八年级英语下册Unit 9测试卷(无答案)_第1页
八年级英语下册Unit 9测试卷(无答案)_第2页
八年级英语下册Unit 9测试卷(无答案)_第3页




1、.八年级下册英语Unit 9 检测卷1. 单词填空 根据句意及汉语提示用正确形式填空。每题1分,共10分1You have had such bad luck. Its _believable.2There is no wind and the lake looks so _peace.3Jill doesnt like eating _Japan food.4Most of the Americans use their cars _most for their job.5- Where is Mr. White?- He _ go to the library. He wants to b

2、orrow some books.6Mary _ learn English for more than two years.7I_wakeup at six this morning8Did you have any problems_findyour hotel?9It is strange that Nick always does_usualthings10Did you spend the whole day_playcomputer games?2 句子填空25分1因为这附近没有公交车,我们步行走了几千米。Since there were no buses near here, w

3、e walked _ _ _ kilometers.2汤姆的爸爸很忙,全年不在家。Toms father is very busy and isnt at home _ _ _ .3一方面这所房子太小。另一方面它离学校太远。On the one hand the house is too small. _ _ _ _ , it is too far from the school.4不管刮风还是下雨,鲍勃总是第一个到达学校。_ its windy _ rainy, Bob is always the first to get to school.5他哥哥当医生已经五年了。His brother

4、_ _ a doctor for five years.6她曾去过说英语的国家吗?Has she ever _ _ an _ country?7三分之二的歌迷来自比尔的家乡。_ _ of the fans are from Bills hometown .8我在伦敦住了一个多星期了。I have lived in Lndon for_ _one week9I have been to the water park.对划线部分提问 Where_you _?10He has never been to New YorkI have never been there,either改为同义句He ha

5、s never been to New York,and_ _I三单项选择15分从每题四个选项中,选出一个填入空白处的最正确答案。 1_ of the teachers in our school _ women.A. Three fourth; is B. Three fourths; are C. Three fourth; are D. Three fourths; is 2Where is Tom? He _ the USA. He _ back in two months.A. has gone to; comes B. has bee to; will beC. has been

6、to; comes D. has gone to; will be 3-I think you are different now-of course,times have changed,and A. so have I B. so I have C. neither have I D. neither I have 4Fun Smell is a fun place teaA. enjoy B. to enjoy C. enjoying D. enjoyed 5_ you like swimming, fishing _ boating, youll have fun in the wat

7、er park.A. Whether; or B. If; or C. Either; or D. Both; and 6I _ a tour guide for 7 months.A. became B. was C. have been D. have become 7_ you come, you can see beautiful flowers in our school yard.A. Whatever B. Wherever C. Whenever D. Whoever 8Take the map, Jeff. Then you wont have any problem _ t

8、hat small hotel.A. find B. to find C. finding D. found 9The teacher always encourages us _ questions in class.A. to ask B. ask C. asking D. asked 10Hes clever, but _ he doesnt work so hard.A. on one hand B. on the hand C. on other hand D. on the other hand 11Do you know Bob?Who is he? I have never _

9、 him.A. talked about B. cared for C. heard of D. heard from 12It was _ big surprise to me when Kate told me she would leave the city in one week.A. so a B. such a C. a so D. a such 13Hangzhou is a beautiful city. _ people visit it every year.A. Three thousands B. Thousand of C. Thousands of D. Thous

10、and 14Joe, you should give up playing computer games. Its _ a waste of time.A. suddenly B. hardly C. simply D. heavily 15After hearing the scary story, the little kid hid behind the door and shook with _.A. stress B. surprise C. laughter D. fear四完形填空10分通读短文后,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最正确答案。My name is Paul. Th

11、is happened to me when I was traveling in Paris.I was walking on the street when a man came up to me. Do you speak English? he asked.Yes, I said.Then he said he was a cook from Montreal, Canada. He told me he had an _. Im here in Paris with my wife and our _ children, and we dont have enough money f

12、or a hotel. My wife tried to get money from a cash machine 自动取款机, but she couldnt _ the PIN number 密码. She used the wrong number three times, so the machine kept her card. Could you _ me? I wasnt sure, so I asked to see his passport 护照. My passport is with my wife. She is tired, so shes _ in a coffe

13、e shop with our three children. We only need $100 for the night, and I _ Ill pay you back. By this time the man was actually crying, so I thought he was telling the truth. I _ to lend him the money. Then we went to a cash machine, and I gave him the money. He said thank you and left. I _ saw him or

14、heard from him again.I knew maybe his story wasnt true. _ I felt like I had to help him at that time. What if he had some other difficulties that he just hoped to hide _ anyone? Anyway, $100 wasnt that much and helping him made me feel peaceful. 1A. plan B. problem C. illness D. idea 2A. five B. fou

15、r C. three D. two 3A. remember B. write C. change D. copy 4A. forget B. teach C. choose D. help 5A. waiting B. acting C. practicing D. working 6A. realize B. promise C. advise D. wonder 7A. missed B. hated C. agreed D. hurried 8A. still B. even C. only D. never 9A. So B. But C. Or D. And 10A. from B

16、. under C. with D. into五短文填空15分Ears are part of your body. Have you noticed the size and shape of your 1._before? The size and shape of your ears show your character性格 more than other parts of the face. Other parts of the face change shape as we get 2._, but ears do not change their shape with the a

17、ge. They only change in size. Judging判断 peoples character3._their ears is a very old science. In the 4._, people thought that a person5._ big ears had a good character. They thought that the person was dangerous if he had small ears in nearly white color. They 6._ thought that the shape of the ear s

18、howed whether a person was musical or not.Now, many people believe that the size and shape of the ear tell us if a man is musical, 7._Different people have8._ears, and each different thing has a meaning. Ears that are always red 9._that a person may get angry easily. Ears that are always cold and wh

19、ite mean that a person has nervous character. Do you 10._with it?6. 阅读理解本大题共5小题,每题2分,共10分 My name is Sally. When I was ten years old, I had a lot of friends. But looking back now, my best friend was someone I never really thought of as my friend, Rina.Rina is four years older than I. She and I used

20、to live in the same neighborhood. She went to an art and dance school in the city. Every afternoon when I played in the yard 院子 with my brother Kevin, I would see her walking home from the train station.During the weekend, there was always something to do, thanks to Rina. She was good at drawing, so

21、 she would teach me and my brother how to draw. She also made up amazing games with interesting characters for us to play. Sometimes, Kevin taught Rina and me basketball and I taught them guitar.One day, I was sitting in the yard. It was my birthday, but I was sad. Rina appeared and gave me a CD and

22、 a picture she had drawn for me. I was really surprised. To this day, I still dont know how Rina remembered my birthday, but Im glad she did.Now Im seventeen and Im in high school. When I get home from the train station, I always see Alex, the little boy who lives down the street, and his sister Jen

23、ny. Sometimes I make up games for them to play. And sometimes I teach them how to draw. Im happy to watch Alex and Jenny laugh and play. It reminds me of Rina, a girl who left many wonderful memories 回忆 in my heart. 1What can we know about Sally and Rina?A. They lived in the same neighborhood. B. They played soccer in the same team.C. They went to the same schoo


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