1、 张连仲 北京外国语大学 全国基础外语教育研究培训中心常务副理事长教育部基础教育英语课程标准研制组核心成员l全球化与中国的发展l世界“工厂”与世界“办公室” ,中印之比l从中等职业教育看我们教育改革的紧迫l话语权与话语“力”l面向大众的英语教育与经典精英专业英语教育l教育经济学l人文教育观“The future of English lies in the hands of the Chinese and Indians.” English Next-David Gradoll -English as an international language, as a lingua Franca,
2、the implication:more learners,more varieties,learning for international communication, not to become native;-information era has made English one of the basic skills for social and personal development;lEnglishes - CHINESE English as one of the varietieslInternational EnglishlWorld EnglishlGlobal En
3、glishlChallenge to nativeness or nativism?lFrom Knowledge to Knowledge “ Now”ledgeBe able to create your own knowledge lChina remains a developing country with great diversity in her economic, social and educational progress;lGaps between the coastal provinces and cities and more remote inland provi
4、nces are obvious;lChina as the “world factory”lThe countrys endeavour to catch up with the development of the world lThe national policy of building a “harmonious society” to benefit alllSustainable development: from “China made” to “China designed, created, invented”lThe aim: Peaceful growth and ri
5、se of China to live with the international worldlThe goal: Education for all, Quality education for alll新理念-以人为本,为了人的和谐发展;l新课标-语言教学目标多维化l新教材- 各学段新教材的开发,引进和合作出版l新模式- 任务型语言教学模式l新评价- 形成性和终结性评价的结合,能力立意,考查语言应用能力的测评体系的研究建立l体现了我国对国际竞争态势下增强中华民族生存力的思考与决策l英语课程标准的设计与实施力求使英语教育为提升综合国力服务l新课标在许多方面都有突破、发展与提高:lLearn
6、ing foreign languages helps learners to know better of the other culture, to understand better of their ownlLearning a foreign language can enable people to become more open minded and to overcome barriers of communicationlEnglish is important for China to implement “opening door” policylEnglish can
7、 help to enhance, strengthen national “soft power”Learning English means more than knowing the rules and words, it means to learn to use the language TO GET INFORMATION AND FOR COMMUNICATION To think creatively,develop your mind and intelligencelHumanistic spiritlStudent centred language learning lG
8、eneral language ability lTask based/supported approach (interaction and cooperation ) lTextbook and other materials as resources lFrom testing to assessment lIn order to achieve the aim, students need to learn and develop:language knowledge and communicative functionslanguage skillslearning strategi
9、es(learning how to learn)cultural awarenesspositive attitude to learning (affect)综合语言运用能力国际视野祖国意识合作精神自信意志兴趣动机语言知识话题功能语法词汇语音语言技能听 说 读 写学习策略资源策略交际策略调控策略认知策略文化意识文化知识文化理解跨文化交际情感态度L 8L 7 L 6L 5S e n i o r h i g h graduationL 9Primary graduation9 year compulsoryL 2L 4L 3L 1lEvolutionary steps, revolutiona
10、ry effectlGradual, steady,flexible;lInternationalisationlLocalisationlSimplificationlRelocationlSystemisationlindividualisatinl各级政府对课程改革重要性的认识跟不上改各级政府对课程改革重要性的认识跟不上改革的要求,增加了推进的难度革的要求,增加了推进的难度l教育体制的调整跟不上改革的推进速度,使教育体制的调整跟不上改革的推进速度,使课程改革面临着许多制度性障碍课程改革面临着许多制度性障碍l课程改革的专业支撑体系建设跟不上改革的课程改革的专业支撑体系建设跟不上改革的进程,
11、使课程改革缺少坚强后盾进程,使课程改革缺少坚强后盾 l教师队伍专业素质的提高跟不上改革的步伐,教师队伍专业素质的提高跟不上改革的步伐,制约了新课程的有效推进制约了新课程的有效推进lConstraints and variables in reality to obstruct the implementation of the new curriculum: - class size (often 50 and over) - limited resource and learning time- discrepancy between desired or required language
12、 level and the actual language level of the learners, especially in the rural areas- students learning habits and expectations- classroom teaching controlled by testing orientationlSocial and parental understanding and expectation of language learning objectives and outcome;lAssessment and evaluatio
13、n criterion and practice;lPositive and efficient government administrative and financial support lShortage of qualified teachers of English and change of teachers beliefs; lLack of context for language use (living with the language) makes it necessary and realistic to focus on the “basics or fundame
14、ntals of language”lwith class size often exceeds 60 students, it is only practical to do well structured and controlled class teachinglMore exercise means more practice,which leads to mastering of the language lIt is necessary to prepare the students as early as possible for the NMET or other import
15、ant, high stake tests, lTeaching for the test, through prep tests,lStudents will learn, or learn more and better with pressure from constant testing along the teaching process;lFormative testing is for show onlylI Learning:individual,integration,interaction,internalization,independence,intelligence改
16、革是渐进的过程l多样化是方向l个性化是根本l新的教育文化:民主、平等、理性l外语教育是系统工程(政策设计、管理体制、 教学实施、评价改革互相匹配)l冷静、平和看待语言教学的发展中的问题l多研究问题和解决的方法,l“和而不同”还是“同而不和”?l适应信息社会发展对人才的需求l综合语言应用能力-用语言获取信息、处理信息、整合加工信息的能力,英语思维的能力,与世界交往的能力l人格塑造和人的可持续性全面发展lEffectiveness, Efficiency1.grammatical competence (the use of appropriate grammar, vocab and pronu
17、n)2 sociolinguistic competence( the use of style,register and intonation in appropriate context and setting)3 discourse competence (cohesion in form and coherence in thought)4 strategic competence (the use of verbal and non-verbal communication stra)lInput processing; Patten(1993): 1. Present one th
18、ing at a time; 2. Keep meaning in focus; 3. Move from sentence to connected discourse 4. Use both oral and written input; 5. Have the learner “do” something with the input; 6. Keep the learners processing strategies in mind l1英语课程标准课程目标五个因素中不少教师在教学中只关注“语言知识”和“语言技能”,而忽视其他方面。l2高中英语教学中如何处理和协调听、说、读、写等技能
19、的教学。高中阶段是否应侧重阅读教学。读与听、说、写的教学比例?l目前的高考模式,把词汇和语法讲到位、练到位,不用教材也照样能应付,而且有可能分数更高。教材的作用究竟是什么?(能吗?)l6高考对高中英语教学的压力很大,不少教师教学的目标主要是瞄准高考。高考中不能体现课标精神和要求的方面,在平时的教学中则不重视或忽视。(评价体系的建构,需要我们的追求、信任和参与)l如何处理教材中的课标词汇?如何把握词汇讲解的深度?课标词汇应教到什么程度?l教材Reading板块中词汇比较集中,需要花大量课时专门处理这些词汇吗? l教材中语法版块安排和处理体现了课标精神,但与平时各地模拟考试的要求有些差距,如何把握
20、高中英语语法教学的深度?小学:小学:1 开设起始年级的研究;开设起始年级的研究;2 学生认知能力发展状态与教学规律;学生认知能力发展状态与教学规律;3 儿童母语系统和相应的思维习惯对英语儿童母语系统和相应的思维习惯对英语学习的影响作用;学习的影响作用;4 如何有效提高学生语音能力(打好语音如何有效提高学生语音能力(打好语音基础);基础);phonics(自然拼读法自然拼读法)与音标在与音标在语音学习中的作用;语音学习中的作用; 1 起点不一致带来的挑战(城乡差异、地区差起点不一致带来的挑战(城乡差异、地区差异)异)2 语法的隐性呈现和显形学习;语法的隐性呈现和显形学习;3 如何突破听说能力;如
21、何突破听说能力;4 评价体系的改革,如何发挥评价的本体功能,评价体系的改革,如何发挥评价的本体功能,促进学生学习;促进学生学习;1 重新认识英语教学的功能和目的:工具重新认识英语教学的功能和目的:工具性与人文性的统一;性与人文性的统一;2 高中英语教学的重点:如何在全面发展高中英语教学的重点:如何在全面发展的基础上,促进学生阅读能力的提高和的基础上,促进学生阅读能力的提高和深化;如何培养学生英语初步思维能力;深化;如何培养学生英语初步思维能力;3 拓展教学资源,提高学习效率,培养学拓展教学资源,提高学习效率,培养学生可持续发展能力;生可持续发展能力;4 高考的改革:促进还是制约课改?我们高考的
22、改革:促进还是制约课改?我们理解高考吗?理解高考吗?l语音是一个体系,不止是单音;语音是用来表意的;l语音不等于音标,音标是辅助工具;l音标和汉语拼音不等值;l汉语和英语两种语言的语音表意体系的异同;l功能性的语音观点(音位学/音系学)lElisionlSchwalSound stress; Word stress; Stress in sentenceslIntonation in questions and exclamations; Intonation of mood and feeling; Intonation of question tags; lLiaison; Linking
23、 sounds in connected SpeechlSense groupslRhythmlAccents l记单词但不要记记单词但不要记“单单”词,词, 也不要也不要“单单”记词记词;l在语境、语段中学单词,在体会、应用中掌握单词;l单词学习与技能发展的关系(听、读);l单词的量:记与用的辨证关系;l不要把英语单词等同于汉语的字,单词是意义单位,从语用角度看,意义单位应包括词组、短语等语用功能更强的结构。l小心滑倒 carefully falll苹果已洗,请放心食用 an apple a day,l福娃 friendlies,friendless, friend lies,Fuwa, C
24、an you name it? l更新语法理念:语法是语用的规则;l功能的三维语法:形式、意义和使用(Form, meaning and use)l呈现、讲解与要求掌握(presence,presentation and active use as required)l体现语境化、语用化趋势和努力;l语法试题语用化的不足、尴尬和带给教学的问题:l微语境是否充分?l试题本身的合理,恰当和大教学语境的不充分?l向教学传递的信息和教师的理解?l21. We went right round to the west coast by _ sea instead of driving across _
25、continent.l A. the theB. / the C. the / D. / / 2008 江苏高考l22. - Do you mind if I record your lecture?l - _. Go ahead.l A. Never mindB. No wayC. Not at allD. No, youd better not(现代英语交际中,NO所覆盖的否定部分的微妙变化)l23. - Is Peter there?l - _, please. Ill see if I can find him for you.l A. Hold up B. Hold onC. Hol
26、d outD. Hold offl(这种试题体现对词组、搭配和语境理解掌握的重视,对教学的引导作用,但也会被误解为要讲解更多的词语辨析,还是教师讲,学生记)l34. To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English _ as much as we can.l A. speakB. speakingC. spokenD. to speak( find opportunities to hear English ? find opportunities to LISTEN TO English?都是搭配闹的!)
27、l26. - It shouldnt take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.l - Thats right. _.l A. Many hands make light workB. Something is better than nothingl C. The more the merrierD. The sooner begin, the sooner done(谚语、习语立意好,是否在教学中有语境化呈现和理解?)l28. - Why do you suggest we buy a new mac
28、hine?l - Because the old one has been damaged _.l A. beyond reachB. beyond repair C. beyond control D. beyond descriptionl(注意没有阅读的语感提升,只能是讲出来的语言知识)l29. - They are quiet, arent they?l - Yes. They are accustomed _ at meals.lA. to talkB. to not talkC. to talkingD. to not talkingl(考两个点,上下文对选择的作用,问题:语言真实
29、性PLAUSIBLE?猜测概率?l30. It is _ to spend money on preventing illnesses by promoting healthy living rather than spending on trying to make people _ after they are ill.l A. good good B. well betterC. better betterD. better goodl(重形式排比感,后一个BETTER恰当性?l32. _ you eat the correct foods _ be able to keep fit a
30、nd stay healthy.l A. Only if will youB. Only if you willl C. Unless will youD. Unless you willl倒装表强调的测试利用价值与实用价值或使用频度,现代英语的发展(1) 了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能(2)在实际运用中体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能;(3) 理解和掌握描述人和物的表达方式;(4) 理解和掌握描述具体事件和具体行为的发生、发展过程的表达方式;(5) 初步掌握描述时间、地点、方位的表达方式;(6) 理解、掌握比较人、物体及事物的表达方式。FORMMEANINGUSETeacher:lSu
31、pervisor lHelperlInformation providerlSupporterPresentation in ReadingOutput(Internalizing)NoticingPracticing (Exercises)SummarizingGeneralizing the rulesFree use in other contextInteracting Student:LearnerlTime and intensityl时候与火候,l语法的教学过程是学生学习、应用与内化的过程lFrom process to processing-Why so big eyes?-
32、To see you clearly。-Why so big ears?- To hear you clearly。- Why so big mouth?- To eat you!(小红帽与大灰狼的对话)l从课本,一课之本;到教材,教学的材料;用教材教,不是教教材l教材资源化: - 多元化教材:高中7种 - 多维度教材设计:体现目标,多维建构 - 多样的外语教材:配套资源丰富, 形式多样:纸介、电子、网络、多媒体lInteresting 趣味lEntertaining 愉悦l Informative 新信息lCross-cultural 跨文化lLearners personal experi
33、ence & requirement 学习者个人经历和发展需求lSuitable lexical and Structural level 语言知识恰当lAttractive layout 版面安排lSuitable for exploitation 可拓展和利用的可能性l外语教育观念的变化之一:充分利用、有效整合、积极开发有利于中国学生英语学习的教学资源;l外语学习的特殊性:语言的输入遵循真实性、现实性、实用性的原则,特别需要新的资源的引入和应用,为学生提供生动语言、真实语境和有意义的语用练习和使用机会。教材是教学资源,教材的编写要适应、反映外语教育新的理论发展和教育目标l教材多样化
34、和教学资源(广义上的教材)的极大丰富是发展趋势,从纸介教材到多种媒体的信息平台,培养学生在信息时代的信息获取和利用能力l教师要发展对教学资源的选择,处理和整合及开发的能力(TREATMENT) l如何认识教材体例的变化?以学生发展为本:内容选择,体例安排和呈现方式反映学生语言学习的认知规律,采用线性,流程安排,不是以语言为核心,以知识和技能为主线,体现语言学习者在学习语言;l教学的根本目的就是促进学习l有效教学意味着:教学目标达成度高(全体/绝大多数学生)教学资源消耗较少(时间、精力和物资)教学过程快乐有趣(更高的学习积极性)学生学习能力提升(更强的学习能力)Society curriculu
35、m School classroom经理teachertextbookLanguage and language learnertestl教师的教学设计与实施要作到:l有学生有学生l有目标有目标l有操作设计有操作设计l有学习过程有学习过程l有交流、互动有交流、互动l有逻辑有逻辑l有效果有效果l以学生为中心(learner-centred)l以交际为目标(communication-oriented)l以活动为基础(activity-based)l教学中始终考虑学生的特点、需要和兴趣。l激活学生的参与积极性,关注学生活动的实效。l在教学的各个环节(备课、上课、作业和评价)充分考虑学生的作用。l鼓
36、励学生主动积极的学习,提高学习的自主性(autonomy)和合作意识。 lI Learning:linformationlindividual,lintegration,linteraction,linternalization,lindependence,lintelligencelBasic procedure: the 3 Ps model (presentation- practice- product) still teacher and teaching centered approach;lTaking a different view on it: (process- prob
37、lem solving - progress) focus shifted to learner and learning process;l所有的设计首先要考虑学生的程度和需要,l从有利学生学习角度设计学习流程,l考虑教学设计和实施的具体目标和逻辑联接l考虑学生与教师、学生与文本、学生之间的有效互动l真正有效的教学是学生在学习活动中自然顺畅地完成认知和内化;lTalk:we talk for others to understand,lTeacher talk: for students to learn,lFunction;demo, organise( transfer ),commen
38、t/evaluate,要注意:lThink logically (想清楚)lTalk clearly (说明白)lWith a purpose (有目的)lStep by step (分步骤)lShort,concise, to the point (短,精,准)lFocus on skill developmentlSkill(s) use with purpose (Why do I have to use a special skill for the activity?)lQuestions to check: lIs it useful ? lDid it work? lDid th
39、e students behave as I expected?lWhat can I do to make it more effective? l课件的功能:show(provide information)-watch(draw attention on the desired input)-respond(making use of the information for activity)-use(from information on the screen to the language internalised)l融入教学过程,符合学生认知需要l教学手段之一,必要时用,要有效利用
40、教学手段之一,必要时用,要有效利用l教师要驾驭教学过程教师要驾驭教学过程,不被课件所累不被课件所累着眼于促进学生、着眼于促进学生、教师、学校教师、学校发展发展,关注,关注学生综合素质。学生综合素质。在评价方面在评价方面全面贯彻党的教育方针,大力全面贯彻党的教育方针,大力推进素质教育,促进学生全面发展。推进素质教育,促进学生全面发展。在评价方面在评价方面建立以建立以促进学生发展为目标的评价体系促进学生发展为目标的评价体系。强调。强调对学生的综合素质进行评价:对学生的综合素质进行评价: 思想品德思想品德 公民素养公民素养 学习能力学习能力 交流与合作交流与合作 审美与表现审美与表现 运动与健康运动与健康评价体系应包括评价的内容、标准、评价方法评价体系应包括评价的内容、标准、评价方法和改进计划。和改进计划。u成长记录成长记录u激励性的评语激励性的评语u观察、访谈、观察、访谈、答辩答辩u自评、互评、自评、互评、家长评家长评 通过:通过:改进学业考试的内容和方法:改进学业考试的内容和方法:增强考试内容与现实生活的联系增强考试内容与现实生活的联系鼓励学生独立思考鼓励学生独立思考注重考查学生分析、解决问题的注重考查学生分析、解决问题的能力能力重视实践操作重视实践操作各科的考试测验从形式到内容都在发生各科的考试测验从形式到内容都在发生变化变化建立有利于实施素质教育、发
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