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1、08/2014定义:人力资源(英语:Human Resources;简称:HR),常用来指“人力资源管理”,企业管理中主要部门职能之一,着重于帮助现代企业解决企业人力资本运用的问题,是“劳动力管理”和“人事管理”的现代化概念和称谓,突破了以往“工资计算和发放”和“雇员档案管理”的狭小内涵。其基本原则是:在正确的时间把正确的人安排在正确的岗位上。人力资源的最基本方面,包括体力和智力。如果从现实的应用形态来看,则包括体质、智力、知识和技能四个方面。从企业管理角度看,人力资源是资源的其中一种重要形式。所有能够为企业的生产和运营带来积极作用,并产生实际效益的元素,我们都称之为资源,即资产的来源。其中包

2、括:资本资源:投资资本金信息资源:咨询公司的知识库自然资源:资源能源行业技术资源:高新技术产业关系资源:公共关系人力资源:调动各种其他资源,具有主观能动性;企业健康运营的润滑剂;劳动者各种能力的总和;是企业各种资源的重要组成部分。哪种资源对于企业盈利最关键?资金?关系?技术?人才!Why?其它都是死的,只有人是具有智能的!人可以合理调动各种资源,优化资源结构,达到资源利用的最大化。老板的作用:确保人尽其才员工的作用:确保物尽其用人力具有两方面特性:(1)体力特性:企业进行生产活动的必要条件(2)脑力特性:企业进行生产活动的充分条件So, 人力资源是现代企业的第一资源!(1)人事管理: 1880

3、年以前,手工业阶段,按件计费。类似于现在“外包”的概念。雇主眼中的人力只意味着成本。涉及模块招聘和薪酬。工作内容仅涉及招聘、考勤、工资发放、人事手续办理。(2)现代人力资源管理: 1919年,约翰R康芒斯在产业荣誉和产业政府两本著作里提出“人力资源”的概念。最大化挖掘员工的潜力并给予发挥平台,为企业谋利。激励制度出现。雇主开始把人力作为企业重要的资源看待。涉及模块规划、绩效、薪酬、招聘、培训以及员工关系。(3)精益人力资源管理:现代人力资源管理的加强版,使六大模块相互关联更加紧密,目标更加一致,即合力最大化开发员工价值(4)战略人力资源管理:新世纪企业应对快速变化的商业环境的法宝。这个阶段,人

4、力资源管理已成为企业战略发展的一部分。企业不同时期的不同发展战略,要相应的调整人力资源管理策略以帮助顺利达成企业战略目标。A.人力资源规划B.目的:结合企业发展战略,通过对企业资源状况以及人力资源管理现状的分析,找到未来人力资源工作的重点和方向,并制定具体的工作方案和计划,以保证企业目标的顺利实现。C.方法:对企业人力资源管理现状信息进行收集、分析和统计,依据这些数据和结果,结合企业战略,制定未来人力资源工作的方案D.结果:确保企业在任何时期均有结构分布合理、数量充足的高质量人才储备B. 员工的招聘与配置目的:把合适的人放在合适的岗位上方法:面试(情景模拟、心理测试、劳动技能测试)考核:控制招

5、聘成本,提高招聘效率结果:帮助企业引入符合企业经营战略规划要求的高质量人才C. 薪酬与福利管理目的:为不同岗位和职位的员工确定不同的薪资数额和组成结构方法: 制定薪酬策略-工作分析-薪酬调查-薪酬结构设计-薪酬分级和定薪-薪酬制度的控制和管理结果:引入人才后,维持人才在一定时期内为企业所用D. 绩效管理目的:为员工指明努力的方向以及达成后能够获得的奖励方法:建立公司有效的绩效考核制度和相应激励机制程序和方法-达成公司全体职工,特别是管理人员对绩效考评的认同、理解和操作的熟知-绩效考评制度的执行与完善-公司整体工作绩效的改进和提升结果:人尽其才,使员工在所在岗位充分发挥自身能力E. 员工培训与发

6、展目的:提高员工的工作能力、知识水平和潜能发挥,最大限度的使员工的个人素质与工作需求相匹配,进而促进员工工作绩效的提高方法:组织学习、培训。包括公司内部培训师及外部咨询公司培训师负责开展。形式有讲授法、操作示范法、案例研讨法。结果:提高员工能力上限值F:员工关系定义:劳动者和用人单位在劳动过程中建立的社会经济关系,即劳资关系目的:处理劳资双方关系;解决劳资双方的矛盾;企业用人的基础方法:签订劳动合同,试用期考核,员工续约,解除劳动合同,处理劳动仲裁结果:保证了企业用人的合法性专业叫法:Master of Industrial and Labor RelationsMasters degree

7、in Human Resources ManagementMA in Human Resources Development所属学院:商学院(就业好,看重申请者leadership)劳工关系学院(就业好)继续教育学院专业特点:美国的人力资源专业,非常侧重员工关系这块,即劳资关系与劳资谈判方面的内容。专业分支(Cornell为例):Human Resources & OrganizationsCollective RepresentationDispute ResolutionLabor Market PolicyInternational and Comparative Labor专业

8、课程:Collective BargainingLabor and Employment LawStatistical Methods for the Social SciencesOrganizational BehaviorLabor EconomicsHumanResource Management来源: ams/degrees/MILR/index.html Research Process and MethodologyFoundations of HRWorkplace EthicsHuman Capital AnalyticsStrategic Thinking in HRMPS

9、 HR CapstoneTheories of Diversity and InclusionGlobal Compensation and BenefitsTalent Management and Career Management来源: er-of-professional-studies-in-human-resources-management 人力资源的学校(共人力资源的学校(共27/200所)所)第一梯队:14所Cornell UniversityGeorgetown UniversityNew York UniversityVanderbilt UniversityUniver

10、sity of GeorgiaUniversity of Minnesota-Twin CitiesThe Penn State UniversityUniversity of Illinois at Urbana ChampaignGeorge Washington UniversityOhio State UniversityTexas A&M UniversityPurdue UniversityRutgers UniversityMichigan State University第二梯队:13所Marquette UniversityUniversity of South Ca

11、rolinaHofstra UniversityWest Virginia UniversityPace UniversityUniversity of TennesseeLoyola University ChicagoUniversity of St. ThomasCatholic University of AmericaTemple UniversityDePaul UniversityUniversity of LouisvilleSt. Marys University of MinnesotaCornell UniversityGeneral Information:Master

12、 of Industrial and Labor Relations (MILR )2 years, 48 creditsTracks:Human Resources and Organizations (Hot!)Collective RepresentationDispute ResolutionLabor Market PolicyInternational and Comparative LaborDeadline:Round 1 - January 1st Round 2 - February 15th Requirements:Areas of study - Successful

13、 applicants have undergraduate (and graduate) degrees from a wide variety of majors including: the social sciences, humanities, psychology, business, history, law and others Work experience - Work experience is not required, but a majority of applicants for the professional masters programs (MILR an

14、d MPS) have spent a few years in the workplace. The MILR program is intended for students with 1-4 years of work experience Transcripts - From all colleges or universities youve attended must be submitted. There is no specific minimum grade point average used as a cut-off mendations - 2 academic men

15、dations are required. Some applicants may want to submit professional mendations instead of academic ones, which is permitted.Interviews - After your online MILR application has been submitted you will be invited to record an online video interview. Resume - All applicants are required to submit a r

16、esume with their application. Statement of Purpose - MILR applicants are required to submit a statement of purpose with their application. Required tests - All applicants are required to submit test scores. Applicants may take either the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or Graduate Management Admissions T

17、est (GMAT). The GRE is our preferred test.TOEFL - 100 in totalListening: 15 Reading: 20 Speaking: 22 Writing: 20 Class Profile: Average Class size: 58.5 students Average age: 27 Average years of work experience: 4.1 years Mean GRE: 159 Verbal; 156 Quantitative;4.3 Analytical Mean TOEFL: 104 Internat

18、ional Population: 29%University of Minnesota-Twin CitiesGeneral Information:MA in Human Resources and Industrial Relations2 years for full-time mode, 48 creditsCore courses: 24 creditsElective courses: 24 creditsCarlson商学院的旗舰项目。无论从师资还是研究实力、毕业生就业情况几项影响因素考评,都是很不错的。师资堪称全北美HR专业的明星阵容。大公司的宠儿。HR领域Networkin

19、g,明大很不错。有国际交流机会,international ExperienceDeadline: February 1st followed by rolling admission until program is full Tuition: $29,548 per year Requirements:Resume: Please upload your resume in the University application. Your formatting should be the same as if you are applying for a job.Transcripts G

20、RE or GMAT scores:All applicants are required to take either the GRE or GMAT. Scores must be from within the past five years. Average GRE scores for admitted students are 490 verbal and 610 quantitative. Letters of mendation:We require three letters of mendation. Work-related letters are acceptable,

21、 but for recent graduates of academic programs, we prefer at least two letters from former professors English Language Proficiency Exam (if required) :Internet-based: 79 (with 21 on the writing section, 19 on the reading section) ; IELTS: 6.5 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign General Informati

22、on:Masters degree in Human Resources and Industrial Relations (MHRIR)1.5 years,48 creditsCore Courses:LER 591-Employment Relations Systems LER 593-Quantitative Methods (statistics) Elective Courses: fiveTracks:Human Resource Management and Organizational BehaviorUnion Management and Labor Relations

23、PolicyLabor Markets and EmploymentInternational Human Resource Management. UIUC借力较强的工科教学实力开设了Social technical system Employment Relations Systems实用性较强的课程,这两门课也是目前企业很感兴趣的Concern. UIUC对于有工作经验的人一向是青睐有加,这一点的考量对于HR这样专业性较强的专业来说也无可厚非,录取难度上也是整个HR项目的顶级水平,录取中有对于GRE和Female的倾向。而且UIUC的HR项目非常注重其student body的diver

24、sityDeadline: February 1 Requirements: The Admissions and Financial Aid Committee will evaluate your admission to LER based on the whole picture - what youve studied and where, how well you did in your classes, your GRE or GMAT scores, your prior work experience, and what your references have to say

25、 about you. Our admissions process is not formula-driven. Instead, we make informed decisions about you based on your whole background. We encourage a wide variety of students to apply because we find that different majors, ethnic backgrounds, and work experiences enrich our classes. Class Profile:C

26、lass size: 200 students, 35% international, 72% Female35% of the students had a year or more of work experience Average age at entrance was 24Michigan State University General Information:Master of Human Resources and Labor Relations (MHRLR)2 years, 36 creditsCourse Areas:Human Resource Management S

27、trategy and Firm Performance International HR & LR Organizational Change Leadership Workplace Law Labor Relations Analytical Skills for HR & LR HR和IR的课程是并重的,偏重统计的项目。开设了Statistical tools and metrics for analyses of HR/LR systems,所以对于一些数理背景比较薄弱的同学还是有一定挑战性的 。正常毕业的话一学期选3门课,课业负担并不算重。MSU所在地East La

28、nsing就是一座标准的大学城,国际学生比较多,MHRLR专业的国际生比例是15%,美国人和国际生的比例还是比较理想的,学费和生活费方面也相对较低,所以,MSU的MHRLR专业可以说是一个性价比很高的选择。Deadline:February 13 Requirements:For undergraduate applicants:Admission to the masters degree program is competitive. Particular emphasis is given to an applicants undergraduate junior-senior GPAs

29、, GRE or GMAT scores, letters of mendation, and statement of purpose and intent. The average junior-senior GPA of those who were admitted was 3.5. However, a somewhat lower GPA may be acceptable if other components of the application are strong.For applicants with more than 5 years work experience:A

30、n applicant with five or more years of relevant work experience can apply for admission without submitting GRE or GMAT test results. Relevant work experience is defined as employment in job(s) in the area of human resource management or labor relations. As with the regular admissions procedure, an a

31、pplicants undergraduate junior-senior GPAs, letters of mendation, and a statement of purpose and intent are required. A junior-senior GPA of 3.5 is preferred. However, a somewhat lower GPA may be acceptable if other components of the application are strong. Applications under the work experience opt

32、ion also need to include a resume that summarizes the applicants work experience and evidence, such as letters from employers, of relevant employment. Also, the statement of purpose should include a discussion of the role work experience has played in the applicants decision to apply to the program.

33、Following a review of these materials, the applicant may be granted initial admission to the masters program. Once admitted, the applicant takes three courses from the SHRLR curriculum including either LIR 832 (Data Sources) or LIR 809 (Labor Markets). If the applicant earns a grade of 3.5 or better

34、 in each course, the probationary admission will e a full admission and the student may complete the balance of the courses for the degree.先修课:An undergraduate micro-economics course with a 3.0 grade or better An undergraduate behavioral science course with a 3.0 grade or better An undergraduate sta

35、tistics course with a 3.0 grade or better 偏重统计的项目!One set of official transcriptsGRE or GMAT scores Three letters of mendationStatement of purpose and intent For those applying under the general admissions procedure, the statement should describe your career goals and objectives, and explain why you

36、 believe our masters program in human resources and labor relations will help you achieve those goals and objectives. For those applying under the work experience procedure, the statement should discuss how your decision to pursue our masters degree was influenced your previous work experience, desc

37、ribe your career goals and objectives, and explain why you believe our masters program in human resources and labor relations will help you to leverage your experience and achieve your goals.Resume and other evidenceTOEFL:100 (with no sub-scores below 19 and no writing sub-score below 22) ;IETLS7.0O

38、hio State University General Information:Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)43.5 credits, three hours of internship, a comprehensive masters examination (类似于thesis defense)开设在大名鼎鼎的Fisher商学院下,强调学生的leadership申请难度比较大,中国人喜欢的学校就业非常好,学校的 Career Service对于国际学生来说也是很不错的,老师很重视国际生的就业情况,经常会找在读学生开会,Mock In

39、terview之外优秀的alumni会给在读学生workshop,面试辅导之余还有机会做networkingRequirements:TranscriptsGRE or GMATTOEFL or IELTSDetailed Resume This is your opportunity to showcase your employment history, extracurricular and/or community activities, language skills, and military record, if applicable. Letters of mendation

40、You need at least three (3) references that can speak to your potential to be successful in the program. We mend at least two of your letters of reference be from academic sources.Original essays We cannot overstate the importance of the essays as an opportunity to present yourself to us in a meanin

41、gful, in-depth way. We encourage you to invest time in your essays, be genuine, and include examples with the points you make. Deadline: November 14 !文书文书操作难度:中等CV:1-2页,重点描述工作、实习经历RL:普遍要求3封,建议2封学校推荐信+1封实习推荐信PS:1-2页, why MS, interested focus, career goal, why think us can help you achieve career goal

42、, why school, qualification descriptionEssay: plishments(academic, professional, extracurricular), leadership, analysis of political, economic or legal factors influence on human resource practice 案例案例Cornell北京林业大学, 人力资源专业GPA3.63,GMAT720,T103搜狐人力资源部工作1年,学生活动很丰富UIUC中国人民大学,人力资源专业GPA3.4,GMAT690,T106国内人力资源咨询公司实习OSU上海交通大学,人力资源专业GPA3.3,GMAT680


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