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1、一单元知识点What are they wearing?他们穿着什么?What is he/she wearing?他 / 她穿着什么?He is wearing a green sweater.他穿着一件绿色的毛衣。She is wearing blue trousers.她穿着蓝色的裤子。This is a shirt这是一件衬衫These are trousers.这些是裤子This is a new skirt.这是一件新的裙子。This is an old skirt.这是一件旧的裙子。These are new trousers.这些是新的裤子。These are old trou

2、sers.这些是旧的裤子。Is it new?它是新的吗?Yes, it is./ No, it isn t.是的,它是。/不,它不是。Are they new?它们是新的吗?Yes, they are./ No, they aren t.是的,它们是。/ 不, 它们不是。I like your skirt.我喜欢你的裙子。Is this your cap?这是你的帽子吗?Yes, it is. No, it isn t.是的,它是。/ 不, 它不是。Are these your gloves?这些是你的手套吗?Yes, they are.是的,它们是。No, they aren t.不,它们

3、不是。Is this his/her dress?这是他/ 她的连衣裙吗?Yes, it is. / No, it isn t.是的,它是。/ 不, 它不是。Are these his/her shorts?这些是他/ 她的短裤吗?Yes, they are/ No, they aren t.是的,它们是。/ 不, 它们不是。What day is today?今天星期几?What day is it?今天星期几?It s Monday.星期一。How many days are there in a week?一周有几天?Seven.七天。It is a birthday gift from

4、 my mum.它是妈妈给我的生日礼 物。二单元知识点What do you do at home?你在家做什么?I do my homework.我做作业。What do you do in the evening?你晚上做什么?What do you do in your bedroom?你在卧室里做什么?What do you do onSaturday?你星期六做什么?I read a book.我读书。I draw a picture.我画画。I write a story.我写故事。I sing a song.我唱歌。I play a game.我玩游戏。I wash my clo

5、thes.我洗衣服。I help my mum and dad.我帮助我的爸爸妈妈。I talk on the phone with my friends.我给我的朋友打电话。I watch TV.我看电视。I play on the computer.我玩电脑。I make my bed.我整理床。I clean my bedroom.我打扫卧室。I listen to music.我听音乐。I brush my teeth.我刷牙。I brush my hair.我梳头发。I wash my face.我洗脸。I put on my clothes.我穿衣服。I play with my

6、friends.我和朋友一起玩。We fly kites.我们放风筝。We play catch with a ball.我们玩接球游戏。Jenny plays with her toy.珍妮玩玩具。John puts the little bird up in the tree.约翰把小鸟放在树上。三单元知识点Where s the computer room?电脑室在哪?Where s the library?图书馆在哪?I can show you.我给你指路。Is it far from here?它离这儿远吗?No .it s near .不,它在附近。Is it far from

7、the school?它离学校远吗?No. It s near the school.不,它在学校附近。Li Ming is near the school.李明在学校附近。Let me help you.让我来帮你。Excuse me.打扰一下。Yes?什么事?I m lost.我迷路了。Where s the zoo?动物园在哪?Go straight and turn left.直行然后左转。How do you go to school?你怎样去上学。I go to school by bike.我骑自行车上学。I go to the zoo by taxi.我乘出租车去动物园。I g

8、o to the restaurant by car.我乘小汽车去饭店。I go home by bus.我乘公共汽车回家。You can go there by bus.你可以乘公共汽车去那。Where is the bus stop?汽车站在哪儿?Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights.直行在交通信号灯处向 右转。The bus stop is there.公共汽车站在那儿。Red is stop!红灯停!Yellow is wait!黄灯等一等!Green is go!绿灯行!四单元知识点What do you want to b

9、uy?你想买什么?I want to buy a new dress.我想买一条新连衣裙I want to buy some books.我想买一些书。I want to buy a story book.我想买一本故事书。I don t want to buy a new dress.我不想买新连衣裙。I don t want to eat ice cream.我不想吃冰激凌Let s go to the clothes shop.让我们去服装店吧。Let s go to the book shop.让我们去书店吧。Let s go to see a doctor.让我们去看医生吧。Let

10、s go to eat some ice cream!让我们去吃冰激凌吧。Let s go shopping.让我们去购物吧Let s buy a new teddy bear.让我们买一个新的玩具 熊。Let s buy some vegetables.让我们买一些蔬菜吧。Let s go to the cinema to see a film.让我们去电影院看电影 吧。Let s go to the park to fly kites.让我们去公园放风筝吧。Let s go to the library to read a book.让我们去图书馆读书吧。Let s go to the c

11、lothes shop to buy a new skit.让我们去服装店买一条 新裙子吧。Let s go to the restaurant to have hamburgers and ice cream.让我们去饭店吃汉堡包 和冰激凌吧。May I help you?你想要什么?Yes, please. I want to buy 是的,我想买 。Where are the dresses?连衣裙在哪?I ll show you.我给你带路。This way, please.请走这边。Here they are!它们在这儿。Where do you want to go?你想去哪?I

12、want to go to the park.我想去公园。I like tomatoes.我喜欢西红柿。I like potatoes.我喜欢土豆。I like candy, too.我也喜欢糖果。Candy isn t good for your teeth.糖果对你的牙齿不好。How about some fruit?一些水果怎么样?Don t use that bag.不要使用那个袋子。We have our shopping bag.我们有我们的购物袋。We can shop online.我们可以网上购物。Shopping online is fun and easy.网上购物容易又

13、有趣。Can I buy ice cream online?我能在网上买冰激凌 吗?Do you like shopping online?你喜欢网上购物吗?Does Danny like shopping online?丹尼喜欢网上购物吗?How much is it?它多少钱?It s 40 yuan.40 元。Let's take it.让我们买下它吧。Are you okay?你还好吗?My head hurts.我头疼。She looks for him eveywhere?她到处寻找他。It is time to go to bed.该上床睡觉了。It is time fo

14、r bed.该上床睡觉了。Etta is happy to findTeddy.埃塔很高兴找到泰迪。短语near the school在学校附近at the traffic lights在交通灯处live in a big city住在大城市favourite colour最喜欢的颜色play with拿玩;和一起玩on the left在左边here it is它在这儿there it is它在那儿turn left左转turn right右转go straight直行traffic lights交通灯birthday gift生日礼物how many多少how much多少钱on Monday在星期一see a doctor看医生li


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