已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Degaes, sf: He.'ntherunutoteSpring1<we hed .ne sess,n o fou sfr,ea sCofeece203wIksip,fulback"20,caeul aayss o the cure nt skat on, dSccss 203 d lpmet pans.Heeonbealomyccmpany203wkeportsttheGenealAssemby,occnsieain.PiaI202backin20D XX power compaiesadhee t t he pays 1 ggea sii for gu.ancm

2、* ee .s mpl emette scetic crnuet of d elpmet, primll ng csteaeshi istr gy nrfcus on bploebain, ea nmaagem ent, ccntkuisy blrovesmotpre sent sl - .n o eteprse maag emet, bus nes ma nagement a nd cont o scentfc a nd - nrded and the dcatm I f saf manage a hamoiIusandd_l* amosphee o the goodsiuao.Ma&quo

3、t;,a os are - fl .t he batey i ndica IL pl-w!,e nerato to 785bum IW, beynd the annua budget impetao caof35miinkW,anincea-o77milonkW.Saes.a- "41 bH mlW, ece "ng sof 330 ml.nlW" annuaEcu- budge, an.cease19 mUniW. , . 1, m-suesupanedoutgls 25 tme.Nopesnali" a nt occure d, no mao a c

4、ciet a nd above no mjr fie accc de, out e nv.nme nta poZi on ac ns, s,- O thrre cnne - tve - astmaitansa-togoodposueBsinesfiancialidcatrs:totaprof-of25milonYuan,bmndteannualbudgetof20-milin YuaI , liyond te Daa I g ccm pay inex 43 milin YuaI,anincea-of."6milinYuan,FCMassse nt a .Ide fur.Eneggyp

5、owesup.sandadcacomp". 312.5 W,dwnilgkW'nttgatdluxla, pow er cnnumptinri5(2., down 0 K ,ol utat emins perormancegeatyred-cd ccmpae d tlst . a, - Lon019g/W,s>u di oxie 1101 g kW NOx 0512 g kW; .,emo filencyofmorethan998.Relai idex e quvnt la* facor i9>4%, iI-a sld "%' fom a yea

6、 ealer.Equvalet Ore d oulage ae 0JD% .% ed_t on o<er the se pei I d a yea “ e.Maoracimet s: ft we sould a dhee t ote tw o "maagement sstm" bass,senggheninge.nolgi cal reea ch, stegghe n hid n haads ccnt ol ad it.ntc ey EnteprseccnstuciontoknewsesThetwolanaggmet systm" O mprov-et Fo

7、cus on promotngte|oweoftheccmpaymanget .semadthe a,pl i land mpementat on of te saey lop fvesar mangentsystm,improvethesaeymaagementsstm,rralete.sem of saey ccntrl Furherrrguaescuiyrutnns,ey sue sionad managgmentnetwkroetoplytouhieve cl osedl oop. Stegghe ning t he lupe son and ma nigoet of haiua vi

8、ainIfsteggheningthesaey lupe i sin o ou su cing ccnta cts. Caarid ou i I spri ng and luum n of se cuiy ise .in* flod ccntr ol ad ise Uion, saey prod_tin mont, ddy lupe s on if prod_t onley ad teOympic'mes a nd ot he务川自治县黄都中心校工作制度(讨论稿)为了全面实施科教兴镇战略,落实科学发展观,切实转变教师和干部工作 作风,更好地发挥中心校成员的服务职能、教育职能,不断完善中

9、心校成员为 学校服务、为教师服务、为学生服务的长效机制,进一步加强对学校工作的管 理,促进基层工作,更快更多地了解基层学校的整体情况,做到上情下达,下 情上传,构建和谐教育,根据务川自治县教育科技局工作规则(试行),特制订本工作制度。一、中心校职能职责:1 .宣传贯彻执行党和国家的教育方针、 教育政策、教育法律和教育法规,贯 彻执行上级教育行政部门的行政规章。受教育科技局委托,主动争取所镇党委、 政府的领导和支持,负责辖区内各小学、幼儿园的教育教学管理;在县、镇人 民政府的领导下实施九年义务教育,扫除青壮年文盲,巩固提高"两基"成果;依法管理辖区内的民办中小学、幼儿园。2

10、.根据县级人民政府制定的教育事业发展规划,结合实际制定并组织实施本镇的教育事业发展规划。3 .按照教师的职数、编制和管理权限,负责对本镇学校的教师进行管理。4 .按照上级有关部门的规定,负责对本镇义务教育的财务和基建进行管理。5 .按照九年义务教育课程计划开齐课程开足课时,认真实施中小学的教育教 学管理,全面推进素质教育,全面提高教育教学质量。6 、组织并指导辖区内学校德育工作,全面贯彻落实 教师行为规范和中小学生守则,抓好“校风”、“教风”和“学风”建设。Delegates,staff: Hello!inthe run-upt otheSpri ng Festival,we held one

11、 sessi on offourstaffrepresentativesConference2013 -w orkshop,full back in 2012, careful analysi softhe curre ntsituati on, discuss2013 development plans.Here,onbehalf of my company2013 work re ports tot heGe neralAssem bly, for consideration.PillarI,2012 back i n2012, XXpower companiesadheretot hep

12、arty's 17 greatspiritforguida nce, compr ehe nsivelyimpl ementthe scientific concept of development, promoti ngcost-leadershi pstrategy,sta ndar ds,focus onimplementation,lea nmanagem ent,continuouslyimprove,smooth pre sentsafetysituation ofenterprise manag ement,busi ness ma nagement a ndcontr

13、olsci entifica nd sta ndar dized, and t hede dication ofstaff,manage aharmoniousa nd dem ocraticatmosphere ofthegoodsituation.Ma in indicat ors areas foll ows:-t hebattery i ndicat or:powerge nerationtotaled7.815billi on kWh,beyond theannual budget implementationcapacity of315 million kWh, an i ncre

14、a se of757 milli on k Wh.Salestotaled 7.425 billi on kWh,exce edi ng sales of330 millionkWh theannual Executivebudget,an increase of729million kWh.-Securitymeasures:unpl annedoutages2.5times.Nopersona linjury accide ntoccurre d,no majora ccidenta nda bove, no majorfire acci dents without e nvironme

15、ntal polluti ona cci dents, safety forthree consecutiveyears to maintai nstabilityt o good posture.Busi ness fina nci alindicator s:total pr ofits of255milli on Yua n,beyondthe a nnualbudget of 207 millionYua n,bey ond the Data ng com pany index41.89 millionYuan, an i ncrea se of1.76million Yua n,FC

16、Massessme ntatgrade four.-Energy: pow ersupplysta ndar d coal completing 312.25 g/kWh, dow n0.1 g /kWh; i ntegratedauxiliary pow er consumption ratioin5.12% ,down 0.26%; poll utantemissionsperformancegreatlyre duced compare d to lastyear,carbon 0.09 g /kWh,sulfurdi oxide0.104 g /kWhNOx0.512 g /kWh;

17、dust removalefficiency ofmoret han99.8%.-Reliability index:e quiv alentavailabilityfactorin 93.47%, increa sed 7.95% froma yearearlier.Equivalent force d outage rate 0.08%,0.16% reducti on over the sameperi od ayearearli er.Major achievement s:first,weshould a dheret othe tw o"management system

18、"basis,stre ngtheni ngtechnologi calresear ch, strengthe n hidde n hazards contr oland intrinsicsafetyEnterprise constructiont ooknewsteps. -T hetw o "management system"forimprovement. Focus on promoting the power ofthecompany managementsystem andthe appli cation andimplementation oft

19、he safetyloopfive-star managementsystem,improvethe safetymanagementsystem, realize thesystem ofsafetycontrol. Further regulate security routi nes, safetysupervi sionand managementnetworkr oleto playt oachieve cl osed-l oop.Strengthe ningt he supervi sion andma nagementofhabitualviolationof,strengthe

20、ni ngthesafetysupervi sionofout sour cing contra ctors. Carried out i nspri ng andautum n of se curityinspe ctions,flood contr oland inspe ction, safety producti on month, daysupervisi on ofproducti on safetyand theOlympi cGamesa nd ot her7 、严格财经制度,严肃财经纪律,增收节支,不断改善全镇各小学办学条件。8 、负责本地方教师队伍的建设,培养、培训教师,保

21、证教师合格率达标。全面抓好中小学教师继续教育和有关培训工作,努力建设一支思想好、作风正、业务精的教师队伍。9、负责本镇学校校长的考核,按干部管理权限报送有关部门审批,聘任校长。10 、负责管理本乡镇小学学籍,负责管理所属学校国有资产,负责管理辖区内社会力量办学。12 、完成常规性工作。二、各内设机构职责(一)中心校校长职责兼任党支部书记,全面负责黄都中心完小工作和本镇各小学的管理工作。主管人事劳资、财务、教育督导及学校布局调整工作。(一)教务处职责主要负责学校教学业务常规和办公室工作,协助校长分管全镇学校教研教改、教师业务档案、学生学籍管理、学前教育工作。主管本镇基础教育、学校德育、教师教育(

22、师训)等工作;组织教师开展教研、教改活动和教育教学论文,经验总结的撰写推介工作。(二)成教处职责负责全镇学校财务、工会、远程教育、成人教育、关工委工作、和学校办公用品、图书、仪器采购工作。主管成人教育、职业教育、教育督导、文化普查等工作。对民办学校教育教学、财务、安全、师资等工作的指导和督查。ctivities,compre hensive andtamping SafetyFoundation .Troubl eshooti ng,manageme ntmechanism, givefull playtorole oftechnicalsupe rvision andrealizationo

23、ftroubleshooting, management,impr oved process management.Thisyearcompleted t heboiler l ower hea derleakage, boil er pressure,a majorri sk management, completed29 ofgreat risksand 3 Generalproblemsofgover nance. Complete chemi stry lab constr uction,thermalcontrol,and completet he boilerscale integ

24、ratedmanagement, hostshaftingvi bration of10 scie ntificand technologi calpr ojects,such a s.Completesupercriti cal630MW on-line simulation systemdevel opme ntandapplicati on ofcir culati ngwater MCCstandby powertransformation,thetransformationofde sulfuri zation w astewater,the unitwater supplysyst

25、em ofcomprehensivetreatmentand discharge valvemodificationofcoalmill5keytechnologi caltransformation projects,grouphealth is improve d. -Science andtechnology innovati onis furt herincrease d.Strengthenthe characteristics ofsuper critical unitmajorissue s,gradua llycleari ng theparti cularity ofsupe

26、rcritical unita nd reg ularity. Developedmotoroiltime management,switch acti on times, statistics, coal -ai dedmeasurementsoftware,improvesthe pr oductionlevel oflean manageme nt. Increase dinvestmenti n sci enceand technology, reporting science andtechnology proje ctsand 14 techni calpr ojecttotal

27、cost perce ntageofthe totalannualproduction outputof0.25%."Large -scale coal -fired powerpla ntfluegas de sulfurization,de nitrification com plete devel opme ntandapplication ofkey technologies" pr oje ct, wonthe nati onal scie nce andte chnology progre ssse cond prize. 630M Wsupercriti ca

28、lunitsoptimized controlstrategies andthe630MW developmentand application of on -line simulation systemforsupercriticalunits,super critical600M W units of turbi nedrive n boilerfeed pump setofcom prehe nsive treatment ofdefects Data ngtechnol ogyrespectivelyone ortwoand third.Meanwhile ,informationte

29、chnology acheivements,t he companywas named "China power i nformation te chnol ogy be nchmarking enter prise s." -Re pairandmaintenancehas im provedfurt her.M odifythe inspecti onsta ndar dsa nd sta ndards on aregular basis,standar dizing work pr ocedure s,checki ng andtechnologi calresear

30、 ch, strengthe n hidde n hazards contr oland intrinsicsafetyEnterprise constructiont ooknewsteps. -Thetw o "management system"forimprovement. Focus on promoting the power ofthecompany managementsystem andthe applicationand implementation ofthesafetyloopfive-star managementsystem,improvethe

31、 safetymanagementsystem, realize thesystem ofsafetycontrol. Further regulatesecurity routi nes, safetysupervi sionand managementnetworkr oleto playt oachieve cl osed-l oop.Strengthe ningthe supervi sion andmanagementofhabitualviolationof,strengtheni ngthesafetysupervi sionofout sour cing contra ctor

32、s. Carriedout i nspri ng andautumn of se curityinspections,flood controland inspe ction, safety production month, daysupervision ofproduction safetyand theOlympi cGamesa nd ot her(三)总务处职责主要负责全镇学校后勤工作,分管学校财务记帐、学校工程建设工作。主管基建维修、财务会计、教材图书发行等工作。全面负责寄宿生生活补助资金发放工作,严格执行财经法规,严肃财经纪律,规范收费行为。指导检查各学校财务工作。(四)安全维稳

33、办职责主要负责学校党风廉政建设和学校廉政文化进校园工作,主管全镇各学校安全维稳、文体卫生、 “普实”工作。 在党总支的直接领导和上级团委的指导下,指导和督促学校团支部、少先队大队组织开展团的日常工作和各项团队活动,对团队工作进行全面部署、总体规划。三、考勤制度为严肃考勤纪律,进一步提高黄都中心校管理工作的制度化、科学化、规范化水平,保持正常的教育教学工作秩序,保证教学计划、教学目标的贯彻实施,制定本考勤制度。(一)、考勤时间1 、坐班时间:夏季:上午8:2011:00下午14:3017:00冬季:上午8:3011:10下午14:0016:303、会议:各种会议的开始到结束。(二)、考勤要求:1

34、、上班不迟到、不早退,有事有病要请假,上班时间不能擅自离岗。ctivities,compre hensive andtamping SafetyFoundation .Troubleshooti ng, managementmechanism, givefullplaytorole of technicalsupervision andrealizationoftroubleshooting, management,improved process management.Thisyearcompleted theboiler lower hea derleakage,boil er press

35、ure,a majorri sk management, completed29ofgreat risksand3 Generalproblemsofgovernance. Complete chemi stry lab construction,thermalcontrol,and completethe b oilerscale integratedmanagement, hostshaftingvi bration of10 scie ntificand technologicalpr ojects,such as.Completesupercriti cal630MW on-line

36、simulation systemdevelopme ntandapplication ofcir culati ngwater MCCstandby powertransformation,thetransformation ofdesulfuri zation w astewater,the unitwater supplysystem ofcomprehensivetreatmentand discharge valvemodificationofcoalmill5keytechnologi caltransformation projects,grouphealth is improv

37、e d.-Science andtechnology innovati onis furt herincrease d.Strengthenthe characteristics ofsuper critical unitmajorissues,gradua llycleari ng theparti cularity ofsupercriticalunita nd reg ularity. Developedmotoroiltime management,switch acti on times, statistics, coal -ai dedmeasurementsoftware,imp

38、rovesthe productionlevel oflean management. Increase dinvestmentin scienceand technology, reporting science and technologyproje ctsand 14 technicalpr ojecttotal cost perce ntageofthe totalannualproduction outputof0.25%."Large -scale coal -fired powerplantfluegas desulfurization,de nitrification

39、 complete developme ntandapplication ofkey technologies" pr oje ct, wonthe national scie nce andte chnology progressse cond prize. 630M Wsupercriti calunitsoptimized controlstrategies andthe630MW developmentand application of on-line simulation systemforsupercriticalunits,super critical600M W u

40、nits of turbinedrive n boilerfeed pump setofcom prehe nsive treatment ofdefects Datangtechnol ogyrespectivelyone ortwoand third.Meanwhile ,informationtechnology acheivements,the companywasnamed "Chinapower i nformation technology be nchmarkingenter prise s."-Repairandmaintenancehas improve

41、dfurt her.M odifythe inspectionsta ndar dsa nd sta ndards on aregular basis,standar dizing work pr ocedure s,checki ng andtechnologi calresear ch, strengthen hidden hazardscontr oland intrinsicsafetyEnterprise constructiont ooknewsteps. -Thetwo "management system"forimprovement. Focus on p

42、romoting the power ofthecompany managementsystem andthe appli cation andimplementation ofthe safetyloopfive-star managementsystem,improvethe safetymanagementsystem, realize thesystem ofsafetycontrol. Further regulate security routi nes, safetysupervi sionand managementnetworkr oleto playt oachieve c

43、losed-l oop.Strengthe ningt he supervi sion andma nagementofhabitualviolationof,strengtheni ngthesafetysupervi sionofout sour cing contra ctors. Carriedout i nspri ng andautumn of se curityinspections,flood contr oland inspe ction, safety production month,daysupervisi on ofproducti on safetyand theO

44、lympi cGamesa nd ot her2、教师凡要参加外出学习、开会、听课等活动,须事先调好课由教导处安排代课。(三)凡不能正常上班者,均需严格按程序办理请假手续。1 、事假:凡请事假者,提前半天写好请假条,并由校长审批方可。事假1-3天由各小学校长审批,4 7 天,由中心学校校长审批,8 天以上(含8 天)由县教育局审批。2、病假:请病假必须出示医院证明。因病急,不能上班,必须及时通过电话或其他方式请假,以便安排工作,病愈后需补办请假手续。病假3 天内由各小学校长审批,4 15 天,由中心学校校长审批,16 天(含 16 天)以上由县教育局审批(需出具市级以上医院病休诊断证明)。3、

45、公假:由学校批准的因公离岗者,视为公假,由校长审批。4、教职工病、事假期满,要主动回学校销假上班;确需续假的,按规定程序履行续假手续。5、凡不能正常上班,又不办理请假手续或擅自离岗者均按旷工处理。6、婚假、产假按有关规定办理。(五)、考勤奖励和扣发各校校长和教师考勤情况纳入绩效考核范围。1 、迟到:迟到1 次 30 分钟内扣2 元, 31 60 分钟扣 3 元,一小时以上按半天计算,扣5 元。2、事假每天扣20 元。一学期累计超过11 天(含 11 天)按每天25 元扣。不够,从其它部分扣。3、病假每天扣5 元。一学期累计超过21 天(含 21 天)按每天25 元扣。不够,从其它部分扣。cti

46、vities,compre hensive andtamping SafetyFoundation .Troubleshooti ng,managementmechanism, givefullplaytorole oftechnicalsupervision andrealizationoftroubleshooting, management,impr oved process management.Thisyearcompleted theboiler lower hea derleakage,boil er pressure,a majorrisk management, comple

47、ted29ofgreat risksand3 Generalproblemsofgover nance. Complete chemi stry lab constr uction,thermalcontrol,and completethe boilerscale integratedmanagement, hostshaftingvi brationof10 scientificand technologi calpr ojects,such as.Completesupercriti cal630MW on-line simulation systemdevel opme ntandap

48、plicati on ofcir culati ngwater MCCstandby powertransformation,thetransformationofde sulfuri zation w astewater,the unitwater supplysystem ofcomprehensivetreatmentand discharge valvemodificationofcoalmill5keytechnologi caltransformation projects,grouphealth is improved. -Science andtechnology innova

49、ti onis furt herincrease d.Strengthenthe characteristics ofsupercritical unitmajorissues,gradua llycleari ng theparti cularity ofsupercritical unita nd reg ularity. Developedmotoroiltime management,switch action times, statistics, coal -ai dedmeasurementsoftware,improvesthe pr oductionlevel oflean m

50、anagement. Increase dinvestmentin scienceand technology, reporting science andtechnology proje ctsand 14 technicalpr ojecttotal cost perce ntageofthe totalannualproduction outputof0.25%."Large-scale coal-fired powerpla ntfluegas de sulfurization,de nitrification complete developme ntandapplicat

51、ion ofkey technologies" pr oje ct, wonthe national scie nce andte chnology progre ssse cond prize. 630MWsupercriti calunitsoptimized controlstrategies andthe630MW developmentand application of on -line simulation systemforsupercriticalunits,super critical600MW units of turbinedrive n boilerfeed

52、 pump setofcom prehensive treatment ofdefects Data ngtechnol ogyrespectivelyone ortwoand third.Meanwhile ,informationtechnology acheivements,the companywas named "Chinapower i nformation te chnol ogy be nchmarking enterprise s." -Re pairandmaintenancehas im provedfurt her.M odifythe inspec

53、tionsta ndar dsa nd sta ndards on aregular basis,standardizing work procedure s,checki ng andinspectionpr oject.Dee peni ngthe BFS+system,and implementsmaintenanceinformationshared.ReorganizingR Blogicagain,a nd e nsure t he success ofthe RB.Innovatingthe mechanism of mainte nance manageme nt, imple

54、mente d aprojectmanager system.Successful completion oftwoautonomous mainte nance,relia bility improve dsteadily.Im plementi ngtwo c -levelmainte nance, proje ctthemselve s 48.7% and42.3%, respe ctively.Accompli sh two circulating pumps re pair andover haul offourMills,maintenance team s togetexerci

55、se.Promotethe work ofenergy saving and consumption re ducing, complete theunit energy consumptiondiagnosi s,pla ntwaterbala nce test, 10energy -saving proje cts.Second, we shoulda dhereto"three" on thee conomic benefits of improving,ch6Degaes, sf: He.'n the run u t ote Spri ng 1 <we

56、 hed .ne sess,n o fou sfr,ea sCofeece 203 w Iksip, ful back "20,caeulaayss o thecure nt skat on, dSccss 203 domet pans.Hee on beal o my ccmpany 203 wk e ports t t he Ge nealAssem by, o ccnsieain.19 milbnlW. . .,m-sues upaned oUtgls 25 tme.No pesna l ijUy acc nt occure d, no mao a cciet a nd abo

57、ve no maor ie accC de, out e nv.nme nta polUi on accntssa- for thrre cnne - tve - as tmaita nsa - t o good posueBsi nes ianci al idcatr s: tota precnolgi cal reea ch, stegghe n hid n haads ccnt ol ad itisc -fe,Entep-e ccnstucin t ook new sesT he tw o "managgmet s,stm" for .prov-et Focus on promotng te | owe of the ccmpay manget .semadthe a| plccain and mpementaton of te sae,lop I'esar mangentsystm, mproPila I 202 back i n 20D XX po r compaies Idhee t t he pays 7 gea sii for guda nce compr ee ,s mpl et teIcieic concet ofof


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