1、大学英语(三)-开放英语()已做作者:日期:南开大学现代远程教育学院考试卷2014-2015年度春季学期期末(2014.9)大学英语(三)考试形式:撰写课程作业1 . Th e re we rtwo sm a ll rooms in t he ho u se , _ser v e d as题号一二二四总分分数客观题答题纸:请将1-30题答案填写在如下表格中,否则成绩无效。12345678910CBBDCBCBAB111281920ABADCADCBC21222324252627282930ACDADDDCAB一、单选题(共10小题,每题2分,共计20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入
2、空白处的最佳选项,请答案填写在“客观题答题纸”上,否则成绩无效。abathroom.A . t he smallest ofw hich? ? ? B . the smalle s t oft hemC. the smallerof whi cD. sma1 les tth a t2. I t is not untilyouh av elo s tyou r hea 1 thyou knowits v alue.A.u nti l? ?B . wh? C.what? D. that3. Het alk s as if heevery thing in th e w o r1 d.A.k no
3、wsB.k n ewC. ha d kno w nD.l d hav e known4 . Nev e r befor eseesuch a t e rrible c arci den t ontheroad!A. I hB.have? ? C. I did5 . Thegirlmeti m eas d if6cultyhat thete a chersays i nclas s.derstandB.understandingD.u n d e rsto o dC.tounderstand6. Thepaintisstillwet.A.Benotsuretotouchit!?B.Besuren
4、ottotouchit!C.Besuretonottouchit!?D.Donztbesuretotouchit17. Thestudentstheirpapersbytheendofthismonth.A.havefinished?B.willbefinishingC.willhavefinished?D.havebeenfinishing8. .Didthemedicinemakeyoufeelbetter?-No.Themore,_Ifeel.A. medicineI take; an d the wor s e?B . medici n e I take; t h eworseC.It
5、akemedicine;theworse?D.Itakemedicine;worse9. Therewassomuchnoiseintheclassroomthattheteachercouldntmakehimself.A.heardB.hearing?C.tohearD.hear10.Thisovercoatcost_.Whatsmore,theyaresma1lforme.A.verymuch;very?B.toomuch;muchtooC.muchtoo;toomuch?D.verymuch;toomuch二、完型填空(共10小题,每题2分,共计2。分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A
7、ife.Itsikehavingamaptoshowyouwhereyouwanttog13 driv e rs. On eThinkofitthisway.Therearef o un d on a14 time orhasadestinationinmindmap.Shecandrivestraight(hergoal)whichcanbetherewithoutanywrong turns . Th e other driverhasnogoalordestinationormap.Shestartsoffatthesametimefromthesamep1aceasthefirstdr
16、B.criminalC.harmfulD.costly22.TheresearchdonebytheDementcommissionshowsthatAmericansA. dontliketotakenapsB. areterriblyworriedabouttheirnationaldebtC. sleep1essthanisgoodforthemD.havecausedmanyindustrialandtrafficaccidents23. Thepurposeofthisartic1eisto.A. warnusofthewickednessofnappingB. explainthe
17、dangerofsleepinessC. discussthesideeffectsofnappingD. convincethereaderofthenecessityofnapping24.TheAmericansieepdebt(Line1,Para.3)istheresuItofA. thetraditiona1misconceptiontheAmericanshaveaboutsleepB. thenewsleeppolicyoftheClintonAdministrationC.therapiddevelopmentofAmericanindustryD.theAmericans/
18、worryaboutthedangerofsleepiness25. .Thesecondsentenceofthelastparagraphtellsusthatitis.A. preferabletohaveasoundsleepbeforeanightshiftB. goodpracticetoeatsomethinglightbeforewegotobedC. essentialtomakeupforcostsleepD. natura1totakeanapwheneverwefeeltheneedforitPASSAGEBAnumberofrecentbookshavereworkc
21、hepagespopup(跳起)whentheyareopened,tomakeaforestoracastle.Amongthelatestideasareinteractivestorieswherereaderschoosetheplot(情节)orendtheywant,andbooksonCD,whichareverypopularini e s.richindustrializedcountrThepublichasenthusiasticallygreetedthewealthofcreativitydisplayedbypublishers.Previously,givinga
23、min.26. ReworkedasusedinParagraph1meansA.rewordedB.rewrittenC.processedD.revised27. InthesecondparagraphtheauthorliststhekindsofbooksA. recentlypubli shedB.s hap e sC. babi es likeD.p opular amo ngchil d ren2 8 . Whicho f thef ollowingst a t e ments istrA. Booksmade ofcloth came out earlir thapictur
24、 ebooks.B . W hen you bu ywork- b ook s you wibe give n fr e ecombooks.C. Tra d ition al c h idren/ s b o oks areno tbei ng remo ve dommarket.D. Babi e s cannot have books while takina a ba29. T he exp r essionget acr o s s to chi 1d r en inthe lastaragr a ph prob a b 1 y mean s IIA.passontochildren
25、e veB.makechi1drenbeliC.teachchildrenD. ge t aro u n d to chi1 dr e n3 0. T h e mai n ideao f thelas t paragra p hi s th a tpeop 1 e haveA. war m l y welcom ed the abu n da n ce of wealthshow n by publ ishersB. w awe 1 come d the en o rmou samountof cre ati v it y shown by pub1 isher sC. h owgr e a t ent h u s ias m i n pub 1 i s her s of tre atw ealt h yD.reactedstro
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