



1、大学英语(三)复习题解一、 词汇Unit 1appropriate attribute bind commitment ground notion permanent possess preserve pursue regulate unite1. They bound his hand and legs with a rope so he couldnt esacpe.2. His bright clothes were hardly appropriate for such a solemn occasion.3. Hes been charged with possession guns

2、 and attempting to attack the police.4. Is this your permanent address, or are you only staying there for a short time?5. The notion that women should serve as homemakers has already gone out of fashion.6. They try to preserve their interesting old customs against the impacts of the modern world.7.

3、The lawyers arguments are well grounded because he has collected enough proof concerning the case.8. Her greatest attribute is her kindness which has earned her lost of friends in the neighbourhood.9. The two countries are united by common interests; so I think their relationship is likely to remain

4、 stable in the coming years.10. My cousin is leaving the company to pursue his own fortune even though he has a light workload and is on a very good salary now.11. The President failed in his attempts to win the second term because he hadnt fulfilled his commitments made in the previous election.12.

5、 Even though there are strict rules regulating the use of chemicals in food, some food producers disregard them intentionally in order to gain more profits.Unit 2acquire affection await curl defy given glanceharden haste interact lasting restraint via1. I dont like my straight hair so Im going to ha

6、ve it curled.2. Given the fact that she loves children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.3. I handed in my application for the job last week and I am now eagerly awating their reply.4. Among all his relatives,he has an especially deep affection for his aunt who cares for him most.5. Te

7、ahing is not a one-way activity; teachers and students should interact with each other in class.6. After his wife died, he remarried with much haste, which caused a lot of gossip among his acquaintances.7. The race will be held soon.You must harden your heart and do not encourage your daughter to gi

8、ve up the tough training.8. I have never seen a house like thatits untidiness defies description; I think she ought to learn how to keep a house.9. These pictures may not look nice at first glance, but on closer examination youll find theyre not bad at all.10. I strongly advise you not to take this

9、medicine because itll just make you feel better for a short while but the effect isnt lasting.11. We can communicate with others via such means as the telephone and e-mail;but the most direct way, I think, is a face-to-face talk.12. It is quite possible for a student to master English grammar and ac

10、quire a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.13. Lack of money and lack of machinery are the two major restraints on the growth of this factory; thats why it remains the same as it was ten years ago.Unit 3collective comparison decrease depression destructive enable evaluate inevitable leis

11、ure occupation reinforce religious1. The school has been open for merely six months, so its hard to evaluate its success.2. The young womans hopelessness and lack of energy were symptoms of a severe emotional depression.3. Sara has made up her mind that her leisure activities will never get in the w

12、ay of her career.4. Collective action is needed to solve the problem of environmental pollution.We cannot do it alone.5. The number of people borrowing from public libraries has decreased, but book sales are rising.6. Johns parents were both deeply religious people, who believed it was sinful to wor

13、k on Sundays.7. He said he was unlucky, but I believed that the accident was the inevitable consequence of his carelessness.8. This dictionary provides simple explanations and a lot of examples, which will enable you to understand English words better.9. He agreed with whatever I said and gave me wh

14、atever I wanted, but his eagerness to please me merely reinfoced my dislike of him.10. She drew a comparison between life in the city and life in the country;then she made it clear that she preferred to live in the country.11. There are indications that some people are giving up high pressure jobs i

15、n exchange for occupations with more flexible working time.12. Having caused numerous deaths and made hundreds of thousands of people homeless, Hurricane Katrina is considered to be one of the most destructive natural disasters in living memory.Unit 4cheat indifferent namely probable render respect

16、shelter suck1. Why dont you voice your opinions?how can you be so indifferent to such important public affairs!2. They have rendered us a great service without which we couldnt have finished our task.3. These proposals are impractical in every respect;I cannot recommend them to my staff.4. I was so

17、thirsty that I bought a bottle of lemonade and sucked it up through a straw within seconds.5. Switzerland is surrounded by four large neighbours, namely, France, Germany, Austria and Italy.6. Its possible that they will win, but judging by their recent performances it doesnt seem very probable.7. Wi

18、thout an umbrella I had to shelter from the rain under a big tree.8. I realized Id been cheated when I saw the painting on sale for half the price Ipaid for it.Unit 5comment decline enlighten grade inspection passively practically resident rural virtual1. I see teaching as an opportunity to enlighte

19、n students, not just to give them instructions.2. Each students writing will be graded by there examiners so as to make sure that the results will be fair to all.3. Asked about the date of the election, the Prime Minister commented that no decision had been made yet.4. He had a suspicion that the ce

20、rtificate was not genuine, but on close inspection, he realized that it was not forged.5. He never acts on his own judgement, but merely waits passively for others to tell him what to do.6. Many old people prefect to live in the country because rural life is usually more peaceful than city life.7. I

21、ts not unusual to hear people complaining that educational standards are in decline rather than on the rise.8. Theoretically, its a good idea to live without a car, but practically speaking,it would be difficult to manage without one.9. The local residenes were annoyed with the lack of parking space

22、thats why many of them sold their flats and moved to other places.10. The Internet has created a wonderland for us, but we should keep in mind the differences between the virtual world and the real world.二、 完型1.confined;2.conveys;3.managed;4.respective;5.of his own;6.although;7.occurred;8.normal;9.s

23、truck;10.pick up;11.securely;12.alone;13.before;14.darkened;15.taught;16.that;17.selfless;18.national;19.as;20.demonstrated三、 翻译Unit 11. The friendship grounded on common interest does not break up easily. 以共同兴趣为基础的友谊是不容易破裂的。2. Its necessary for children to learn to distinguish between violence and

24、bravery in computer games. 孩子们必须学会将电脑游戏中的暴力与勇敢区分开来。3. Its not sensible to expect a person to be well acquainted with everything, since so many new things are spring up everyday in the world. 当今世界每天涌现如此多新鲜事物,要求一个人什么都知晓是不合情理的。4. You can never expect to take the maximum while giving the minimum in any

25、relationship, no matter it friendship or love. 无论是友情还是爱情,你都不可能期待自己付出最少而得到最多。5. I built all my hopes on his promise;but it turned out that he was not a man of sincority at all. 我把全部希望寄托在他的承诺上,结果却发现他根本不是个真诚的人。6. When I first came to university, I suddenly found myself left with everything to deal with

26、 by myself. It was not until that time did I realize the happiness of living with my parents. 刚上大学时,突然发现自己得处理所有日常事物,直到那时自己才觉得在父母身边生活真是幸福。7. Dont make a comparison between you and other all the time;otherwise, you may collapse into depression, for there are always many people who are better than you. 你不要总是和别人攀比,否则你可能会陷于忧郁之中,因为毕竟有许多人比你强。8. Today, people are much better off and with more leisure than before, what is funny is that they find boring. 今天人们生活比以前富裕多了,闲暇时间也多了,奇怪的是人们反而觉得生活乏味了。9. Can a goverment justifiably use nuclear weapons to guard against terrorist at


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