



1、2017届高考英语语法词汇综合练第四期08一、单项填空1 . If it ' s possible to be famous and yet not really well known,describes the father who raised me.A. thatB. whichC. whatD.where【答案】A【解析】考查代词 句意:即使是个名人也可能不为人理解,这句话就是描述养育我的父亲的。后面的主句缺少主语故使用that一词指代前面说的话语的意思,故A项符合题意。2 ."Loop" is one of those computer words tha

2、t has gained in society.A. accessB. admissionC. controlD.currency【答案】D【蟀析】考查名词“ g通货,货币,通用,而亍,流传。句意t育一些计算机术百成了社会上的通 用谕匚,“循环”就是其中的一个,3 .Jack, to his, refused to get involved although his friends insisted on his trying the drug.A. preferenceB. surpriseC. credit D. opinion【答案】C【解析】 考查名词。preference 喜欢;su

3、rprise 吃惊;credit 信赖;opinion 建议。t o one' s credit值得赞扬的是,故选C项。句意:值得表扬的是,杰克尽管朋友坚持让他尝试毒品,他却拒绝尝试。4 .What I know is that I should sell healthy fruit to my customers. That is to say,I should follow my.A. conscienceB. dreamC. adviceD.passion【答案】A【解析】考查名词。句意:我所知道的是我应该向我的顾客出售健康的水果。也就是说, 我应该凭良心做事。conscienc

4、e “良心,良知”,符合句意。5 .The Google project has caused excitement in Hollywood because film studios are searching for new to replace DVD sales, which are in steep decline.A. allowancesB. revenuesC. ratesD. accounts【答案】 B【解析】 allowances 津贴; revenues 收入, 税收, rates 价格; ( 数 ) 比率, 等级; accounts账目。句意:谷歌的这个项目让好莱坞激

5、动不已,因为电影制片厂正在寻找新收入来源,以替代急剧下滑的 dvd 销售。6 .Almost unbelievably, that dream has now become a reality America s firstA. in the eyes ofAfrican-American leader and its first black first family.B. in the shape of C. in the event of D.in the wake ofBin the eyes of 在 , 心目中; in the shape of 以, 形式;in the event

6、of 万一,倘若; in the wake of 随着,尾随,紧跟。句意:现在, 这个人梦想以首位非洲裔美国总统和首个黑皮肤的第一家庭的形式得到了实现, 令人难以置信。7 .Many plants could move northward and toward the Pacific coast risingtemperatures and changes in rainfall.A. for fear ofB. in defense ofC. by means ofD. inreaction to【答案】 D【解析】考查介词短语。 for fear of 害怕,担心; in defense

7、of 为 , 辩护,保护,保卫; by means of 通过,依靠; in reaction to 对, 作出反应,回应, 。句意:许多植物可以向北移到太平洋沿岸,以应对温度的上升和降水的变化。8 . A good suitcase is essential for someone who is as much as Jack is.A. on the riseB. on the lineC. on the spotD.on the run【答案】 D【解析】考查介词短语。 on the rise 在上涨 /增长,蓬勃高涨; on the line 处在危险之中; on the spot 在

8、场,在现场; on the run 忙碌,奔波;句意:一个好的手提箱是必不可少的对于像杰克差不多一样东奔西忙的人是必不可少的。9.Nowadays, the voice of demanding the government control scenes in the mediahas been muchlouder than before, which have done great harm to children.A. confidentialB. violentC. extraordinaryD.outspoken【答案】 B解析】考查形容词中 cMfidemial机密的二50101t

9、暴力的"traordUaw非凡的:oitepoken坦率的°句意; 现在,要求政府控制媒体上的暴力画面的声音ttJW前响牌了很舞,这些暴力画面对孩子Hi1成了 很大的危害a10 . “Qianshui ” , which means diving water, refers to someone who only viewsthe postings across the website but never makes any comments.A. deliberatelyB. originallyC. accidentallyD.ridiculously【答案】B【解析】

10、考查副词。deliberately 故意地;originally 原始地,原本;accidentally 偶然地;ridiculously荒唐地。句意:"潜水",原意是指潜到水中,现在指仅仅浏览网站上的帖子而不发表评论的人。11 .Even a(n)observer could hardly have failed to notice the heighteningof an already tense atmosphere.A. casualB. abruptC. annualD.cautions【答案】A【解析】考查形容词。casual随意的,不经意的;abrupt突然

11、的;annual每年的;cautions 谨慎的,十分小心的。句意:即便是不经意的旁观者也一定已经觉察到本就紧张的气氛进一步加剧了。12 .The pattern of sharing in tasks and decisions equality, and this in turn leads to further sharing.A. accounts forB. differs fromC. makes forD. arises from【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语。accounts for占,,比例, 说明;differs from与,,不同; makes for导致,有助于。ari

12、ses from由,,引起。句意:在任务和决策中的共享模式 有助于平等,这反过来又导致进一步分享。13 .The touch more than words or gestures. It is instantly understood andclearly shows the feelings.A. understandsB. explainsC. communicatesD.knows【答案】C【解析】考查动词。understand 懂得;explain 解释;communicate传递(信息);know知道。句意:通过接触传递出的信息远胜于语言或手势,它能迅速被人理解并且准确地表达感情。

13、14 . Someone s been the news that you plan to resign. Could you tell meyourown idea?A. leading toB. acting onC. putting aboutD.approving of【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语。put about "传播,散布“,符合语境。lead to 导致;act on依照,,行动; approve of赞成。句意:有人一直在散布你打算辞职的消息。你能告诉我你自己的想法吗?15 . The forced smile on her face shouldn '

14、 t be as satisfaction with yourresponse.A. imaginedB. interpretedC. describedD.transferred【答案】B解析】考查动词口 Eterpfe(意为"解释,理解”,符合句意由而3时口七想象;曲如加描述;gufer靖移* 句意:她脸上强挤出来的微笑不应该被理解为对你的答复表示;前意,16 .Towards evening after school, icy rain began to fall and the road became slippery.A. the; anB. /; anC. an; anD

15、. an;the【答案】/; an【解析】句意:临近傍晚放学后,一场冰雨从天而降,道路变得很滑。towards evening临近傍晚,evening前不加冠词;rain指"雨水",是不可数名词,指"一场雨" 是可数名词,其前常常有形容词修饰。如: a heavy rain 一场大雨。故知选 B项。17.1 t is always the case that the police conducted an investigation and look at the evidence that may suggest who the offence.A.

16、commitsB. commitC. committed D. will commit【答案】C【解析】考查动词的时态。句意:在案件中通常是警察先进行调查再研究那些表明可能是 谁犯罪的证据。题干中“suggest” 一词较有迷惑性,此处考查的是“暗示,表明”之意,故不能使用虚拟语气。18. Do you have any idea why Jenny left the firm?-Probably, she for a pay rise, but was turned down.A. has held outB. holds outC. held outD. hasbeen holding o

17、ut【答案】C【解析】考查动词的时态。句意:“你知道为什么詹妮离开公司吗?”“可能是因为她提出涨工资被拒绝了。”与but后的时态was turned 一致也用过去时,表示过去发生 的一个事实,此处是主动意思。19. How is the smog control going on in our capital city? It couldn ' t be worse. You believe Beijing upgraded the smog alert from yellow to orange and then redagain yesterday.A. won' tB.

18、mustn ' tC. needn ' tD.shouldn ' t【答案】A【解析】考查情态动词。句意:“我们首都的雾霾控制进展如何?”“再糟糕不过了。你简直难以置信北京昨天再次将雾霾警报从黄色升级到橙色然后再到红色。” will表意愿、将来、习惯性或者反复的动作。mustn' t意为"禁止";needn' t意为"不需要,不必";shouldn ' t意为"不应该"。20. 一 Well, I missed the early train to Suzhou.-But had you

19、 hurried, you.A. shouldn ' tB. hadn ' t hadC. wouldn ' tD.wouldn' t have【答案】D【解析】考查虚拟语气。had you hurried 等于if you had hurried ,表示对过去的虚拟,故主句用 would have done 形式。句意:"哎呀,我错过了去苏州的早班火车。”“可你若抓紧时间的话,你就不会误车了。”21 .Laughter produces short-term changes in the function of the heart and blood

20、circulation,heart rate and oxygen consumption.A. increasingB. to increaseC. having increasedD.being increased【答案】A【解析】考查非谓语动词,:mcr阚用现在分词作结果状语,句章:笑语英能引起心脏和血管功能的短期变 化,提高心率和增强弱气消耗。22 .Most of the money for the reconstruction of the quake-stricken town has beenA. to be collectedallocated by the governme

21、nt, the rest from the coming charity concerts.B. having been collectedC. being collectedD. to have been collected【答案】 A【解析】考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词动词与修饰的成分即逻辑主语“ the rest (money) ” 之间为动宾关系,且根据候命的“ coming”说明是将来的事,故用非谓语动词的 一般式的被动式。句意:地震灾区重建的大部分资金已经由政府下拨,其余的资 金将从即将到来的慈善音乐会上募集。23. The best moment in the movie star

22、 s life was he received the AcademyAward for Best Actor.A. whereB. whenC. howD. why【答案】 B【解析】考查名词从句。根据主语moment可知,此处用 when引导表语从句。句意:对于这个电影明星来说,他最辉煌的时刻就是当他获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖的时候。24.Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from their parents speak at home.A. oneB. thatC. whic

23、hD. what【答案】 D【解析】考查名词从句。句中的 from 缺少宾语 , what 既引导了宾语从句 , 又充当了 speak 的宾语。句意:有些孩子想通过学习一门和父母在家说的完全不同的语言来挑战 自己。25. Oh, my God! The heat is simply unbearable here. Well, with the nice food in the city I ll be happy here the temperatureis.A. whateverB. wheneverC. whereverD.whichever【答案】 A【解析】考查状语从句。 由句子结构

24、可知,此处应用 whatever 引导让步状语从句, 其在从 句中作系动词is 的表语。句意: “哦,天哪!这儿天气热得让人受不了。 ” “嗯。城里有好吃的食物无论气温多高,我都会很高兴呆在这里的。 ”26.1 d on t run away from a challenge I am afraid. Instead, I run towardsit for the only way to overcome fear is to stand up to it.A. untilB. beforeC. whyD. because【答案】 D【解析】考查状语从句。此处应用 because 引导原因状

25、语从句。注意否定的转移。句意:面对挑战我不会因为害怕而逃离,我反而会正面迎向它,因为克服害怕的唯一方法就是面对它。27.The position you are applying requires good computer skills, good organizational and communicationskills.A. in whichB. with whichC. for whichD. to which【答案】C解析】考杳定语从句。本句中,主句主语是TIk positicm,you are applying是定语从句apply fol.-. 意为“申请” 句意:你打篁申请的这

26、个职位需要良好的计算机技能,良好的组织彳用勾通能 力中1.1 I suppose it is such a bad situation most of its former and presentemployees will feel upset about.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. as【答案】D【解析】考查定语从句。该题考查的是“ such”修饰先行词的定语从句,故使用as一词来充当从句中的宾语。句意:我想这是一个大部分新老员工都感到难过的糟糕境况。29. 一 How was your negotiation with your boss?- By no mean

27、s, I was determined,to see room to give in.A. I wasB. was IC. I couldD.could I【答案】B【解析】考查倒装句。"by no meang位于句首的部分倒装,不要被分隔现象所迷惑,去除“I was determined "后,倒装结构就一目了然。句意:“与你老板的谈判怎样? ”“我下定决心了,无论如何我都不会让步的。”30. 一 What do you think of the paper of his?In his paper, he emphasized the method at the expe

28、nse of content too much. Hereally.A. learned to walk before you runB. practiced makes perfectC. put the cart before the horseC. learned to fish but notjust asked for fish【答案】C【解析】考查谚语learn to walk befcii评口 run”按吾蹴班,循序渐进,先学走再学跑力ptactics nul«s perftxl “熟能生巧' put the cart before the horse“不要本末

29、倒置 与 learn to fish but not just ask for fish "不 只是为了得到鱼才学会捕鱼,技多不压身之句意严你认为他的这篇论文怎之律啊? ”“在论文里. 他过分强调了方法而忽视内容,他这简直就是本末倒鼠一、完形填空If you' ve always hoped to give up your 9-to-5 job to move to Maine to operate a restaurant,then the Center Lovell Inn, built in 1805, could make your dream cometrue. A

30、ll you need to make it yours is $125, a postage stamp, and a 200-word essay.In 1993, the then-owner of the inn, Smith, _ 1_ an essay contest to find a successor( 继任者).He chose Jack, who had been _ 2 a 50,000-square-foot restaurant in Maryland 3 winning ownership of the inn. But after more than two d

31、ecades of managing the Center Lovell Inn, Jack, now 68, is ready to _ 4_. And he' s planning his own essay contest of find the inn' s new owner.“There are a lot of very 5 people in the restaurant business who would like to have their own place but can ' t 6 it, " Jack t old the Pres

32、s Herald . “This is a way for them to have the ! to try. ”Jack hopes to 8 at least 7,500 participants, which would earn him more than $900,000. Jack has promised to stop 9 limits to the participants after the number of them10 that figure 7,500.“If I get more participants, all the better,“he said.To

33、apply, applicants(18 years of age and older) can 11 a 200-or-less-word essay on the _ 12 of why they ' re the right fit, as well as a check for $125, to the Center Lovell Inn postmarked by May 7. Jack well _ 13_ the applicants to a top 20 and from there, two anonymous( 匿名)judges will select the

34、new _ 14 of the inn. Jack is hopping to _ 15_ the successor on May 1st, 2017.Jack is _ 16 that just as it did last time, the essay contest will _ 17_ a fitting new owner for the centuries-old inn. He said people often asked him,“ 'What if you get the 18 person or what if this person lies to you&

35、#39; ? Ouranswer was and is, 'We trust. ' It was part of the19 of this whole thing.And it 20 we were right. ”语篇解读:一个名叫“洛弗尔中心酒店”以前通过作文比赛招了一个名叫杰克的新主人。现在杰克要退休了,酒店准备再用原来的方法再找一个新主人。1.A. electedB. heldC. attainedD.undertook【答案】B【解析】A. elected 选举;B. held 举行;C. attained 获得;D. undertook 承担。酒店的老板史密斯举办

36、了一场作文竞赛来寻找继任者。故选Bo2.A. obtainingB. botheringC. adoringD.managing【答案】D【解析】A. obtaining 获得;bothering 打扰;adoring 喜爱;managing管理,经营。杰克在赢得这个酒店所有权之前一直在管理经营着一个5万平方英尺的餐馆。故选Do3 .A. before【答案】A【解析】您看上题的解析口4 .A. distinguishoperate【答案】B【解析】A. distinguishB. afterB. retireC. whileC. pauseD. forD.区别;B. retire 退休;C.

37、 pause 暂停;D. operate 操作。Jack准备退休了,计划找新的继承人。故选B。5.A. miserableB. thoughtfulC. talentedD.arbitrary【答案】C【解析】A. miserable 悲伤的;B. thoughtful体贴的;C. talented 有才能的;D. arbitrary随意的,任性的。在酒店行业有许多有才能的人,他们想要属于自己的地方,但是却买不起。故选 C6.A. affordB. accumulateC. adjustD. purchase【答案】A【解析】A. afford付得起;B. accumulate 收集;C. a

38、djust 调整;D. purchase 购买。句意见上一题,答案为Ao7.A. justiceB. procedureC. assumptionD.opportunity【解析】 A. justice 正义; B. procedure 过程; C. assumption 彳所设; D. opportunity 机会。这是一个让他们有机会去尝试的方法,故选D。8 A governB. astonishC. attractD. comfort【答案】C【解析】A. govern 管理;B. astonish使吃惊;C. attract 吸引;D. comfort 使安慰。杰克希望能吸引 7500

39、个参加者,这会让他挣90万美元。故选 Co9 .A. indicatingB. settingC. reflectingD.acknowledging【答案】B【解析】A. indicating 暗示,表明;B. setting 设定;C. reflecting 反射;D. acknowledging认可。在参加者白数量达到了7500人后杰克承诺停止设定限制参加者。故选 Bo10 .A. arrivesB. strikesC. associatesD.reaches【答案】D解析】A. anives到达:R strikes箜击$ asschriates联系3 D. reaches达到 <

40、1 句意见上一题,答案为口, 皿例是不及物动词,不就选*11 .A. sendB. prepareC. donateD. preserve【答案】A【解析】A. send送,寄;B. prepare 准备;C. donate捐赠;D. preserve 保护。应聘者 可以“为什么他们最适合”为话题发送一篇200字或少于200字的文章。故选A。12 .A. reformB. breakthroughC. competenceD.topic【答案】D【解析】A. reform 改革;B. breakthrough 突破;C. competence 能力;D. topic 话题。 参看上题的解析。1

41、3 .A. keep upB. narrow downC. apply forD.cast down【答案】B【解析】A. keep up 保持;B. narrow down 使变窄,减少; C. apply for 申请;D. castdown抛下,丢下。然后杰克将应聘者减少到前20名。故选Bo14 A ownerB. authorityC. interpreterD.volunteer【答案】A【解析】A. owner主人,所有者;B. authority 当局,当权者;C. interpreter 翻译;D. volunteer志愿者。由两位匿名的裁判选出这个酒店的新主人。故选A。15

42、.A. identifyB. remarkC. announceD.resist【答案】C【解析】A. identify 确定,识别;B. remark评论;C. announce宣布;D. resist 抵制。 杰克希望在2017年5月1日宣布继任者。此处指很正式地对外宣告,故选 Q16 .A. reasonableB. thankfulC. confidentD.conservative【答案】C【解析】A. reasonable 合理的;B. thankful 感谢的;C. confident 自信的;D. conservative 保守白° Jack很自信正如上一次做的一样。

43、选C。17 .A. pick outB. team up withC. bring backD.call up【答案】A【解析】A. pick out 挑选;B. team up with 与,,合作; C. bring back 带回;D. call up打电话,回忆。这个作文比赛将会给这个世纪老酒店挑选出适合的新主人。故 选A。18 .A. currentB. innocentC. cautiousD.wrong【答案】D【解析】A. current 当前的;B. innocent 无辜的;C. cautious 小心的;D. wrong错误 的。要是你选了错误的人或这个人对你撒谎该怎么办

44、呢?故选Do19 .A. meansB. drawbackC. magicD. hardship【答案】C解析】A. means方法,手册B-dowbatk反馈手C. ma煲魔九魔#' D hardship艰难e逡就是整件事的魔力所在。曲选媒20.A. lived onB. turned outC. marked outD.set aside【答案】 B【解析】 A. lived on 继续存在; B. turned out 证明是,结果是; C. marked out 标出;D. set aside 放置一旁,不理会。并且结果证明我们是对的,故选B。三、任务型阅读请认真阅读下面短文,

45、并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填上一个最恰当的词。The loss of handwriting in our high-tech world saddens me. People of all agesopenly admit their handwriting as keyboards replace pen and paper. Increasingly, schoolchildren deal with assignments on computer and struggle to write, having had little practice. I am of the ge

46、neration that learnt to write with a dip pen in kindergarten and afountain pen in high school; by the time I reached university, like everyone else.I used a functional ballpoint.Handwriting has filled every aspect of my life since I was first taught to shape letters on the lined pages of my exercise

47、 books.From the age of 12,I kept a handwritten journal, recording my thoughts andfeelings regarding both the significant and mundane aspects of my life. Through this daily practice I connected with myself, explored experiences and found a way tointerpret and make sense of my relationships. Although

48、I rarely reread my written material, the process of writing has remained with me as a means of processing my feelings and filtering( 过滤 )my experiences.Yet today, handwritten letters are as rare as a red panda. Few of us write anylonger, even to those to whomwe are close. Wecommunicate difficulty wh

49、en we e-mail or text, both methods characterized by speed and informality.The deep thinking which accompanied a handwritten letter. is almost entirely absent. We may be communicating more frequently and with more people, but the depth and quality of our communication has reduced.档案管Sadly, modern tec

50、hnology tends to be temporary. Few of us keep old e-mails or even print them out, so a sense of history and memory is lost. Archivists( 理者)report that more information has been lost in the past decade than in the previous 150 years. It is too easy to press the delete button.In many other areas of re

51、cords, material is now in the digital format. Yet saving material in a digital formal only is extremely unstable. How it will survive the future remains a problem.In this digital world of text, e-mails and instant messaging, the perceived value of writing is no longer obvious and the case for retain

52、ing the practice of writing needs to be made. Should we save the bumble pen and paper when laptops and mobiles are functional, universal and unstoppable? Should children continue to be taught to write with a pen and paper?With its passing. a good mode of self-expression is being lost. I invite reade

53、rs to engage with handwriting and become aware of this special skill that has created civilization for centuries.Paragraph outlineDetailed informationThe current (1) of handwriting Students(2)to computers to complete theirhomework Withlittlepractice,studentshave(3)writing. We seldom write letters ev

54、en to people we areclose to.The author ' s link with handwriting The author(4)himself to handwriting fromkindergarten to university The author kept(5)of his thoughts andfeelings by keeping writing journals. The aut hor writing also takes(6) ofwriting to process his feeling and filteringhisexperi

55、ences.The with moderncommunication methods There is an(8)of depth and quality ine-mail and texts The temporariness of modern technology tends to give(9)to the loss of some history andmemoryA Saving materials only in a digital format is not very stable. A style of self-expression is being lost.The au

56、thor ' s(10)to peoplefor handwritingWrite as much as possible and realizetheimportance of this special art语篇解读:文章讲述了书写的重要性。高科技的出现使得人们渐渐地忘记写自己的笔记。所有年龄段的人公开承认自己的书写越来越差。作者从幼儿园起一直到大学一直致力于书写,他呼吁人们要重视书写,练习书法。1 .【答案】situation【解析】信息概括题。根据右边栏目里的三点,可知此处指当前的书写状况12 .【答案】turn【解析】信息转换题。根据文中 Increasingly, schoolchildren deal with


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