐错他们讲究 “女士优先 瀑布贵州? 床上半只虫子男人和女人82什么人能把人截成几截,事后又能将他复原? 魔术师83哪种车人们最不情愿坐,但有些人不得不坐? 囚车84什么东西人们每天都在用,但就是不能用手措 ? 电85什么东西没有时你如饥似渴,有了后你咬牙切齿 ? 食物86什么针不能用来缝东西 ? 表的
15、指针 英语智力测试题 1 What' s the Chinese for “ six of one and half a dozen of the other?A .六分之一B .人云亦云C.半斤八两D .见一面分一半 2 What three letters turn a girl into a woman?A SunB DABC EYE D EGA 3 We don' t want it It' s “a white elephant What is it?A 一件无用而累的东西B 一头白象C 白给的东西D 白色陷阱 4 What ' s too much
16、for two and just right for one?A Time B A secret C Two friends D A room 5 What' s the Chinese for “talk big ?A 吹牛B 说谎话C 骂人D 很大6 I know that from A to I A 从 A 到 I B 从头到尾C 字母表D 距离很远 7You can' t do it You can sue to Ann for help AaskB thinkC findD give 8What's that? That's a lily I like
17、 it very much Agirl's name B flowerC pictureD cup 9He's a yes man I don't like him A唯唯诺诺的人 B 总有理的人C 坚强的人 D 说一不二的人 10 All right Let me do it That' s the boyAGoodboy B Young childC Big boy动脑筋1If you are facing面向 east and take ten steps步子forward向前,then rightandtake three steps backward,
18、 then turn 地 round and take five steps forward , and then turn left, and take two steps forward, which direction 方向 are you facing? 2 将 north,east, west south 组合成四个复合词:? ? ? ?3 The design is made up of eighteen matches Can you remove six of them to change the design into two samesized triangles 三角形
19、?what is the largest ant in the world? the key is 1 word of 8 letters answer: elephant1What starts with T , ends with T and full of T ? Teapot2 What starts with E , ends with E and only has one letter ? Envelope 3What of us goes up and never comes down? Our age4Rearrange the letters of NOR DO WE to
20、make one word ne word/new door 5A big Indian and a little Indian are walking down the street , the little Indian is theson of the big Indian, but the big Indian is not the farther of the little Indian , how is this possible? Mother6What is in “seasons, “seconds“centuries and “minutes, but not in “de
21、cades , “ years or “ days? N 7、What can hear without ears and answer without a mouth? Echo8、What room has no walls , no doors, no windows , and no floors? Mushroom 9、What is dark but is made by light? Shadow10、What is higher without a head than with a head? A pillow 猜字母1 What letter is a body of wat
22、er?2. What is it that found in the every center of America 美国 and Australia澳大禾U亚 3 Why is a river rich?4. Which letter is very useful to a deaf woman?5. Which runs faster , heat or cold?Why?6. What is it that nobody wants but nobody want to lose?7. What two words contain thousands of letters?8. What
23、 has teeth but cannot eat?9. What starts with T , ends with T, and full of T?10. What letter is a question?1. C sea2. r3. because it has two banks4. i eye5. heat runs faster, because u can catch a cold6. lawsuit7. mailbox8. comb 梳子9. Teapot 茶壶10. YAt what time of day was Adam born ? eve1. What table
24、 is in the field?2. What is the only thing you can break when you say its name?3. What is there in your house that ought to be looked into?4. What is that which you have never seen, heard or felt, which never existed and still has a name?5. What changes a pear into a pearl?6. What question can never be answered by ''''Yes''''?7. What ship has two mates but no captain?8. What is the most difficult key to turn?9. Where can you always find money?10. What is the surest way to double your money?11. Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?12. Wh
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