1、现代农林英语课后翻译Unit 1 Urban AgricultureUrban forestry involves (refers to / is concerned with) forestry activities introduced from wildness and countryside to populous cities where economy, culture, industry and business (commerce) are aggregated (clustered). Most metropolitan cities are currently prospe
2、rous but noisy (clamorous) wi th deteriorating ecological environment. People living in such a crowded and narrow space suffer f rom a worsening physical quality. To develop urban forestry can beautify living places, purify air, reduce noise and adjust local climate (microclimate), so that the livin
3、g quality of urban people can be improved. Generally, urban forestry has provided a new approach to the urban environmental p roblems.社区的物质框架结构被称为它的基础设施。这些在城市里发挥作用的庞然大物可以被分为绿色和灰色两种。绿色结构是为乔木、灌木、草地所覆盖的区域,而灰色结构指建筑、道路、公用事业设备、停车场的所在。绿色结构是渗水的,土壤让水渗进去,自然地过滤掉污染物, 然后水进入河流。灰色结构却不能穿透,它迫使水走向地面,入河之前一定要经过处理和清洁。作为
4、城市绿色结构的树木,它们的作用和灰色结构不同,但尚无充分文字记载。由于树木没有量化的价值指标,因此没有把它们考虑进预算程序之中。城市绿色结构的大小、 形态、方位可以被度量,它们在公用事业中发挥的作用可以进行准确计算。尽管灰绿结构对一个城市都很重要,但利用土地尽力营造绿色结构的社区就能避免更多污染物,使运营成本效力更高,因此更宜居住。不过对于地方政府管理者来说,平衡灰 色和绿色结构就成为一个很严重的挑战。Unit 2 Forestry ManagementWith the development of both economy and civilization in human society,
5、 people have greatly imp roved their knowledge and understanding about forests. They therefore have also dramatically cha nged their social demands for forestry. As a result, more world attention has been widely paid to th e function that forests play to maintain and improve environment. In 1992, UN
6、 Conference on Env ironment and Development bestowed priority on forestry and it became a political promise of the highest rank. In addition, it was particularly emphasized in the meeting that nothing has been more important than forestry among the problems that the world summit conferences will dea
7、l with. It i s a distinct milestone in world civilization history to place forestry issues at such a high position.有关全球热带森林遭到乱砍滥伐、令人痛心的报道层出不穷,但是痛陈现存林木状况 的报道却少之又少。事实上,联合国分支机构一一国际热带木材组织( ITTO)新近开展的一项研究,首次对热带森林管理现状进行深入调查。其发现虽然令人沮丧,但从中我们 还是看到了一线希望。ITTO 调查的对象是“永久性森林地产”,也就是被ITTO 所属 33 个成员国政府正式划作森林地域,从而受到某
8、种形式的管理或保护的土地。它涉及国家森林公园和木材的 特许经营,包括国营和私营。地产总面积达8.14 亿公顷,约占全球热带森林面积的三分之二。此项研究报告的作者之一邓肯玻尔解释说,这一概念意义重大,因为我们不可能,也不值得对每一片濒临消失的小树林都一直进行保护以避免其被农田或住宅侵占。相反,政府应当集中精力养护好那些最具有商业和科学价值的森林。可是ITTO 的研究人员却发现,在“永久性森林地产”中,仅 15% 有着相应的管理方案,而能坚持贯彻执行这一方案的不到5%。报告中提到,自1988 年以来,森林管理取得了显著的进展,因为这不足5%的面积总共仍相当于一个德国的大小。当年一项粗略的早期调查发
9、现,热带地区国家中只有特立尼达和多巴哥对森林管理较为完善。但是,相对于同期已然消亡的森林而言,这片 管理得当的森林显得无足轻重。Unit 3 BiodiversityChina is one of the countries boasting the richest biodiversity and also one of the earliest adopting the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Chinese Government has highly valued the work of b iodiversity conserva
10、tion by formulating and enforcing a series of related laws and regulations, so t hat a legal system on the conservation and biodiversity has fundamentally formed. In addition, it h as established and consolidated the coordination mechanism on the implementation of the Convent ion on Biological Diver
11、sity as well as the scheme of Inter-ministerial Joint Meeting on biological s pecies resources, laid down and issued the National Action Plan on the Conservation of Biodiversi ty of China and other related plans in this regard, based on which various relevant sectors have ma pped out and executed th
12、eir own action plans.在今年举办生物多样性国际日纪念活动,适逢今年是2011 国际森林年。联合国大会宣布今年为2011 国际森林年,是为了让全球社会了解森林的价值以及失去森林将产生的极端社会、经济和环境成本。森林的益处久远绵长。森林聚水蓄水,稳定土壤,涵养多种生物,并对调节气候以及造成气候变化的温室气体做出重要贡献。森林为国际生意创造利润,为全世界数以亿计最贫穷的人民提供必不可少的收入和资源。我们取之于森林者可谓多矣。然而,尽管我们对这一点的理解和重视日益增加,森林仍然在以惊人的速度消失。今年的生物多样性国际日则专门强调采取紧急行动的必要性。Unit 4 WetlandsT
13、here are many wetlands in China and some of them have become the world s important wetlands. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among them. They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. They are home for many different kinds of birds and animals. The world s largest milu deer nature reserve is located in
14、 them. More than 700 milu deer live freely there. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-Crowned Cranes Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea Wetlands. The temperature in the wetlands is usually neither too high nor too low. There is a lot of rain
15、 and sunshine, too. They are really good places for wildlife.湿地并非荒芜之地湿地曾被当作荒芜之地。在过去的大约一百年中,人们把湿地的水抽干填平,然后在上面建筑房屋,兴建城市,修建道路。几千亩的湿地被抽干,改造成了农田。湿地的另一威胁来自化学、农药等的污染。科学家推测,自1900 年以来,大约丧失了50% 的湿地,而仅存的湿地也将或正在恶化。Unit 5 Agricultural TechnologyAgriculture still has the responsibility to feed the world in spite
16、of the serious challenge of climate change. Agriculture needs to produce more food, waste less, and make it easier for farmers to get their produce to consumers. Besides, agriculture has to find ways/approaches/methods to reduce n egative impacts resulted from environmental change - including loweri
17、ng greenhouse gas emissio ns, planning/managing food security and rural development as a whole, etc. Only through the deve lopment of agricultural high technology can the above be realized/All these are only possible throu gh the development of agricultural high technology.无土栽培或水培法是一种在营养液(含有营养物质的水)中
18、栽培植物的技术,它可以使用或不使用人工基质(如沙、砾石、蛭石、岩棉、珍珠岩或锯末)为植物提供支持。水培法一词源于希腊词汇hydro (水)和ponos (劳作)的结合。水培园艺如日常园艺一样容易操作。两者都需要有充足的光照、水分供应和适宜的温湿度。但是水培法不使用土壤。自然条件下,土壤充当着储存矿物营养的角色,但土壤本身对植物生长来说并不是必不可少的。当土壤中的矿物营养物溶解于水时,植物根茎才得 以吸收。若植物所需的矿物营养物由人工添加入其水分供应中,土壤就不再是植物茁壮生 长所必需的条件了。几乎所有的陆生植物都能用水培法来栽种。这种技术还具有产量高、 节水省地、保护环境的特点。Unit 6
19、Low-Carbon AgricultureChinese agriculture has to undergo a low-carbon development with characteristics of being resour ces-saving, production-clean, environment-friendly and quality-efficiency-oriented. Therefore, in t erms of technology, great efforts must be made to develop a series of key technol
20、ogies and promot e/polarize/generalize/spread their practical application. For example, resources-saving technology including energy-saving, soil-saving, water-saving, fertilizer-saving, insecticides-saving, seeds-sav ing, materials-saving and labor-saving techniques, and so on, technology of reduci
21、ng the use of ag ricultural chemicals and developing their substitutes, technology of cultivating new plant species with a high light absorption and carbon sequestration, technology of sequestratrating soil carbon, t echnology of developing clean energies, clean environment-friendly production techn
22、ology, techn ology of nuisance-free proposal and reclamation of wastes, and so on.农业在食物生产、能源生产、自然资源管理及土地使用各环节中的重要作用使得它在向低碳经济转型的过程中占据了中心位置,因此,测量不同农产品和各种农业活动中产生的温室气体是非常重要的。通过一种从“摇篮到坟墓”的生命周期分析可计算出环境(生态)脚印。在这一分析系统中,通过量化和评估某一产品生命周期各个阶段(从资源的开 发、原材料的使用和生产到该产品的生产、使用、重复使用直至其最终处理)所消耗的资 源和在环境中的碳排放量可以评估该产品所有的潜在
23、环境影响。农业生态脚印也是以这种 方式计算得出的。Unit 7 Urban PlanningThe enactment of the 1989 City Planning Act is a major milestone that tries to re-establish and for malize the urban planning system in China. But, there are still many deficiencies of the urban plan ning system in dealing with the rapidly changing socio
24、-economic environment. Some of these defi ciencies can be traced to the legacies of past planning practice and some are deficiencies of the Cit y Planning Act. Experiments are taking place in Chinese cities which aim to provide better guidan ce to urban planning and development control from a centra
25、lly-planned to transitional economy.自然是一个无处不在且环拥城市的整体。这一理念对城市的建造和维护以及每个居民的健康、安全和福利都有相当大的意义。不幸的是传统一直将城市和自然对立起来。城市 是脱离自然的实体,甚至与自然格格不入,这样的观念主导着人们对城市的认识并继续影响城市的建设,由此恶化甚至带来许多城市环境问题,例如:空气和水受到污染;资源枯竭无法挽回;破坏力大的洪水频发;能源需求和建设维护成本都高于城市化之前;此外,许多城市遍布着丑陋景象。除了污染程度、新污染物的毒性和持久性以及地球城市化范围等方面,那些困扰着古代城市的问题与现代都市的问题从本质上讲没什
26、么不同。随着城市增长,这些问题变得更加紧迫,然而,它们仍被当作是独立的现象而与人类活动无关,对 自然过程的忽视更加剧了城市问题。Unit 8 Network ManagementCurrently, we could hardly live a single day without seeing a celebrity spokesperson promoting a p roduct or a social campaign on TV , net or other media. There is no doubt that the celebrity spokesp eople could
27、 boost the sale of a product. A host of celebrity spokespersons , however, have emerged as the a marketing tool of some companies, even companies producing and selling fake and inferi or items. This kind of behavior has produced negative impacts on consumers and whole society w hich should be severe
28、ly criticized and penalized. Of course, as is known to all, everything has both bright and dark sides. Some stars' endorsement of social activities and public campaigns raises pu blic awareness, giving rise to changes in public behavior. In this case, they serve as positive role m odels of the g
29、eneral public. To name only one case: Pu CX, a household figure, acting as the celeb rity spokesman of the China AIDS Foundation, contributes greatly to the cause of AIDS preventio n and cure in China.在任何行业用以获取信息知识和帮助决策的系统,都应及时或准时地提供准确、完整、简洁的信息。系统提供的信息必须具有如下特性:形式对用户友好、易于查询、经济适用, 而且必须防止未经授权的访问。信息与通彳t
30、技术(ICT)包含三种主要技术:计算机技术、通信技术、信息管理技术。因此能在支持信息的上述特性上发挥重要作用。这些技术用于处理、交换、管理数据、信息和知识。ICT 提供的工具能够:- 以数据格式记录文本、图画、照片、音频、视频、过程描写以及其他信息;- 以显著低廉的成本制作上述信息的精确副本;- 通过通信网络快速远程传送信息和知识;- 相对快速地开发针对大量信息的标准化计算法;- 在沟通、评价、制造、分享有用信息和知识方面达到更高的互动性。Unit 9 Landscape GardensFamed for Oriental Venice, Suzhou tops all other citie
31、s in both the number and the artistry of gard ens. Tracing back to the Spring and Autumn period, the earliest gardens in Suzhou belongs to the king of Wu. Recorded as the earliest private garden, Pingjiang house dates from.the 4th century Ea stern Jin Dynasties. Following that, Suzhou's art of g
32、ardening has undergone a history of 1500 yea rs. Originated from the desire to feel the charm of mountains, forest and springs without going out of the noisy surrounding of the town, Suzhou gardens are the harmonious combination of nature a nd constructions. During the prosperous Ming and Qing Dynas
33、ties, the number of gardens in city i ncreases a great deal, mounting to 200 odd. Dozens of them have survived to the present and are i n a good state of preservation. Among them, the most famous ones are the Surging Waves Pavilion, the Lion Grove Garden, the Humble Administrator Garden and the Ling
34、ering Garden, representing the different styles of Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties respectively.尽管中国的园林艺术是精细的,但植物通常都没有人工加工的痕迹。你找不到裁减得笔直的树篱,也找不到几何图案的花丛。欧洲景观建筑师对植物的滥用,中国建筑师都给了园林里的房子。自然不经修饰,最突出的特点就是没有草坪。宏伟的柏树的林荫大道, 黄杨的裁减成形,喷泉,所有这些都太折腾自然了。尽管这样,西方园林都没有摆脱荒凉 的景象。中国造园的目的是陶醉与欣喜,基本上是智慧的艺术。Unit10 Ecologica
35、l LiteratureI n the northern ocean there is a fish, called the kun, I do not know how many thousand li in size. This kun changes into a bird, called the peng. Its back is I do not know how many thousand li in breadth. When it is moved, it flies, its wings obscuring the sky like clouds.When on a voya
36、ge, this bird prepares to start for the Southern Ocean, the Celestial Lake.And in the Records of Marvels we read that when the peng flies southwards, the water is smitten for a space of three thousand li around, while the bird itself mounts upon a great wind to a height of ninety thousand li, for a flight of six months duration.There mounting aloft, the bird saw the moving white mi
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