1、Unit 11. If you are trying to learn another language, you caninhibitionsl(OWOUr) tocontrol our progress. You must be confident and willing to make mistakes.2. Nigel tells some quite incredulous (不可彳f 的)stories sometimes. I never know when to believe him.3. When traveling to certain tropical countrie
2、s, find out what diseases are endemic (地方性 的)to the region and take the necessary medications.4. When Olivia, whose grandparents are from Spain, visited the country for the first time, she had an eerie (怪异的)feeling that she had been there before.5. Although traveling can be exhausting, I always feel
3、 exhilarated (兴奋的)when I arrive in a new country.6. After spending several days hiking across the mountains with little food and water , Chen ' s speech was slurred and he did not appear lucid.(明白的)7. Every New Year ' s Eve, James loves tdecked out (装扮)in his party hat and clothes.8. There a
4、re many amazing places to see in Egypt, but the Temple of Karnac, in Luxor, is certainly one of the most awe-inspiring (令人惊叹的 )sights I have ever seen.9. We planned to have a barbecue last night, but the temperature plummeted (垂直下落 )in the afternoon so we ended up eating indoors with the heater turn
5、ed on.10. I ' ve found that in most countsiehe local people are quite gracious.(亲切的, 有礼貌 的)They want visitors to leave with wonderful impressions of their country.Unit 21. Green plants elaborate (使简单的物质合成 )organic(有机体)compounds from inorganic by means of photosynthesis (光合作用)2. Many court cases
6、in the past 15 years havs shown that a competent physician who carries out euthanasia(安乐死)will suffer no prosecution(起诉).3. Euthanasia has been a very controversial (有争议的)issur in Europe since at least 1936.4. The facts he had collected through on-the-spot( 当场)observation provided him with ammunitio
7、n (论证, 事实根据 )for his argument.5. We will never take compassion(怜惘)on snake-like scoundrels(恶棍).6. 76% of those who participated in the poll gave almost the same response.(反应)7. John ' s arthritis(节炎)is getting so unbearable these days that he has to be hospitalized .(送医院,使留医 ).8. Hatred against
8、those spreading rumors about him surged up within him.(兴起的, 高涨的)9. Despite some exceptions, compassionate killings are dealt with very moderately in Britishcourts.(适度的,有节制的)10. The advocates of euthanasia have been working with such great zeal that they are regarded as quite radical in some European
9、 countries.(热情)Unit 31. Very many of the things we bend over backwards (拼命)to do involve taking some risk.2. Joe said that the first time he was at the conference he was just like a babe in the woods.(小孩)3. Sometimes, even a chance(随意的)remark may result in tragedy.4. The odds(机会)are usually in favor
10、 of those who are brave enough.5. Mind you: she always smites with her tongue(血口喷人).6. Dick is not the kind of person who likes to splash his money about(挥霍).7. You can rest assured(确信无疑 )that the sum is not always shinning on him.8. I asked him to beat a hasty retreat(悬崖勒马)but my words were like wa
11、ter off a duck' sback.Unit 41. I don ' t want to gevolved with that sort of event.2. Humorous writers often touch our hearts with their writings.3. If you litter, you will spoil the natural beauty of the surroundings.4. Consumers help boost more jobs and help boom the economy.5. Sandra doesn
12、 seetm to get on nicely with her new boss.6. Employees usually take care not to get cross with their bosses.7. A friction(爱挑易U的)manager is also fond of flinging mud at (恶言)other people.8. She didn ' t seem to understand you, so you should haveha?art-to-heart talk with her.9. Don' t be disapp
13、ointed. Thereprofusioln a丰富)of chances for you to mend fencewith her.10. Sandra bite her tongue off whenever she thought of her rudeness at the party.Unit 51. This high tech is more of a bane(灭亡)than a boon(福音)for mankind.2. He listened to these small-town anecdotes(轶事)with contempt.3. George resent
14、ed returning to this kind of mundane (世俗的)routine.4. Light is a stimulus to growth in plants.5. To me that ' s what is reaityiguing (好奇)about him.6. All the schools in the city were closed during the epidemic(流彳病)of scarlet fever.7. Mother was in the midst of a bout(一阵子 ) of house cleaning.8. Hi
15、s hatred of her was almost pathological (病态的).Unit 61. 1.A bite of wisdom and experience go a 10ng way(大有帮助).2. How? By being older, wiser and asking embarrassing quentions.3. They also give parents and prospective students the opportunity to ask searchingquestions 4. By going to open days, parents
16、and their children can gauge(评价)the culture of the institution 5. While not disputing (质疑)the importance of any of these, I had a different agenda:6. Many universities did their utmost to separate students from their parents7. So, masquerading (伪装)as a mature student, I often sneaked(潜彳亍)in to the b
17、ack of thestudent sessions.8. and the chap at University of London seemed a bit out of touch (孤陋寡闻).9. And, of course, they deserve almost all the credit(荣耀)when they get in.Unit 71. All men recognize the right of revolution; that is , the right to refuse allegiance( 效忠于)to, and to resist, the gover
18、nment, when its tyranny (暴政)or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.2. In an international conference UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says that the freshly minted plans for Iraq will dissolve as soon as they begin to take shape.3. Victors soon began to flock (涌入)in from county houses, villages
19、 and lonely uplands to see the reception, or if not to see it, at any rate to be near it.4. It seems to me if I were young and in love I should never deem (认为)a man of ordinary caliber(能力)worthy of my devotion.5. And Mr. Brooke looked so contented and cheerful that Meg was ashamed to lament (悲伤) her
20、 hard lot.6. I handled this amazing antiquity( 古物)with the greatest possible tenderness( 温柔),lest it should fragment in my hands.7. When it comes to trade in the underdeveloped parts of the world, most Western countries want to have a finger in every pie .8. Whilst(同时)the film does become somewhat o
21、ver-indulgent( 放纵的)in parts, its nostalgic(怀旧)feel is excellently used to make all of us want to hark back to (回想起)the care-free days of childhood.9. Research projects should be relevant to the requirements of the county and should help in improving the quality of life of the people.10. Legal advice
22、 needs to be tailored to specific circumstances, and you should therefore consult with an attorney for advice regarding your particular situation.11. Because nomadic(游牧)life style is often unstable and hostile, nomades are always fighting their way through harsh elements and foreign territories in t
23、he effort to carve out niches (赢 得一席之地)for themselves.12. We expect the group consisting of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia still to notch up。大到)growth of almost 2% this year.Unit 81. “And, madam, “ continued she,“she haadhactyh鲁莽,大胆)to affront(冒3日)yourladyship and to call you ugly
24、Yes, madam, she called you ugly old cat to my face.2. The " g-eich-quick " efforts attempting to achieve and sustain a opulent (富裕的)life style will invariably involve corruption, aggression in humans.3. It was well worth one ' s while, even if he had no idea of buying or selljogero 徘徊)
25、 through the bazaars and observe the various sorts of traffic that were going forward.4. I can state in all sincerity that I wish nothing but freedom, justice and equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all people.5. Elegant Venetian buildings and palaces peer(比得上 )over the ancient
26、maze of narrow streets and labyrinth(错综复杂的)canals(管道、运河)that contrive (巧妙地策划)to make this a unique city.6. No wonder that those who conducted such an infraction( 违法)of the rights of humanity should have sought to veil(掩饰)the enormity (弥天大罪 )from the eyes of the world.7. It was the soft, amiable(亲切的)
27、Negro voice, like those I remembered from early childhood, with the note of docile( 温顺的)subservience(服从)in it.8. Great commanders do not condescend(屈尊)to fight in person but conduct the field operations by orders delivered through aideds-de-camp.9. It was true that her profile was beautiful; it was
28、extraordinary how a girl had such a perfection of outline which took your breath away.10. The painter was sitting before the open window, an easel( 画架)in front of him, a palette(调色板)in his left hand, painting with deft (灵巧的),swift touches.Unit 91. The root cause of the grave(严重的)historical error tha
29、t is undermining (逐渐肖U弱 )American image and interest is the outcome of its misguided foreign policy which is designed to favor specific individuals and political groups at the expense of the will and aspirations(强烈愿望)of the general public.2. Afghanistan ' s future as a democratic nathonges on(取决
30、于)the government ' s ability to emancipate(解放)Afghan women in all spheres of society.3. Father Claude taught the boy to respect the rights of others, toespouse(支持)the cause ofthe poor and weak and to revere( 敬畏)God.4. Some of these lizards(蜥蜴)inhabit the high and damp parts of the islands, but t
31、hey are much more numerous in the lower and sterile( 贫瘠)districts near the coast.5. It is an interesting paradox that while Johnson ' s reputation as the chief English man of letters of his age seems secure for all time, his works, for the most part, have long ceased to be read.6. Our village li
32、fe would have stagnated (停滞)if it had not been for the unexplored forests and meadows(牧场)which surrounded it.7. Night was falling rapidly, and their predicament (窘境)was rendered doubly worse when they could not even find the trail which they had been following.8. The man is mad quite mad and we cann
33、ot longer jeopardize (冒.危险)our own throatsmerely to humor his crazy and criminal whims( 突发奇想).9. What I can say is that the uprising in Iraq will continue and the American public may well wake up to the deaths of thousands of its sons and daughters.10. He felt the good and bad within himself inextri
34、cably (复杂地)mingled and overlapping.Unit 101. Most visitors to Ameri ca ' s national parks rarelsiroy(走失)more than a few yards from their cars or tour buses because it' s easy to bellost inandleysong trees.2. Your children should go out in the fresh air rather than huddling up against the rad
35、iator(暖 气片)like that.3. She spent the day traipsing (闲狂)round the shops, but found nothing suitable to buy.4. After so many years of hard life experiences, he has formed a habit of keepingreticence (沉默寡言 )about his past, which makes his colleagues very suspicious of him.5. She was very tense(紧张的)as
36、she was waiting for the interview because she know therewere a lot of candidates competing for the position in this big company.6. Psychologists(心理学家)were astounded (震惊的)to discover that volunteers in theexperiment were often willing to inflict( 把强力口给)pain on others if they were told to.7. Pigeons a
37、re gregarious(爱交际的)bird but blackbirds tend to be solitary( 独居的).8. People who have been involved in serious accidents often need some counseling (咨询月艮 务)to help them recover from the terrible experiences.9. Passengers without proper documentation will not be allowed to travel in this area.10. She r
38、efuses to come down(处罚,批评)squarely(直接地)on either side of the arguments.11. Judging from your examination results, I think that you have grounds for cautions optimism about getting a university place.12. After looking at all the applications, we reached a tentative (暂定的)conclusion that three or four
39、people might be worth interviewing.13. A succession of scandals(丑闻)and revelations has undermined the government' sprestige(威信)over the past year.14. If you confide in(信任)someone you can share your feelings and secrets with him because you trust him not to tell other people.15. Hitler ' s in
40、vasion of Poland led to tragedy of the Second World War and the Holocaust(大屠杀)is one of the greatest tragedies the world has ever known.16. For this venture to be really successful we must start by mustering (集合)the enthusiasm of parents, teachers and pupils.17. When Mary ' s lost her money duri
41、ng her travel abroad, a friend said to her: Console(安慰)”yourself it could have been worse. What if you' d had your passport stolen as well as yourmoney!”18. Five years of psychotherapy sa 尔? 0 erpi:(心理疗法)helped him to deal with his childhood traumas(心灵创伤).19. I really can figure tout why he has
42、done such a foolish thing for he is always so sensible in his life and work.20. Her anger, embarrassment and reserve were melted away when she read the letter.Unit 111. It has been alleged that the factory is dumping noxious (有害的)chemicals in the river.2. Odor(气味)can become a problem if the ventilat
43、ion in the room is inadequate. The newtechnique involves surgeons making small incision(切口 ) in the skin into which tubes are inserted.3. Social workers have dismissed the government' s latest efforts to sort out the homelessproblem as purely cosmetic(装点门面的 ).4. Seeing the children in the park p
44、rompted( 促使)thoughts of his own sons on the other side of the Atlantic.5. If there are no complications (并发症),the doctor says that she' ll be able to come homewithin two weeks.6. It is one of those glossy magazines with endless pictures of minor celebrities and socialites (社会名流)attending balls.7
45、. “ Spitting image " is a British television program whtiiczes(讥讽)the political events ofthe past week.8. I hereby certify (证实)that the above information is true and correct.9. I enjoy working in general medicine but I hope to be able tospecialize(精通)in the future.10. The money he got from teac
46、hing evening classes provides a supplement (额外费用)to his income of his job to pay the 10-year housing loan.11. A quarter of all burglaries(入户盗窃 )are carried out in the homes whose owners have failed to take basic precaution (预防才普施 )to lock doors and windows.12. The agency was not accredited (认可)by th
47、e Philippine Consulate to offer contracts to Filippinos abroad.13. He had a suspicion that the certificate was forgery( 伪造),but on closer inspection (检查),it seemed OK.14. It was snowing heavily in the mountain area. The drivers were facing the dual( 二重的) hazards(危险)of black ice and frozen snow.15. T
48、here documents should never leave the room for they are of high confidential (机密的).16. As one of the nation 'premiere (重要的)scientist, he committed to attracting young people to science.17. The Beatles ' rise to fame was quhenomenal (惊人的)in less than two years it was a household(家喻户晓的 )name,
49、for nobody had heard anything like that before. His inability to admit that he is wrong is a flaw (缺点)in his character.18. All luggage 'is screened(检杳过的 )at the airport to make sure it contains nothing illegal or dangerous.19. She was momentarily (顷亥U之间 )confused with road signs but soon found o
50、ut the right way in the downtown of the big city.20. Somewhere a band was playing and brightly colored flags were fluttering (飘动)in the breeze.Unit 121.We can ' assume the suspect to be guilty simply because they have decided to remain silent...The group remain steadfast in its sup
51、port for the new system, even when it was criticized in the newspapers.Among other things, the museum boasts an unrivaled collection of French porcelain.People who live in crowded cities often experience breathing problems during the summer when high temperature combines with stagnant polluted air.T
52、he closure of the factory could devastate the lives of thousands of families in the area whose incomes depend on it.Through history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.Northern areas of the country were Some of the concerns of th
53、e 1960 support today.engulfed by/in a snowstorm last night.'s, such as environmentalism, are reeeice leveeedThe television coverage of so many starving people was designed to pick/stir up the public conscience.10. The detail of her wildlife painting is a testament to her power of observation.11.
54、 He has this theory that suffering can ennoble a person ' s character.12. The arrival of a group of friends on Saturday infuses new life into the weekends.Unit 1If you are trying to learn another language, you can't allow your inhibitions to control your progress. You must be confident and w
55、illing to make mistakes.( 拘束感)Nigel tells some quite incredulous stories sometimes, I never know when to believe him.( 不可信 的)When traveling to certain tropical countries, find out what diseases are endemic to the region and take the necessary mediations.(地方,性的)When Olivia, whose grandparents are fro
56、m Spain, visited the country for the first time, she had an eerie feeling that she had been there before.(怪怪的)Although traveling can be exhausting, I always exhilarate when I arrive in a new country.( 令人 兴奋的)After spending several days hiking across the mountains with little food and water, Chen'
57、;s speechwas slurred and he did not appear lucid.(神智还辛青醒的 )Every New Year's Eve, James loves to get decked out in his party hat and clothes.(穿着)There are many amazing places to see in Egypt, but the Temple of Karnac, in Luxor, is certainly one of the most awe-inspiring sights I have ever seen.(令
58、人惊叹的, 令人敬畏的)We planned to have a barbecue last night, but the temperature plummeted in the afternoon so we ended up eating indoors with the heater turned on.(垂直下落 )I ve found that in most countries the local people are quitegracious. They want visitors to leavewith wonderful impressions of their cou
59、ntry.( 亲切的, 有礼貌的 )Unit 2Green plants elaborate organic compounds from inorganic by means of photosynthesis.( 使简单 的物质合成)Many court cases in past 15 years have shown that a competent physician who carries out euthanasia will suffer no prosecute.(检举,起诉 )Euthanasia has been a very controversial issue in Europe
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