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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上A(13)1.Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.应当注意机器的工作温度。2.An understanding of essential character of scientific investigation is best acquired from the study of a representative particular science.要了解科学研究最本质的特点,最好是对特定的典型学科进行研究。3.As we know, all matters consis

2、t of molecules, and molecules of atoms.众所周知,一切物质由分子组成,而分子由原子组成。4.All of this proves that we must have a profound study of properties of proteins.所有这一切证明,我们必须深入地研究蛋白质特性。5.A new kind of computer small, cheap, fineis attracting increasing attention.一种新型的计算机越来越引起人们的注意这种计算机体积小巧,价格低廉,性能优越。6.A computer sys

3、tem consists of a computer and some peripherals.计算机系统是由计算机和一些外部设备构成的。7.Adverse to iron,mercury is in a liquid state at ordinary temperature.水银与铁不同,在常温下是液态。8.AC can be changed into DC with great ease.交流电可以极其容易地被转变成直流电。9.Animals, although they need some inorganic food, cannot live on it alone.尽管动物需要无机

4、物的营养,但是却不能单独以此维持生命。10.Another important factor to be taken into consideration is that current strength is equal at certain point in a series circuit.需要考虑在内的另一个重要因素是电流强度同串联电路中某些点的强度相同。11.A minimum electric power system is shown in Fig.1, a combination of an energy source, a prime mover, a generator,

5、and a load.最小的电力系统如图1所示,它由能源、原动机、发电机和负载构成。12.Apart from the international agencies controlled by the U.N., many scientific and technological organizations, both governmental and privately owned, are pooling their resources and incorporating themselves into supra-national bodies; a good example is th

6、e Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, with over 20 member-countries throughout the world.除去联合国直属的国际机构之外,许多科技组织不论是政府的还是私营的,都在将它们的资源汇集起来并将自己合并成超国家的组织。由世界上20多个国家参加的经济合作与发展组织就是一个范例。13.Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, o

7、wing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has strong affinity.铝总是和其他元素结合在一起,最普遍的是和氧结合在一起,因为铝对氧有很强的亲和力。由于这个原因,在自然界中任何地方都找不到游离状态的铝;所以一直到十九世纪人们才知道有铝。B(4)14.But for friction, the driving wheel would not run the belt, neither would the belt run the whe

8、el to be driven.要是没有摩擦力,主动轮就不能带动皮带,皮带也就不能带动被动轮。15.Being cooled in the air, this kind of steel becomes harder and harder.在空气中冷却之后,这种钢就变得越来越硬。16.Both of the substances are not soluble in water.这两种物质都不溶于水。17.Being large or small all magnets behave the same.所有磁铁,无论大小,其性质都一样。C(3)18.Cool slowly to minimiz

9、e cracking. 要慢慢冷却,以最大限度的减少开裂。19.Computing machines are essentially machines for recording numbers, operating with numbers, and giving the result in numerical form.计算机本质上是一种记录数字、运算数字并给出数字结果的机器。20.Copper has less resistance than aluminum for the same size wire, but aluminum, being much lighter in weig

10、ht, has less resistance per unit of weight.对于同样粗细的电线来说,铜比铝的电阻小,但由于铝的重量很轻,所以它单位重量的电阻较小。D(5)21.Depending upon certain conditions, there may or may not be free electrons in semiconductors.半导体是否存在着自由电子,这取决于某些条件。22.Dont let the stresses inside the material exceed the elastic limit, or else permanent defo

11、rmation will result.不要使材料的应力超过弹性极限,否则会产生永久变形。23.Ductility of a metal is usually much less when hot than when cold.热状态的金属韧性一般要比冷状态的金属低得多。24.Design is a series of operations involved in taking a product from a conceptual stage to a form that meets both company goals and customer expectations.设计是一系列的操作

12、,包含该产品从构思阶段到同时满足公司目标和客户期望的结构样式。25.Dimensioning is a complicated work and long experiences are required for the mastering of it. 进行尺寸标注是一项复杂的工作,需要长期经验才能完成。E(2)26.Even the dissolution in water cannot enable common salt to change its chemical properties. 即使我们将普通食盐溶于水,也不能改变其化学性质。27.Earthquakes seem less

13、 easy to be controlled by man than weather.人类要控制地震似乎比控制天气更难。F(3)28.Fig 1 incorporates many of the factors which must be considered in developing a satisfactory system.图1所示的许多因素,在研制性能良好的系统时必须予以考虑。29.Faraday discovered the Law of Electromagnetic Induction after years of trial,error,and trial again.经过几

14、年的试验、失败、再实验,法拉第终于发现了电磁感应定律。30.For reasons the alternating current is more widely used than the direct current.由于种种原因,交流电比直流电用得更加广泛。G(6)31.Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the later.气体和固体的区别在于前者比后者有更大的压缩性。32.Gasoline is appreciably volatile. 汽油具有很强的挥发性。33.

15、Gold is similar in color to brass. 金子的颜色和黄铜相似。34.Going through the process of heat treatment, metals become much stronger and more durable. 金属经过热处理后,强度更大,更加耐用。35.Given the weight and the specific gravity of a body, we can calculate its volume.已知物体的重量和比重,就可求出其体积。36.Great efforts will be made to achie

16、ve advancement and independent innovation of technology , which will lead to improved safety and cost-efficiency of nuclear power reactors and competitiveness of nuclear power.我们将更努力实现先进的技术和技术的自我更新,这将提高核反应堆的安全和成本效益及核电的综合性能。H(1)37.Hydroelectric stations offer quite a number of advantages over their t

17、hermal and nuclear counterparts. 与火电厂和核电厂相比,水电厂有很大的优势。I(20)38.In this case the temperature in the furnace is up.在这种情况下,炉温就升高。39.If we had known the properties of the material, we should have made full use of it.要是当时了解这种材料的特性的话,我们就会充分利用它了。40.In general, all the metals are good conductors, with silver

18、 the best and copper the second. 一般来说,金属都是良导体,其中以银为最好,铜次之。41.If we were ignorant of the structure of the atom, it would be impossible for us to study nuclear physics.如果我们不知道原子的结构,就不可能研究核子物理学。42.It is very much like communicating with an accurate robot who has a very small vocabulary and takes everyt

19、hing literally.这就像和一丝不苟的机器人说话,机器人只有很少的词汇,而且你怎么说他就怎么做。43.Its transmission over long distance causes some loss of energy.长距离输送会损耗一些能量。44.It takes a body precisely as long to fall from a height h as it does to rise that high.物体从高度h下落所需要的时间与它上升到同一高度所需的时间完全相同。45.In general,all the metals are good conduct

20、ors,with silver the best and copper the second. 一般来说,金属是导体,银最佳,铜次之。46.If one halves a bar magnet,each of the two halves will be a complete magnet.如果把一根磁铁棒分成两段,那么其中每一段都仍是完整的磁铁。47.It is through this interface that the substation operator must control and monitor the entire substation.变电站运行人员正是通过这个界面控制

21、和监视整个变电站的。48.If we permit the current to flow longer,more heat will be produced.如果让电流通过的时间长一些,产生的热就会多一些。49.It is believed that oil is derived from marine plant and animal life.人们认为,石油来源于海生动植物。50.In fact, materials as used in transistors do not exist in nature but are man-made.实际上,晶体管中所用的材料是人造的,在自然界中

22、并不存在。51.It is necessary to prevent induction motors against overload and under voltage.必须保护感应电动机,以防止过载和欠压。52.It should be noted that increasing the length of the wire will increase its resistance. 应当注意,增加导线长度会增加电阻。53.If you treble the distance between an object and the earth, the gravitational attra

23、ction gets nine times weaker.如果你把一个物体与地球的距离增加两倍,地心引力就会减弱到1/9。54.Increasingly sophisticated computer-controlled robots are entering industry to cut down production costs, time and labor requirements. 日益完善的由计算机控制的机器人正在进入工业领域,以降低成本、缩短生产时间、减少劳动力。55.Ideal voltage and current sources are active circuit el

24、ement,while resistors and conductors are passive elements.理想电压源和电流源都是有源文件,而电阻器和导体都是无源元件。56.Insulators can also conduct electricity to some extent,though they give a high resistance to an electric current.虽然绝缘体对电流施加很大电阻,但仍能有某种程度的导电性。57.It was not until the 19th century, when magnetism was shown to be

25、 the product of electricity, that serious research into the nature of permanent magnetism began.直到19世纪证明了磁是电产生的时候,人们才开始对永久磁性的本质作认真的研究。J(1)58.Jigang will fix this problem during the recent shut down of the finishing mill.济钢会在最近的精轧机停产时解决这一问题。M(5)59.Moving parts of a machine would wear much more rapidl

26、y without being oiled.机器的运动部件如果不加油就会磨损的非常快。60.Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter.物质可以转化为能,能也可以转化为物质。61.Modern industry needs considerable quantities of this metal, either in the form of iron or in the form of steel.现代工业对这种金属的需求量很大,无论是铁的形式还是钢的形式。62.Magnets have characteristics

27、similar to electric charges in that like magnetic doles repel each other and unlike magnetic Doles attract each other.磁铁具有与电荷相似的特性,同磁极相斥,异磁极相吸。63.Many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron.许多保健意识太强的女性会由于她们拒绝食用牛肉或羊肉而增加其缺

28、铁的风险,因为这些肉中所含的铁质最容易被吸收。N(2)64.Newton created a planetary dynamics which was so successful that for many years scientists complained that nothing was left to be done.牛顿创立的天体力学简直是天衣无缝,以致许多年来科学家们抱怨无空可补。65.Not only should every machine get frequent lubrication, but each part should have the right kind o

29、f lubrication.不但每台机器必须经常润滑,就是每个零件也应当采用适当种类的润滑剂进行润滑。O(4)66.Obviously there was little probability that they would succeed in electrolysis.很明显,他们在电解方面成功的可能性是极小的。67.Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.与其说海洋分隔了世界,不如说海洋连接了世界。68.Oxidation will make metals rusty. 氧化作用会使金属生锈。69.Other metals a

30、re not malleable at all. Thus chromium is so hard even at room temperature that it shatters whenever it is hammered.有的金属却根本没有延展性,如非常坚硬的铬,即使在室温下,一经敲击便会立即粉碎。P(2)70.Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.几乎所有的物质都热胀冷缩。71.Pure water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100

31、6;C under standard pressure.在标准大气压下,纯净水在摄氏零度时结冰,在摄氏一百度时沸腾。Q(1)72.Quasi-stars were discovered in 1963 as a result of an effort to overcome the shortcoming of radio telescopes.类星体是1963年发现的,是人们努力克服射电望眼镜的缺点所取得的一项成果。S(9)73.Stainless steel possesses good hardness and high strength.不锈钢硬度大、强度高。74.Such mater

32、ials are characterized by good insulation and high resistance to wear.这些材料的特点是,绝缘性好,耐磨性强。75.Should the current be cut off, coil would return to its original position.如果切断电流,线圈即回复原来位置。76.Set an object in motion, and it will keep on moving because of its inertia.使物体运动起来,它就会因为惯性作用而继续运动。77.Since copper

33、possesses good conductivity, it is widely used in electrical engineering.由于铜具有良好的导电性,所以被广泛应用于电气工程。78.Small as they are,atoms are made up of still smaller units known as “subatomic particles”. 原子虽小,缺仍有叫做“亚原子粒子”的更小单位组成。79.Since 1964, Alcan has been using digital computers to help control and optimize

34、the output of its various process.自1964年以来,加拿大铝业公司一直在利用数字计算机来帮助控制公司的各种生产过程,和使该过程生产的最佳化。80.Scientists have already known that under the extreme temperatures, say 260,metal pre-sents zero resistance, that is , superconductivity of metal.科学家们已经了解到,在极端的温度下,比如零下260,金属呈零电阻,也就是说,金属具有超导性。81.Such recent term

35、s as chemical physics and biophysics are indicative of the widening application of the principles of physics, even in the studies of living organisms.像化学物理学和生物物理学这类新术语,就是物理学原理被推广应用的明证,表明其运用范围甚至已扩展到生物机理的研究中。T(65)82.This laser beam covers a very narrow range of frequencies.这种激光束的频率范围很窄。83.The frequenc

36、y, wave length, and speed of sound are closely related.频率、波长和声速三方面是密切相关的。84.The liquid carries the current through cell between the two plates.液体使电流通过电池,由一块极板流向另一块极板。85.The interference worked much instability in the system.干扰给系统造成了很大的不稳定性。86.The thicker the wire,the more freely it will carry curren

37、t.导线越粗,就越容易导电。87.The change of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done in motors.电能变为机械能是通过电动机实现的。88.The computer can read in and out information in less than a second.这台计算机能在不到一秒钟的时间里输入和输出数据。89.The same is true when an alternating voltage is applied to a resistance.当交流电压加在电阻上时,情况也是一样的。90.T

38、he closed loop system protects the operator from liquor contact and hazard from same.此闭环系统能保护操作工,使之不与液体接触,免受液体危害。91.The temperature needed for this processing is lower than that needed to melt the metal.这种加工方法所需的温度要低于熔化改金属的温度。92.The diameter and the length of wire are not the only factors to influen

39、ce its resistance.导线的直径和长度不是影响电阻的唯一因素。93.Turning this knob gives the control over the brightness of the light spot.转动这个旋钮就能控制光点的亮度。94.The advantage of rolling bearing is that they cause less friction.滚动轴承的优点是它产生的摩擦力较小。95.There is little doubt that human beings and puters are getting more friendly.人类

40、和计算机的关系日益密切,这一点没什么可怀疑的。96.The time-keeping devices of electric watches are much more accurate than those of mechanical ones.电子表比机械表准确得多。97.There are two kinds of video capture devices, analog and digital.视频采集设备有两种,模拟采集设备和数字采集设备。98.They worked out a new method by which production has been rapidly inc

41、reased.他们制定了一种新方法,采用之后生产已迅速得到提高。99.The diameter and the length of the wire are not the only factors to influence its resistance.导线的直径和长度不是影响电阻的唯一因素。100.Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. 电视通过无线电波发射和接受各种活动物体的图像。101.Then the surgeon cut him open an

42、d take out the appendix and stitched him up again.医生切开他的腹部,割除了阑尾,又把他腹部缝好。102.There now exists a kind of glass so sensitive to light that, like photographic film, it will record pictures and designs.现在有一种对光十分敏感的玻璃,它像胶卷一样能记录图像和图案。103.The ON condition makes the data equipment ready to the communication

43、 equipment to be connected to the communication channel.在接通状态时,数据设备准备好,通信设备连接到通信通道。104.These waves, which are commonly called radio waves, travel with the velocity of light.这些电波一般以光的速度进行传播,它们通常被称为无线电波。105.The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.使用电子计

44、算机可以大大提高劳动生产率。106.The flowing of current first in one direction, and then in another makes an alternating current.电流先向一个方向流动,然后又向另一个方向流动构成交流电。107.The shadow cast by an object is long or short according as the sun is high up in the heaven or near the horizon.物体投影的长短取决于太阳是高挂天空还是靠近地平线。108.The wide appl

45、ication of electronic computer affects tremendously the development of science and technology.电子计算机的广泛应用,对科学技术的发展有极大的影响。109.These parts must be proportionally correct. 这些零件的比例必须准确无误。110.The new precision machine tools are very good in quality and fine in shape.新型精密机床质量上乘,样式美观。111.The water must be k

46、ept free from harmful bacteria. It should be colorless and relatively odorless.水应该是无色且相对无味的,应当避免沾染有害细菌。112.The key difference between Japanese and German maglev trains is that the Japanese trains use super-cooled,superconducting electromagnets.日本和德国的磁悬浮列车的最大不同在于日本列车采用低温超导电磁。113.They two units used m

47、ost frequently in electricity are ampere and volt;This is the unit of voltage and that of current flow.电学上最常用的两个单位是安培和伏特:伏特是电压单位,安培是电流单位。114.The choice of material in construction of bridges is basically between steel or concrete and main trouble with concrete is that its tensile strength is very sm

48、all.桥梁建筑材料基本上仍在钢材和混凝土之间选择,而混凝土的主要缺点是抗拉强度低。115.The distance between the two plates is small compared with their linear dimensions. 两板之间的距离相对于其宽度和长度而言比较小。116.The cost of gold is high. That is why it is not extensively used as conductors.金的价格昂贵,因此不能广泛用作导体。117.The materials are excellent for use where t

49、he value of the work pieces is not high.如果零件价值不高,最好使用这种材料。118.The new chip is about 1.5 times as integrative as that of the old ones.新型芯片的集成度是旧型号的1.5倍。119.The electricity crisis can be solved as long as bow-cost power is available.只要能获得低成本的电力,电力紧张问题就会缓解。120.The dielectric material is not perfect, so

50、 a small leakage current will flow through it. 电容电介材料是不完全绝缘的,因而会通过小的漏洞流出。121.The electrons to move freely play an important role in the information of electric current.自由运动的电子在电流形成中起着重要的作用。122.The moving point P describes a line, straight or curved, in the plane.动点P在平面内描绘出一条线,这条线可能是直线也可能是曲线。123.This

51、 complicated relationship must be represented graphically.这种复杂的关系必须用图解来表示。124.The reserve voltage gain can usually be neglected.反向电压增益通常可以忽略不计。125.The expansion of metal on heating must be taken into consideration before a long metal bridge is built.要建造金属大桥,就必须考虑金属的热膨胀特性。126.The composites showed a

52、two times increase in modulus of elasticity and a five times increase in tensile strength over that of the plain matrix.这些复合材料的弹性模量比单纯基体材料增大了一倍,而拉伸强度则增大了四倍。127.The porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules.多孔壁的作用就像一把筛子,它把不同质量的分子分开。128.Transistors, integrated circuits, and the chip

53、 itself only came about because materials scientists learned how to process silicom from common beach sand.晶体管、集成电路以及芯片本身,都是由于材料科学家学会了利用沙滩上的普通沙子加工硅的方法之后才出现的。129.The function of the safety value is to reduce accidents.安全阀的作用是减少事故的发生。130.To run a direct current motor, we must connect it to a direct cu

54、rrent source.为了开动直流电机,我们必须把它接到一个直流电源上。131.The primary concern of electrical engineering is the doing of work by the delivery of energy.电工学主要关注的是通过输送能量做功的情况。132.The application of the innovative design makes the electric machine become smaller and more efficient.由于在设计方面的革新,电机的体积变小而且效率提高。133.The new e

55、quipments feature wide working low voltage operation and high reliability. 新设备具有工作电压低和可靠性高的特点。134.The function of a fuse is to protect the circuit. 电容丝的作用是保护电路。135.The new equipments provide a relatively small loss of energy.新设备的能耗较小。136.The energy transmission in a thermal power plant mostly relate

56、s to thermal energy transmission.火电厂的能量传递大多与热能传递相关。137.Thermal power plants are those which make use of fuels like coal, petroleum and natural gas.火电厂是利用煤、石油、天然气等作为燃料的发电厂。138.The equivalent circuits , being descriptive and simple ,are very useful for the solution to a number of problems.由于该等值电路表达清楚、

57、结构简单,因此对求解许多问题非常有用。139.The progress study of thermodynamics is such that experts can predict which processes or reactions might occur spontaneously.热力学的研究取得了一些进展,专家们能够就此预测哪些过程或反应可以自发地进行。140.The principal objection to arc lighting was its high intensity, making it unsuitable for most indoor applications.人们反对弧光灯,主要是因为其灯光强度高,因而不适用于大多数的室内照明。141.The airplane is supported by the wings; it is propelled by the power plant; it is guided by its control surfaces.飞机靠机翼支撑,靠动力装置推进,靠操纵面导向。142.The test instrument is joined to the circuit with all the switches off so that no current true.将测试仪器连接


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