1、LOGO语篇功能语篇功能IntrodunctionIntrodunction01 Textual Function Textual Function02Three routesThree routes03ConclusionConclusion04ContentsContents韩礼德(韩礼德(1925)IntroductionIntroduction As with any field,there are a number of competing views in the study of syntax(语法;句法).Arguably as important as Chomskys th
2、eory,is Systemic Functional Grammar(SFG).However,the mastermind behind the systemic-functional perspective is M.A.K.Halliday1.Ideational functions3.Textual functions2.Interpersonal functionssion: Textual function The textual metafunction enables the realization of the relation between language and c
3、ontext, making the language user produce a text which matches the situation. The textual function refers to the fact that language has mechanisms(机制,原理) to make any stretch of spoken or written discourse into a coherent(机制;原理) and unified(统一的) text and make a living passage different from a random l
4、ist of sentences.An example (1)John saw a handbag in a field. John walked across a field and picked up a handbag. John took a handbag to the police station and John handed in a handbag as lost property. When John handed a handbag as lost property, John went home. (2)John saw a handbag in a field. He
5、 walked across the field and picked up the handbag. He took the handbag to the police station and handed it in as lost property. When he had done this, he went home. 后者读起来比前者更像统一连贯的语篇。这两组句子在概念成分(ideational)和人际成分(interpersonal)方面颇为相似,在语篇成分(textual)上却有着区别。前者忽略了某些成分重复出现的事实,将它们一概视作首次出现的成分。后者则使用定冠词代替那些已经
6、出现过的名词前面的不定冠词,用he和it替换其他的一些名词,用do this替换短语。诸如此类的连接成分一起被当作衔接语篇的组成部分。 We can easily findWe can easily findIt has three routes:It has three routes:(1)Theme (2)Information (3)Cohesion(凝聚,结合)(1)Theme(1)Theme Definitions the starting point of the clause message realized in English by first position in a c
7、lause must contain a participant, process or circumstance(环境,情况,事件) includes any element preceding(之前的) the first participant, process or circumstance Multiple theme The concept of theme is an important one in functional approaches to syntax. It is the first constituent, and denotes the starting poi
8、nt of the clause. Eg: (a)Gas explosion killed thousands (b)Thousands were killed by gas explosion11(2)information(2)information典型形式:1 His boldness surprised me。(主语是主位;末尾是新信息)2 The teacher is very intelligent.有标记形式:3 From the city bookstore he bought the book。Eg:(a)James enjoys tennis more than John(
9、b)James enjoys tennis more than John enjoys tennis(3)Cohesion and coherence(3)Cohesion and coherence Halliday & Hasan (1976: 4): The concept of cohesion is a semantic(语义学的) one; it refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and that define it as a text. Halliday & Hasan (1976
10、: 4): “Cohesion occurs where the interpretation (解释)of some element in the discourse is dependent on that of another.” For example: John/Alan is a friend of mine. He is from London. (he = John, he = Alan) Cohesion is realized by grammatical(符合语法规则的) and/or lexical (词汇的)devices. Coherence is realized
11、 by the interlocutors(谈话者) shared knowledge. Two types of cohesion: (1) grammatical cohesion, (2) lexical cohesion(凝聚,结合) (a) Reference John is a student of linguistics. He is (b) Substitution(代替,置换) John needs a new dictionary. Hes decided to buy one. (c) Ellipsis I need some pens. Have you got any ? (d) Conjunction He was very uncomfortable. Nevertheless, he fell asleep.ConclusionConclusion Textual function is enable the speaker or writer to construct a text and enables
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