已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、浙江省2016年教师招聘考试 英语(小学)(时间:150分钟满分:100分) 选择题部分 注意事项: 1答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 第一节:单项选择题从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中。选出最佳选项(本大题共l0小 题;每小题1分。共10分)1. In spite of the heavy rain, he _ to catch the train in time.A. succeeded B

2、. insisted C. stuck D. managed2. Lei Feng's spirit of whole-hearted _ people is admirable.A. serve to B. service to C. serve for D. service for3. _ three years old, his parents died, leaving him alone.A. Being B. When being C. He was D. When he was4. The teacher _ the problem patiently, but I st

3、ill couldn't understand it.A. explained to me B. explained meC. explained for me D. explained at me5. They are expected to work in _ and under all kinds of conditions.A. all weather B. all weathersC. all weathering D. much weather6小学英语语言技能中关于一级目标的叙述包括:听做、说唱、玩演、_、视听。A感知 B应用C理解 D读写7小学英语语言技能中关于二级目标

4、的叙述包括:听、说、读、写、_ 。A译 B评价 C玩演视听 D会模仿8新课标将英语学习策略分为:认识策略、调控策略、交际策略及_。A自我评价策略 B言语表达策略C资源策略 D语篇导向策略9关于听力的心理过程主要有四个方面:对语音的感知、短期与长期记忆、_以及使用。A听力理解过程 B口语理解过程C听力策略使用过程 D听力注意力感知过程10外语阅读应包含六方面要素:社会与文化背景知识;分析与评价技能与策略;自动认字技能;_ ;语篇结构知识;超认知的监控阅读的知识与技能。A词汇知识 B语法知识C词汇与语言结构知识 D分析与综合技能知识第二节:完形填空(本大题10小题;每小题1分,共10分) Peop

5、le used to say "The hand that (11) _ the cradle rules the world," and "Behindevery successful man there is a woman." Both these sayings mean the same thing. Men rule the world, but their wives (12)_them. Most of the American women like making their husbands and sons successful, b

6、ut some ofthem want more for themselves. They want good jobs. When they work they want (13)_equally. They want to be as successful as men. The American women's liberation movement was started by the women who didn't want to stand behind successful men. They want to stand (14)_ men, with the

7、same chances forsuccess. They don't want to told that certain jobs or offices are (15)_ them. They refusedto work side by side with men who do the same work for (16) _ pay. A (17)_ woman must be (18) _ being a woman and have confidence in her-self. If somebody says to her, "You have come (1

8、9)_ , baby," she will smile and answer,"(20) _as far as I am going to go, baby! " This movement is quite new, and many American women don't agree. But it has already made some importance changes in women's lives and in men's lives, too. ( ) 11. A. takes B. waves C. rocks D

9、. makes ( ) 12. A. rule B. are rule by C. will be ruled by D. are ruling ( ) 13. A. to pay B. to be paid C. being paid D. paying ( ) 14. A. behind B. in front of C. on the right of D. beside ( ) 15. A. open to B. close to C. opened to D. closed to ( ) 16. A. lower B. a low C. a higher D. a high ( )

10、17. A. liberated B. liberating C. liberation D. liberate ( ) 18. A. tired of B. proud of C. pride in D. bored with ( ) 19. A. a long way B. a short way C. a far way D. a close way( )20. A. Not almost B. Not scarcely C. Not nearly D. Not closely 第三节:阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C、和D中,选出最佳选项(本大题共10小题,每小题

11、l分。共10分) (一) We often hear people talking about the generation gap. The name is new, but the idea is old. Young people and their parents don't understand each other. The world keeps changing. It has al-ways kept changing. During the second century after Christ a wise man said, "Bury me on m

12、y face because in a while everything will be turned upside down." There has always been a gap between generations, but more people talk about it now. Old Mr. Ellis thinks he understands what has happened. "When I was a boy, I thought the world was a beautiful place. My life was very pleasa

13、nt. But when I was older, I learned about people who were treated bad/y, people who did not have enough to eat. I wanted to help them, and I married a girl who wanted to help them, too. We went to meetings and talked a lot, but it didn't seem to make much difference." "Our children gre

14、w up on a world at war. They didn't know when the fighting would stop.They wanted their children to have nice clothes and toys. They didn't want to think about the fu-ture. They thought nothing could be done about it." "Now I have grandchildren, and they have their own ideas. They

15、are trying to make the world better. They are trying to help other people. They are making people listen to them. I am proud of their generation." 21. As Old Ellis understands it, the generation gap is probably A. the conflict between two generations B. the misunderstanding between two generati

16、ons C. the different ideas and actions between people of different generations D. a new term for an old idea 22. When the wise man said, "Bury me on my face because in a little while everything will be turned upside down," he was probably A. suggesting that people had to learn to accept th

17、e changing reality B. emphasizing the rapid change of the world C. complaining about the rapid change of the world D. encouraging people to learn new things 23. The wise man's saying expressed his A. wisdom B. sorrow C. distress D. sense of humor 24. In his story Mr. Ellis told us A. about the d

18、ifferent environments in which the three generations of his family grew up B. how generation gap started in his family C. that there wasn't any generation gap in his family D. about how differently the three generations in his fatally look at life 25. We could probably infer from the passage tha

19、t A. the generation gap results from social changes B. people of different generations can surely reach mutual understanding C. young people can not understand old people D. old people can often understand young people (二) Heavy gap leakage from a defective pipe left nine persons dead and at least t

20、wenty-six others hospitalized in central Fujieda of Shizuoka Province, southwest of Tokyo, authorities said Monday. Police said a doctor's family of five, and four members of a seven-member family died when the gas escaped in heavy column from the pipe which had a crack in it. At least twenty-si

21、x persons were taken to a city hospital in Fujieda, some 160 kilometerssouthwest of Tokyo and three of them were listed in critical condition. The gas leakage began asearly as Saturday night, but the local gas company which received telephone calls from alarmedresidents didn't bother to check th

22、e suspected pipe immediately, according to a police official. 26. What was the cause of the incident? A. Careless digging in the street over a gas pipe. B. A crack in a gas pipe. C. A gas explosion. D. Leakage of gas in heavy column from the gas station. 27. What were the consequences of the inciden

23、t? A. Poisonous gas killed and injured many people. B. There was a shortage of gas supply in central Fujieda. C. More than ten people were killed. D. Both A and B. 28. Who was to blame for the incident, according to the police? A. The local authorities. B. A doctor's family. C. Some residents in

24、 the district. D. The local gas company. 29. What could have been done to avoid the incident? A. To evacuate all the people from that place. B. To take immediate measures after the warming call. C. To sent the victims to a better hospital. D. To warn the local residents of gas poisoning. 30. What le

25、sson can be drawn from the incident? A. The use of gas should be controlled in a densely populated district. B. Employees in the local gas company should be better trained. C. Defective pipes should be fixed immediately. D. Both B and C. 非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。第四节:字母和单词注音(本大题共10小题

26、;每小题05分,共5分)31. s 32. w 33. h 34. usually 35. kitchen 36. said 37. English 38. before 39. clothes 40. white 第五节:填空题(本大题共5小题;每小题l分,共5分) 41. The structural view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystemsfrom phonological, morphological, lexical, etc. to 42. The functional view

27、sees language as a linguistic system but also as a means for things. 43. The key point of conditioning is that you can train an animal to do anything if you follow a certain produce which has three stages, stimulation, response and 44. According to Chomsky, there are a finite number of grammatical r

28、ules in the system andwith a knowledge of the rules an number of sentences can be produced. 45. learning emphasizes the task rather than the language in learning process.第六节:翻译题(本大题共6小题;第4650小题,每小题1分,51题5分;共10分)把下面的句子翻译成英文。46他突然听见背后有声响,便立刻意识到车库里还有别人。47我原打算在一月份访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这真让我大为失望。48她穿着那身轻薄的衣衫,显得特别轻

29、盈,特别可爱。49老年人要防范两种危险的心理。50有些老年人因怕死而感到压抑。51把下面短文划线部分翻译成中文。 Body image influences behaviors, self-esteem, and our psyche. When we feel bad about our body, our satisfaction and mood plummets. If we are constantly trying to push, reshape or remake our bodies, our sense of self becomes unhealthy. We lose

30、confidence in our abilities. It's not un-common for people who think poorly of their bodies to have problems in other areas of their lives, including sexuality, careers and relationships. A healthy body image occurs when a person's feelings about his / her body are positive, con-fident and s

31、elf caring. This image is necessary to care for the body, find outlets for self-expression, develop confidence in one's physical abilities and feel comfortable with who you are. Self-esteem is a personal evaluation of one's worth as a person. It measures how much you re-spect yourself.第七节:简答

32、题(本大题共3小题;每小题5分,共15分)52简述“全身反应教学法”的基本含义。53简述“任务设计”的几种类型。54简述任务教学设计的原则。第八节:写作(本大题共2小题;每小题l0分,共20分) 55书面表达: 暑假即将来临,某学校学生会打算在假期举行为贫困地区和受灾地区(disaster ayea)的孩子们奉献爱心的活动。请你用英文写一封倡议书,号召同学们用力所能及的方式伸出援助之手奉献自己的爱心。 要求:(1)文中应包含:至少两种帮助方式,这样做的目的和意义。 (2)词数80100;短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear schoolmates, While we are sittin

33、g in our bright classroom, remember there are lots of children in the poor and disaster areas needing our help badly. Summer vacation is coming. Let's do something to help them. As students,_ Students' Union June 13, 200856以传染性疾病(infectious disease)威胁人类健康为题,写一篇长为120字左右的小作文。 第九节:论述题(本大题共l5分)5

34、7请论述清楚任务与练习的不同点,阐明其本质区别,并恰当举例说明。参考答案及解析 选择题部分 第一节:单项选择题 1【答案】D。解析:succeed in doing sth意为“成功做成某事”;insist on doing sth意为“坚持做某事”;stick to(doing)sth意为“坚持(做)某事”;manage to do sth意为“设法做成某事”。句意为:尽管下了大雨,他仍想办法及时地赶上了火车。只有D项符合题意。 2【答案】B。解析:句意为“雷锋全心全意为人民服务的精神让人钦佩”。句子有be动词,空格处应填一名词,所以排除A、C项。service to sbsth为某人某事做

35、出的贡献。故选B。 3【答案】D。解析:两个逗号之间的“his parents died”为一个完整的句子,所以空格处应该是一个连词连接的句子,或者是一个非谓语动词短语,由此排除C项。此外,his parents与be three years old并不是主谓关系,所以排除A、B两项。D项为一个when引导的时间状语从句,为正确选项。 4【答案】A。解析:explain sthto sb意为“向某人说明某事”。 5【答案】B。解析:in all weathers意为“无论天气好坏”。句意为“他们必须在各种天气、各种条件下工作”。 6【答案】D。解析:在义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)中,语

36、言技能中关于一级目标的叙述包括听做、说唱、玩演、读写和视听五个方面。 7【答案】C。解析:在义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)中,语言技能中关于二级目标的分为听、说、读、写、玩演视听五个方面。 8【答案】C。解析:学习策略指学生为了有效地学习和使用英语而采取的各种行动和步骤以及指导这些行动和步骤的信念。英语学习策略包括认知策略、调控策略、交际策略和资源策略。 9【答案】A。解析:听力的主要特点是,通过听觉而不是视觉感知语音。它要求对所学的语音及其语义结合的特征具有高度的敏感与识别能力。这一心理过程主要涉及对语音的感知、短期与长期记忆、听力理解及使用等四个方面。 10【答案】C。解析:外语阅读

37、应包括六方面要素:社会与文化背景知识,分析、综合与评价技能与策略,自动认字技能,词汇与语言结构知识,语篇结构知识,超认知的监控阅读的知识与技能。 第二节:完形填空 11【答案】C。解析:句意为“轻推摇篮的手主宰着整个世界”。rock作动词讲时有“轻轻摇晃”的意思,符合语境。 12【答案】A。解析:转折词but连接的两个句子,前后时态要一致。前面是一般现在时,故后面也要用rule。 13【答案】B。解析:pay与they之间是被动关系,所以应该用被动语态。want to do sth想要做某事,故选B。 14【答案】D。解析:根据句意可知,那些不想站在成功男人背后的女人们发动了美国的妇女民主运动

38、。她们想跟男人站在一起,获得平等的成功机会。beside意为“在旁边”。 15【答案】D。解析:她们不想被告知某些特定的工作或办公室把她们拒之门外。be closed to在句中意为“拒之门外”,符合题意。 16【答案】C。解析:男女做同样的工作,男人却获得更多的报酬,用比较级。 17【答案】A。解析:用过去分词liberated作定语,修饰woman,表示被动和完成意义。 18【答案】B。解析:be proud of和take pride in都是“以为傲”的意思,空格前有be,所以选B。其他两项与句意不符。 19【答案】A。解析:形容距离长度应该用long和short,根据句意应该是要表达

39、你已经走了很长的路了。故选A。 20【答案】C。解析:Not nearly“远非,远不及”,句意为“还远不及我想去的地方”。 第三节:阅读理解 (一) 21【答案】C。解析:文章最后三段Ellis分别讲述了自己、自己的孩子和孙子的生活内容和生活中的想法。由此可知。Ellis理解的代沟就是不同年代的人有不同的思想和行为。 22【答案】B。解析:这位智者的话的意思是“蒙住我的脸,因为所有的一切即将被颠覆”。这句话用来强调世界的瞬息万变。 23【答案】A。解析:智者说这句话只是来表明变化之快,B项意为“悲伤”;C项意为“苦恼,不幸”;D项意为“幽默感”均不能体现出来,故选A,体现了他的智慧。 24.

40、【答案】D。解析:后三段Ellis讲了三代人不同的生活经历,也就是告诉我们他家庭中三代人对生活看法的不同。 25【答案】A。解析:三代人之所以对生活有不同的看法与态度,归根结底是由于所处的生活环境不同。其余三项文章中均没有提到。 (二) 26【答案】B。解析:根据文章第二段“when the gas escaped in heavy column from the pipe which had a crack in it”可知,是由于管道的裂缝引起一起事故。 27【答案】A。解析:根据文章第一段“nine persons dead and at least twenty-six others

41、hospitalized”可知,有毒的煤气造成了9人死亡,26人住院的后果。 28【答案】D。解析:文章最后一段指出煤气公司接到了居民的报警电话,但是并没有立即检查管道。因此,煤气公司应该受到谴责。 29【答案】B。解析:根据文章最后一段可以推断出,如果煤气公司接到电话后立即采取措施,这场事故就能避免。故选B。 30【答案】D。解析:这场事故是由于管道的破裂和煤气公司没有采取及时的补救措施而引起的,因此得出B和C两个结论。 非选择题部分 第四节:字母和单词注音 第五节:填空题 41【答案】sentences 42【答案】doing 43【答案】 reinforcement 44【答案】infi

42、nite 45【答案】Taskbased 第六节:翻译题 46【参考答案】Suddenly he heard a sound behind him,and realized there wele others in the garage 47【参考答案】It was a greatly disappoint when I had to put off my visit to China,which I planned in January 48【参考答案】She was so soft100king and sweet in her thin white dress 49【参考答案】The o

43、ld should guard against two kinds of dangerous psychology 50【参考答案】Some old people are depressed by the fear of death 51【参考答案】 当一个人对自己的外表感到满意、有信心而且懂得自我照顾时就会形成一个健康的外在形象。这一形象对于照顾自己,发现自我表现的途径,树立外在能力方面的自信一0与良好的自我感觉都是很有必要的。 自尊是一个人对自我价值的评价。它衡量一个人对自己的尊重程度。 第七节:简答题 52【参考答案】 全身反应法(Total Physical Response,简称TR

44、P),是美国加州圣约瑟大学心理学教授James Asher于20世纪60年代提出来的。这种方法倡导把语言和行为联系在一起,通过身体动作教授外语。它可以让第二语言进入学生的右半脑;以“听一做动作”为主要教学组织形式;教授的语言形式以祈使句为主;对学生的错误采取宽容的态度。 53【参考答案】 任务设计按照互动的方式可以分为五种类型: (1)拼图式任务。小组成员各持有一个完整信息载体(如故事、信件或表格)的一部分,同伴之间需要经过合作将其拼为一个整体。 (2)信息差型任务。两人结对完成。两个人各持有对方不知道的信息,他们运用所学语言进行交流得到对方所掌握的情况。 (3)解决问题型任务。分配给学生一个

45、任务及一些信息,学生需要经过讨论找出解决问题的答案。 (4)选择决定型任务。给学生一系列可以选择的决定,由学生通过讨论,达成一致意见,选择一个决定。 (5)交换观点型任务。学生表达不同的想法和不同的观点,不必达成一致意见。 54【参考答案】 需要遵循的原则有: (1)以学生为主体原则。所设计的活动以培养学生语用能力为宗旨,以学生为主体。 (2)可操作性原则。任务应具有明确的目的,具有可操作性。 (3)言语、情景真实性原则。任务的设计以实际应用为出发点,给学生提供明确、真实的语言信息。 (4)阶梯型任务链原则。任务的设计应有层次、有梯度,难易得当。 (5)在做中学原则。引导学生通过完成具体任务活

46、动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验。 第八节:写作 55【参考范文】Dear schoolmates, While we are sitting in our bright classroom, remember there are lots of children in the poor and disaster areas needing our help badly. Summer vacation is coming. Let's do something to help them. As students, we can try our best to help them both in living and study. For hying, we can donate our pocket money, some of our clothes or toys to make sure they have a


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