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1、 石油工程英语现场会话 内容提要随着国内、外钻井市场的不断拓展,国外钻井和国内反承包钻井服务对既懂专业技术又会专业英语的工程技术人员和技术工人的需求不断增加,而目前我国石油工程技术人员专业英语的对话能力存在不足,在实施钻井作业过程中常常由于语言障碍,使得甲、乙双方工程技术人员;技术工人和当地雇工出现交流困难,导致作业施工不畅,双方合作难尽人意。鉴于上述原因,本书作者借助在国外钻井队、项目组从事多年现场翻译的工作经验,特别是同甲方现场监督和当地雇工的协同工作经验,精心编写了以钻井作业现场为背景的石油工程英语情景会话。本书约40万字,分9个场景分别对钻井作业的施工过程进行全方位的描述,包括基础英语

2、、钻前工程、井间搬迁、甲方HSE官员和监督的开钻验收、钻井施工作业、固井施工作业、完井施工作业、录井施工作业、井控作业(理论)等情景会话(90%为对话),具有很强的针对性及实用性,对已在国外工作的、即将赴国外工作的或在国内反承包钻井作业中的工程技术人员和技术工人均有帮助。通过对本书的学习,掌握书中对话,能够较好地、很快地适应现场作业工作。本书对石油院校的在校生也大有帮助,通过学习、了解书中对石油工程生产过程的描述,可以全面地、系统地了解石油工程的日常工作流程,从而获得石油、天然气生产工艺流程中钻井施工作业全过程和整体概念,为毕业后尽快溶入生产第一线打下牢固的基础。 Petroleum Engi

3、neering English At Well-siteCONTENTSI. Meeting at First Time & Greeting.1 初次见面及问候II. Inspection of Site Construction.16 钻前工程III. Rig Move And Equipment Installation.22钻井搬迁及设备安装IV. Equipment (Spudding) Inspection32 设备(开钻)验收V. Drilling Operation51 钻井作业VI. Cement Job103 固井作业VII. Completion Job.121

4、完井作业VIII. Mud Logging Operation136 录井作业IX. Well Control & Drill Procedures.189井控措施及防喷演习程序X. Reading MaterialDrilling Program.286阅读材料钻井作业程序 Chapter I. Meeting at First Time & Greeting初次见面及问候Wang Xiao-yu just graduated from the South-west Petroleum Institute, and was assigned to be the practic

5、e technician of No.17 Great Wall Drilling Crew.王小雨刚从西南石油学院毕业,分配到长城17钻井队当实习技术员。 It was the first day that he reported to GW17 today.今天是他到长城17队报到的第一天。He met Mr. Chen Ming, the driller who came from the rig floor, at the well-site.在井场,他遇到了从钻台走下来的司钻陈明。He went to him and asked: “Excuse me, Sir. My names

6、Wang Xiao-yu, a new practice technician of this Crew.”于是他走了过去,询问道:“你好!我是刚分来的实习技术员,我叫王小雨。”“How do you do? Welcome to our Crew. My names Chen Ming, the driller of No.3 Shift. May I help you?”“你好!欢迎到队上来。我是三班司钻陈明。要帮忙吗?“Can you tell me where I can find the Rig Manager?”“告诉我哪里能找到平台经理?”“Maybe he is in the

7、Rig Manager Office, I think. Let me lead you there.”“我想他可能在平台经理办公室里。我领你去吧!”“Thank you.”“谢谢。”The driller fervidly gave him a hand to carry his luggages to the office.司钻陈明热情地拎着王小雨的行李,领着他走向平台经理办公室。 In the office, the Rig Manager, Mr. Peng Yuan-chun, was discussing the Operation Program to run 9 5/8” ca

8、sing with his drilling engineer and Toolpushers.办公室里,平台经理正在同钻井工程师、带班队长商量下9 5/8”套管事项。The driller knocked at the door, shouting: “Manager, the new practice technician is coming?”陈明敲门,道:“彭经理, 队上分来的实习技术员到了!”“Come in, please.”“请进,”“Welcome to our Crew!” The Rig Manager met Wang Xiao-yu, who was a little

9、nerval at the door, offering his hands and saying friendly: “My names Pen Yuan-chun, everyone calls me A Chun or George.” “欢迎到队上来!” 平台经理热情道,向在门边有点紧张的王小雨伸出双手:“我叫彭远春,大家都叫我阿春或George!”“How do you do! My names Wang Xiao-yu, the new practice technician of your Crew.”“你好!我叫王小雨,你队的实习技术员,请多关照。“Wang, let me i

10、ntroduce them to you.” “小王,我给你介绍介绍。”“Thank you.”“谢谢!”“This is Mr. Zhou Hua, the drilling engineer of our Crew.”“这位是我队的钻井工程师, 周华。”“How do you do!”“你好!”“Hi! Welcome to join us.”“你好!欢迎你加入我们的行列!”“The two guys are Toolpushers, Lao Yang and Lao Zhang.”“这两位是带班队长,老杨,老张。”“How do you do!”“你们好!”“Hello. Welcome

11、.”“欢迎!”After greeting, Wang Xiao-yu asked the Rig Manager urgently: “Manager, what shall I do now?”寒暄之后,王小雨迫不及待地向平台经理道:“彭经理,现在我该干什么?”“Dont worry, there are a lot of jobs for you to do in future. Now, Mr. Zhou will lead you to your caravan for a rest. Hell be your master and he is in charge of arrang

12、ing your work later.”“别着急,以后有你工作干的。现在由周工领你去宿舍,他将是你的师傅,今后的工作由他安排。”On the way to the caravan, Wang Xiao-yu said to Zhou in fear and trembling: “Mr. Zhou, I just came here and havent any drilling experiences, I am afraid”在去宿舍的路上,王小雨忐忑地对周工说:“周工,我刚到井队,没任何钻井经验,我心里没底?”“Dont worry, young fellow. After compl

13、eting a well, everything youll obtain.”“小伙子,别担心。当你打完一口井后什么底你都有了。”“Really?”“是吗?”“Yeah. I remembered when I came to the Drilling Crew for the first time, I had the same feelings as yours, full of anxieties.”“当然。记得我刚到井队时,跟你心情一样,充满了焦虑和忐忑。”“So, how many years have you been in the Drilling Crew?”“刘工,你在井队干

14、了几年了?”“Ten years.”“10年了。”“How many years to be a drilling engineer?”“当了几年工程师?”“Five years.”“5年。”“And how many wells have you completed?”“打了多少口井?”“Let me think. Eight, at least.”“我想一想,至少有8口吧!”“Including this one?”“包括这一口井吗?”“No.”“不包括这口井。”“Oh! You must have accumulated rich drilling experiences. Id lea

15、rn from you more.”“啊!那你肯定积累了丰富的钻井经验,我得多向你学着点。”“Learn from each other.”“互相学习吧!”“How are about the depth in this region?”“这地区打的井深不深?”“Normally are deep wells. The TD (total depth) is usually over 4500m. The design depth of this well is 5015m.”“一般都是深井。井深都在4500米以上。这口井的设计井深是5015米。”“So deep. When was it s

16、pud in?”“这么深呀。什么时候开的钻?”“March 18, 2002. Now the depth is 2985m. We are preparing for running 9 5/8” casing.”“2002年3月18日。现在的井深是2985米,正准备下9 5/8”套管。”“When will it be completed, you estimate?”“预计什么时候完钻?”“In four months, I estimate, according to the present progress, if everything is normal.”“如果正常的话,按目前进

17、度,估计4个月后完井。”“ROP (rate of penetration) is high?”“这口井的机械钻速(钻速)高吗?”“Just so-so, 1.2m per hour in average. Maybe you dont know how difficult to drill in this area. The geological conditions are very complex. It has the features of high pressure, high H2S, high dip angle, more faults, loss circulation f

18、ormations and poor drillability.”“还行,平均1.2米/小时。 你不知道在这地区钻井有多难,其地质情况十分复杂,具有高压、高含硫、高倾角、断层、漏层多、可钻性差的特点。”They arrived at Mr. Wang Xiao-yus caravan during their conversation.交谈中,他们到了分配给王小雨的卧室前。“Here we are. Xiao Wang, take a good rest first. See you at the rig-site tomorrow. Good-bye.”“到了,小王,你先休息,我们明天井场上

19、见。再见!”“Bye-bye.”明天井场上见。再见!”When the first sun rayed in the next morning, Wang Xiao-yu, who was excited a whole night, got up very early, putting on his new working uniforms and going to the rig-site. He wanted himself to be familiar with the working circumstances as soon as possible. 天刚放亮,激动一宿的王小雨早早

20、起床,穿上崭新的工装来到井场。他想尽快地熟悉新的工作环境。He climbed up the rig floor first.首先,他登上钻台。“Good morning, Mr. Chen?” he greeted the driller who was holding the brake handle.“早上好,陈明?”他向扶刹把的司钻问候道。“Morning, Wang. You got up so early!”“早上好,王技术员。你起得真早。”“Id like to have a look first,” said he, smiling, “How about the well c

21、ondition?”“我想先看看。”他笑道;“井况如何?”“Normal Drilling.”“正常钻进。”“The depth now?”“现在的井深是多少?”“2993 meters.”“2993米。”“The level (horizon) now?”“现在的钻进层位?”“Jialingjiang.”“嘉陵江”“Tell me the present drilling parameters, OK?”“告诉我目前的钻井参数,好吗?”“No problem.” “好的。”“We are using 8 1/2” bit to drill now,” said the driller as

22、he watched the gauges on the drillers control console: “Rotary speed, 63rpm; Pump pressure, 17.5 to 18.5Mpa; WOB (Weight on bit), 14 tons; Torque, 5000ft.lb; Displacement, 364gpm; (NO.1); Pump stroke, 60 to 70spm.”“现在使用8 1/2”钻头钻进,”司钻边说边看着司控台上的仪表,道:“转速63rpm,泵压17.5-18.5Mpa,钻压14吨,扭矩5000ft.lb,排量23l/s,泵冲

23、(1号泵)60-70spm。”“Why drilling with single pump?”“为何只用单泵钻进?”“Small size hole (slim hole), single pump can completely satisfy the needs of drilling.”“小井眼,单泵就能满足钻井需要”“In which condition, two pumps are to be used?”“什么情况下使用双泵呢?”“To drill big size hole.”“大尺寸井眼就需要双泵。”“Oh, I see.”“哦,我明白了。”At this moment, the

24、 machinist stepped on the floor. Chen Ming introduced Wang Xiao-yu to him. They two greeted each other.这时,机械大班走上钻台,陈明把王小雨介绍给他。他们相互问候。“Mr. Hu, how about the rated drawworks horsepower of ZJ70D rig?”“胡大班,ZJ70D钻机的绞车额定功率是多少?”“2000 horsepower.”“2000马力。”“Drilling Capacity?”“钻深能力呢?”“If drilling with 4 1/2”

25、 drill pipe, 7000m. If with 5” drill pipe, 6000m at least.”“用4 1/2”钻杆能钻7000米井深。用5”钻杆能钻6000米井深。”“Oh, 6000 meters with 5” drill pipe. ” Wang exclaimed in surprise, then he continued, “So the open diameter of the rotary table must be 37 1/2”?”“哇,5”钻杆可以钻6000米。”王小雨发出一声惊叹,继续道:“转盘的开口直径是37 1/2”的吗?”“Youre ri

26、ght. The model is ZP-37.5.”“是的,型号是ZP-37.5”。”“How many gears of the rotary table?”“转盘有几个挡?”“No gears. The electric rig has no gears. Its a stepless speed regulation.”“没有挡。电动钻机是无极调速的。”“But I heard that the rig has four forward and two reverse gears before.”“可我以前听说钻机有四个正挡两个倒挡呀。”“Really? That means the

27、mechanical rig.”“是吗?四正两倒是指机械钻机。”“Oh, I see.” Wang nodded, asking:“How about the height? I mean the derrick and the substructure.”“哦,明白了。” 王小雨点点头,问道“井架和底座高度?”“The derrick is 43.5 meters in height and the substructure is 9 meters high.”“井架43.5米,底座9米。”“ How about the setback capacity?” Wang asked curio

28、usly.“能排多少柱钻铤、钻杆?” 王小雨好奇地问。“220 stands of drill collar and drill pipe.”“220柱的钻铤、钻杆”“Wind load capacity?”“井架的风载能力?”“With drill string, 120km per hour.”“带钻具,132公里/小时。”“Mr. Hu, you know I am a new guy. Show me around, Ok?”“胡大班,我是新人,带我各处走走,好吗?”“Its my pleasure.”“那可是给我赏脸了。”They came to the pump house, Mr

29、. Hu pointed to the mud pumps, introducing: “These two 3NB-1600 triplex single-action pumps were manufactured by Baoji Petroleum Mechanical Works.”他们来到泵房,胡大班指着泥浆泵,介绍道:“这两台泵是宝鸡产3NB-1600三缸单作用泥浆泵。”“Which size of the liner is available?”“适用哪种缸套?”“150、160、170,180、190mm all are available. We normally use

30、two sizes, 170mm and 180mm liner.”“150、160、170,180、190mm几种尺寸的缸套。我们常用170、180mm两种尺寸。”“Usually, who is in charge of the two pumps in the Crew.”“队上一般由谁负责管理泥浆泵?”“The assistant driller of each Shift. ”“每班的副司钻。”“Does he only do this on tour?”“副司钻上班就管泵吗?。”“Oh, no. With the exception of having a special resp

31、onsibility for mud pumps, he is also in charge of maintenances of the wellhead, the circulation & solid control system.” “哦,不。副司钻除了专门负责泥浆泵以外,还要负责井口,循环、固控系统的维护保养。”“Any more?”“还有吗?”“Sometimes, he also operates the handle and manages the roughnecks instead of the driller.”有时还要替司钻扶钻,管理班上钻工。” “What d

32、oes a roughneck do as usual, do you know?”“知道钻工一般干些什么?”“As I know, a roughneck does a lot of jobs,such as: operating the cathead, tongs, elevators, setting slips, makeup and breakout during a trip, unloading materials and supplies, cleaning equipment and maintenance, etc.”“据我所知,钻工干的活挺多的,比如拉猫头,提卡瓦,打吊

33、钳,上扣,卸扣,搞起、下钻,装卸材料,清洁、保养设备等。”“So, the derrickman?”“那井架工呢?”“He mainly operates on the Monkey-board. During the normal drilling operation, hell give a hand to the assistant driller.”“主要负责二层台的作业。正常钻进时,协助副司钻工作。”In generator house, several CAT3512 diesel-generator sets, which were manufactured in USA, we

34、re roaring.机房里,几台美国产CAT3512柴油发电机组发出巨大轰鸣声。Wang asked the motorman beside the generator loudly: “How many horsepower of one CAT3512?”王小雨大声问发电机旁柴油司机:“多大的马力?”“What?” the man hesitated, shaking his head and pointing to his ears.“什么?”柴油司机摇摇头,指了指耳朵,疑惑道。“Horsepower?” Wang repeated loudly.“多大的马力?” 王小雨指着发电机,又

35、大声问。“1500hp.”“1500马力。”“Tell me the oil temperature, oil pressure and rotation speed at present?”“现在的油温、油压、转速是多少?”“Temperature, 800C; oil pressure, 0.8Mpa; rotation speed, 1200rpm (1200 rounds per minute).”“温度800C,油压0.8Mpa,转速1200r/m。”“What do you usually do during the normal drilling?”“正常打钻时你们一般干些什么?

36、”“Check, maintain and clean the diesel-engine generator sets, compressor, oil and water supply equipment, etc. and keep them in work condition.”“检查、维保和清洁柴油发电机组、压缩机、供水供油设备,保证其良好的工作状况。”“I found only 2 CATs were running. Something is wrong with the other two?”“我发现只有两台机子在运转,另外那两台坏了吗?”“Oh, no. “ the moto

37、rman smiled, saying, “2 CATs can provide enough power for the rig. The other ones are used as back-up.”“没有,”柴油司机笑了笑,说:“两台发电机组就可以给钻机提供足够的动力了。另两台留作备用。”“Sorry, I dont know.” Wangs face went red immediately; he felt a little ashamed for his innocence. “And thank you for telling me.”“对不起,我不知道!” 王小雨瞬时脸色绯红

38、,为自己的无知感到有点害臊,“谢谢你告诉我这些。”“Youre welcome.” “不用谢。”Leaving the generator house, it was easier to talk away from the noise. 走出机房,噪音小了,交谈起来容易多了。As soon as they stepped on the circulation sytem nearby, Wang Xiao-yu questioned the mechanist again.“Mr. Hu, how many mud tanks in circulating system, and the t

39、otal capacities?”一登上毗邻的循环系统,王小雨又问道: “胡大班,循环系统有几个泥浆罐,总容积是多少?”“5 circulating tanks, 4 reserve tanks and 1 trip tank. The total capacity is 425 m2.”“5个循环罐,四个储备灌和一个尖底罐,总容积425m3。”“What type of the shale shaker?”“振动筛是什么类型的?”“Derrick linearity shale shaker manufactured in the USA.”“美国产Derrick线性振动筛?”“Whats

40、the mesh of the screen cloth in use?”“现在用的多少目的筛布。”“180 mesh.”“180目。”Wang Xiao-yu was curious about everything at the rig-site, and wanted to ask whatever he saw. He longed for knowing everything, so that he could get himself into the drilling operation as soon as possible. 王小雨对井场的一切都感到好奇,什么都想问,他渴望解这

41、一切以便尽快地投入到钻井作业中去。While he was thinking about his work, Zhou Hua, the drilling engineer, came to him, saying: “There you are, Xiao Wang! we are waiting for you to attend the safety meeting now.”就在他兴趣正浓的时候,钻井工程师周华来了,对他说道:“小王别再问了,大家现在正等你开班前会呢。”“Sorry. I dont know about the safety meeting before my tour

42、,” Xiao Wang was embarrassed again for not listening.“对不起,我不知道要开班前会。”小王为自己再次感到局促不安。“Oh, its my fault, I forgot to tell you yesterday,” Zhou regretted, “昨天忘了告诉你,这不怪你,”周工抱歉道。“When is the safety meeting usually held?”“一般什么时候开班前会?”“Before each Shift exchange.”“每次交班前。”On the way to the meeting room, Zhou

43、 Hua explained Wang about the safety meeting.在去会议室的路上,周华向王小雨讲了有关班前会的事。“The employees perform a post check half an hour before a tour at the site ahead of each Shift exchange. Then they attend a safety meeting conducted by the Rig Manager. The manager issues the days drilling program at the meeting.

44、After that the drilling engineer, toolpusher, machinist, electrician or the driller will emphasize the important matters about safety around the rig equipment during drilling operation.” “每次换班,工人提前半小时进场,进行交接班岗位检查。然后,开班前会,由平台经理传达当天的作业指令,分配要干的工作。钻井工程师、带班队长、机械技师、电器技师或司钻强调有关安全和设备的注意事项。”“I see.”“明白了。”“By

45、 the way, tell you a (piece of) good news.”“小王,顺便告诉你一个好消息。”“Good news, what good news?”“好消息,什么好消息?” “Our Crew will go abroad to perform drilling service.”“我们队马上要出国打井了。”“Really? Which country?” Wand excitedly.“真的吗?哪个国家?” 小王激动了。“Iran,” Zhou said, “Details, the Rig Manager will announce in the meeting.

46、”“伊朗。”周工道,“详情,平台经理会在会上宣布。”“Really? Thats wonderful.” Wang cheered up, “I am the luckiest guy in the world.”“噢,太妙了。” 小王欢呼着跳了起来,“我是世界上最幸运的人。”“You are, indeed.” “确实是。Vocabularypractice technician 实习技术员 small size hole(slim hole)小井眼drilling crew 钻井队 big size hole 大尺寸井眼drill floor,rig floor,floor 钻台 draw

47、works 绞车drawworks horsepower 绞车功率 drawworks sensor 绞车(上的进尺)传感器well-site, rig-site 井场 drilling capacity 钻深能力rig manager 平台经理 DC (drill collar) 钻铤drilling engineer 钻井工程师 DP (drill pipe) 钻杆assistant engineer 助理工程师 knock at an open door 多此一举toolpusher 带班队长 rotary table 转盘driller 司钻 open diameter 开口直径ass

48、istant driller 副司钻 gear, shift gear 挡位,排挡derrickman, monkeyman 井架工 setback capacity 排管能力roughneck, floorman 钻工 single-action 单作用roustabout 场地工 liner 缸套motor fireman 司机 wellhead 井口motorman 司助 circulation & solid system 循环固控系统machinist 机械师,机工,机械大班 forward gear 正挡electrician 电器师,电工,电器大班 reverse gea

49、r 倒挡operation program 作业程序(指令) cathead 猫头caravan 营房,大篷车 tong 大钳drilling experience 钻井经验 elevator 吊卡well depth 井深 slip 卡瓦slip area 卡瓦卡紧面 slip back-up 卡瓦支撑(套)slip bowl 卡瓦座,卡盘 slip bushing 卡瓦补心slip dog 卡瓦牙块, 卡瓦牙板 slip-elevator 卡瓦式吊卡slip grip 卡瓦打捞爪, 卡瓦夹持器 slip groove 卡瓦槽slipper joint pliers鲤鱼钳 slip load

50、 卡瓦负载卡瓦悬吊的钻柱重量slip insert 卡瓦牙 slip joint 套筒连接,伸缩连接,滑动接头slip-off (焊点)脱开 slip-on flange 松套法兰;滑套凸缘stepless gear 无级变速传动 stepless speed change device无级变速装置 stepless speed change 有无级变速 stepless speed regulating 无级调速 stepless speed regulation无级调速 level horizon 层位,层段design depth 设计井深 makeup 上扣spud in 开钻 bre

51、akout 卸扣ROP (rate of penetration),drilling speed penetration rate 钻速 trip 起下钻 wind load 风载荷wind load capacity (井架的)风载能力 wind load rating 额定风载(荷)geological condition 地质情况(条件) diesel-engine 柴油机high pressure 高压 diesel-generator set柴油发电机组high H2S 高含硫 horsepower 马力high dip angle 高倾角 oil temperature 油温fau

52、lt 断层 oil pressure 油压loss circulation 井漏,循环漏失 rotary (rotation) speed 转速drillability 可钻性 compressor 压缩机working uniform 工作服 oil supply 供油brake handle, brake bar 刹把 water supply 供水well condition 井况 circulating tank, circulation tank 循环罐normal drilling 正常钻井 reserve tank 储备罐parameter 参数 trip tank 补给罐,尖底罐rotary speed 转盘转速 shale shaker 振动筛pump pressure 泵压 linearity 线性WOB (weight on bit) 钻压 mesh 目,网孔;啮合,编织torque 扭矩 screen cloth 筛布displacement 排量 safety meeting 班前会pump stroke 泵冲 shift exchange 交班mud pump 泥浆泵 drilling service 钻井服务master 师


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