1、基于自主学习理论对民办本科院校大学英语听力教学研究 基于 自主 学习理 论对民 办本科 院校 大学英语 听力教 学的研 究A Study of College English Listening Teaching in PrivateColleges Based on Self-access Language Learning 潘樱 乔爱玲 同 等学力 申请硕 士学位 外 国语言 学及应 用语言学 教学法2013 6 8谨 以此论文 献给乔 爱玲老师 - 学生潘 樱A Study of College English Listening Teaching in Private Colleges
2、 Based on Self-access Language Learning学位论文 答辩日期: 指导教师签字: 答辩委员会成员签字: 独 创 声 明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。 据我所知, 除了文中特别加以标注 和致谢的地方外, 论文中不包含其他 人 已 经 发 表 或 撰 写 过 的 研 究 成 果 , 也 不 包 含 未 获 得 (注: 如没有其他需要特别声明的, 本栏可空 ) 或其他教育机构的学位或证书使用过的材料。 与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。 学位论文作者签名: 签字日期: 年月日学
3、位论文版 权使用授 权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、 使用学位论文的规定, 并同意以下事项: 1、学校有权保留并 向国家有关部 门或机构送 交论文的复印件和磁 盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。 2、学校可以将学位 论文的全部或 部分内容编 入有关数据库进行检 索,可以采用影印、 缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、 汇编学位论文。 同时授权 清华大学 “中国学术期刊光盘版 电子杂志社”用于出版和编入CNKI 中国知识资源总库 ,授权中国科学技术信息研究所将本学位论文收录到 中国学位论文全文数据库 。(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书)学位论文作者签名:导师签字:签字日期: 年月日 签字日期: 年月
4、日基于自主 学习理 论对民 办本科 院校 大学英语 听力教学 的研究 摘 要 根据 大学英语课程要求 (2004) , 大学英语 教学的目标是培养学生各方面的应用能力, 尤其是听、 说能力。 其重要性在 国家英语四六级考试中听力部分占35% 的比重足以说明。 然而,完成这 个目标并 非易事,尤其是在民 办本科院校。近年来, 民办高校迅速发展, 已成为普通高等 教育的重要组成部分。 民办高校的本科生是个特殊群体:入学的英语基础水平通常比普遍本科院校的学生低很多,大都缺乏足够的信心及学习英语的激情和兴趣。 因此, 如何帮助这些学生提高英语技能之一- 听力水平- 成为民办本科院校大学英语教师迫切需要
5、探索的问题。 幸运地是, 多媒体技术发展迅速, 使基于网络的 辅助教学手段不但成为可能,而且成为英语听力教学的有效辅助手段。 以青岛滨海学院为 例, 该校非英语专业学生 选用 新视野大学英语听说教程 作为主 修教材, 并配备一套复杂的网络自学听力系统, 这样课上只要学生登录网站, 就可以自由选择与教材内容一致的听力资料进行自主学习, 不仅方便学生自主练习教材上的听力材料, 教师还可以对学生的学习进程进行网上监控,或在网络上补充一些听力资料,布置网上作业,进行网上测试等。 研究表明这种教学系统非常有效; 只要学生有较强的自制力和自主学习动机, 这种网络自主学习环境就能帮助学生有效地提高英语技能,
6、 尤其是 听力技能, 同时也能及时发现学生因自信心和英语学习动力不足, 需要哪 些帮助, 并能有针对性地给予督导。 然而, 在 实际英语 听力教学过程中, 教师往往因过于依赖学生的自控力和自我学习能力而忽略对学生进行有效地督导, 致使教学达不到预期的效果。 为了解决此问题, 本论文 将借助自主学习理论研究, 探讨民办本科院校大学英语听力教学的方法, 旨在培养学生的自主学习能力和自觉性的基础上更好地提高他们的英语听力水平。 本文采用了文献综述法和实证研究法进行研究。研究对象为 80 名青岛滨海学院市场营销专业大一新生, 共两个班, 一个为实验班, 一个为控制班, 分别为I40 人, 时间是一个学
7、期。 在实验班, 教师采用 的教学理论依据是自主 学习理论,在控制班, 教师仍采用传统的教学模式。 为了 取得试点教学效果的参照值, 在实验教学之前和结束后, 作者分别对学生进行问卷调查和小测试, 旨在通过对比实验教学前和实验教学后的变化来检测两种教学方法对学生在听力理解能力方面的影响效度。该研究使用SPSS17.0 对收集到的两组数据进行了对比分析研究。为了进一步了解学生的看法, 本文作者还 在两个 班分别随机选了十名学生进行面谈, 并对学生的意见和看法做了分析研究。 结 果表明: 如果教师不折不扣地把自主学习理论贯彻到英语听力教学的全过程中, 学生就能够有效地提高他们的自主学习的 自觉性和
8、能力,进而提高英语听力理解水平。 最后, 文章指出了本研究的局限性以及对日后英语听力教学的一些启示, 提出了一些尚待进一步研究探讨的问题。 关键词:听力教学;民办本科院校学生;网络自主学习环境;自主学习IIA Study of College English Listening Teaching in Private Colleges Based on Self-access Language Learning Abstract According to the College English Curriculum Requirements 2004, the goal of college
9、English teaching is to develop students? ability to use English in an all-round way, especially in listening and speaking, the importance of which has been fully demonstrated in the CET-4 and CET-6 in the proportion of 35% of the total scoresHowever, it is not easy for them to fulfill that goal, esp
10、ecially in private colleges, which has developed so rapidly and has become an important portion of higher education in recent years. Since students? English starting levels are usually much lower than those of public colleges and universities besides their lack of enough confidence, for some of them
11、, even lack of enthusiasm or interest in English study. As a result, how to help those students improve their English listening competence is always a big problem for private college English teachersFortunately, the rapid development of multi-media technology enables computer-based English study pos
12、sible, which now has become a helpful assistant for English listening study. Taking Qingdao Binhai College as an example, non-English majors there use New Horizon College English as their textbook that bases its teaching principle on a complicated web-assisted self-access English listening system, w
13、hich has the same listening materials with the textbook. This system is not only convenient for students to practice listening more, but also can make teachers monitor students? study process online. At the same time, teachers can add some additional listening materials, give students assignments an
14、d tests online. For that, some researches have been made to see how well that teaching principle works. The result is that the web-assisted self-access English learning environment can really help improve their English competence especially listening competence on the condition that the students sho
15、uld have strong self-control and incentives for self-study. They also find that the persistence of students? self-study on web-assisted self-accessIIIEnglish study basis needs teachers? regular supervision and monitoring. However, in real teaching process, teachers often depend too much on their stu
16、dentsself-discipline and self-study ability, neglecting guiding students to improve their listening efficiency in most effective ways. In order to solve this problem, this thesis is intended to apply the theory of Self-access Language Learning SALL to English listening class based on this kind of si
17、tuation and cultivate students? self access language learning ability to help them improve their English listening competence 。 In order to test the effectiveness of application of SALL, this thesis adopts the literature survey and an experimental method. The subjects are 80 first-year marketing maj
18、ors in Qingdao Binhai College. The experiment lasts a semester. They belong to two groups, one is the experimental group and the other one is the control group, each of which has forty students. In the experimental group, the teacher give her class based on the theory of SALL, while the control grou
19、p students still listen to materials by themselves. To get the experimental teaching effect conference, questionnaires and tests are conducted respectively at the beginning and the end of the experiment to test how these two kinds of teaching models influence students? listening comprehension compet
20、ence. SPSS 17.0 is used to analyze the collected data. To make a further study, the author chooses ten students in each group randomly to interview and also analyze their statements. The result of the comparison of the data between the two groups proves that if the theory of SALL can be applied to t
21、he whole listening class effectively, students can cultivate their self-study ability and thus improve their listening comprehension competenceAt the end of the thesis, the limitations of the study and some implications for the English listening teaching are put forward. This thesis also proves some
22、 suggestions for the further study in the futureKey words: Listening teaching; undergraduates in private schools; web-assisted self-access English learning environment; Self-access Language Learning SALLIVContents 摘要I AbstractIII Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research Background 1 1.1.1 Importance of
23、 English Listening1 1.1.2 Characteristics of Undergraduates in Private Colleges .2 1.1.3 English Listening Teaching Situation Based on Web-assisted Self-access Learning Environment .3 1.2 Research Significance .3 1.3 Layout of the Thesis .4 Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Studies of Self-access La
24、nguage Learning at home and abroad .5 2.2.1 Studies of SALL abroad .5 2.2.2 Studies of SALL at Home 6 2.2 The theory of SALL and Related Researches .8 2.2.1 What Is SALL? 8 Definitions of SALL. .9 Definitions of Learner Autonomy .10 Relations between SALL and Learner Autonomy
25、 11 2.2.2 Basic Theories of SALL 12 2.2.3 Elements of SALL 16 2.2.4 Elements Influencing SALL .17 Chapter Three Research Design 3.1 Research questions .23 3.2 Subjects .22 3.3 Instruments .23 3.4 Procedures .23 3.4.1 Questionnaire Survey 23 3.4.2 Listening Examinations 23 3.4.3 Interview 24 3.4.4 Cl
26、assroom Observation .25 3.4.5 Teaching Procedures .25 Chapter Four Data Collection and Analysis 4.1 Questionnaires Survey 29 4.2 Listening Examinations .32 4.2.1 Results and Analysis of Pre-test between EG and CG .32V4.2.2 Results and Analysis of Post-test between EG and CG 33 4.2.3 Analysis of EG b
27、etween Pre-test and Post-test .34 4.3 Interview Analysis .35 4.4 Classroom Observation Analysis 36 Chapter Five Conclusions and Implications 5.1 Major Findings 37 5.2 Pedagogical Implications 38 5.3 Limitations of the Current Study41 5.4 Suggestions for the Future Studies .42 Bibliography .44 Append
28、ix I.47 Appendix II .49 Appendix III .50 Appendix IV .51 Appendix V 56 Appendix VI .61 Appendix VII 62 Appendix VIII .64 Acknowledgement .66个人简历 .67 论文发表 情况.68List of Abbreviations SALL?Self-access Language Learning WSLE?Web-assisted Self-access Learning Environment EG?Experimental Group CG?Control
29、GroupVI A Study of College English Listening Teaching in Private Colleges Based on Self-access Language Learning Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research Background According to the College English Curriculum Requirements 2004, the goal of college English teaching is to develop students? ability to use
30、 English in an all-round way, especially in listening and speaking, the importance of which has been fully demonstrated in the CET-4 and CET-6 in the proportion of 35% of the total scores. At the same time, the rapid development of multi-media technology enable computer-based English study possible,
31、 which now has become a helpful assistant for English listening study. However, the undergraduates in private colleges is a special group, whose English starting levels are usually much lower than those of public colleges and universities besides their lack of enough confidence, for some of them eve
32、n lack of enthusiasm or interest in English study. As a result, helping them effectively improve their listening ability is always a big problem for private college English teachers1.1.1 Importance of English Listening Since entering into WTO in 2001, China?s economy has developed rapidly. So the ne
33、ed for talented people with both professional knowledge and excellent language proficiency is getting stronger and stronger. English, as an international language, becomes increasingly significant, for college English teachers training such kind of graduates is an instant and pressing task. Listenin
34、g is the Cinderella skill in second language learning Nunan, 2002. It is the most important and difficult skill among the four basic language skil1s 一 listening, speaking, reading and writing. According to Sun Dongmei Sun Dongmei, 2008, the proportion of listening in people?s daily communication is
35、as high as 45 percent, while speaking 30 percent, reading and writing together 25 percent. Rost 1999 points out, listening is vital in the language classroom because it provides input for the learner. Listening is an important method of absorbing language information and cultivating the abilities of
36、 speaking, reading1 A Study of College English Listening Teaching in Private Colleges Based on Self-access Language Learning and writing. So, listening comprehension is an important aspect of language proficiency, and teaching listening comprehension is thus an important part of English teachingAs f
37、or college students, English has been a basic required course for many years in China, but English teachers often put emphasis on reading and writing, the importance of listening has not become highlighted until the trial implementation of the new college English curriculum Requirements in 2004. Aft
38、er about three years of practice, in 2007, the Requirements have achieved certain effects. The Requirements aims to improve the students? comprehensive English proficiency with the consideration of social and cultural factors. The Requirements requires developing students? ability to use English in
39、comprehensive way, especially in listening and speaking, so that, after graduation from colleges, students can communicate with foreign people in spoken and written English. And meanwhile, they can promotetheir autonomous ability so as to meet the needs of China?s social development and internationa
40、l communications1.1.2 Characteristics of Undergraduates in Private CollegesIn recent years, private colleges have developed rapidly, which has become an important part of Chinese higher education. Undergraduates in private colleges are a comparatively special group, since their English starting leve
41、ls are usually much lower than those of public colleges and universities and most of them don?t have sufficient autonomous learning ability, some of whom even don?t know how to take notes, to preview lessons or to study independently. They depend too much on their teachers so their study process is
42、often passive. Besides, when they go to college, they often don?t have a clear goal. While others feel lost, at the same time, they also lose the direction of study just because they can?t go to their ideal universities. In addition, many students lack enthusiasm or interest in English study. Some o
43、f them have much lower starting point, so they can?t keep up with other students, gradually, they will lose the interest in English study and even give it up 2 A Study of College English Listening Teaching in Private Colleges Based on Self-access Language Learning 1.1.3 English Listening Teaching Si
44、tuation Based on WSLE With the coming of information age, computer has been widely-used in many fields. The fast growth of Internet has not only brought about great changes to many fields of life but also has posed new challenges to China?s education including English teaching. It is strongly advoca
45、ted by the Ministry of Education that web-assisted self-access learning should be integrated into College English courses, especially English listening and speaking course Liu Aijun, 2009. Many schools have practiced the kind of reforms concerned. Taking Qingdao Binhai College for example, non-Engli
46、sh majors learns “New Horizon College English” under network teaching model. The listening training includes understanding short conversations, long conversations, passages and a movie speech etc. The listening materials are wide-ranging new information, the main purpose of which is to enrich studen
47、tscultural knowledge, improve their appreciation ability and cultivate their language sense. It?s very convenient for the students to download after class. Besides the classroom training, the students have to complete the exercises after class. Much research has proved that as long as students can t
48、ake full advantage of web-assisted system, they will benefit a lot from it1.2 Research Significance Even though the College English Curriculum Requirements 2004 requires the goal of college English teaching is to develop students? ability to enhance studentsEnglish four skills, especially the skill
49、of listening and speaking, according to undergraduates? English starting points, it is hard to fulfill that goal in private collegesIn order to solve this problem, this thesis is intended to apply the theory of Self-access Language Learning to English listening class based on web-assisted self-acces
50、s English learning environment and cultivate students? self access language learning ability to help them improve their English listening skills. Guided with the theory of SALL, students can give full play to their subjectivity, which can help students3 A Study of College English Listening Teaching in Private Colle
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