1、Unit One:EducationText:In Praise of the F Word对F的赞美Tens of thousands of 18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplomas. These diplomas wont look any different from those awarded their luckier classmates.Their validity will be questioned only when their employers discover tha
2、t these graduates are semiliterate. 今年,将有成千上万的18岁学生毕业并被授于毫无意义的文凭。这些文凭对每个人都是一样的 ,没有一点差别, 而不管学生的成绩如何.但当雇主发现他们没有实际能力时,文凭的有效性就会被质疑。 Eventually a fortunate few will find their way into educational repair shops-adult-literacy programs, such as the one where I teach basic grammar and writing. There, high s
3、chool graduates and high school dropouts pursuing graduate-equivalency certificates will learn the skills they should have learned in school . They will also discover they have been cheated by our educational system. 即使少数幸运的人找到了成人进修的地方,像我教语法和写作的地方。在这里,高中毕业和高中辍学的学生为了追求等价的毕业证书必需学习他们本应该在学校学习的东西。他们会发现自己
4、被我们的教育系统所欺骗。 As I teach,I learn a lot about our schools.Early in each session I ask my students to write about an unpleasant experience they had in school . No writers block here! “ I wish someone would have had made me stop doing drugs and made me study .” ”I liked to party and no one seemed to car
5、e .” “I was a good kid and didnt cause any trouble,so they just passed me along even though I didnt read well and couldnt write.” And so on. 当我教他们的时候,我从我们的课堂上学到了很多。在每次开班,首先我会让学生写一下关于他们在学校的一次很不愉快的经历。每个学生都会有这样的经历。有人说:“我希望有一个人可以使我停止吸毒,让我好好学习。”;有人说:“我喜欢聚会,但好像没有人注意过我”;有人说:“我是一个好孩子,没有制造过任何麻烦。所以尽管学习不好,考试还是
6、让我通过。”等等。 I am your basic do-gooder, and prior to teaching this class I blamed the poor academic skills our kids have today on drugs ,divorce and other impediments to concentration necessary for doing well in school. But ,as I rediscover each time I walk into the classroom ,before a teacher can expe
7、ct students to concentrate ,he has to get their attention ,no matter what distractions may be at hand .There are many ways to do this ,and they have much to do with teaching style .However , if style alone wont do it,there is another way to show who holds the winning hand in the classroom. That is t
8、o reveal the trump card of teacher . 我是教过这个班级的先届老师和他们最初级的改良者。我痛斥那些拙劣的教学方式,以至于今天我们的孩子们陷入吸毒,离婚和其他使他们不能专注于学习的困扰。但是,当我每次走进教室都会发现的是,在一名老师期望可以引起学生的注意之前,他已经吸引了学生的注意,而不管面临什么样的干扰。有很多方式可以做到这一点,并且老师们在教学风格方面还亟待改进。然而,如果教学风格不能做到这点,还有另一种方法使你成为教室里的导引者,那就是使用教师的杀手锏。 I will never forget a teacher who played that card
9、to get the attention of one of my children. Our youngest,a world-class charmer ,did little to develop his intellectual talents but always got by until Mrs.Stifter became his teacher . 我永远都忘不了那位曾用她独特的方式来吸引我儿子注意力的那位老师。我最小的儿子后来成为了世界级魔术师,但在Stifter 女士成为他的老师之前,学习总是不怎么努力却总能过关,直到Stifter 女士当了他的老师,这种局面就改变了。 O
10、ur son was a high school senior when he had her for English. “He sits in the back of the room talking to his friends ,” she told me . “Why dont you move him to the front row ?” I urged, believing the embarrassment would get him to settle down. Mrs.Stifter looked at me steely-eyed over her glasses.”I
11、 dont move seniors ,”she said. “I flunk them.I was flustered. Our sons academic life flashed before my eyes.No teacher had ever threatened him weth that before . 当她教我们儿子英语的时候我们儿子还是一个高中生。她对我说:“你们儿子总是坐在教室后面和他的朋友说话。”我敦促她说“为什么你不把他调到前排”, 相信他坐在前排被那么多人看着就会好好学习。Stifter女士用坚毅的眼神通过她的眼镜看着我说:“我不会为他们调位,他们已经是高中生了,
12、我让他们不及格。”我很慌张。I regained my composure and managed to say that I thought she was right . By the time I got home I was feeling pretty good about this .It was a radical approach for these times .but ,well ,why not ? “Shes going to flunk you,”I told my son. I did not discuss it any further. Suddenly Eng
13、lish became a priority in his life. He finished out the semester with an A.我们儿子的学术生涯从我的眼前一闪而过。在这之前从没有老师威胁过他。我恢复了平静,也认为她做的是对的。当回到家时我对这个方式感觉很好。它是一个好的激降法。为什么不这样做呢?于是我告诉我的儿子:“她准备让你不基格。”我其它什么也没说。突然英语在他的生活中处于优先地位。他这个学期的成绩竟然得了一个A。 I know one example doesnt make a case,but at night I see a parade of student
14、s who are angry and resentful for having been passed along until they could no longer even pretend to keep up. Of average intelligence or better,they eventually quit school, concluding they were too dumb to finish.”I should have been held back” is a comment I hear frequently.Even sadder are those st
15、udents who are high school graduates who say to me after a few weeks of class,”I don't know how I ever got a high school diploma.” 我知道一个例子虽然不能充分说明全部,但是在晚上我看到满是愤怒和怨恨的游行学生,由于被忽略掉,他们甚至不能再这样假装的忍耐下去。即使智力一般的或更好的学生, 由于认为他们太笨,而使他们最终退学。“我应该被留下”是我听到的最频繁的话。更令人悲哀的是,那些高中毕业生过了几周对我说:“我不知道我曾经是怎么获得了一个高中毕业证。” Pas
16、sing students who have not mastered the work cheats them and the employers who expect graduates to have basic skills.We excuse this dishonest behavior by saying kids cant learn if they come from terrible environments.No one seems to stop to think that-no matter what environments they come from-most
17、kids don't put school first on their list unless they perceive something is at stake.Theyd rather be sailing. 让一个对自己的学业都没掌握好的学生毕业,不仅欺骗了他们自己,也欺骗了那些认为毕业生们都掌握了基本技能的雇主们 。我们可以对这个不诚实的行为辩解说,孩子们不能学习是因为他们周围的环境太糟糕。似乎没有人停下来思考过这个问题无论孩子们来自什么环境,大部分孩子并不会把学业放在第一位,除非他们意识到这种做法有一定风险。他们宁愿随波逐流。Many students I see at
18、 night could give expert testimony on unemployment,chemical dependency,abusive relationships.In spite of these for a better job or the need to hang on to the one theyve got.They have a healthy fear of failure.我在夜校看到的学生的状况被解雇、对毒品的依赖和家庭暴力等 可以给出有力的证明。尽管有这样许多的困难,他们依然把接受教育放在优先的位置,他们被他们心里的希望激励着,或是出于要找到一份好
19、的工作,或是出于对保持现有工作的需要。他们对失败都有一个健康的心理。People of all ages can rise above their problems, but they need to have a reason to do so. Young people generally dont have the maturity to value education in the same way my adult students value it. But fear of failure, whether economic or academic ,can motivate bo
20、th.所有年龄段的人都能克服他们的问题,但他们需要一个这样做的理由。年轻人通常不像我的那些成年的学生一样有一个成熟的心态去看待教育 。但是对失败的害怕,可以激励他们,无论是在经济上或是学术上。Flunking as a regular policy has just as much merit today as it did two generations ago.We must review the threat offlunking and see it as it really isa postive teaching tool.It is an expression of confid
21、ence by both tecahers and parents that the students have the ability to learn the material presented to them.However,making it work again would take adedicated,caring conspiracy betwwen teachers and parents. It would mean that teachers would have to follow through on their threats, and parents would
22、 have to stand behind them, knowing their children's best interests are indeed at stake. This means no more doing Scott's assignments for him because he might fail. No more passing Jodi because she's such a nice kid. 考试不让通过作为一个策略,具有许多优点无论是在现在还是在两个世纪以前。我们在看到他的危险之外,必须看到这确实是一个积极的教育工具。老师和家长应
23、该对此具有信心,即学生完全有能力学会你所给他的东西。然而,要让其重新行之有效必须要做出一些奉献,老师和家长应该合作起来。这将意味着两者都必须要正视这个现实中的困境让不学习的学生通过,可以避免短时的悲痛,但却注定了他们长期的无知。这意味着教师们在了解了他的危害之后必须要坚持到底,并且家长们在了解了他们孩子的最终利益受到危害之后必须坚定的站在老师的这一边。这意味着,不再替Scott做作业是因为这样会给他带来失败,不让Scott通过是因为他是一个如此优秀的孩子。This is a policy that worked in the past and can work today. A wise te
24、acher, with the support of his parents, gave our son the opportunity to succeed-or fail . It's time we returned this choice to all students.这是一个在过去和现在都行之有效的方法。一个聪明的老师,在家长们的支持下,要给我们的孩子机会成功或失败。现在是时间让我们重新回到这个抉择了。4Unit Two:Text A:A Wedding Gift结婚礼物Elizabeth Economies伊利莎白埃科诺莫I had always dreamed of b
25、eing proposed to in a Parisian cafe, under dazzling stars, like the one in a Van Gogh knockoff that hangs in my studio apartment. Instead, my boyfriend asked me to marry him while I was wandering the bathroom mirror.我一直有这样的梦想:星光灿烂的网上,在一家巴黎咖啡馆能有人向我求婚。那个咖啡馆就像梵高所画的“夜晚的咖啡馆”,我的工作室墙上就挂着一幅此画的翻印本。然而,我男朋友却在我
26、用“稳得新”擦洗卫生间镜子的时候叫我嫁给他。At 40 years old, it was my turn. 1 had gracefully stepped aside and watched both my twin sister and our baby sister take the matrimonial plunge before me? 1 had been a bridesmaid seven times and a maid of honor three times. 1 had more pastel-colored, taffeta dresses than a cons
27、ignment shop.我已经上40岁,是该轮到我了,我已经体面地让开,眼看着孪生妹妹还有小妹在我之前出嫁,我做过女傧相7次,伴娘3次,我的淡颜色塔夫绸衣服比寄物店都多。My fiancé, George, and I are Greek-American, but we wanted a simple, elegant affair. No entourage of bridesmaids and groomsmen. No silly slideshow revealing details of our courtship. This would be an intimate
28、gathering, neither big nor fat, with 100 or so guests. In our families that is intimate. 我的未婚夫乔治和我都是希腊裔美国人,但是我们想办一个简朴、大方的婚礼。不需要很多伴娘伴郎。也不放映幻灯片,展示求婚的细节,那太傻了,这会是一次很温馨的聚会,请的人不多也不铺张,100个左右的宾客吧。在我们的家族,那算是小圈子内的聚会。My job as a publicist to a monomaniacal orchestra conductor had just vanished, so 1 had lots o
29、f time to devote to my new project. George, who worked 60 hours a week as a pharmacist, now had a second job: listening to me whine about the wedding. After all, this was my show, and 1 was the director.我为一位偏执狂的管弦乐队指挥做公关刚刚结束,因而我有很多时间投入到我这个新的项目上。乔治是药剂师,每周工作60小时,现在又有一份工作:听我抱怨婚礼一事。这毕竟是我表现的时候,得有我说着算。But
30、 the more time and effort 1 put in, the more the universe tried to thwart me. The Greek band from Los Angeles that 1 wanted wasn't available. The stitching 1 had requested for my cathedral veil was all wrong. My ivory silk gown was being quarantined somewhere in Singapore. And with our wedding j
31、ust a few weeks away, 1 was annoyed that most of my guests were responding after the deadline.但是,我投入的时间和精力越多,万事就越和我过不去。没有请到我想要的洛杉矶希腊乐队。我到教堂时所戴面纱的针线活也很糟,不是我原来所要求的。我订的象牙色的丝绸礼服被隔离在新加坡的某个地方。眼看着婚礼也就没有几个礼拜了,我邀请的客人大部分在最后期限之后才回信,让我很是烦恼。Then 1 received the call from my mother, petite and brimming with energy
32、 at 68, who a few days before had been so thrilled about the wedding. Shed been to the doctor for her annual checkup. Although she felt fine, the diagnosis was stomach cancer. 之后,我接到妈妈的电话。她个头娇小,68岁却依然精力饱满。几天前还为我即将举行的婚礼而感到兴奋不已。她刚去医院做例年的身体检查。虽然感觉不错,但被诊断是胃癌。Over the next few days, the question became n
33、ot "What kind of wedding?" but "Wedding?" I had thought of it as my Big Day. I realized that a Big Day without my mother would be no day at all. Not having my dad, who passed away three years before, to walk me down the aisle was painful, but the thought of not having Mom there w
34、as unbearable.接下来的几天,问题不再是“举行什么样的婚礼”,而是“还办婚礼吗?”我把这看作是我的大喜日子。我认识到没有妈妈的大喜日子不可思议。爸爸已经在三年前过世,不可能牵着我的手到教堂圣坛完婚,这已经让我觉得凄苦。但是一想到妈妈那天也不能在教堂就让我觉得无法忍受。Within a few days, 1 moved back home to Seattle from New York City and postponed the ceremony. 1 switched from navigating wedding plans to navigating the health
35、-care system. I had picked out the song to be played for our first dance as a husband and wife, but now 1 was hard-pressed to remember what it was. My wedding, like a dream, was vanishing against the harsh reality of illness. 几天后,我从纽约搬回西雅图,延迟了婚礼。我从操办婚礼转向指导保健。我已经挑选好歌曲,准备作为我们夫妻的首个舞曲,但现在压力那么大,我已经记不起来是哪
36、首了。我的婚礼在母亲患病这个残酷的事实面前就像梦一样消失了。Meanwhile, my two sisters and I, who lived in three different cities, were united once again in a hospital waiting room. My twin sister flew in from Chicago despite being eight months pregnant. Our baby sister, who'd been looking after Mom since Dad's death, was
37、 gripped by fear as the familiar sights and smells were eerily reminiscent of his final days. After consulting with doctors, we learned that stomach surgery was Mom's only option. We took the first opening. 与此同时,我和两个妹妹原本都生活在三个不同的城市,这时却在医院的等候室里再次相聚了。我的孪生妹妹虽然已怀孕八个月,但还是从芝加哥飞了过来。小妹自父亲去世以来一直照顾着妈妈,这时恐
38、惧占据了她的心,此情此景让她不由得想起父亲临终的日子。咨询医生后,我们得知手术是妈妈唯一的选择。医院一有床位我们就住进去了。On a drab autumn morning, as sheets of rain relentlessly poured over Seattle, Mom was admitted to the Swedish Cancer Institute. During a five-hour operation, surgeons removed two thirds of her stomach. Pacing in the waiting room, terrifie
39、d, I wondered what the future held for all of us. 一个沉闷的秋天早晨,大雨无情地倾泻在西雅图市,妈妈被收进瑞典肿瘤研究所。在五个小时的手术过程中,医生把她的胃切掉了三分之二。我在等候室里来回走动,恐惧不安,不知道等待我们的会是什么。George flew out to be with me. "There's no place I'd rather be," he said. For three nights he slept on the dank floor in the hospital waiting
40、 area wrapped in a tattered sheet with a soiled sofa cushion under his head. A week after the operation, the surgeon gave us his prognosis: "The cancer has not spread," he said. Those were some of the loveliest words in the English language. George squeezed my hand as tears trickled down m
41、y face. 乔治飞过来陪我。他说:“我也不想待在其他地方”。三个夜晚,他睡在医院等候区域潮湿的地板上,裹着破旧床单,头枕脏兮兮的沙发垫。手术一周后,医生向我们告知了预后。“癌细胞没有扩散,”他说。这几个词可是英语中最可爱的词了。乔治紧握着我的手,这时眼泪流下我的面颊。The weeks that followed were exhausting. My mother had to rethink her diet, and I had to figure out what to prepare. Decadent Greek meals were replaced by tiny port
42、ions and lots of protein, which would help mend the six-inch incision that ran from her breastbone past her navel. Protein would also bolster her immune system for the chemo and radiation that might follow.接下来的几个礼拜令人劳累。妈妈只得重新考虑她的饮食,我得琢磨该准备哪些饭菜。颓废的希腊饭菜被蛋白质替代,少食多餐,这有助于修补她那从胸骨到肚脐下长达六英寸的刀口。蛋白质还增强她的免疫系统,
43、因为接下来她要化疗和放疗。Until then, my idea of cooking had been microwaving the doggie bag from the chi-chi restaurant I'd eaten at the night before. But after two months, I mastered poached eggs and T-bone steaks. What's more, caring for my Mom made me realize how consummately she had cared for all of
44、 us. I'll never forget when I went to see her in the intensive-care unit, just a few hours after her surgery. She was strung out with a myriad of plastic tubes protruding from her arms, nose, and mouth." Liz, make sure you eat something," she said in a strained, raspy voice. 在此之前,做饭对我来
45、说也就是把头天晚上从花哨饭店里吃剩下打包回来的饭菜在微波炉热一下。但两个月之后,我掌握了水煮荷包蛋,学会烧带骨牛排。此外,照顾母亲也让我认识到她当年照料我们是多么地尽心。我永远也不会忘记,她刚动完手术几个小时后,我到特护病房去看她。她躺在那里,手臂、鼻孔和嘴巴里插了那么多的塑料导管,她却吃力、沙哑地说道:“莉兹,你一定要吃点东西。”Forget Paris. Mom's full recovery was my dream now. 忘记巴黎。妈妈的彻底康复才是我现在的梦想。Recently, she went for a follow-up C-T scan. As she remo
46、ved her gold wedding band for the exam, her fragile 98-pound frame trembled. There would be this scan, and many more. But the doctor said," Everything looks good." Soon, my mother will be walking me down the aisle. I've forgotten what kind of stitching is in my veil. But when I remove
47、it from my face , Ill be staring at the two people I love beyond all reason: my soon-to-be husband and the woman who showed me what' s really important.最近,她去做了一次随访CT检查。当她脱下结婚金戒指检查的时候,98磅的柔弱身躯颤抖了。这个检查得做,接下来还有很多次。但医生说,“一切都很好。”不久,妈妈就可以把我领到圣坛举行婚礼。我已经忘记面纱上的刺绣。但在我掀开面纱的时候,我肯定会脉脉地注视着我所最爱的两个人:我的未婚夫和让我懂得人
48、生要义的那个女人我的母亲。Unit Three:HealthText A :Tracing the Cigarettes Path From Sexy to Deadly追寻烟草的历程:从性感到致命HOWARD MARKEL, M.D.霍华德.马克尔.医学博士 For many Americans, the tobacco industrys disingenuousness became a matter of public record during a Congressional hearing on April 14, 1994. There, under the withering
49、glare of Representative Henry A.Waxman, Democrat of California, appeared the chief executives of the seven largest American tobacco companies. 对许多美国人来说,烟草业的不诚信记入公众档案始于1994 年4 月14 日的一次国会听证会,在加州民主党代表亨利A威克斯曼的怒视下,美国七大烟草巨头的首席执行官出现在这次听证会上。In the 1930s and 1940s,cigarettes were either healthy because they
50、were implicitly endorsed by a kindly doctor,or sexy.在20 世纪30 和40 年代,香烟要么意味着健康-因为有一位仁慈的医生含蓄的推荐它,要么意味着性感。Each executive raised his right hand and solemnly swore to tell the whole truth about his business. In sequential testimony, each one stated that he did not believe tobacco was a health risk and th
51、at his company had taken no steps to manipulate the levels of nicotine in its cigarettes. 每次总裁举起右手,郑重宣誓要对从事的业务实话实说。在随后的证词中,每个人都陈述自己不相信烟草会给健康带来风险,而且自己的公司从未采取措施来操纵香烟中尼古丁的含量。Thirty years after the famous surgeon generals report declaring cigarette smoking a health hazard, the tobacco executives, it see
52、med ,were among the few who believed otherwise. 30 年前,一位卫生局长就发布了关于抽烟危害健康的著名报告。如今开来,烟草业总裁们属于不相信该报告的极少数人的行列。But it was not always that way. Allan M. Brandt, a medical historian at Harvard, insists that recognizing the dangers of cigarettes resulted from an intellectual process that took the better par
53、t of the 20th century. He describes this fascinating story in his new book, “The Cigarette Century: The Rise, Fall and Deadly Persistence of the Product that Defined America” (Basic Books). 但事实本非始终如此。哈佛大学医学史专家艾伦M布兰特坚持认为,对香烟危害的认识源于持续了大半个20 世纪的一个智力过程。在新书香烟的世纪:界定美国的产品的兴衰和死命的坚持中,他讲述了这个引人入胜的故事。In contras
54、t to the symbol of death and disease it is today, from the early 1900s to the 1960s the cigarette was a cultural icon of sophistication, glamour and sexual allure a highly prized commodity for one out of two Americans. 虽说当今香烟是死亡和疾病的象征,但从20 世纪初到20 世纪60 年代,香烟在文化上象征着成熟练达,魅力和性感诱惑-是当时半数美国人大为追捧的商品。Many ad
55、vertising campaigns from the 1930s through the 1950s extolled the healthy virtues of cigarettes. Full-color magazine ads depicted kindly doctors clad in white coats proudly lighting up or puffing away, with slogans like “More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.”从20 世纪30 年代到50 年代,许多广告运动都颂扬
56、香烟的健康品质。在全彩的杂志广告中,身穿大白褂的仁慈的医生骄傲的点起香烟或是吞云吐雾,上面还写着“更多医生选择骆驼牌香烟”之类的广告语。 Early in the 20th century, opposition to cigarettes took a moral rather than a health-conscious tone, especially for women who wanted to smoke, although even then many doctors were concerned that smoking was a health risk. 20 世纪初期,
57、对于香烟的抵制带着道德的口吻,而不是出于对健康的关注。对想抽烟的女性更是如此。不过即使再当时,许多医生已经关注到吸烟会给健康造成风险。The 1930s were a period when many Americans began smoking and the most significant health effects had not yet developed. As a result, the scientific studies of the era often failed to find clear evidence of serious pathology and had
58、the perverse effect of exonerating the cigarette. 在20 世纪30 年代这一时期,许多美国人变成了烟民,而抽烟对健康最为显著的危害尚未觉现出来。因此,这一时期的科学研究无法从严肃的病理学上找到清晰的证据,竟起到了为香烟开脱的反效果。The years after World War II, however, were a time of major breakthroughs in epidemiological thought. In 1947, Richard Doll and A. Bradford Hill of the British
59、 Medical Research Council created a sophisticated statistical technique to document the association between rising rates of lung cancer and increasing numbers of smokers. 到了二战后,流行病学思想取得了不少重大突破。1947 年,英国医学研究会的理查德多尔和A布德福德希尔创立了一种复杂的统计方法,以记录肺癌上升率和烟民增加之间的关系。The prominent surgeon Evarts A. Graham and a medical student, Ernst L. Wynder, published a landmark article in 1950 comparing the incidence of lung cancer in
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