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1、第一单元Key to ExercisesTextAReading Comprehensionr point1.A.The backgroundGood-looking people haveadvantagesinmany ways.The problemWhat can the rest of us doFormer practicesTo judge our looks1) by ourselves, friends or familya. We renot even close toobjective.b. Our opinion is alsocapricious.2) by stra

2、ngers, ., the “Hotor Not“ Web siteIt is not exactly the best way tobolster your self-image.The author ' nsajoAn internal makeoverdoes the job: Understanding your ownpowerfulself-perceptions can help you stop obsessing over your appearance - andlook better.B.Common mythsArguments for the author &

3、#39; major point1) As a result of the “ contrastEffect 'oura. Women are particularly susceptible to this effect. But as a matter of fact they take a double standardsself-concepts are built onof comparisons.idealizedstandard of beautyin terms of physical attractiveness;a more mundane standardin t

4、erms of intelligence.b. One who scores high on “publicself-consciousness udges his or her own appearancemore criticallywhen self-aware. They tend to compare themselves exclusively with very good-looking people and feel especially do wn after doing so.A picture of ourselves a. Our “internalmirrors ar

5、e often shaped by our parentbuilt in childhood is hard o get out of our mindsb. There ' no direct line betweenchildhood experiencesand adult self-image.adulthood.C.Once you let go of that self-consciousness, you can interact without it getting in the way.2.A.2) our opinion of our own looks3

6、) self-appraisal4) self-image5) self-judgment6) self-concept7) self-aware8) self-consciousness9) a picture of ourselvesB.2) a system inside one s brain that helps gather data for the self-judgment of one s appearance.3) It refers to what psychologists call the built-in hot-or-not meter.4) In psychol

7、ogy, it refers to the measures of a personality trait in public.5) the psychological system that tends to overstate or understate a particular personality trait.Reading and Discussing3.1) Because the social status of women is often contingent upon their faces and bodies, they are particularly suscep

8、tible to thecontrast effect2) Yes. With correct understanding of yourself, you know exactly what you really want to do, what you can do, and what level you can reach. With a clear goal, strong determination and diligence, you will succeed one day.Language in Use4. A.No.NounVerbAdjectiveAdverb1anonym

9、ity/anonymousanonymously2liability/liable/3susceptibility/susceptiblesusceptibly4exclusiveness/exclusionexcludeexclusiveexclusively5evolutionevolveevolutionary evolutionarily6adolescence/adolescent/7exception/exceptionalexceptionally8contentioncontendcontendingcontending'9gleamgleamgleamygleamin

10、gly10validationvalidatevalid/B.1) a. exceptionallyb. exceptional2) a. anonymous b. anonymously3) a. validate b. validation4) a. susceptibleb. susceptibility5) a. adolescentsb. Adolescence6) a. gleamedb. gleam7) a. liableb. Liability8) a. exclusiveb. exclusively5.1) compare with2) zero in on3) are fi

11、xated on4) get in the way5) in a favorable light6) fix myself up6.A.1) self-discipline2) self-propelled3) self-evident4) self-motivated5) self-assured6) self-employed7) self-critical8) self-destruct9) self-made10) self-centered11) self-abandoned12) self-organizeB.1) self-motivated2) self-perceptions

12、3) self-evident4) self-organize5) self-employed7) self-made8) self-centered9) self-destruct10) self-assured; self-conscious 7.1) a. estimate b. appraise c. evaluate d. assessed2) a. declared b. announced c. broadcast3) a. cancelled b. withdrew c. abolished4) a. stimulate b. motivated c. activates5)

13、a. synthesize b. combine c. incorporate 8.1)即使在同一个晚上,在一个聚会上我们可能感觉自己是 众人瞩目的焦点,但在下一个聚会上也许感觉自己十分卑微。2) 这叫内心重塑力:明白自我感受的强大力量,有助于你不因外表而烦恼看上去也就更漂亮。3) 这种社会比较不仅仅只是出现在你特意仔细观察路人时,而是一直在自发地进行着。4)相比而言,男女在评估智商时,都不会拿自己跟爱因斯坦比 较,而倾向采用一个更普通的标准。5)当有这种比较意识时,如在同事面前做一个展示时,人们都会 更加苛刻地评判自己的外貌。9.Research has shown that in both

14、 sexes and across numerous cultures, especially from adolescence, good-looking people are often evaluated to be ones with exceptional personality traits. Why should this be so Some people have perceived that since it is pleasurable to meet someone with attractive physical appearance and someone with

15、 good moral character, we automatically mix them up. But this statement does not seem to be objective. The studies by Dr. Sampo Paunonen of the University of Western Ontario reveal that people who were described as being more honest were rated as more likable, and the more likable, the more physical

16、ly attractive.Text BReading Comprehension1.MainTopic of each partFacts or opinionsidea ofText BMental imaging would help you be a winner.Mental imaging helps Garfield succeed.a. Garfield learned a new way to boost performance in Mil an. (F)b. Garfield succeeded with that new way. (F)c. What Garfield

17、 did was imaging. (O/F)Paras. 4-8 Successful people in many fields use imaging.a. Ira Sharlip runs a "motionpicture of the procedure in his mind the night before a difficult operation. (F)b. Professional athletes have been visualizing for decades an d swearby it. (F)c. Both Bill Bates and golfe

18、r Jack Nicklaus practice mentally. (F)d. Garfield has conducted research on business leaders' me ntalimaging. (F)Paras. 9-15 The ways a. A detailed mental image of success is more than just wi in which we can put shfulthis powerful tool to thinking. (F/O)work.b. Though it helps, imaging isn'

19、t a substitute for action butasupplement to it. (F/O)c. There are several ways to put mental imaging to work: t o relax, toget in the right mood, to apply it in everyday business con cerns, notto expect instant results, and not to fret if your images ar en't clear.(F/O)The reason why mental rehe

20、arsal works is still unclear.Nobody knows precisely why mental rehearsal works, but th ose who put it to use are convinced it does. (F)Language in Use2.1) a. rehearsing b. rehearsals2) a. visualization b. visualize3) a. ignition b. ignited4) a. endeavor b. endeavor5) a. initiate b. initial3.A. 1) ab

21、ide by 2) stand by3) stuck by 4) swears byB. 1) put to death 2) put to the test3) put to work 4) put to use4.1) 他说: “每次挥杆前, 我都会在头脑中清晰地构想这个过程。2) 问题的关键是真正去做一件事。3) 加菲尔德说,心像排练最适合应用于电话销售、做演讲、参与会面等日常业务问题中。4) 创意想象一书的作者沙克蒂高文说:“最重要的是让创意想象成为你生活的一个固定部分。”5) 还有,如果意象不清晰,你不要着急。WritingExercise 11) For the past two

22、years, no order has been given to us.2) We are afraid that we cannot comply with your request.3) Would you please compare our goods with those of other firms4) We hope you will effect a full statement of our claim.5) We request your immediate payment.6) We presume that there must be some reason for

23、your having trouble with this delivery.7) We will be glad to refund when returned items are clean and resalable.8) We would like to make it clear that we only accept L/C for further transactions.第二单元Listening and SpeakingAbout 10,000 years ago, man assumed the 1)abit of livingin more or less permane

24、nt settlements, and his relationships to the animal world began to undergo 2»rofound changes At the same time, great climatic changes, and perhaps 3)uman activitiesas well, had reduced many larger mammalian species, especially those used as food, to very small populations. Major 4)extinction ev

25、entsbegan to occur. In response to dwindling and unreliable resources, 5)human agricultural technologydeveloped. Humans began to move from hunter/gather mode to a mode of actively 6)domesticating plants and animals for food resources. The second great surge in human progress with its ensuing increas

26、e in population occurred when man learned how to 7)cultivate plantsand tame and domesticate animals at levels that allowed for the development of larger settlements. Human plant gathering activities had led to 8)intimate knowledgeof plant productivity cycles, and human hunters undoubtedly had often

27、taken young canine animals into their camps as pets and companions. They would have become 9)amiliar with the animal growth and breeding cycles, diseases and behaviors of these young animals. The animals would have benefited from the availability of food and shelter. It seems safe to speculate that

28、they would have bonded and grew to be hunting assistants to their 10)human companionsas they would have in the progenitor' s pack.2. TipsEndangered animals are animals that are in danger of becoming extinct. Animals are identified as being endangered either because there are already too few of t

29、hem living in the wild, or even in captivity; or because their continued existence is threatened by a changing environment which results in them losing access to adequate food or living conditions. The way to understand what is meant by"toofew" is that theireproductive rates are lower than

30、 their mortality rates.The industrialization of human societies and the globalization of the human culture have resulted in dramatic environmental changes in the past two centuries. These changes have been too fast for tocmany of the earth ' s creatures to survive. Although many animals have bee

31、n endangered through the ages, the threat to animals is greater now than ever before.Text AReading Comprehension1.The interviewee 'perA.Jane Goodall, 76 years old, is a world- famous primatologist.sonal informationHer researchShe studies animal behavior and animal emotions among the wild chimpan

32、zees.Her major achieveme ntShe revolutionized our understanding of animal behavior and proved that the diff erence between humans and apes is one of degree, not of kind.The subject of the in terviewHer research on wild chimpanzees.B.ParagraphsFocuses of the interviewKey points of Jane Goodwill '

33、 responsesParas. 6-13The purpose:to preserve the endangered speciesThe methods:1) captive breeding2) actions of the animal rig hts group of PETA3) vegetarianism1) She doesn't like captive breeding, but it does help t he endangered animalssurvive and breedin the wild.2) She doesn' s upport th

34、eextreme actionsof PETA.3) Heavy meat eating is damaging to the environment a nd human health.Paras. 4-5, 14-15Her new discoveries about t he wild chimpanzeesDifferences between human beings and chimpanzees: 1) Very small difference (biologically): only about a 1 p ercent difference in DNA;2) Big di

35、fference (intellectually): human's spoken languag e, which triggers the development of intellect, a uniqu e ability to discuss and shareour feelings, the ability tha t enables us to develop amoral code.Similarities between human beings and chimpanzees:1) From the anatomical perspective: Almostth

36、e same, though the human brain is bigger.2) From the psychological perspective:Chimpanzees share the humana. qualities likelove, compassion, and altruism;b.feelings and emotions like happiness and sadness, fear and despair, anger, and others;3) From the intellectual perspective:Chimpanzees have inte

37、llectual abilities once thought to be unique to human beings: understand abstract symbols, generalize, and learn sigh language.Paras. 16-19The current situation1) The situation of the planet is worse off in most wa ys because of the soaring population anddamage to the ecosystem.2) A number of men ex

38、press their love and respect to her for her work with the chimpanzees.ParagraphsFocuses of the interviewKey points of Jane Goodwill ' responsesParas. 20-21The prospects of the futureThere is hope if wekeep trying .2.1) animal behavior2) an interview3) characteristics4) qualities5) emotions6) spo

39、ken language7) degree8) captive breeding9) survive and breed10) ecosystem11) pioneering12) worse offReading and Discussing3.For reference1) Because they are not capable of evil, such as deliberate torture. They do not have the intellect to think this way.2) Open-ended.Language in Use4.1) triggers2)

40、isolation3) compassion4) diminish5) extinct6) formulated7) Captive8) inflicting9) intellect10) alternates5.1) in favour of2) The bottom line3) better off4) as is the case with5) on the road6) as a last resort7) worse off8) think twice6.1) a resentment against her parents 2) get more laughter3) tortu

41、re on him4) the evolution of dozens of species 5) The charge of rape6) got the first place7.1) a. dead b. vanished c. extinct 2) a. intense b. concentrated c. Intensive 3) a. brilliant b. intelligent c. smart 4) a. exact b. precise c. accurate8.Reference translation1)如果我们相信人类和黑猩猩源自共同的祖先,那么,人性的阴暗和高贵这

42、两 种特质可能都是经过漫长历史演化而来的。2) 在我看来,他们的这种极端态度已不能奏效,同时还败坏了包括我在内的动 物保护者的名声。3) 当生态系统里的某个物种消失了,如臭虫,而结果它又是另一种生物的主要 食物来源。4) 它们或多或少知道正在给他人带来痛苦。但我认为只有人类具有作恶的能力,例如使用酷刑。黑猩猩没有这样的思维能力。5) 是的,我对未来充满希望,但是 而且是一个很大的“但是 ” 只有当我们每个人都付出努力。只有当人类意识到我们每个人每天都在对地球产生影响。9.Reference translationJane Goodall began studying the chimpanze

43、e community in Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania, in 1960. Without professional training to direct her research, Goodall observed things that strict scientific doctrines may have overlooked. Instead of numbering the chimpanzees she observed, she gave them names such as Fifi and David Greybeard, a

44、nd found they had unique and individual personalities. Goodall research at Gombe Stream is best known to the scientific community for challenging two long-standing beliefs of the day: that only humans could make and use tools, and that chimpanzees were vegetarians.Text BReading Comprehension1.1) spr

45、eading the word about “ the crisis facing these social, speanssitoivnea,tely intense, playful, complex, exceedingly intelligent and endangered creatures”2) their sizes and species3) they are quite consciously together, each pacing herself to the other s gait awaiting for the other to catch up4) stoo

46、d vigil outside the building, knowing that her friend was inside5) saw past the things they didn t have in common and found in each other common ground enoughLanguage in Use2.1) paradise; venue2) circuses; overwhelming3) shepherd; stray4) companionship; companion5) chronically; chronic6) refugees; r

47、efuge7) resumed; resumption8) immobile; mobility3.1) has been held in high regard2) pay tribute to3) come into possession4) have in common5) made its appearance4.Reference translation霍恩沃尔德位于纳什维尔(田纳西州首府)以南,这片区域广阔无垠,有森林和 湖泊。大象保护区就坐落在这片乡村乐园中,1995年建立,面积为2700英亩,为大象提供了天然栖息的庇护所。在这片保护区中,年老、体弱以及需要帮助的大象能够再一次有

48、尊严、安详地生活着保护区的第二要务就是要让人知道这些友好、敏感、情感炽烈、调皮、复杂而又极聪明的濒危生物正面临着一场 劫难WritingExercise 11. The report analyzed the new product.2. At your request, we sent you three catalogues by express yesterday.3. Thank you for your new order last week.4. He returned in early August.5. Mr. Smith prefers French wines.6. We

49、drove down Lombard Street, the crookedest street in the world.7. A giant pine tree on the top of the mountain towered over the trees around it.8. Please reply by email immediately if you will allow us to delay the shipment for 20 days.第三单元Text AReading Comprehension1.Topic: organic architectureOrigi

50、n of organic ar oinspired by the non-linearity and creative forces of naturchitecturee and biological organisms;ostarted out of Wright ' belief about the relationship bet ween a product and its place, its time, its environment a nd its function: a cohesive organism.Philosophy of organi promotes

51、harmony between human habitation and c architecturethe natural world through design approaches.osuggesting natural forms characterized by wavy lines and curved shapesoembodying harmony of place, person and materials Main features of or oreflecting the feminine way of thinking prevalent in very ganic

52、 architecture 01d traditionsoincorporating natural elements such as light, plants, and water into his designs oembracing new materials, machinery, and technologies Summary:Although always controversial and difficult to pin down, organic archite cture is diverse, perverse, contradictory and mercurial

53、, rooted in a pas sion for life, nature, and natural forms, full of the vitality of the natur al world, with its biological forms and processes sympathetic to the hu man body, mind, and spirit.2.1) the early twentieth century; swooping arches without visible beams or pillars; to new heights2) reflec

54、ted; Earth Mother goddess cults3) reflection; gives preference4) allies; in opposition to; integrity5) recognizable; representative6) modern; traditional; rediscoveringofspeec一Noun hVerbAdjectiveAdverb1literalness/literalliterally2incorporationincorporateincorporated/3correlationcorrelatecorrelated/

55、4cohesioncoherecohesivecohesively5complementcomplementcomplementary complementarily6dominancedominatedominantdominantly7prevalenceprevailprevalentprevalently8manifestmanifestmanifestmanifestly9masculinemasculinizemasculine/10ideologyideologizeideologicalideologicallyB.o1) manifestedo2) complementedo

56、3) prevalento4) cohesiveo5) correlateso6) masculineo7) dominanto8) literallyo9) incorporatedo10) ideological5.A.1) a. has opened upb. free upc. free up/open up2) a. clear up/clean upb. clean upc. clear up3) a. showing upb. is turning upc. showed up/turned up4) a. stay upb. sits upc. sat up/stayed upB.1) pinned down2) thought out3) integrated with4) stretching back to5) is rooted in6.1) is full of the vitality of the natural world with its biological forms and processes2) to design and model sophisticated shapes and forms3) mus


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