



1、v1.0可编辑可修改英语看图说话常用句型开头: 一、突发事件 1. Do you know what happe ned to last week Let me tellyou about it. Last Mon day2. Somethi ng uni ucky/ i nterest ing happe ned toyesterday.3. The story happe ned on a hot summer day.英语看图说话常用句型开头: 二、普通事件 1. Tom is a middle school stude nt in Shen zhe n. Oneday2. Mary i

2、s a little girl. She is my n eighbor. One day3. It was Sun day. The weather was fine.英语看图说话常用句型结尾:一、对人物的总结:1.1 thi nk Tom is really a good/ clever/careless/ helpful boy. 2. Tom did very well. We should lear n from him.英语看图说话常用句型结尾: 二、对事件的总结1. It s important for us to protect theenvironment. 2. As a

3、student, we should try our best to help others/ theold/ the young. 3. We should be careful whe n we cross the street. 4. Weshould pay attention to our safety at any time.万金油句子:故事类1. Do you want to know what happe ned to sb. yesterday let me tell you. was sunny in the morning. was doing sth. whe nsud

4、de nly he sawthis. Peter immediatelylast Peterandaboy Peter was ! s all .Thank you!说明文类1. Do you want to know how Peter usually spends his day / what Peterdidyesterdaylet me tell you.3. At 6:30 Peter gets/got up4. He (often)atand the n he5. He (usually)at.He likes/liked very much.last Peterandaday P

5、eter has/had.s all .Tha nk you !环境类you want to know someth ing about/how to protect out en vir onment. let me tell you.a days our en vir onment is beco ming worse and worse.factories people additi on they alsoorder to protect our en vir onment. I think every one should do someth ing at on ce.s all.

6、Tha nk you !小学英语常用常见的经典句型(一)I询问姓名、年龄。1. -Whats your n ame -叫2. -How old are you -II询问颜色。1. -What colour is it -Its yellow and white.-你叫什么名字 -My name is.- 我你几岁了-Im 12.-我十二岁它是什么颜色的黄白相间。2. -What colour are they它们是什么颜色的 -Theyre green. -绿色的。III询问数量或价钱。1. -How many kites can you see -你可以看见几只风筝-I can see 1

7、2.-我可以看见十二只风筝。2. -How many cray ons do you have -你有多少支彩笔-1 have 16.我有十六支。many people are there in your family你家有几口人-Three.-much is this dress -这条连衣裙多少钱-Its nin ety-nine yua n.九十九元。much are these apples这些苹果多少钱-Theyre thirty-five yua n.三十五元。小学英语常用常见的经典句型(二IV询问时间或日期。1. -What time is it now -现在几点钟Its ni

8、ne os time for En glish class.九点。该上英语课了。Its eight oclock. Its time to go to bed.八点。该上床睡觉了。day is it today - 今天星期几-Its Mon day. - 星期一。-What do we have on Mon days -我们星期一上哪些课- We have Chinese, English, math - 语文、英语、数学is your birthday - 你的生日是什么时候Its October 1st, our Natio nal十月一日,国庆节。do you do morni ng

9、 exercises -你们什么时候做早锻炼1 usually do morning exercises at 8:我们通常 8: 30 做早锻炼。7V询问方位或地方。1. -Where is my toy car -我的玩具汽车在哪儿-Its here, un der the chair. -在这儿,在椅子下面。is the can tee n餐厅在哪儿-Its on the first floor在一楼。3. -Where are the keys -门上。钥匙在哪儿-Theyre in the door.在me. Where is the library, please对不起,请问图书馆

10、在哪儿-Its n ear the post office. -在邮局附近。5. -Where are you from -国来。你从哪儿来-Im from China.我从中6. -Where does the rain come from -雨是从哪儿来的-It comes from the clouds.-它是从云层里来的小学英语常用常见的经典句型(三)VI询问想吃的东西would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner你早餐/中餐/晚餐想吃点什么rd like some bread and milk / rice and soup.奶/米饭和汤。

11、我想吃面包和牛s for breakfast / lunch / dinner-Hamburgers and orange juice.-VII询问天气状况。s the weather like in Beijing -早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么汉堡包和橙汁。北京的天气如何Its rainy today. How about New York今天是雨天。纽约呢Its sunny and hot. -今天是晴天,天气很热。VIII询问身体状况或情绪1. -How do you feel -你感觉如何 -1 feel sick.-我觉得不舒服。2. -Whats the matter -怎么了-My

12、throat is sore. / I have a sore throat我的喉咙疼。3. How are you, Sarah You look so happy. 你好吗,莎拉你看起来这么伤 心。-1 failed the math test.-IX 询问职业、身份或人物。s your father / mother -Hes a doctor. / Shes a我的数学考试没有通过。你的父亲/母亲是做什么的他是一名医生。/她是一名教师does your mother / father do -你的母亲/父亲是做什么的-Shes a TV reporter. / Hes a teacher. He teaches En glish.她是一名电视台记者。/他是一名教师。他教英语。s that man / woman -那位男士 / 女士是谁-Hes my father. / She


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