2、际交流培训。来自国际法学教授韩立余、刑法学教授、知识产权法学教授、宪法学教授、经济法学副教授、诉讼法学副教授、民法学副教授、法律实践副教授、法学理论副教授参加了此次交流培训。 我校法学专业教学团队在哈佛法学院图书馆前合影 美国当地时间6月29日上午,哈佛大学法学院为我校专业教学法团队举行欢送仪式暨暑期专业教学法交流培训项目开幕式。开幕式上,教师教学发展中心主任田教授向哈佛大学法学院赠送礼品并致辞。 田教授表示,中国人民大学与哈佛大学有着悠久的合作历史,尤其是两校法学院十余年来开展了丰富而深入的学术交流活动,培养了一批具有国际视野、通晓两国法律的师生,并形成了常态化的合作机制。而“师者,所以传道
3、授业解惑也”,对于大学而言,学生培养与学术研究有着同等重要的价值,而学生培养的效果又与教学法的创新有着紧密的联系。因此,人大哈佛法学专业教学法的国际交流培训旨在通过教学理念、人才培养模式以及教学法的分享与交流,培养出具有创新能力的高水平学生,共同推动人类社会的进步与发展。从这个意义而言,本次专业教学法的国际交流培训是双方之间的破冰之旅、开创之旅、希望之旅。希望通过双方的交流与合作,在智慧和灵感的碰撞中收获新的知识。 田宏杰教授在欢送仪式上致辞并与张翔教授向哈佛大学法学院赠送礼品 哈佛大学法学院副院长William P. Alford教授对人民大学法学专业教学团队的到访表示热烈欢送,在回忆了两校
4、法学院多年长期保持的良好合作关系后,殷切期待双方专家学者通过教学工作坊的开展,在本次专业教学法的交流培训中共同学习、共同进步。 中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅近日印发关于做好新时期教育对外开放工作的假设干意见要求,通过选派高等学校优秀青年教师、学术带头人等赴国外高水平机构访学交流,加快引进世界名校师资,完善教师专业标准体系,加快高水平师资队伍建设。2016暑期专业教学法的国际交流培训旨在展示我校法学专业教学成果,深入了解美国法学教育与人才培养的前沿成果,围绕传统教学、诊断式教学、研究型教学及其学术成果的分享展开,全程采取交互模式,包括每天的课堂交流培训、圆桌研讨、观摩等。核心课程涵盖法律与法规、
5、美国法律制度介绍、法律与伦理、国际残疾法、中美关系相关的法律问题、法律谈判与诊断式研究、刑法与程序等领域。与交流培训第一课主讲教师Todd Rakoff教授合影Opening Address On The Welcome Ceremony From Prof. William P. Alford To Our Guests from Renmin University, Thank you for coming to Harvard Law School. We are very appreciative of the years of warm relations between Harva
6、rd Law School and Renmin Universitys Law School and pleased to welcome you here for what we hope will be two lively weeks of mutual learning. Over your two weeks here, you will have dozens of hours of instruction from some of Harvards leading experts, addressing a range of legal topics and a variety
7、 of different approaches to teaching. I will be joining you for several class sessions and social events, but the primary part of your time here which I will be leading will take place on Saturday July 2 and Sunday July 3, and will take a somewhat different shape from your other classes. I appreciat
8、e that you likely will be tired by the end of your first week (between jet lag and reading and class), and so I want to structure our time that weekend to be less tiring but still intellectually enriching, while taking advantage of our presence in Boston with its long history. On Saturday July 2, I
9、will lead you via the subway (which, speaking of history, was created at the time of the 光绪 Emperor of the 清dynasty in 1898) to Boston to visit two amazing historical sites. The first is the John F.Kennedy Presidential Library and the second is the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the U.S. Senate. Ou
10、r visits there will provide us with a window into important dimensions of how law is created and enforced in the United States, as well as American history. They also are located on an especially beautiful site. Following our visits, I will take you for a good meal over which I hope we will be able
11、to share your questions and thoughts about what we will have seen that day. We will provide you with details about departure time soon. On Sunday July 3, we want to give you the morning to rest (you will also have all of July 4 US national day to rest). In the afternoon, I will lead a two hour sessi
12、on (from 2 to 4) focused on the US-China relationship, with particular attention to law. Obviously, this is so large a topic that one could spend a whole semester on it ,so this seminar will be more general and exploratory. I also appreciate that this will be rather different from what you are doing
13、 in other classes at Harvard, in the sense that it will be less like specific areas of law that we usually focus on in detail Nonetheless, I think it worth devoting time to because law is increasingly so central to our bilateral relationship and because my sense is that, although the role of lawyers
14、 differs some in our two nations, lawyers in each of our nations have the potential to help society develop well considered ways to address complicated issues. I attach our reading for that Sunday session which I have tried to keep manageable. Our reading commences with a short item from the Pew Res
15、earch Center concerning the ways in which Americans and Chinese see one and other (as it is always good, I think, to start with data). We next have an more speculative piece by Brent Crane about how our two nations understand each other, followed by a short “debate” in both Chinese and English betwe
16、en Professor 王缉思 and Dr. Ian Bremmer about challenges in the relationship. With the foregoing background, we then will turn or attention to the law more specifically, and here look at two areas. The first concerns some of the challenges lawyers and other professionals face in the practical interface
17、 between our two nations and for it we have an article entitled “When US Law Collides with Chinese Reality” by three professionals and a news item (in Chinese) concerning a dispute between the United States Securities Regulatory Commission and the Big Four accounting firms regarding records in China
18、. The second area concerns corruption and how efforts to address it are bringing the two nations together. The reading for this starts with a short statement by the US government of the elements of our Foreign Corrupt Practice, which is then followed by five short news items about its implementation
19、 as concerns China (including several which underscore that the problems lie on the American side as well as the Chinese side). Our concluding item consists of excerpts about further cooperation between our governments regarding joint anti-corruption efforts agreed to at the recently (June 2016) con
20、cluded US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue. Please note that in my assigning you these readings, I am not necessarily endorsing any particular piece or position. My goal, instead, is to prompt lively discussion between us on challenging issues that need good legal minds. I look forward to seeing yo
21、u on the 2nd and 3rd of July. Do let me know if you have questions. Thank you. 田教授在欢送仪式上的致辞 尊敬的安教授,女士们、先生们: 非常高兴能够到哈佛大学法学院进行专业教学法的交流活动,对于本次交流活动,哈佛大学法学院付出了辛勤的劳动,给予了极大的支持,请允许我代表中国人民大学教师教学发展中心和法学院向哈佛大学法学院致以诚挚的感谢! 中国人民大学法学院和哈佛大学法学院有着悠久的合作历史,十余年来在师生两个层面进行了丰富而深入的学术交流活动,不仅增进了双方的了解与信任,培养了一批具有国际视野、通晓两国法律的老师和
22、学生,在残疾人法律援助项目上取得了丰硕的成果,而且打造了一批制度性的合作机制。现如今,中国人民大学法学院哈佛大学法学院工作坊、远程联合教学、交流生项目已经成为了双方之间的常态化合作机制,继续推动着两所学院的进一步合作,增进着双方的传统友谊。 中国人民大学和哈佛大学以往的交流合作主要集中在学术交流方面,然而正如中国的一句古话所说“师者,所以传道、授业、解惑也”,对一名教师而言,学生培养的重要性绝不亚于学术研究。而学生培养的效果又与教学方法的选择有着直接而密切的联系。因此,我们此次访问哈佛大学法学院的目的是就教学方法进行交流,以期培养出高质量的学生,为全人类的进步做出尽可能多的奉献。从这个意义上来
23、讲,此次团体交流活动是双方之间的破冰之旅、开创之旅、希望之旅。因此,我们派出了由各学科优秀中青年教授组成的团队,就整个交流活动的所有内容进行了认真的筹划、精心的准备,以期取得最好的效果。我也殷切盼望着哈佛大学的同事们能够不吝赐教,让双方在智慧和灵感的碰撞中收获新的知识。 哈佛大学校友、中国著名国学家陈寅恪曾说,“唯此独立之精神,自由之思想,历千万祀与天壤而日久,共三光而永光”。这句话激励了无数的中国知识分子,然而几十年过去了,我们所教出的学生,距离“独立之精神,自由之思想”的目标仍然有差距,“钱学森之问”仍然是我们心头挥之不去的梦魇。为此,我们愿意在这次求知之旅聆听贵校的珍贵建议,借鉴贵校的珍
24、贵经验。 哈佛大学校友、美国前总统富兰克林·罗斯福曾经说过,幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于取得成就时的喜悦和产生创造力的激情。对于一名大学教师而言,能够培养出最为优秀的学生,难道不是一生中最大的成就吗?而培养出优秀的学生,难道不需要最大的创造力吗?我们相信,本次亲切而友好的团体交流活动也是一场幸福之旅。 最后,请允许我代表中国人民大学教师教学发展中心和法学院祝愿本次专业教学法国际交流活动取得圆满成功。 谢谢大家! Opening Address On The Welcome Ceremony From Prof. Tian Hongjie Dear Prof. William P. Al
25、ford, ladies and gentlemen, Im very glad to come to Harvard Law School to attend the exchange program of Professional Teaching Method. Harvard Law School has made great effort and contribution to this program. Let me take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to Harvard Law School! Renmin
26、 Law School and Harvard Law School share the long memory of cooperating. For more than ten years, our faculties and students have experienced various exchange activities, which has not only enhanced mutual understanding and trust, shaped a lot of professors and students with international horizon an
27、d profound knowledge of the two countries law, achieved great success in giving legal aid to the disabled but also built a series of cooperative mechanism. Now, Renmin-Harvard Law School Workshop, long-distance joint teaching and student-exchange project have become normalized cooperative mechanisms
28、 between the two law schools, promoting and witnessing the further cooperating. The exchange and cooperating between Renmin University and Harvard University mainly focus on academic field. While just like the old Chinese saying goes “a teacher is the one who could propagate the doctrine,impart prof
29、essional knowledge,and resolve doubts”, for a mentor in a university, fostering the students is never less important than academic works. The outcome of the teaching procedure directly depends on the teaching method. As a result, our visit to Harvard University is to share our ideas and opinions abo
30、ut teaching method in order to foster more students of high quality and make more contributions to the humankind. In this sense, our journey to Harvard University is a journey of ice-breaking, a journey of pioneering and a journey of hope. In order to achieve the best result, we have selected a team
31、 composed of the brilliant professors from every subject and carefully prepared for all the parts. Im also looking forward to my dear colleagues in Harvard sharing your experience and advice. With the interacting of ideas and viewpoints, we will harvest new knowledge. Tschen Yin koh, the famous Chinese historian, alumni of Harvard University, once said: “only the independent spirit and free thought can live long through the history and shine forever.” His word has inspired
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