1、unit 1 graduate education 研究生教育TEXTGraduate Study Challenges and Strategies for Success反思:读研的挑战与成功策略Linda Weston Kramer, RN, BSN, CCRN琳达·威斯顿·克莱默(1) The decision to pursue graduate studies should not be taken lightly. Decisions should be made after serious consideration of personal and prof
2、essional goals. One must evaluate the variety of programs offered, whether traditional on campus versus online classroom, cost of continuing education, financial aid availability, employment while in school, time allotment to complete studies, computer program technical skills, and computer/library
3、access, to obtain a master's degree. Graduate programs should help the student acquire 3 core competencies.(1)继续读研的决定不应太草率,必须先慎重考虑个人及职业发展目标。为了获得硕士学位,你必须评估学校提供的研究生教育的多样性,不管它是传统的校园教学还是网络课堂;你还必须评估继续接受教育的费用,是否可以获得经济资助,能否兼职,完成学业的时间分配,个人计算机能力,学校计算机及图书馆资源等各类因素。研究生教育应该帮助学生获得三种核心能力。(2) Michael Woolcock,
4、a professor of Social Science and Development Policy and Research Director of the Brooks World Poverty Institute in University Of Manchester, lists these 3 skills as detective (data collection, analysis, and interpretation), translator (reframing given ideas for diverse groups), and diplomat (negoti
5、ation, conflict mediation, and deal making). Benefits of a master's degree include intellectual improvement, personal development, acquisition of enhanced verbal/writing skills, advancement in career positions, and networking with peers and colleagues. According to Wai-Ching Leung, a senior regi
6、strar in Public Health Medicine, Newcastle City Health Trust, UK and also a prolific writer, graduates of master's degrees are required to show originality, knowledge application, and awareness of critical issues on a higher level than undergraduates.(2)迈克尔·沃尔考克是曼彻斯特大学社会科学和发展政策学教授以及布鲁克斯世界贫困
7、问题研究所的项目主任。他将这三种能力列为:侦探能力(数据收集、分析、诠释),翻译能力(将已有观点阐述给不同的群体),外交能力(谈判、斡旋、取得共识)。硕士学位带来的好处包括智力的提升、个人的成长、口语/写作技巧的增强、职业的发展以及人脉关系的建立。根据梁伟澄先生的观点,在原创性、知识应用、洞察关键问题的能力方面,硕士生需表现出比本科生更高的水准。梁先生是英国纽卡斯尔市健康信托机构公共健康医药部门的资深医师,同时也是一位多产作家。(3) The first challenge is understanding which kind of graduate study will prepare a
8、nd meet basic individual needs. Time constraints are another factor because interaction with professors, current graduate students, and counselors are necessary in making that initial decision. Online degree acquisition boasts of schedule flexibility, students setting their own pace, no travel time,
9、 and 24/7 Web interaction. But there are still deadlines and assignments that must be met while trying to meet the demands of daily living. Online students often feel isolated from other students and faculty. Similarities and differences of various graduate programs must be assessed by the potential
10、 student. Students must balance work, family, and school demands where feelings of being rushed and fatigued are common. Often, everything else in your life takes precedence over school. Failure to complete a course or degree is usually caused by social or family reasons rather than academic reasons
12、所以不能完成学业或获得学位的原因经常是来自社会与家庭,而不是学术。(4) There are several solutions for success. The first strategy for success is to choose the right school. The second strategy is time management. Keep a notebook to jot thoughts, ideas, and observations to use at a later time. Make "to-do" lists, crossing
13、out tasks as they are completed. Ramesh B. Navuluri, a family nurse practitioner in Lea Regional Medical Center, Hobbs, New Mexico compared the basics of time management to our heart's rhythm using the PQRSTU mnemonic. P is for Prioritizing events that are controlled by others and those controll
14、ed by you. Q is to Question the task's effectiveness, efficacy, and efficiency. This involves knowing the "why's" to enable accomplishment. R is Recheck your list of completed and unfinished tasks and/or events as soon as possible. S is Self-reliance in knowing what you can or cann
15、ot do as well as can or cannot control. The key here is to be realistic, adaptive, creative, and persistent. T is Treating yourself. Take a break to clear your mind. Restart working after feeling ready or refreshed. Finally, U is You can do it. I always think of Rob Schneider from "Saturday Nig
16、ht Live" when I hear that phrase! However, it is very motivational to ascertain that you can do it, whether by yourself or as a team with others. The third and final strategy for success is stress management. There are many ways to destress, but it has to be something that is enjoyable and mean
17、ingful. Physical activity, singing, crafts, music, meditation, traveling, and massages are various outlets for relieving stress.(4)获得成功有几种方法。成功的第一条策略是选对学校。第二条策略是管理好时间。用笔记本草草记下以后要用到的想法、观点和观察,将待办的事情列成清单,每完成一件就将其从清单中划掉。来自新墨西哥州霍布斯里亚区域医疗中心的一名家庭护士,拉梅什.纳乌卢瑞,将治疗肺炎的设备PQRSTU一词用于比较时间管理的基本概念和我们心脏的节奏。P是Prioritiz
18、ing,确定被他人及你自己掌控的那些事情的优先处理次序。Q是Question,质疑任务的有效性、效果及效率。这点涉及到要知道“何以”来确保任务的完成。R是Recheck,尽快重新核查你的待办清单,哪些任务或事情已经完成,哪些尚未完成。S是Self-reliance,自信,知道自己能做什么与不能做什么,能控制什么与不能控制什么。这里的关键是要务实、变通、创造与坚持。T是Treating yourself,善待自己。休息一下以保持头脑清醒,感觉到准备好、精力充沛了再重新开始工作。最后,U是You can do it,你能做到。这句话总使我想起“周六夜现场”中的鲍勃.施耐德!然而不管你是通过自己还是
19、与他人进行团队合作,确定自己能够做到是非常励志的。成功的第三条也是最后一条策略,是处理好压力。减压的方法有很多,但必须是令人愉快及有意义的。体育活动、唱歌、手工、音乐、冥想、旅游以及按摩等都是舒缓压力的多种渠道。(5) Graduate study can be very challenging but rewarding. Studies show that graduate program graduates subscribe to occupation-related journals, participate in national organization, and read pr
20、ofessional journals. I have my own ABC mnemonic to use once the decision to further your education is made. A is Assess your personal and professional goals. Many jobs now require a master's degree. B is Buy into your decision! Weigh all of the pros and cons before choosing. And finally, C is Ch
21、arge ahead, keeping your goal in sight!(5)读研非常有挑战性,同时也令你获益匪浅。研究显示,读研期间的研究生会订阅与职业相关的杂志,加入全国性的组织,并阅读专业期刊。一旦你做出继续深造的决定,我的ABC方法可以供你参考。A是Assess,评估你自己的个人和职业目标。现在许多工作都要求你拥有硕士学位。B是Buy into,相信你的决定!但是在做出决定之前,务必权衡所有的利弊。C是Charge ahead,勇往直前,朝着目标努力!Before applying to graduate school, you should consider seriously
22、 your personal and professional goals. You must be fully aware of the various potential challenges that you might be faced with when you study in graduate school. Once the decision is made, you must be clear that everything else in your life cannot take precedence over your studies. You must also le
23、arn to use strategies for success, to prioritize events, to be realistic, self-reliant, adaptive and persistent. Only in this way can you complete your courses and obtain your masters degree successfully. 在申请研究生院之前,你应该认真考虑你的个人及职业目标。你必须充分意识到你在研究生院学习所要面临的各种潜在挑战。一旦做出决定,你必须清楚生活中一切其它事情都不可以优先于你的学业。你还必须学会运
24、用成功策略,学会优先考虑事情,学会面对现实、自力更生、自我调整及坚持不懈。只有这样,你才能够顺利完成学业并获得硕士学位。Note :1. Linda Weston Kramer : a registered nurse (RE), a consultant with Dimensions of Critical care Nursing, also a critical care (重症护理) educator at Norton Suburban Hospital in Louisville, Kntucky2. 24/7: an abbreviation which stands for
25、"24 hours a day, 7 days a week"3. Rob Schneider: an American comic actor4. "Saturday" Night Live": a weekly Late-night 90-minute American variety show on NBC-unit 2 Lifestyle and Health 生活方式和健康The Working couch Potato: How Get out of the sedentary Rut职场沙发土豆:如何克服久坐不动的习惯Justin
26、 Wolf贾斯廷·沃尔夫(1) In the modern day people are increasingly choosing to adopt a sedentary lifestyle. Meaning they eat while sitting, they play video games and watch television while sitting, they travel sitting, and they even work sitting! Students are subjected to long periods of being immobile,
27、 and they lose concentration because of it. Many adults go to work only to sit for hours and hours at a desk. Then they go home while sitting in a car, eat at the table, do their bills or maybe some homework, and then spend many hours staring at a television or playing video games until they go to b
28、ed. Obviously, people, both young and old, are becoming sedentary, and hence those people are experiencing health problems, such as obesity and heart disease. These ailments, in turn, cause many psychological problems such as depression or anxiety. Therefore, in order to restore good mental and phys
29、ical health to sedentary individuals it must be ensured that those people get some exercise.(1)现如今,人们越来越青睐久坐不动的生活方式。他们坐着吃饭,坐着玩游戏看电视,坐着旅行,甚至坐着工作。学生们被迫久坐不动,其结果是注意力下降。很多成人去上班,连续几小时坐在办公桌旁。下班他们坐车回家,吃饭,做账,写作业,之后花数小时看电视,打游戏直到就寝。显然,现在的男女老少都缺乏运动,其中一些人还面临肥胖症、心脏病一类的健康问题。这些疾病反过来又引起诸如抑郁或焦虑的心理问题。因此,要恢复人们的身心健康,这些人
30、必须参加运动。 (2) A study done by The North American Association for the Study of Obesity showed that there is, in fact, a correlation between the activity of a person and the presence or absence of certain health problems. To begin their study; they picked five moderately or severely sedentary workplaces
31、 with about but no more than one-hundred employees, in Prince Edward Island, Canada. The next step the study took required each employee, from each of the five workplaces, to be equipped with a pedometer-a device used to calculate the amount of steps a person takes daily-to display their daily physi
32、cal activity.(2)北美肥胖症研究协会进行的一项研究表明,一个人的活动量和某些健康问题的有无存在着相关关系。首先,他们在加拿大的爱德华王子岛选了5个相当缺乏体力活动的工作场所, 从中挑选了约100名员工着手研究,接着要求每位员工佩带记步器一种能计算一个人每天所行步数的装置,以期获得他们的体力活动情况。(3) Their data makes it undeniably clear that there exists a correlation between physical activity and the health of individual people. The peo
33、ple with the fewest steps/day had the greatest BMI body mass index the worst diastolic blood pressure, and the largest waist circumference-all are indicators of obesity. Moreover, the study found that four out of every five people who work at a sedentary occupation namely, office jobs are obese.(3)他
34、们的研究数据说明人的体力活动和健康之间存在着高度相关。走路最少的人体质指数最大,舒张血压最糟糕,腰围也最大,这些都是肥胖症的指标。研究还发现,从事办公室工作的每5个人中就有4个体质肥胖。(4) The study also found: "Participants who reported a prior diagnosis of one or more components of the metabolic syndrome hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes took fewe
35、r steps/day than healthy participants." Therefore, it can also be concluded that lack of activity, caused by a sedentary lifestyle, is likely to result in the diagnosis of one or more constituents of the metabolic syndrome. In short, getting little activity is a very unhealthy thing to do, so d
36、on't be sedentary!(4)该研究还发现,那些曾诊断出代谢综合症的受试者比健康的受试者每天的步行量要小,这些代谢综合症包括高血压,血胆脂醇过多,心脏病,或型糖尿病。因此可以说,久坐不动的生活方式所引起的缺乏运动很可能导致代谢综合症的出现。总之,活动量太小很有害健康。(5) This study targeted sedentary work sites, but the problem of sedentary lifestyles extends to the home. Labor saving technologies such as dishwashers, va
37、cuums, and washing machines have made it so people are required to do very little in order to maintain a household. The schools even retain a sedentary model! Less than thirty-six percent of schools offer physical education classes. Hence students receive no physical activity, and lose focus because
38、 of that. If the schools want better students they need to find a way to make students more physically active.(5)该研究针对的是活动量小的职业场所,但久坐不动的生活方式已延伸至家庭生活。节省劳力的现代技术(像洗碗机、吸尘器、洗衣机)使人们无需多少劳作就能打理好家务。学校甚至也保持久坐不动的模式。不到36的学校开设体育课。学生没有体育活动,其结果是注意力下降。要培养出更好的学生,学校必须想办法让学生参加更多的体育活动。 (6) Another study by Dr. Joan Gan
39、dy of Oxford Brookes University suggested that "the average man stood to burn 180 fewer calories than the norm of energy a day, the average woman 142 fewer." Following that is the conclusion: to pass their time, people probably entertain themselves with technologies like video games and te
40、levisions, and that those sort of entertainment gadgets are also causing people to be only entertained by stimulate received while sedentary. Hence technology has made it so that people are no longer required to partake in physical activity to get through life, and thus people have a predominantly s
41、edentarily conditioned lifestyle.(6)牛津布鲁克斯大学琼·甘地博士的一项研究表明,一般男士每天消耗的卡路里比正常值要少180,一般女士则少142。由此可以推断: 为了消遣,人们一般玩电子游戏、看电视,而这类娱乐性设施使得人们只对坐在那里享受刺激感兴趣。所以说,技术使人们生活中的体力活动减少,人们也就渐渐习惯了坐多动少的生活方式。(7) That lack of physical activity also affects the psychological well-being of an individual. There have been ma
42、ny studies showing that there is a parallel between physical health and mental well-being. Exercise releases endorphins or feel-good chemicals into the blood stream which reach the brain to make a person feel exulted. In addition, Exercise lowers blood pressure, which, in turn, makes a person less p
43、rone to stress. There is, as well, hundreds of studies and about thirty narrative reviews that suggest that exercise could cure clinical and subclinical depression or anxiety. Accordingly, exercise is an ample solution to improving mental well-being and helps people better compose themselves for a t
44、ask such as school or a job.(7)体力活动不够还会影响人的心理健康。许多研究表明,身心两方面的健康有很多相似之处。运动释放出内啡肽(体内产生的一种起镇痛作用的荷尔蒙),这种化学物质进入血液,到达脑部,使人产生兴奋感。此外,运动可以降低血压,增强人的抗压能力。数以百计的研究和对30例口头报告的研究也表明,运动能治愈临床及亚临床抑郁症和焦虑症。因此,运动是改善心理健康的有效手段,它帮助人们在面对学业和工作负担时镇定情绪。(8) There are two ways to eliminate the affects of sedentary habits on peopl
45、e's health. First and foremost is the effort an individual can take to make themselves healthful. They can go for a jog, walk instead of driving, join the health club, or for students join an athletic squad. Next comes the solutions employers and schools can instigate to make their employees and
46、 students healthier. Schools can have more recess, have longer breaks between classes, and require Physical Education as a class. Employers can have their employees get up about every hour and walk a lap around the building, have health requirements, or maybe do something creative thing like buildin
47、g a chair/bike which employees must pedal for a half of an hour before getting a lunch break. In short, people need to get exercise by whatever means possible.(8)两种方法可以消除久坐不动的习惯对健康的不良影响。首先,个人要做主观努力。可以去慢跑、散步、参加健身俱乐部, 或者(对学生来说)参加一个运动队。其次,雇主和学校要想办法让员工和学生健身。学校要给学生更多休息时间,课间休息可以再长点,并开设体育课。雇主可以让员工每隔一小时围着办公
48、楼走一圈,提出员工健康要求,或者让他们做一些富有创造性的劳动,例如做一个椅子自行车,在午餐之前骑半个小时的自行车等。总之,人们需要运动,不管何种方式都行。The issue of the sedentary culture of today can only be solved by modern people adopt a healthy amount of exercise to their lifestyles. The job market of today requires mostly sedentary undertakings, and that has caused man
49、y people working at a sedentary job to lose their good health. Not only does the job market have this issue, but at home and school people are becoming more and more sedentary. At home this is due to the development of labor-saving devices like dishwashers and entertainment centered on techs such as
50、 television and video games. These sedentary habits cause health issues and, in turn, psychological issues. The only way to eliminate the effects of a sedentary lifestyle is for individuals to take the time to get a healthy amount of exercise, and cut back on their daily dose of inactivity.hyper cho
51、le sterol emia-unit 3 Food CrisisAct Now Eat Later 行动起来,抵御全球粮食危机Jeffrey D. Sachs 杰弗瑞·德·萨克斯 The world saw it coming but did little. now the global food shortage has become a crisis. Here's how to end it.通过许多自然和社会现象我们知道将会爆发全球粮食危机,但是人类没有未雨绸缪。当全球食品匮乏逐渐演变成粮食危机我们就要认真考虑如何应对。(1) The world econ
52、omy has run into a brick wall. Despite countless warnings in recent years about the need to address a looming hunger crisis in poor countries and a looming energy crisis worldwide, world leaders failed to think ahead. The result is a global food crisis. Wheat, corn and rice prices have more than dou
53、bled in the past two years, and oil prices have more than tripled since the start of 2004. These food-price increases combined with soaring energy costs will slow if not stop economic growth in many parts of the world and will even undermine political stability, as evidenced by the protest riots tha
54、t have erupted in places like Haiti, Bangladesh and Burkina Faso. Practical solutions to these growing woes do exist, but we'll have to start thinking ahead and acting globally.(1)全球经济遇到了难以逾越的障碍。尽管近年来无数迹象向人们发出警告, 贫穷国家的饥荒和全世界范围内的能源危机已经逼近。但是各国领导人未能未雨绸缪:其后果是全球性的粮食危机。在过去的两年里,小麦、玉米和大米的价格已经翻了一番多。自从200
55、4年初以来石油的价格是原来的三倍多。食品价格上涨和能源价格猛增即使不会使世界上很多地方的经济发展停止,也会放慢它们的速度,甚至会带来政治上的不稳定。发生在诲地、盂加拉国以及西非国家布基纳 法索的抗议和暴乱已经证实了这一点。解决这些日益严重的灾难不是没有实际的方法,但是需要我们人类提前准备,并一同行动起来:(2) The crisis has its roots in four interlinked trends. The first is the chronically low productivity of farmers in the poorest countries, caused
56、by their inability to pay for seeds, fertilizers and irrigation. The second is the misguided policy in the U.S. and Europe of subsidizing the diversion of food crops to produce biofuels like corn-based ethanol. The third is climate change; take the recent droughts in Australia and Europe, which cut
57、the global production of grain in 2005 and '06. The fourth is the growing global demand for food and feed grains brought on by swelling populations and incomes. In short, rising demand has hit a limited supply, with the poor taking the hardest blow.(2)这种全球性的危机源于以下四个相互联系的方面、第一,在最贫穷落后的国家,农民的生产力长时期
58、以来都很低,这主要是因为他们贫困没有钱买种子、肥料和灌溉土地。第二,美国和欧洲国家的误导政策。这政策在经济上支持一些企业把粮食加工成生物燃料,比如把玉米加工成乙醇。第三,气候变化。在澳大利亚和欧洲出现的旱灾,使得2005和2006年全球的粮食产量减少。第四,世界上越来越多的人口对粮食的需求在逐渐增长。总之,对粮食的需求量越来越高,但是产量是有限的,其结果是贫困的人遭受的打击最大。(3) So, what should be done? Here are three steps to ease the current crisis and avert the potential for a gl
59、obal disaster. The first is to scale-up the dramatic success of Malawi, a famine-prone country in southern Africa, which three years ago established a special fund to help its farmers get fertilizer and high-yield seeds. Malawi's harvest doubled after just one year. An international fund based on the Malawi model would cost a mere $10 per person annually in the rich wo
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