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1、2019高考英语完型填空-政治经济文化类李仕才 完型填空之政治经济文化类 (一)Learning a second language fuels children ' s intelligence and makes their job prospects brighter. 36 the fact is, in U.S.A, as in many other English speaking countries, speakers of two or more languages are in the 37 . Eighty-four per cent of US people ar

2、e monolingual (speakers of only one language). This leaves a small number who 38Jto speak two or more languages.No matter how proud people are of their cultural roots, to speak anything 39_English is a marker of difference here. That ' s why fourteen -year-old Umar is 40 when people commenton th

3、e fact that he is able to speak Arabic. Umar s mother points out: "In U.S.A, it ' s not 41 for kids to be bilingual. But, if you speak another language to your children in U.S.A, it is thought that you are not helping them to 42 society.”But in fact, the general 43 among experts is that lea

4、rning a second language is good for children. Experts believe that bilinguals people who speak _44 languages - have a clear learning advantage 45 their monolingual schoolmates. This 46 on how much of each language they can speak, not on which language is used, 47 they are learning Arabic, French, Ch

5、inese or any other language.Vinss Millon, a professor of Foreign Language Training, says: "A lot of studies have 48 that children who speak more than one language sometimes learn one language more 49 , but in the end they do as well as their monolingual schoolmates, and often better, in other s

6、ubjects. ”The view is that there is a(n) 50 from the effort of learning another language. A few other 51 agree that“Bilingualstend to use language better as a whole. Theyalso 52 greater creativity and problem-solving ability, and they learn further languages more easily ".With all of the benefi

7、ts, why do we not show more 53 for learning other languages. Parents and teachers 54 inbilingual education say it is pressure from friends at school, general 55 to_other languages in English-speaking countries, and problems in the school system that are to blame.36.A.AndB.SoC.ButD. Thus 37. A. minim

8、umB. maximumC.minorityD.majority 38.A.claimB.pretendC.decideD.plan39.A.morethanB.lessthanthan40.A.excitedC.ratherD. other thanB.embarrassed disappointed41.A.commonC.D. appreciatedB.unusualuniquegeneral42.A. fitinC.D.B. buildupto43. A. distinction announcement44. A.oneC.contributeD. figure outB. comm

9、issionC.D. agreementB.twothreeD. more45.beneathoverD. of46. A.determinesC.A.B.beyondC.B.focusescomments47. A.ifWhetherwhenbecause48. A.rejectedC.D. dependsB.C.D.B.releasedrevealed49.A.slowlyC.D. remindedB.rapidlyeasily efficiently50. A. outcome advantage51. A.parentsC.D.B. improvementC.D. tendencyB.

10、learnersschoolmates52.A.displayC.D. professorsB.produceinspirediscover53. A.respectenthusiasm54. A. involvedcompeting55. A.obstaclessensesattitudes【参考答案】36-40 CCADBconcernC.D.B.C.D. intelligenceB. impressedC.D. replacingopinionsB.C.41-45 BADBC46-50 DBCABD.51-55 DACAD(二 )Like many families in Sanyati

11、, a small countryside town in western Zimbabwe (津巴布韦), Johnson s family does not have a television. One day after school,Johnson arrived home and 41.something unusual in the house. At first, he42.his father had bought a television, but when his mother said it was acomputer, he was 43.It s not that J

12、ohnson didn t like the 44.; he just didn t know how touse it. Johnson and his father didn t even know how to turn it on. "No body in our neighborhood knew how to 45.a computer," Johnson said.But things 46.when Nikon, a young family friend, came from a big city tovisit. Nikon knew all about

13、 computers.“ At first, I was always 47. the wrong button, ” Johnson recalled. “ ButI kept on going 48.I was eager to learn. ” After three weeks, Johnson hadmastered some computer 49., such as opening and closing files.Johnson kept on practicing after Nikon 50. His speed slowly improved.Soon, Johnson

14、 fel t 51.with the computer. Meanwhile, Johnson s friends52.what had happened to him. He no longer played soccer after school likehe used to. Johnson s friends 53. Were Johnson s parents 54.himfrom playing with them? Did he have new friends?One day, three of Johnson s friends surprised him at home.

15、They couldn t 55.what they saw a computer, and Johnson was operating it. After that,Johnson began to teach them how to use the computer.It wasn t long before the neighborhood kids wanted to learn, too! The computer began to experience 56.because the kids were pressing too many buttons. Sohe 57.a pla

16、n. He began charging for lessons. But this did not stop more kidsfrom coming. Those whose parents did not have money 58.with chickens or goats.Johnson has taught computer skills to 30 students from his local school. Withthe money earned from 59., Johnson has bought a television and a radio forhis 60

17、. And he plans to buy a new computer and keep on teaching.41 .A. realizedB. noticedachieved42 .A. feltB. foundC. thoughtB. interestedC. received D.D. decidedC. satisfied D.44 .A. television B. radio45 .A. operate46 .A. finished47 .A. editing48 .A. butB. repairB. endedB. pressingB. andC. telephoneC.

18、manageC. changedC. pullingC. becauseD. computerD. controlD. correctedD. puttingD. so49.A. systems50.A. left51.A. confusedB. filesB. returnedB. comfortableC. languagesC. arrivedC. valuableD. basicsD. disappearedD. considerable52 .A. remembered B. discussed53 .A. screamed B. hopedC. suspectedC. worrie

19、dD. wonderedD. laughed54 .A. preventing B. escaping55 .A. understand B. admit56 .A. challenges B. problemsC. protectingC. proveC. tasksD. separatingD. believe57 .A. kept up with caught up with58 .A. paid59 .A. working60 .A. friend 【参考答案】41-45B. greetedB. beggingB. neighborBCADA 46-50B. put up withD.

20、 chancesC. came up withD.C. filledC. teachingC. studentCBCDA51-55D. playedD. competingD. familyBDCAD56-6043 .A. disappointed excitedBCACD(3)Dash of Hope"Dash"is a symbol which represents every day we' ve spent alive onearth.Therefore,how you spend your"dash" is important.Rece

21、ntly I 41 about a little girl named Hope.After learning more abouther life,I couldn ' t help but feel it was not by 42 ,nor happenstance,that she had been named "Hope' .The strong feeling of sympathy and generosity43 in heryoung heart made a lasting impression on me and countless others

22、. 44 I never hadthe opportunity to meet her,Iwish I had.It seems as though she was wise beyond hertender years and very,very special.Hope was a twelve-year-oldgirl who was 45 a “wish" in early December 2010by the “Make-A- Wish" Foundation after being46 that she had a rare typeof bone cance

23、r.However,when she found out that more than 15047 in her areawere waiting for their wishes to be granted (实现),she unselfishly used her wishto 48 that those children have their wishes granted.She also asked that itbe done 49 January 16, 2011. Unfortunately, however,the organization informedher thathe

24、r50request could not be grantedas the funds(资金)weresimply51.Theycalculated that they wouldneed to raise more thanone 52dollarsinthirty days in order to granther wish.53 ,but notdiscouraged,she turnedher disappointment into anenthusiasmthat inspiredcaring54 totakeup helping grant the wishesof the oth

25、erchildren,andeventually 55 as well.Newspaper columnists and reporters for radio and TV stations 56 the story of this caring young girl who had 57 the hearts of so many and as word spread,the community was challenged.Committees were formed and schools,corporations and various organizations assisted

26、in58 money tohelp make Hope ' s dre am come true.Her efforts were not in vain as they continue to help others,not only physically,but59 and emotionally as well.At the gathering to celebrate herlife, “A Celebration of Hopeon January 16,2011,the60 was made that they hadindeed received donations to

27、taling more than one million dollars.Her wish had been granted!41.A.caredB.thoughtC.heardD.talked42.A.coincidenceB.independenceC.convenienceD.intelligence43.A.housedB.carriedC.expectedD.lost44.A.althoughB.UnlessC.UntilD.If45.A.expressedB.offeredC.madeD.sent46.A.diagnosedB.acknowledgedC.remindedD.rea


29、idualsC.corporations55.A.hers56.A.heardC.believed57.A.brokenC.lost58.A.findingC.raising59.A.healthilyC.happily60.A.proposalnD.anizationsC.theirsB.readD.sharedB.movedD.openedB.spending.borrowingB.thankfullyD.mentallyB.announcementB.oursD.yoursC.conclusio【参考答案】41-45 CAAAB46-50 ADBDD 51-55

30、CCCBA56-60 DBCBD(4)It always seemed like having traditions was a good thing. They create 41 that will last a lifetime. So when our children, David and Darla, were preschoolers we42 a family Christmas tradition. It was our tree-decorating party and it would be complete with eggnog(蛋奶酒)and pfeffernu s

31、se cookies.The kids were excited as we pulled the freshly43 tree into the house. Itsmelled so good. Wewould turn on the Christmas songs 44 the tree decoration began.Our hearts seemed to 45 to the merriment of the Christmas songs. The kids'eyes twinkled( 闪光)with 46 . It was a heartwarming evening

32、. When finished, we would sit drinking the eggnog and snacking on pfeffernu sse cookies.Years later, when my daughter Darla was home from college, she47 to helpdecorate the tree. I was so 48 . Before we knew it, the tree decoration was finished. It was a beautiful tree and its49 smell filled the roo

33、m. As we had every yearbefore, I brought o ut the eggnog and the pfeffern u sse cookies for our traditional 50 .Then, during the laughter, Darla suddenly got very51 and said she hadsomething to tell me. From her hesitation and body52 , I learned that she was53 it. She sat down next to me. Then very5

34、4 and caringly, Darla looked me inthe eye and said,"Mom, I ' ve 55 liked pfeffern u sse cookies."Then I 56 the importance of what she had just said. Whydidn ' t she ever tell me? All those childhood years, rather than57Morm s feelings and spoil Mom ' stradition, she had stood t

35、he cookies 58 . From a child ' s heart, year after year she had given me the gift of59 !My daughter taught me life ' s very important 60 : The best gifts aren ' t always found under the Christmas tree.41. A.wondersB.imaginationsC.memoriesD.interests42A.tookoverB.putoutC.turned downD.set

36、up43 A.cutB.boughtC.grownD.decorated44 A.unlessB.beforeC.whileD.though45 A.whisperB.swingC.talkD.dance46 A.amazementB.curiosityC.delightD.anxiety47 A.offeredB.refusedC.pretendedD.hesitated48A.disappointedB.regretfulC.puzzledD.grateful49 A.lastingB.uniqueC.pleasantD.unusual50 A.activityB.customC.souv

37、enirD.celebration51 A.annoyedB.depressedC.seriousD.quiet52 A.languageB.shapeC.imageD.expression53 A.expectingB.fearingC.resistingD.recalling54 A.casuallyB.shylyC.humorouslyD.gently55 A.everB.yetC.neverD.just56 A.explainedB.realizedC.admittedD.remembered57 A.comfortB.hurtC.understandD.convey58 A.sile

38、ntlyB.roughlyC.graduallyD.unfairly59 A.patienceB.desireC.loveD.determination60 A.knowledgeB.inspirationC.techniqueD.lesson41-45 CDABD 46-50 CADCD 51-55 CABDC56-60 BBACD(五 )A Very Special OlympianThe professor was searching for student volunteers in the lecture room for a Special Olympics event. As t

39、he sign-up sheet went up and down the rows, I startedto come up with my 41. Maybe it was the distance to the college where the eventwas to take place, or the early hour that42 had to report for duty. Whateverthe reasons that made me hesitate, I am thankful to this day that I43 upvolunteering. If I h

40、ad missed the event, I would have missed one of the most unforgettable moments that I have ever44.I arrived at the volunteer tent bright and early. My task was45.I was to stand at the finish line only and wait until the event was over and then take the 46 to the announcing booth( 公告处).Standing at th

41、e finish line, I was able to witness many amazing efforts and close races. I was most impressedby the effort each athlete put into his or her47 . What also impressed me wasthe sincere 48 each athlete expressed while participatingthough sometimesthe joy of participating in a sporting event can get49

42、in the fiercecompetition of winning and losing.Then an amazing moment happened right before my eyes. A group of athletes were 50up to run a short race. One of them was in a wheelchair, a little girl with a 51 smile, wearing bright bows in her hair. Her smile filled the stadium that day. I couldn 

43、9; t help but smile back at her.The gun sounded. They were off. Runners sped up in the 52 with all their might. My eyes 53 for the little girl with the bright bows. There she was, pumping her arms with all the 54 she had. Her efforts were getting little result, but that did not stop her. I noticed a

44、s she got closer that she also had an injured arm. But that did not stop this bright star. The race was long over 55 the young athlete kept pumping her arms. As shefinally 56 the finish line, the noise of the crowd was thunderous. ThereI stood 57, with tears falling down my cheeks.58 this unmotivate

45、d collegeAfter all these years, I can still hear those cheers. I wish I could thankthat remarkable athlete for what her effortsguy. I grew up a lot that day because of the59 of that little girl in thewheelchair. I was 60 that day of a poem from a book that states, aWhatever you do, do it with all yo

46、ur might.”41. A. ideasplanssuggestions42. A.runnersstudentsvolunteers43. A. gaveendedstayed44. A.ignoredB.C.D. excusesB.C.D. advisorsB.C.D. wokeB.controlledCwitnessedD. imagined45.A.simpleBdifficultCinterestingD. tiring46.A.prizeBathleteCresultD. winner47.A.mindBeventCvictoryD. body48.A.joyBbeliefCt

47、rustD. confidence49.A.stuckBincreasedCrespectedD. lost50.A.mixedBcalledClinedD. piled51.A.hugeBnarrowCweakD. hard52.A.courtBtrackCfieldD. platform53.A.hopedBcaredCpreparedD. searched54.A.desiresBcourageCenergyD. dreams55.A.butBandCorD. so56.A.feltBnearedCtookD. raised57.A.cheeringBwaitingCcalculatin

48、gD. recording58.A.paidBowedCdisappointedD. taught59. A.honestybraverypopularity60. A.warnedpersuadedinformed【参考答案】41-45 DCBCA 46-50 CBADCB.C.D. creativityB.C.D. reminded51-55 ABDCA 56-60 BADBD(六)Here' s a surprising fact: Of the 1.1 million firefightersin the United States,about 780,000 are volu

49、nteers. Roughly a third of the populationis 41 by mostly- or all-volunteer fire departments.Also 42, perhaps. Sometimes they have to pay for their own gear.I 43 this because I volunteer as a firefighter in Durango, Colorado.I responded to more than 50 calls in 2014, everything from44 to caraccidents

50、. In that period, I spent close to $1,000 on optional gear not supplied by my 45, things like higher-quality flashlights, knives, and bettergloves, which make my 46 easier.Yesterday, a 47 was introduced in Congress that would give a significant tax break to those who volunteer their time as 48 respo

51、nders. I hope it passes, not because it will put some moneytime commitment. I believe itin my pocket (49, hey, that ' ll be nice) but because it will ease the financial burden on volunteers and acknowledge their will 50 more people to help.And we 51 that.density is low and calls for fire and 

52、9;t 53 to have career 54, volunteers are used to fillIn 52 areas where populationEMS services are relatively rare, it just doesn firefighters on the staff 24/7 (全天候). in the 55. We are ready to put our regular lives aside to help someoneon what is the 56 day of their life. We have likely never met b

53、efore,and might never again, but it doesn' t 57 in a crisis. W让hout volunteers, the whole system would collapse.There' s a T-shirt that ' s popular among us, reading “For Pride, Not 58.“ We volunteer because we know our59 need us. We don' t need a small tax break. Without one, we ' ll still put on our gear when the alarm goes off without any 60. But we ' d appreciate one, and if it encourages more pe ople to join us, it ' s worth it.41. A. taughtB. inspiredC.supportedD


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