1、毕业论文论 文 题 目: 从肯德基与麦当劳的市场战略差异看跨国企业的本土化战略动机 作者所在系部: 外语系 作者所在专业: 英语 作者所在班级: B08711 作 者 姓 名 : 马方家 作 者 学 号 : 20084071128 指导教师姓名: 白桂荣 完 成 时 间 : 2012-6-2 北华航天工业学院教务处制 Motivation Analysis of Transnational Corporations Localization through the KFC and Mc.Donald's Marketing Strategy DifferencebyMa Fangjia
2、Thesis Advisor: Bai GuirongSubmitted to the B.A. Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in the Foreign Languages Department of North China Institute of Aerospace and Engineering指 导 教 师 情 况姓名白桂荣技术职务讲师工作单位北华航天工业学院外语系指 导 教 师 评 语指导教师评定成绩:指导教师签字:_ _ 年 _ 月 _
3、 日答 辩 委 员 会 评 语最终评定成绩: 答辩委员会主任签字:_ 单位(公章) _ 年_月_日北华航天工业学院本科生毕业论文原创性及知识产权声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文Motivation Analysis of Transnational Localization through the KFC and Mc.Donald's Marketing Strategy Difference是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立进行研究工作取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品或成果。对本论文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以
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5、,结果并不尽如人意,成功只眷顾了他们当中的一小部分。作为失败的教训,本土化战略的推行并未引起经济学家们预期的重视,仍旧有相当多的企业输在了本土化战略上,丧失了抢占新市场的先机,甚至结束了他们的国际之旅。本文正是以此为背景展开论述,从跨国企业进军国际市场失利的重要原因本土化战略为切入点,以肯德基和麦当劳进军中国市场之战为例,深刻阐述跨国企业进入国外市场战略中,本土化战略的重要性,并放眼经济全球化的大局,从宏观的角度阐释本土化战略与经济全球化的内在关联,在此基础上,结合对未来经济走势的预测,为跨国企业进军国外新市场的战略提供理论建议与参考。关键词:本土化 市场战略 全球化AbstractJust
6、as Marx stated in Das Kapital, the economic globalization has sweep everywhere around the world at an unprecedented speed since the 21st century. The entrepreneurs who dont mean to straggle along behind the others start to exploit new markets. Unfortunately, failure meets the majority. As a lesson,
7、the practice of localization strategy doesnt reach the level economists has expected. A lot of enterprises still fail in localization, losing the opportune chance to seize markets, even ending their investment travel in foreign.The paper disserts under this background, dividing the whole passage int
8、o three parts: First, standing on economic globalization, point out that multinational corporations are baffled in international markets because lacking of localization. Second, example the war KFC vs Mcdonalds in Chinese market and expound the importance of localization in international marketing s
9、trategy. Then, the essay focuses on general situation of economic globalization to study the inner-ship of localization strategy and economic globalization and supply theoretical advice and reference for multinational corporations moving to new markets, combining with prediction of future economic t
10、rend.Key words:localization, marketing, strategy, globalizationiiContents Abstract in ChineseiAbstractiiIntroduction1Chapter 1 Localization Strategys Background11.1 The background of localization strategy11.2 The definition of localization strategy, economic globalization and marketing strategy3Chap
11、ter 2 KFC and Mcdonalds in China52.1 The industry background of KFC and Mcdonalds52.2 Mcdonalds failing in "localization" in China62.3 Mcdonalds and KFC in China8Chapter 3 Reproduction of localization strategy103.1 The localization strategy of Coca-Cola103.2 The cases of multinational ente
12、rprises localization strategy11Chapter 4 The trend and prospect of localization134.1 The motivation of multinational enterprises' localization strategy134.2 Trend of localization14Chapter 5 Conclusion15Acknowledgments16Bibliography17Motivation Analysis of Transnational Corporations Localization
13、through the KFC and Mc.Donald's Marketing Strategy DifferenceIntroductionIn recent thirty years, a more efficient communication of information, transportation and funds reduce the time cost and distance. A lot of multinational corporations appear along with the never-ending changes and improveme
14、nt of international economy also the more fierce competition. They make their endings various because of different attitudes to “localization” during their marketing strategy. The thesis makes its statement based on this background that elaborate in details about importance of localization strategy
15、when multinational corporations march into the international market. And it begins topic with the reason that transnational corporations suffer a setback in foreign markets- localization strategy and exemplifies the business war between KFC and Mcdonalds in China. On the other hand, this essay puts
16、its eyes on the general situation and states the internal relation between localization strategy and economic globalization in macroscopical way. Based on these, the paper provides theoretical advice and reference for multinational corporations marching into new foreign markets nowadays along with t
17、he prediction of future economic tendency.Chapter 1 Localization Strategys BackgroundIn this part, the writer will make a detail explanation of the localization strategys background in the first section. Then in the second section, writer will introduce in definition of “localization strategy”, “eco
18、nomic globalization” and “marketing strategy”.1.1 The background of localization strategyJust as Marx stated in Das Kapital, economic globalization has enjoyed an apparent development since 1980s. When it comes to 21century, the flourish of the multinational corporation has greatly promoted the enha
19、ncement of this trend. The economic globalization has sweep everywhere around the world at an unprecedented speed. Along with economic globalization, the marketing globalization put more competitive pressure on local enterprises. Depending on domestic market and resources separately is far from meet
20、ing their needs of competition, so that more and more entrepreneurs and investors shift to overseas.Unfortunately, lacking of knowledge and theoretical guidance to the situation and the overall trend of judgment, many corporations failed in localization strategies in the process of entering a foreig
21、n market. For example, Chrysler Corporation made its future still gloomy in the year 2008, after its entering in Chinese market for more than twenty years, just because lacking in recognize of localization. In recent years, the Chrysler has just turn around the whole losing situation into success th
22、rough the cooperation with Changcheng Corporation under the leading of Phil Murtaugh-CEO of Chrysler in Asia Pacific zone. Taking all above into consideration, many professors and scholars has devoted themselves to the study of the localization strategy and economic globalization from the angle of c
23、orporation marketing strategy. During the process of economic globalization, more and more corporations entering the foreign markets have suffered frustration and failure repeatedly. Considering this phenomenon, many well-known entrepreneurs, professors and scholars has discussed on it to provide th
24、eoretical guidance for the companies development.This strategy emphasizes to gain more development by “adapting”. Similarly, Bank of East Asia (china) put forward with “Create the best foreign bank of localization” and their deputy director Mr. Sun Minjie points that “If foreign banks want to keep a
25、 foothold in China, their top management layer must own vision of localization, and otherwise, their development in china will have difficulty in taking a step”. Mr. Yang Xiangdong, the managing director of The Carlyle Group and chairman of Carlyle Asian Fond Committee, points in Chinese forum of tr
26、ansnational corporations that localization is the key to success for multinational corporations. The Cleaning Company make their first job as trying hard to groom local survey staff for doing a lot of marketing surveys together deeply. Then they will build up huge data base for studying and developi
27、ng new products also a way to explore market. These all indicate that multinational corporations attach importance to localization strategy in studying and developing new products also the way to explore market.“Yum! Brands Inc has been the most successful foreign company in China”, the writer of A
28、billion customers-from the Chinese business first, James McGregor said. The President of Yum! Brands Inc, CEO of the KFC and Pizza Hut once told journalist that the success of KFC and Pizza Hut in China due to the management localization. Washington post has also reported in February 16th, 2011 “Loc
29、alization lead KFC to success in China”. As the top of international catering industry, Yum! Brands Inc. is different in China from the other companies. Especially the success of KFC localization strategy initiates a lot of thinking.1.2 The definition of localization strategy, economic globalization
30、 and marketing strategyLocalization strategy means to adjust to the international market. Localization is a strategy for adapting to target market, and striving to be a member of it but not a foreign comer. This strategy emphasizes to gain more development by “adapting”. This strategy mainly include
31、s four aspects: production localization, marketing localization, human resources localization, study and development localization.Economic globalization refers to increasing economic interdependence of national economies across the world through a rapid increase in cross-border movement of goods, se
32、rvice, technology and capital. Whereas globalization is centered around the diminution of international trade regulations as well as tariffs, taxes, and other impediments that suppresses global trade, economic globalization is the process of increasing economic integration between countries, leading
33、 to the emergence of a global marketplace or a single world market. Depending on the paradigm, economic globalization can be viewed as either a positive or a negative phenomenon.Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opport
34、unities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. It serves as the fundamental underpinning of marketing plans designed to fill market needs and reach marketing objectives. Plans and objectives are generally tested for measurable results. Commonly, marketing strategies are d
35、eveloped as multi-year plans, with a tactical plan detailing specific actions to be accomplished in the current year. Time horizons covered by the marketing plan vary by company, by industry, and by nation, however, time horizons are becoming shorter as the speed of change in the environment increas
36、es. Marketing strategies are dynamic and interactive. They are partially planned and partially unplanned. See strategy dynamics.Marketing strategy involves careful scanning of the internal and external environments. Internal environmental factors include the marketing mix, plus performance analysis
37、and strategic constraints. External environmental factors include customer analysis, competitor analysis, target market analysis, as well as evaluation of any elements of the technological, economic, cultural or political/legal environment likely to impact success. A key component of marketing strat
38、egy is often to keep marketing in line with a company's overarching mission statement. Once a thorough environmental scan is complete, a strategic plan can be constructed to identify business alternatives, establish challenging goals, determine the optimal marketing mix to attain these goals, an
39、d detail implementation. A final step in developing a marketing strategy is to create a plan to monitor progress and a set of contingencies if problems arise in the implementation of the plan16Chapter 2 KFC and Mcdonalds in ChinaIn this chapter, the writer will introduce the industry background of K
40、FC and Mcdonalds in the first section. Then in the second section, the paper will discuss the reason why Mcdonalds looses to KFC in Chinese market. And in the third section, the writer will make a conclusion about KFC and Mcdonalds in China.2.1 The industry background of KFC and McdonaldsKFC is not
41、the same level with Mcdonalds from the world scope, or we may say that KFC still has a long distance with Mcdonalds. Mcdonalds has more than 30,000 sub branches over 121 countries and areas, which can produce an international turnover about 40.63 billion dollars, while, KFC just owns more than 11,00
42、0 sub branches over 80 countries and areas around the world. According to the survey by Technomic, a study organization in American food industry, on American fast food sales and the amount of canteens, Mcdonalds tops the list of food industry performance with 13,609 canteens and more than 22.1 bill
43、ion-dollar sales. However, KFC just ranks the seventh with 5,524 canteens and 4.936 billion dollars.While, as the top one brand over the whole world, Mcdonalds appears to depart from his normal behavior and is not optimistic in the situation that Chinese market reaches. Its outstanding achievements
44、are far behind those of KFC, which occupies the second place in the world and the seventh in America. According to the information and statistics collected by China chain store and Franchise Association in 2003, Mcdonalds has 543 stores in China, with a total of 3,200,000,000 RMB of sales volume by
45、the end of 2002. Based on the rough calculation, we can infer that the annual revenues of each store, in China's market, are about 6,000,000. By the end of 2002, Yum has a total of 902 shops in China (more than 90% of them from KFC), with sales of 7,300,000,000 yuan. And so forth, in China's
46、 market, the annual operating income of each shop of KFC is 8,000,000 yuan per year.On December 8th, 1990, the first Mcdonalds shop in China was set up in Shenzhen. Subsequently, in April,1992,Mcdonalds founded the largest shop in the world in Wangfujing, Beijing, which had attracted more than ten t
47、housand of people on that day.Up to the first quarter of 2002, Mcdonalds already had more than 460 shops in all. During the 14 years Mcdonalds entering China's market, by the end of 2004, the number of Mcdonalds chain-store raised to about 600. The problem was that it enjoyed rapid development i
48、n the initial stage, while suffered slow development in the latter period. During the recent three years from 2002 to 2004, the number of the new shops every year was only 47.5, which mean that the annual rate of growth was purely about 25%. The data was less than annual rate of growth in the initia
49、l stage, which was 38%.About KFC.KFC set up its first store in China on November 12th, 1987, which was located in Qianmen, Beijing. It was the first western style fast food chains which entered the market of China's mainland. During 6 years' fumble, the number of KFC's stores rose to 10
50、in the nation by the end of 1992.On June 25th, 1996, the 100th store of KFC in China was established in Anzhen Bridge, Beijing. This was a landmark which symbolized that the development of KFC had stepped into a new stage in China's market. 9 chain stores were established per month in 2002, and
51、the statistics became 25 in 2003.The expansion was faster and faster.On December 14th, 2004, with the establishing of the KFC store in Sanya, Hainan province, the number of KFC's stores had already reached 1200 in China. So far, the number of KFC's stores had been as twice as those of Mcdona
52、lds.2.2 Mcdonalds failing in "localization" in ChinaBased on the statement in the first chapter, we can see that Mcdonalds, the best brand in the world's fast food field, is far behind KFC, no matter in market shares or profits. So what leads to this disparity? Just as the introduction
53、 in chapter one, the president of Yum has told the journalist that it was the localization management that made KFC and Pizza Hut so successful in China. The following part of this chapter will analyze how Mcdonalds is defeated by KFC in China's market, from the disparity of marketing strategies
54、 between Mcdonalds and KFC.1. Global strategy VS Localization strategyMcdonalds continues to carry out the strategy of globalization in China. Based on this guidance, Mcdonalds pays great attention to strategic adjustment. While things are totally different in KFC.KFC implements the localization str
55、ategy, which advocates "do in Rome as Rome does",in order to achieve all-round localization.2. Product and ProductionKFC mainly sells western-style fast food, like hamburgers, fried chickens, chips, soft drinks and so on. So does Mcdonalds. Except ice cream, salad, and fruit which are offe
56、red by Mcdonalds additionally, we can see that the style of food sold by the two tycoons are almost the same. However in the specific process of production, the important reason why KFC is more popular in China is that it caters to the Chinese taste. This is supposed to be of great importance to the
57、 catering industry. KFC devotes itself to remaining its own characteristics, and spares no efforts in product localization as well. It adopts "Three Pronged Approach": firstly, it improves the exotic flavor to Chinese style, such as chicken taco, New Orleans roasted wing, and Portuguese egg tart. All of them are improved based on Chinese taste; secondly, it launches Chinese-style fast food which meets Chinese consumers' eating habits, such as congee with minced pork and preserved egg, shredded pork with preserved vegetable soup, Pumpkin porridge wolfbe
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