1、MBA英语翻译历年真题2007年参考答案 2008-01-10 10:42:07 2007年翻译Section IV Transition (20 points) Directions:In this section there is a passage in EnglishTranslate the passage into Chinese and with your translation on the ANSWER SHEET Po
2、wering the great ongoing changes of our time is the rise of human creativity as thedefining feature of economic lifeCreativity has come to be valued,because new technologies,new industries and new wealth flow from itAnd as a result,our lives and Society have begunto echo with creative ideasIt is our
3、 commitment to creativity in its varied dimensions thatforms the underlying spirit of our age Creativity is essential to the way we live and work today,and in many senses always hasBeen. The big advances in standard of living-not to mention the big competitive advantages inthe mark
4、etplace-always have come from“better recipes,not just more cooking”One mightargue thats not strictly trueOne might point out,for instance,that during the long periodfrom the early days on the Industrial Revolution to modern times,much of the growth inproductivity and material wealth in the industria
5、l nations came not just from creative inventions like the steam engine,but from the widespread application of“cooking in quantity”business methods like massive division of labor,concentration of assets,vertical integrationand economies of scaleBut those methods themselves were creative developments&
6、#160;推动当今社会巨大变化的动力是人类创造力的崛起。作为经济生活的一个显著特征,创造力已开始受到重视,因为各种新技术、新产业和新财富源源不断地随之而生。其结果是我们的生活和社会中充满了创造性思想。正是我们在各个领域里各种各样的发明创造构成了当今社会的精神基础。 创造力对我们当今的生活和工作方式至关重要,而且从各种意义上来说,一向如此。生活水平的显著提高-更不用说市场经济的强大竞争优势,总是源于“更好地烹饪法,而不是更多的烹制品”。也许有人认为这种说法不一定严谨。比如他会指出,从最初的工业革命到现代社会这一漫长的时期内,工业化国家生产力的提高和物质财富的积
7、累,很多都不是来自诸如蒸汽机之类的发明创造,而是来自“大量烹制”式的企业管理方法的广泛运用,如大规模的劳动力分工、资产的集中、纵向整合及规模经济等。但是其实这些方法本身就是创新。MBA英语翻译历年真题2006年参考答案 2008-01-10 10:40:53 2006年翻译Section IV Translation (20 point) Directions: in this section there is a passage in English. Translate the five underlined sentences into Chinese and write your tr
8、anslation on the ANSWER SHEETThe smooth landing of shuttle (航 天 飞 机) Discovery ended a flight that was successful in almost every respect but one: the dislodging of a big chunk of foam, like the one that doomed the Columbia. This flight was supposed to vault the shuttle fleet back into space a
9、fter a prolonged grounding for repairs. But given the repeat of the very problem that two years of retooling was supposed to resolve, the verdict is necessarily mixed.(61) Once again, the space agency has been forced to put off the flight until it can find a solution to the problem, and no one seems
10、 willing to guess how long that may take .The Discovery astronauts performed superbly during their two-week mission, and the shuttle looked better than ever in some respects. (62) Space officials were justifiably happy that so much had gone well, despite daily worries over possible risks. The flight
11、 clearly achieved its prime objectives. The astronauts transferred tons of cargo to the international space station, which has been limping along overhead with a reduced crew and limited supplies carried up on smaller Russian spacecraft. (63) They replaced a broken device, repaired another and carte
12、d away a load of rubbish that had been left on the station, showing the shuttle can bring full loads back down from space. This was the most scrutinized shuttle flight ever, with the vehicle undergoing close inspection while still in orbit. (64) New sensing and photographic equipment to
13、look for potentially dangerous damage to the sensitive external skin proved valuable .A new back flip maneuver allowed station astronauts to photograph the shuttle's underbelly, and an extra-long robotic arm enabled astronauts see parts of the shuttle that were previously out of sight. (65).The
14、flood of images and the openness in discussing its uncertainties about potential hazards sometimes made it appear that the shuttle was about to fall apart. In the end the damage was clearly tolerable. A much-touted spacewalk to repair the shuttle's skin-the first of its kind- moved an astronaut
15、close enough to pluck out some protruding material with his hand. Preliminary evidence indicates that Discovery has far fewer nicks and gouges than shuttles on previous flights, perhaps showing that improvements to reduce the shedding of debris from the external fuel tank have had some success.参考译文:
16、 (61) 航天机构被迫再次推迟飞行,直到找到解决问题的方案。似乎没有人愿意猜测这一推迟可能会持续多长时间。(62) 航天局的官员完全有理由为此感到高兴,虽然每天都在担心可能会发生危险,但这么多的工作都进展顺利。这次飞行明显实现了它的主要目标。 (63) 他们替换了一个破损的仪器,修好了另外一个仪器,清理掉了太空站上留下的垃圾 这表明航天飞机可以满载太空上的物品,返回地球。(64) 事实表明,用新的传感和照相设备来探寻敏感的机体外壳上潜在的损伤,这是有用/有效的。(65).大量的图像和公开讨论关于它的潜在危险的不确定性,有时使人觉得航天飞机仿佛快要解体。最终,他的损伤是明显
17、可以承受的。MBA英语翻译历年真题2005年参考答案 2008-01-10 10:39:34 2005年翻译Section IV Translation Directions: In this section there is a passage in English. Translate the five sentences underlined into Chinese and write your translation on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points) Peopl
18、e in business can use foresight to identify new products and services, as well as markets for those products and services. An increase in minority populations in a neighborhood would prompt a grocer with foresight to stock more foods linked to ethnic tastes. (56) An art museum director with foresigh
19、t might follow trends in computer graphics to make exhibits more appealing to younger visitors. Foresight may reveal potential threats that we can prepare to deal with before they become crises. (57) For instance, a capable corporate manager might see an alarming
20、 rise in local housing prices that could affect the availability of skilled workers in the region. The publics changing values and priorities, as well as emerging technologies, demographic shifts, as well as emerging technologies, demographic shifts, economic con
21、straints (or opportunities), and environmental and resource concerns are all parts of the increasingly complex world system in which leaders must lead. (58) People in government also need foresight to keep systems running smoothly, to plan budgets, and to prevent
22、 wars. Government leaders today must deal with a host of mew problems emerging rapid advances in technology. Even at the community level, foresight is critical: school officials, for example, need foresight to assess numbers of students to accommodate, numbers of
23、 teachers to hire, new educational technologies to deploy, and new skills for students (and their teachers) to develop. (59) many of the best-known techniques for foresight were developed by government planers, especially in the military, “thinking about the unth
24、inkable”. Pioneering futurists at the RAND corporation (the first “think tank”) began seriously considering what new technologies might emerge in the future and how these might affect U.S security. These pioneering futurists at RAND, along with others elsewhere, refined a variety of new ways for thi
25、nking about the future. (60) The futurists recognized that the future world is continuous with the present world, so we can learn a great deal about what about what may happen in the future by looking systematically at what is happening now. (56) 具有远见的艺术博物馆馆长可能会紧跟/顺应电脑图形图像的流行趋势,使展品对较年轻的参观
26、者更具吸引力。(57) 例如,能干的公司经理可能会注意到当地房价惊人暴涨,这可能会影响在该地区雇佣熟练工人。(58) 政府工作人员同样也需要远见来保持各个部门的平稳运转、制定预算、和防止战争的爆发。(59) 以往的许多最著名的超前的/前卫的技术是由政府的规划者/决策者研发出来的,尤其是在军事技术方面:“思考不可思议的事。”(60)未来学家意识到,未来世界是现今世界的延续,因此通过有系统地观察现在正在发生的事,我们能了解到很多未来可能发生的事。MBA英语翻译历年真题2004年参考答案 2008-01-10 10:37:17 2004年翻译Section V T
27、ranslation (10 points)Directions: In this section there is a passage in English. Translate the five sentences underlinedinto Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET2. March 27, 1997, dawned as a normal day at the Collins' home. By the middle of the morning, Jack Collins was a
28、t his desk, writing checks, paying bills the way he always had: on time. Then the phone rang, and the nightmare began. (71) An investigator for a bank was on the line, asking in a severe voice why Collins, a university physicist, was late on payments for a $
29、27,000 car, bought in Virginia the previous year. "I don't have a car like this," Collins protested. The last time he had set foot in Virnia was as an officer at a submarine base, three decades ago. But his name was on the contract, and so was his Social Securit
30、y Number. During the months that ensued, he and his wife learned that someone had bought four more cars and 28 other items - worth $113,000 in all m in their name. Their hitherto good credit record had been destroyed. (72) "After a lifetime of being honest," says Collins,
31、 "all of a sudden I was basically being accused of stealing and treated like a criminal." This is what it means to fall prey to a nonviolent but frightening and fast-growing crime: identity theft. It happens to at least 500,000 new victims each year, according to governme
32、nt figures. (73) And it happens very easily because every identification number you have m Social Security, credit cards driver's license, telephone m "is a key that unlocks some storage of money or goods," says a fraud (欺诈) program manager of the US Postal Serv
33、ice. "So if you throw away your credit card receipt and I get it and use the number on it, I'm not becoming you, but to the credit card company I've become your account." (74) One major problems experts say, is that the Social Security Number (SSN) originally mean
34、t only for retirement benefit and tax purposes - has become the universal way to identify people. It is used as identification by the military, colleges and in billions of commercial transactions. Yet a shrewd thief can easily snatch your SSN, not only by stealing your wallet, but
35、also by taking mail from your box, going through your trash for discarded receipts and bills or asking for it over the phone on some pretext. Using your SSN, the thief applies for a credit card in your name, asking that it be sent to a different address than yours, and uses i
36、t for multiple purchases. A couple of months later the credit card company, or its debt collection agency, presses you for payment. You don't have to pay the debt, but you must clean up your damaged credit record. (75) Thatmeans getting a means getting a police report and copy
37、of the erroneous contract, and then using them to clear the fraud from your credit reports which is held by a credit bureau. Each step can require a huge amount of effort.参考译文: (71) 家银行的调查员打来电话,用严厉的口吻质问柯林斯一位在大学里工作的物理学家为什么拖欠去年在弗吉尼亚买的一辆汽车所花的2.7万美元。(72) “我一辈子都诚实待人,”柯林斯说,“突然之间,我被指控偷窃,并且被当作罪犯一样对待。”(
38、73)美国邮政总局的一位负责诈骗案的项目经理说,“这类事很容易发生,因为你所持有的每一种身份证件号码,譬如社会保险卡、信用卡、驾照以及电话号码,“都是开启你存储钱物的密码。” (74) 专家们认为,主要问题在于,原来只用于领取退休养老金和征税的社会保险卡号码现在已经成了确认身份的普遍方式。(75) 这就意味着你必须得到一份警方报告单和假冒/弄错了的合同的复印件,然后用这些材料消除掉你的信用报告中的欺诈记录,信用报告由信用管理局保管。MBA英语翻译历年真题2003年参考答案 2008-01-10 10:36:06 2003年翻译Section V Translation (10 points)D
39、irections: In this section there is a passage in English. Translate the five sentences underlined into Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET2.Lange, multinational corporations may be the companies whose ups and downs seize headlines. (71) But to a far greater extent than most Americ
40、ans realize, the economys vitality depends on the fortunes of tiny shops and restaurants, neighborhood services and are factories. Small businesses, defined as those with fewer than 100workers,now employ 60 percent of the workforce and expected to generate half of all new jobs between now and the ye
41、ar 2,000. Some 1.2 million small forms have opened their doors over the past 6 years of economic growth, and 1989 will see an additional 200,000 entrepreneurs striking off on their own.Too many of these pioneers, however, will blaze ahead unprepared. Idealists will overestimate the clamor for their
42、products or fail to factor in the competition. Nearly everyone will underestimate, often fatally .the capital that success requires. (72) Midcareer executives, forced by a takeover or a restructuring to quit the corporation and find another way to support themselves, may savor the idea of being thei
43、r own boss but may forget that entrepreneurs must also. at least for a while, be bookkeepers and receptionists, too. According to Small Business Administration data, 24 of every 100 businesses starting out today are likely to disappear in two years, and 27 more will have shut their doors four years
44、from now. By 1995, more than 60 of those 100 start-ups, 77 percent of the companies surveyed were still alive. (73) Most credited their success in large part to having picked a business they already were comfortable in Eighty percent had worked with the same product or service in their last jobs.Thi
45、nking through an enterprise before the launch is obviously critical. But many entrepreneurs forget that a firms health in its infancy may be little indication of how well it will age .you must tenderly monitor its pulse, in their zeal, to expand. Small business owners often ignore early warning sign
46、s of a stagnant market or of decaying profitability. (74) They hopefully pour more and more into the enterprise, preferring not to acknowledge eroding profit margins that means the market for their ingenious service or product has evaporated, or that they must cut the payroll or vacate their lavish
47、offices. Only when the financial well runs dry do they see the seriousness of the illness, and by then the patient is usually too far gone to save.Frequent checks of your firms vital signs will also guide you to a sensible rate of growth. (75) To snatch opportunity, you must spot the signals that it
48、 is time to conquer the new markets, add products or perhaps franchise your hot ideas. (71) 但是,绝大多数美国人没有认识到的是,国民经济的活力依赖于那些小型商店和饭馆,以及街道公益事业和街道工厂的财富/命运。 (72) 中层管理人员,因为公司被并购或重组而被迫离开公司,并为了生计另找出路时,可能会欣赏自己做老板的念头,但是也可能忘记了企业家也必须至少在某段时间内也要做计帐员和接待员。(73)大多数人把他们的成功归结为他们选择了他们在过去已经熟练的行业。其中80%的人在过去
49、的工作中就和同样的产品和服务打过交道。(74) 他们满怀希望地不断向企业投钱,不愿意承认其利润空间正在受到侵蚀,而这意味着他们富有创意的产品或服务市场已经消失,或者,他们必须削减工资或者搬出奢华的办公室。(75) 为了抓住机会,你必须发现信号:该是占领新市场的时候了;该是增加产品类型的时候了;或者也许该是推销你的“金点子”的时候了。MBA英语翻译历年真题2002年参考答案 2008-01-08 23:29:12 本文已公布到博客频道校园·教育分类 2002年翻译Section V Translation (10points)Directions:
50、In this section there is a passage in English. Translate the five sentences underlined into Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET2.Genius is something that is difficult to measure to measure quantitatively since it is a unique quality, although most of us can recognize genius when w
51、e see it or hear it. (71)By contrast intelligence is possibly easier to quantify and like genius is a polygeniccharacter that can be moulded by the environment.Intelligence is a qualitative trait, which does have a genetic component, but it has a single dimension of expression.(72)There are several
52、limitations in measuring intelligence by a linearscale ranging from dull to bright, since individuals differ greatly in their genotypes .Any number of gene combination may predispose an individual to musical genius, or to painting ,or to designing computer programs, etc. The possession of any one of
53、 these abilities may or may not be associated with another. Moreover, the same genotype may be expressed in markedly different ways in markedly different environments.(73)For example, intelligence quotient test scores vary considerably with illness and disease, educational, social and economic level
54、seven the skin color of the examiner conducting the IQ test may have a significant effect! There is also difficulty in deciding what intelligence should be applied to lean Is it related to the enquiring mind or to motivationConsequently comparisons between an IQ test given to a University student an
55、d to an Aborigine in Australia will give meaningless results, since the test is most unlikely to measure the same behavior.(74)Not only are the genotypes and the environments of these two individuals totally different, but their motivations for achievement in particular activities will be different.
56、Indeed, as some articles, which the problems mentioned above show, people who believe they can estimate genetic and environmental contributions to differences in intelligence between races are statistically naïve. (75)If some races or social groups in the human population can be inferior i
57、n intelligence, it opens up the possibility that some segregationists or politicians could bring in legislation or policies to suppress or even eliminate such races or groups in the population.History certainly shows that this suggestion is quite likely when ruthless are in positions of power. Can y
58、ou see why the false scientific conclusions could become dangerous socially and politically? Notes:(1) Polygenic: having many genes (2) Mould: to shape or form (3) Linear: of lines (4) Genotypes: types of gene (71)相反,智力也许更容易量化,而且它像天赋一样,具有一种能够被环境塑造的多基因特征。(72)因为各人在基因类型上有很大的差异,所以用一种从愚昧
59、到聪明的直线性尺度来衡量智力是有一定的局限性的。(73)比方说,智商测验的得分,会由于疾病状况、教育程度、社会和经济水平而有很大的差异,甚至实施智商测验的主考人的肤色也会对得分有重大的影响。 (74)这两个人不仅是基因类型和生活环境完全不同,而且他们完成某些活动的动机也极不相同。 (75)如果人类中某些种族或社会群体在智力上是劣等的,那么就会使某些种族隔离主义者或政客有可能去制定法律或政策来压迫,甚至消灭这些种族和群体。MBA英语翻译历年真题2001年参考答案 2008-01-08 23:26:14 本文已公布到博客频道校园·教育分类 2001年翻译PART Tr
60、anslation (15%)Directions:.In this part there is a passage in English.Translate the five sentences underlined into Chinese and write your translation on the Answer Sheet . .(56)The types of daydreams, whether they are pleasant and hopeful or filled with despair take shape in childhood when everyone
61、develops one of three basic daydreaming styles: positive, negative and scattered, American Health reports. Although everyone lapses occasionally into each of these types, positive daydreamers are more likely to imagine happy, playful or entertaining of these types, positive daydreamers are more likely to imagine happy, playful or enter
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