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1、刘毅字根字典 113 个字首(Prefix) P-1122 个字尾(Suffix) P-3418 个字根(Root) P-5161821113 个字首(Prefix)1a- = of2a- = on3a- = intensive (加强语气)4a- = ad- = to,at,for5a- = ab- = from, away6a- = ex- = out, extremely7a- = negative (否定) = not, without *母音前为an- (参照1-14)8ab- = form, away form, off9ad- = to, at, for *表示方向、变化、完成、

2、附加、增加、开始,或指表加强的重要字首 变化型 借着后面的字音的同化作用,而有一下变化:ab-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-.10al- = all11ambi- = on both sides, about, around 变化型 amb-12amphi- = on both sides, around13an- = negative (否定) = not, without 变化型 a-, am-14ana- = upon, on, up 变化型 an-15ante- = before (与post-相反) 变化型anti-, an

3、t-, anci-, an-16anti- = against, opposite to (与pro-相反)17arch- = chief 变化型archi, arche-18auto- = self 变化型 auth-19be- = to make *把形容词、名词动词化20be- = to cover with *名次及物动词用21be- = upon22be- = by23be- = intensive (加强语气)24bene- = well, good (与male-相反) 同义词bon- = bonus = good25bi- = double, two 变化型bin-26cata

4、- = down, downwards, fully 变化型cat-27circum- = around, round about 变化型circu-28com- = together, with, wholly 变化型 co-, col-, comb-, con-, cor-, coun-29contra- = against 变化型contro, counter30de- = down, downward *由“往下”之意衍生为【分离、否定、加强】,是很重要的字首31de- = apart, from *dis-变化型的一种,主要表【分离、除去】的意思32deca- = ten *deci

5、-表示“十分之一”的意思33demi- = half34di- = double, twice35dia- = through, between, across *和di-有密切关系的字首,表示“在两者之间”的意思36dis- = apart, away *dis-是由拉丁文duo = two的变形duis衍生而来,原本是“一分为二”的意思,是由【分离】引申为【除去、剥夺、反对、否定】,尤其【加强语气】的重要字首。 变化型de-, des-, di-, dif-, s-37duo- = two, double 变化型do-, dou-, du-38e- *只是为了生意的完善而在s音之前附加的字

6、母39en- = in, into, on, at, near *从【在中间】之意演变成【进入某种状态使-,使成为】等,把表示to make之意的名词、形容词变为及物动词。 变化型 em-40epi- = upon, to, besides, among 变化型ep-41eu- = well 变化型 ev-42ex- = out of, fully 变化型 a-, e-, ec-, ef-, es-, iss-, s-43extra- = beyond44for- = away from *由【分离】之意引申为【禁止、无视、除外】等否定的意思,或为【破坏】及【强迫】的意思45fore- = b

7、efore 变化型 for-46forth- = towards47hecto- = hundred48hemi- = half49hetero- = other, different50hexa- = six51homo = same (与hetero-相反)52hyper- = above, beyond *含有excess【过度】的意思53hypo- = under (与hyper-相反)54in- = in, into, on *变化型 il-, im-, ir-55in- = negative (否定) = not 变化型 en-, i-, im-, ir-56inter- = be

8、tween, among 变化型 enter-, intel-57intra-/intro- = within, inward (与extra-相反)58iso- = equal (相等的)59kilo- = thousand60macro- = large (大的), long (长的)61mal (e)- = badly, ill (与bene- 相反)62mege- = large, million63meta- = among, with, after *一般表【变化】之意,主要用在科学词语64micro- = small65milli- = thousand, thousandth6

9、6mis- = wrong (ly), bad (ly), ill *一般是带有【贬抑】的语气表示【错误】,但也可单表【否定】67mono- = single, sole, alone 变化型 mon-68mult (i)- = many, much69ne- = negative (否定) = not 变化型 na-, n-, neg-70neo- = new71mon- = not72ob- = as, towards, at, before, upon, over, about, near, against 变化型为了因应其后所接字音而变为 o-, oc-, of-, op-, os-7

10、3octa-, octo- = eight, eighth74omni- = all75out- = out, beyond * 向【向外】引申而为【超越】【胜过】的意思76over- = above, across, beyond *从【覆盖】【超越】【胜过】引申为【过度】【太过】之意77pan (to)-all78para- = beside, beyond, against, contrary 变化型 par-, pa-79pen- = almost80penta- = five81per- = through, thoroughly, away 变化型 par-, pel-, pil-

11、82peri- = around, round about83poly- = many84post- = after, behind (与ante-相反)85pre- = before86pro- = for, before, forth, forward * 原本相当于英语for的拉丁文字首,可以用for的意思推想。由【为了】而产生【代替】、【赞成的】、【偏爱】等意思;或由【向】演变为【向前】、【事先】、【公开的】、【因应】等意思。87prot (o)- = first * pro-的最高级。由【最的】引申为【最初的】、【原始的】、【原型的】等意思88pseudo- = false89qua

12、dr (i)- = four90quasi- = partly91re- = again, back 变化型 red-, ren-92retro- = backward93se- = away, apart94semi- = half95sept- = seven96sex- = six97step- = orphaned98sub- = under * sub- 是 sup- 演变而来的,其比较级是 super, 最高级是 supreme。Sub- 原为【高】的意思,如super, supreme是指【(以)上;过度;极度;超越】之意。依照sub- 本来的意思【高】演变而来的字有sublim

13、e(崇高的;使崇高) 变化型 为了因应其后连接字音的不同,而有以下的变化: suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus99super- = above, over 变化型 sop-, sove-, sur-100syn- = with, together * 相当于拉丁文 co- 的字首,表示【一起、同时、相似】之意。 变化型 sy-, syl-, sym-101tele- = far off102tetra- = four103trans- = beyond, across, over 变化型 tra-, tran-, tres-104tri- = thr

14、ee, threefold105twi- = two106ultra- = beyond107un- = no * 接在名词、形容词、副词前,表【否定】之意108un- = the reversal of an action * 置于动词前,表示这个动作的相反的动作109under- = under, beneath * 由【在下面】、【下面的】演变为【不够地】意思110uni- = one 变化型 un-111up- = up, aloft112vice- = in place of 变化型 vis-113with- = against, back954122 个字尾(Suffix) (一)

15、 名词字尾(1)表示“人”的名词字尾1-ain2-aire3-an, -ian, -ean * 该形式也多为形容词使用4-ant * 这种字尾也可作为形容词使用5-ar6-ard, -art7-ary8-ate9-ee * 和 -er 相反,是【被人】之意10-eer * 重音常在这个音节11-en12-ent13-er14-ese * 放在专有名词后,表示【国民】、【国语】,也可做形容词15-ess * 作为女性名词16-eur * 表示【人】的法文字尾17-herd * 管理家畜的人18-ier19-iff20-ist21-ite * 表【和有关的人】,【属于团体的人】22-ive * 形

16、容词表示名词的字尾23-man, -sman * -sman 的 s 不是复数,而是表示所有格24-on25-or, -our26-ster27-y, -yer(2)具有【缩小】意义的名词字尾* 加上这些字尾,可使名词带有【小的】、【可爱的】、【可亲近的】等意味,但有的也会完全不含【缩小】之意1-cle * 表示【个体】、【个别】2-el, -le3-en, -in4-et, -ette5-kin6-let7-ling8-ock9- (c)ule10-ie, -y * 作为专有名词的昵称(3)表示抽象名词的字尾1-ace2-ade3-age4-al * 把动词变成抽象名词5-ance, -an

17、cy, -ence, -ency6-cy7-dom8-hood, -head9-ic (s) * 常用于学术用语的字尾10-ice, -ise11-ing12-ion13-ism, -asm * 用来表示【主义】、【学说】、【特性】等等14-itude15- (i)um * 多用于元素的名称16-ment17-mony * 是ment的变化型18-ness *将形容词变为抽象名词19-o (u)r * 英 -our, 美 -or20-ry21-ship * 和“船”没有关系,而是古代英语的 -scipe (= shape)变来的,表示【样子】的意思22-t, -th23-ty, -ety, -

18、ity24-ure25-y(4)表示集合名词的字尾1-age2-ary3-ry(5)表示地点名词的字尾1-ace2-age3-ary4-dom5-ery6-ory7-um8-y (二) 形容词字尾1-able, -ible * 表【有能力】、【易做】、【适合】、【足以做】的意思,被修饰的名词有被动的意思。2-al, -ial * 表【有关】、【有性质】的意思3-an, -ian * 多接于专有名词之后,做形容词使用,也可做【人】解4-ant, -ent5-ar6-ary7-ate, -ete, -ute * 表【有性质的】、【有味道的】之意。注意ate的发音8-ed * 多接于名词之后,表【具

19、有】、【充满】之意9-en * 多接于物质名词之后,表【由做成的】之意10-ern * 主要用于表示【方向】11-ese * 加在国名之后成为形容词及名词12-fold * 加上数词,表【倍的】、【重的】之意,愿意是重叠或折叠13-ful * 多加在名词之后,表【充满】的意思,是最常用的形容词字尾,相反字尾是 -less14-iac * 表【与有关的】之意15-ic * 表【与有关的】、【的】等意思16-ical * 表【有关】、【性的】之意,重音一般在-ical之前的音节17-id18-ile * 表示【易于】的意思19-ine * 表示【具有性质】的意思20-ing * 把动词变为形容词的

20、形式21-ior * 这是拉丁文中用来表示比较级的字尾22-ique, -esque * 表示【风格的】的意思23-ish * 表示【带有样性质的】、【有关的】的意思24-ite25-ive26-less * 由古英文leas而来的形式,表【没有】的意思,反义词为 -ful27-like * 表【象样的】、【喜欢的】等意思28-ly * 加在名词后做形容词,加在形容词后做副词29-most * 表示【最高级】的意思30-ory * 表示【带有的性质】之意31-ous * 表示【充满了】之意32-proof * 多加在名词之后,表【防的】的意思33-some * 这是 same 的变化形,表【象

21、样的】、【有 倾向】的意思34-ward * 主要用来表示【方向】35-y * 表示【充满】、【有性质】、【有倾向】的意思 (三) 副词字尾1-ence * 表示 from 的意思; -ither 则表 to 的意思2-ling, -long * 表示【在方向】的意思3-ly * 从古英语 lic (= like)而来的字根,大多接于形容词之后4-s5-ward (s) * 表示方向6-way (s), -wise * 两者字源相同,表【方式】 (四) 动词字尾1-ate * 最常做动词字尾,其名词是 -ation2-en * 加上形容词、名词,表【使成】3-er * 表示【反复】的声音或动作

22、4-esce * 表动作开始或正在执行5-fy * 是拉丁文 facere = (to make)的变化型,表【做成】、【使化】的意思6-ish * 表【做】的意思7-ize, -ise * 表【使成装提】、【使化】等意思,英式英语中也使用 -ise。 注意读音均为aiz8-le * 表示【反复】 读音多为l6605418 个字根(Root)1acid, acr = sour (酸的), sharp (锐利的) * 拉丁文 acidus = (to be sour), acer (= sharp)2act = to act (行动) * 由拉丁文的agere (= to do, to driv

23、e) 而来的,和 ag-,ig-同类,过去分词是 actus3agogue = leader (领导者) * 希腊文 agogos (= leader)4al, ol, ul = to nourish (滋养) * 拉丁文 alere (= to nourish)5alt = high(高的) * 拉丁文 altus = (high)6alter, ali = other (其他的) * 拉丁文alterother7am = to love (爱) * 拉丁文amare(to love)8ang = to strangle(勒死;窒息) * 拉丁文angere(to strangle)9ang

24、l, angul = angle(角) * 拉丁文angulus(angle)10anim = breath(气息),mind(心) * 拉丁文anima = (breath), animus (= mind)11ann = year(年) * 拉丁文annus(year)12anthropman(人类) * 希腊文anthropos(man)13apt = fit(适当的) * 拉丁文aptus(fit)14aqua = water(水) * 拉丁文aqua (= water)15arm = weapons(武器) * 拉丁文arme (= weapons),armare (= to arm

25、)16art = skill(技巧),art(技术) * 拉丁文art (= art), ars (= skill)17aud = to hear(听) * 拉丁文audire (= to hear)18aug = to increase (增加); to make to grow (使产生;使增大) * 拉丁文augere (= to increase, to make to grow), 过去分词是auctus19avi = bird (鸟) * 拉丁文avis (= bird)20band, bond = to bind (捆绑) * 梵文bhand = (to bind)21bar =

26、 bar (横木) * 拉丁文barra (= bar)22bat = to beat (打) * 拉丁文battere (= to beat)23bat, bas = to go (走) * 希腊文bainein (= to go)24bell = war (战争) * 拉丁文bellum (= war)25bio = life (生命) * 希腊文bios (= life)26brew = short (短的) * 拉丁文brevis (= short)27cad, cid, cas = fall (落下) * 拉丁文cadere (= to fall)28calc = lime (石灰)

27、 * 拉丁文calc,calx (= lime)29camp = field (田野) * 拉丁文campus (= plain,field)30cand = white (白色) , bright (光亮的) * 拉丁文candidus = white, bright31cant, chant, cent = to sing (唱歌) * 拉丁文cannere (= to sing) , 过去分词candtus32cap = head (头) * 拉丁文caput (= head)33cap = to take (取) *拉丁文capere (= to hold, to take, to c

28、atch, to seize)34car = car (车), to run (跑) *拉丁文carrus (= car), curere (= to run)35carn = flesh (肉) *拉丁文caro (= flesh)36cast = to throw (投掷) *中古英语cast (= to throw)37cav = hollow (中空的) *拉丁文cavus (= hollow)38cede, ceed, cess = to go (去), to yield (让步) *拉丁文cedere (= to go, to yield), 过去分词为cessus39ceive,

29、 cept, cip, cipate = to take (取) *拉丁文capere (= to take)40celer = swift (快速的) *拉丁文celer (= swift)41cent = hundred (百) *拉丁文centum (= hundred)42centr = center (中心) *拉丁文centum (= center)43cern, cret = to separate (分离) *拉丁文cernere = (to separate, to sift选拔;淘汰, to decree 判定,to observe 观察)44cert = sure (确定

30、的) *拉丁文certus (= certain)是由前面所说的cernere而来的。意为“淘汰之后清楚的界定”45chron = time (时间) *希腊文khronos (= time)46cide, cise = to cut (切) *拉丁文caedere (= to cut)47circ, cyc = ring (环) *拉丁文circus (= circle, ring)48cite = to call (呼叫), to urge (驱策) *拉丁文citare = (to cause to move, to summon)49claim, clam = to cry (大叫)

31、*拉丁文clamare (= to cry out)50clin = to bend (弯曲) *拉丁文clinare (= to bend, to lean)51clud = to shut (关闭) *拉丁文claudere (= to shut)52coct = to cook (煮;烹调) *拉丁文conquere (= to cook)53cognis, gnos = to know (知道) *拉丁文cognoscere,gnoscere (= to know)54commun = common (共同的) *拉丁文communis (= common)55cord = heart

32、 (心) *拉丁文cor (= the heart)56corp = body (身体) *拉丁文corpus (= body)57cosm, cosmo = universe (宇宙) *拉丁文kosmos (= order, universe)58count = to count (计算) *拉丁文computare (= to count)59cover = to cover (掩盖) *拉丁文cooperire (= to close, to cover)60cre, cresc = to make (制造) , to grow (生长) *拉丁文creare (= to make),

33、 crescere (= to grow)61cred = to believe (相信) * 拉丁文credere (= to believe)62crim = accusation (控诉),crime (罪行) * 拉丁文crimen (= accusation, crime)63crit = to judge (判断) * 希腊文krinein (= to judge)64cruc = cross (十字;交叉) * 拉丁文cruc, crux (= cross)65culp = blame (过失),guilt (罪过) * 拉丁文culpa (= blame, guilt)66cu

34、lt = to till (耕种) * 拉丁文cultivare (= to till, to work at)67cumb = to lie down (横躺) * 拉丁文cubare (= to lie down)68cur, course = to run (流;跑) * 拉丁文currere (= to run)69cure = to take care (注意;留心) * 拉丁文curare (= to take care of)70cuss = to strike (打击), to shake (摇动) * 拉丁文cutere (= to strike, to shake),过去分

35、词是cussus71deb, du = to owe (负债) * 拉丁文debere (= to owe)72dei = god (神) * 拉丁文deus (= god)73dem = people (民众) * 法文demos (= the people)74dent = tooth (牙齿) * 拉丁文dent, dens (= tooth)75derm, deerma, dermat = skin (皮肤) * 希腊文dermat, derma (= skin)76dic = to proclaim (宣称) * 拉丁文dicare (= to proclaim, to tell)7

36、7dict, dit = to say (说) * 拉丁文dicere (= to say)78dign = worthy (有价值的) * 拉丁文dignus (= worthy)79divid, divis = to divide (分割) * 拉丁文dividere (= to divide), 过去分词是divisus80doc = to teach (教导) * 拉丁文docere (= to teach)81dom = house (房屋) * 拉丁文domus (= house)82dom = to tame (驯服), to fule (统治) * 梵文dam (= to ta

37、me), 拉丁文dominus (= lord主人)83don, dot, dow = to give (给予) * 拉丁文donare (= to give)84dorm = to sleep85dox = , dogma = opinion (意见) * 希腊文doxa, dokein (= opinion)86draw = to draw (拉,引) * 拉丁文trahere (= to draw, to pull)87drom = to run (跑), course (过程) * 希腊文dramein (= to run), dromos (= racecourse跑道)88ducc

38、, duct = to lead (领导) * 拉丁文ducere (= to lead)89dur = to last (持续) * 拉丁文durare (= to last)90dyn, dynam = power (力量) * 希腊文dynamis (= power)91eco = house (家) * 希腊文oikos (= house)92ego = I (我), self (自己) * 拉丁文ego (= I)93electr = electric (电的) * 拉丁文electricus (= electric, amber琥珀)94em,empt = to take (取),

39、 to buy (买) * 拉丁文emere (= to take, to buy)95equ = equal (相等的) * 拉丁文aequalis (= equal)96err = to wander (流浪;漂泊), to err (犯错) * 拉丁文errare (= to wander, to err)97ess, est = to be (存在) * 拉丁文esse (= to be)98fa, fabl, fabul = to speak (说) * 拉丁文fari (= to speak), fabula (= story)99fac, front = face (面部,正面)

40、, forehead (前额) * 拉丁文facies (= face), front, frons (= forehead, front)100fact, fect = to make (做), to do (做,为) * 拉丁文facere (= to make, to do), 和英文的make, do等一样,是重要的动词101fall, fals = to deceive (欺骗) * 拉丁文fallere (= to deceive), 过去分词是falsus102fam = to speak (说;论) * 拉丁文 fari (= to speak)103fare = to go

41、(走) * 古代英语 faram (= to go)104fend, fest = to strike (打击) * 拉丁文 fendere (= to strike)105fer = to carry (运;载), to bear (忍耐) * 拉丁文 ferre (= to carry, to bring, to bear)106ferv = to boil (沸腾) * 拉丁文 fervere (= to boil)107fess = to speak (说) * 拉丁文 fari (= to speak)108fest = festival (节日;祝宴) * 拉丁文 festum (

42、= festival), 复数是festa109fict, fig = to feign (假装) * 拉丁文 fingere (= to feign), 过去分词是 fictus110fid, = to trust (相信) * 拉丁文 fidere (= to trust), fides (= faith)111figur = to shape (形成), figure (形状) * 拉丁文 fingere (= to shape, figure)112fil = thread (线), to spin (纺织) * 拉丁文 filum (= thread, to spin)113fin

43、= to end (结束) * 拉丁文 finire (= to end), finis (= end, bound)114firm = firm (坚固的) * 拉丁文 firmus (= firm)115fix = to fasten (缚;固定) * 拉丁文 figere (= to fasten), 过去分词是fixus116flam, flagr = flame (火焰), to burn (燃烧) * 拉丁文 flamma (= flame), flagrare (= to burn)117flat = to blow (吹) * 拉丁文 flare (= to blow), 过去

44、分词是 flatus118flect, flex = to bend (弯曲) * 拉丁文 flectere (= to bend)119flict = to strike (打击) * 拉丁文 fligere (= to strike), 过去分词为 flictus120flor = flower (花) * 拉丁文 flor, flos (= flower)121flu = to flow (流动) * 拉丁文 fluere (= to flow)122foli = leaf (叶子) * 拉丁文 follum (= leaf), 复数是folia123form = to form (形成

45、), form (形状) * 拉丁文 formare (= to form, fashion)124fort = strong (强壮的) * 拉丁文 fortis (= strong)125found, fund = base (基础) * 拉丁文 fundus (= base, bottom)126fract, frag = to break (打破) * 拉丁文 frangere (= to break), 过去分词是 fractus127fug = to flee (逃走) * 拉丁文 fugere (= to flee)128fuse, found = to pour (倾;倒) *

46、 拉丁文 fundere (= to pour), 过去分词为 fusus129gam = marriage (婚姻) * 希腊文 gamos (= marriage)130gener, gen, gent = to produce (制造;生产), race (种族) * 拉丁文 generare (= to produce), genus (= race), gignere (= to bear, to beget生产)。希腊文genesis (= orgin, source)。 在英语中,gen的形式也经常用于“生产,产生”之意,再由其演变而为“种、种族”等相关意思。131ger, ge

47、st = to carry (运,载) * 拉丁文 gerere (= to carry)132grad, gress = to walk (行走) * 拉丁文 gradi (= to walk), gradus (= step)133gram,graph = to write (书写) * 希腊文 gramma (= letter), graphein (= to write)134grand = grand (大的) * 拉丁文 grandis (= grand, great, large)135grat = to please (喜好) * 拉丁文 gratus (= pleasing)

48、, gratia (= favour)136grav = heavy (重) * 拉丁文 gravis (= heavy)137gregat = to collect (收集) * 拉丁文 gregare (= to collect), grex (= flock群、聚集)138hab, hibit = to have (拥有) * 拉丁文 habere (= to have, to hold, to keep)139hap = luck (运气) * 古代挪威语 happ (= good luck)140helio = sun (太阳) * 希腊文 helios (= sun)141her

49、= heir (继承人) * 拉丁文 heres (= heir)142herb = grass (草) * 拉丁文 herba (= grass)143here, hes = to stick (粘着) * 拉丁文 haerere (= to stick)144horr = to tremble (发抖) * 拉丁文 horrere (= to tremble)145hum, hom = man (人) * 拉丁文 humanus (= human), homo (= man)146hum = ground (地面) * 拉丁文 humus (= the ground)147hydr = w

50、ater (水) * 拉丁文 hydr, hrdro (= water)148hypno = sleep (睡眠) * 希腊文 hypnos (= sleep)149idio = personal (个人的), distinct (独特的) * 希腊文 idios (= personal, distinct)150insul = island (岛屿) * 拉丁文 insula (= island)151it = to go (走) * 拉丁文 ire (= to go)152ject, jac = to throw (投掷) * 拉丁文 jacere (= to throw, to cast

51、)153join, junct = to join (加入;连接) * 拉丁文 jungere (= to join)154journ = day (一日) * 拉丁文 dies (= day), diurnalis (= daily); 法文 journee (= day)155jud = to judge (判断) * 拉丁文 judicare (= to judge), judex (= judge)156jur = to swear (发誓) * 拉丁文 jurare (= to swear)157just, juris = law (法律), right (正义) * 拉丁文 jus

52、 (= law, right)158labor = to work (工作) * 拉丁文 labor (= to work)159laps = to slip, to glide (滑;溜) * 拉丁文 lapsare (= to slip, to glide)160late = to bring (带来), to bear (搬运) * 拉丁文 latum (= to bring, to bear), 与-fer同字源161later = side (侧面) * 拉丁文 latus (= side)162lav, lau = to wash (洗) * 拉丁文 lavare (= to wa

53、sh)163lax, lys = to loosen (放松) * 拉丁文 laxare (= to loosen), 希腊文luein (= to loosen)164lect, leg = to choose (选择), to gather (集合), to read (读) * 拉丁文 legere (= to choose, to gather, to read), 过去分词是lectus165leg = to appoint (指定;任命), to send (送) * 拉丁文 legare (= to appoint, to send)166leg = law (法律) * 拉丁文 legalis (= lawful)167lev = to raise (升;举), light(轻的) * 拉丁文 levare (= to raise), levis (= light)168liber = free (自由的) * 拉丁文 liber (= free)169libr, lib = book (书籍) * 拉丁文 libr, liber (= book)170lic = to be permitted (被允许;被批准) * 拉丁文 licere (= to be permitted)171lig = to bi


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