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1、Unit2 基础复习Hewen单词知多少. 核心单词1. _adj. 复杂的; 难懂的2. _vi. 参加; 参与(活动) vt. 吸引3. _ vt. 包含; 需要; 涉及4. _adj. 无法抗拒的; 巨大的; 压倒性的5. _ n. 洞察力; 眼光 6. _n. 离开; 启程; 出发7. _ vt. 理解; 领会; 抓紧 8. _ adj. 巨大的; 突然的; 急剧的;complexengageinvolveoverwhelminginsightdeparturegraspdramatic单词知多少. 核心单词9. _ n. 费用; 花费; 开销 10. _vt. 否认; 否定; 拒绝

2、11. _adj. 乐观的 12. _vt. 获得; 赢得; 取得; 增加 n. 好处; 增加 13. _vi. 合作; 协作; 配合14. _adv. 真诚地; 诚实地 15. _adj. 合乎逻辑的; 合情合理的 expensedenyoptimisticgaincooperatesincerelylogical单词知多少. 拓展单词1. qualification n. 资格, 学历_vt. &vi. (使)具备资格; (使)合格_adj. 合格的, 有资格的2. ambition n. 夙愿; 野心; 抱负_adj. 有野心的, 有雄心的3. adapt v. 适应; 改编_n

3、. 适应; 改编本4. comfort n. &vt. 安慰_adj. 舒服的_adv. 舒服地qualifiedqualifyambitiousadaptationcomfortablecomfortably单词知多少5. participate vi. 参加_n. 参加6. present v. 呈现; 赠送_n. 报告; 陈述7. motivate vt. 成为的动机; 激发; 激励_n. 动力; 积极性; 动机_adj. 积极的; 主动的8. expect v. 期待; 预料_n. 期望; 预期9. apply v. 申请_n. 申请_n. 申请人 10. expose vt.

4、 使接触_n. 接触 adj.暴露的presentationparticipationmotivationmotivatedexpectationapplicationapplicantexposureexposed单词知多少11. behave vt. 表现_n. 行为, 表现12. surroundings n. (pl. )环境; _adj. 周围的; 附近的13. depress vt. 使沮丧; 使忧愁 _adj. 沮丧的; 意志消沉的_n. 沮丧, 忧愁14. strong adj. 强壮的_n. 力气_vi. & vt. 加强; 增强; 巩固15. competence

5、n. 能力; 胜任; 本领 _adj. 有能力的; 称职的surroundingbehaviordepresseddepressionstrengthstrengthencompetent单词拼写1. Some insects take on the colours of their (周围环境)to protect themselves.2. Keep an (乐观的)attitude towards life and you will enjoy the pleasure life has brought to you.3. Most of the Australian family fo

6、od (预算)is being spent on junk foods and drinksthat are high in fat,sugar and salt.4. It is a (复杂的)yet stimulating book.5. We (真诚地)hope that you will soon be restored to plexoptimisticsurroundingsbudgetsincerelyB. 请用括号内所给的单词的正确形式填空。1. He turned out to be very successful,which was beyond our (expect)

7、.2. (expose) to lead is known to damage the brains of young children.3. Happiness and success often come to those who are good at recognizing their own (strong) .4. You are lucky enough to be picked out from so many (apply) for the job.5. He has always been (ambition) and fiercely competitive.expect

8、ationExposureambitiousstrenghtsapplicants短语我知道1. _参加; 参与 2. _大声点说; 明确表态 3. _舒服自在; 不拘束 4. _(使)从事; 参与 5. _参与; 卷入; 与有关联 6. _文化冲击 7. _舒适区; 舒适范围 8. _(使)花一大笔钱 9. _支持; 站在的一边 10. _据我所知 participate inspeak upfeel at homeengage inget involved inculture shockcost an arm and a legas far as I knowside withcomfor

9、t zone短语我知道11. _ 就我而言; 依我看来 12. _总的来说; 总之 13. _一般来说 14.be _ to热衷于;渴望15._ up明确表态16.be familiar _对熟悉17._ up创立;建立 18._ to 适应19.get used _习惯于as far as I am concernedin summarygenerally speakingeagerspeakwithadapttoset第二节 词组运用。1. He had a talent for making people .2. Please we cant hear you at the back.3

10、. Try to find humour in life and activities that make you laugh.4. , I think its very important to pay attention to our surrounding environment.5. We will the majority of those who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it.in summary; side with; get involved in; engage in; speak up; feel at h

11、ome feel at home speak upengage inside withIn summary。第三节 完成句子1.学校为什么拒绝了他的申请仍不清楚。 the school denied his application is still unknown.2.我的研究论文是否会得到热烈的欢迎还有待观察。It remains to be seen my research paper will be well received.3.你可以看一些电影,研究人们如何说话。You can watch some movies and study people speak.4.我认为出国留学是一种

12、改变生活的经历。I think studying abroad is a life-changing experience.whetherhowWhythat第三节 完成句子5.有很多证据表明,压力是导致疾病的部分原因。There is a lot of evidence stress is partly responsible for disease.that语法填空Xie Lei, 1._ student for a business qualification at a university in China, has come to London on a year-long exch

13、ange programme.After getting there, she found it hard 2. _(adapt) to the new life because she had some problems 3._ her English.Sometimes she didnt know how to communicate with others.4._ (luck), she lived with a host family and they helped with her adaptation to the newculture.Whats more, they were

14、 interested in learning about China.Later, she met with a new challenge.5._ was the academic requirements that made her confused.She thought she knew 6._ (little) than other people. ato adaptwithLuckilyItlessThanks to her tutor, she formed 7._ (she) own opinion and she was able to speak up in class.And she was full of 8._ (confident) to set up a strong business in China.Now, as well as 9._ (study) hard,


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