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1、What will the weather be like in ?第1页/共27页第一页,共27页。Whens the best time to visit your town or country? Why?S1: When is the best time to visit your town/city?S2: I think September is the best time.S1: Why?S2: Because its not too hot or cold at that time.Exam第2页/共27页第二页,共27页。Talk about what you can see

2、 in the pictures.第3页/共27页第三页,共27页。第4页/共27页第四页,共27页。The US is a very big country to visit, so choose carefully the places to see and the time to go. Bring a map because you may want to travel around.Whens the best time to visit the US?第5页/共27页第五页,共27页。New York or Washington DC in winter 第6页/共27页第六页,共

3、27页。New York and Washington DC are good places to visit in _ or _, but in winter theres a lot of _.New YorkWashington DCMayOctobersnow第7页/共27页第七页,共27页。The best time to visit New England is in _. The weather gets _, and the green leaves start to turn _, then _. Bring your _ so you can take photos of

4、autumn trees.New EnglandSeptembercoolergoldbrowncamera第8页/共27页第八页,共27页。In California, the weather is _ all year round. Take your swimming clothes because you might want to go _ in the sea, even in _.CaliforniafineswimmingDecember第9页/共27页第九页,共27页。In Seattle, in the northwest, it isnt very _ but it _

5、a lot, so bring an _. Seattlecoldrainsumbrella第10页/共27页第十页,共27页。In Alaska the days are long and warm in _, but may be _ in the evening, so bring a warm _. Dont go in winter. Itll be very cold. Alaskasummercoolsweater第11页/共27页第十一页,共27页。In Texas and the southeast, its usually very _ and _ compared to

6、other places. There are _ from time to time in summer and autumn. Texashotsunny storms第12页/共27页第十二页,共27页。mile northwest umbrella southeast from time to timen. 英里英里n. 西北;西北;adj. 西北的;朝西北的西北的;朝西北的n. 雨伞雨伞n. 东南东南(dngnn);adj. 东南东南(dngnn)的;朝东南的;朝东南(dngnn)的的 有时;间或有时;间或第13页/共27页第十三页,共27页。第14页/共27页第十四页,共27页。P

7、laceWeatherBest time to visitNew York Winter:New Englanda lot of snowIn May or OctoberIt gets cooler in September.In September第15页/共27页第十五页,共27页。PlaceWeatherBest time to visitCaliforniaAlaskaSummer:Winter:Fine all year roundAll yearwarm day, cool nightvery coldIn summer第16页/共27页第十六页,共27页。Complete th

8、e sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. brown mile storm sweater umbrella1. In autumn the leaves turn gold and then _.2. It is about 3,000 _ from the east coast to the west coast.brownmiles第17页/共27页第十七页,共27页。3. You might need a(n) _ in the evening.4. Sometimes there are _ in summe

9、r and autumn on the southeast coast.5. You will need a(n) _ in Seattle because it rains a lot.sweaterstormsumbrella第18页/共27页第十八页,共27页。1. The best time to visit New England is in September. 九月是去新英格兰游览的最佳时间。九月是去新英格兰游览的最佳时间。 这里的这里的New England (新英格兰新英格兰) 指的是美指的是美国东北部的一个国东北部的一个(y )地区地区, 它包括六个它包括六个州:缅因州(州

10、:缅因州(Maine )、)、 新罕布什尔州新罕布什尔州(New Hampshire)、佛蒙特州)、佛蒙特州第19页/共27页第十九页,共27页。(Vermont)、马萨诸塞州、马萨诸塞州(Massachusetts)、 罗得岛州罗得岛州(Rhode Island) 和康涅狄格州和康涅狄格州(Connecticut) 。这里的小镇非常美丽。这里的小镇非常美丽(mil),每年秋天都会有大批游客来此,每年秋天都会有大批游客来此游玩。游玩。1614年英国探险家约翰年英国探险家约翰史密斯史密斯 (John Smith) 给这个地方起名为新英格给这个地方起名为新英格兰。兰。第20页/共27页第二十页,共

11、27页。2. Bring your camera so you can take photos of the autumn trees. 带上你的照相机以便拍摄秋天(qitin)的树木。 take photos of 的意思是“给拍照”。例如: I took a photo of Linda. 我给琳达拍了一张照片。 She took a lot of photos of the kids. 她给孩子们拍了许多照片。第21页/共27页第二十一页,共27页。3. In Texas and the southeast, its usually very hot and sunny compared

12、 to other places. 和其他(qt)地方相比,得克萨斯州和东南部地区通常天气很热,阳光灿烂。 compared to 意为“和比较”, 表示此意也可以用 compared with。例如: 第22页/共27页第二十二页,共27页。Compared to our small house, Bills house seemed like a palace.和我们的小房子相比,比尔的房子就像一座宫殿。This road is very busy compared to/ with ours.和我们(附近(fjn))的马路相比,这条马路(交通)非常繁忙。第23页/共27页第二十三页,共27页。4. There are storms from time to time in summer and autumn. 但是夏秋季节时常有暴风雨。但是夏秋季节时常有暴风雨。 from time to time 表示表示“有时有时, 间或间或”。 例如例如(lr): He has moved to another city, but we write to each other from time to time. 他移居到了另外一座城市,他移居到了另外一座城市,但我们会时不时通通信。但我们会时不时通通信。第24页/共27页第二十四页,共27页。They are now livi


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