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1、;.1Sunny Gao;.2Chapter 1 预备知识Work in pairs to decide whether these statements about IELTS are true or false.1. Grammar is the most important assessment criteria in writing. 2. IELTS Examiners can tell when someone is giving a memorized answer. 3. IELTS and TOEFL both use examiners to assess writing

2、and speaking. 4. Your IELTS score in China will vary depending on which city you take the test.5. IELTS scores are carefully monitored and many are double checked. FTTFT;.3Chapter 1 预备知识学术类雅思写作考试内容类别官方建议时间字数题材学术类Task 1 20 min150字以上图表作文学术类Task 240 min250字以上议论文或报告;.4Task 2 议论文两种形式 Argumentation 80%1.

3、题目给出一方观点(反方观点隐含),问lDo you agree or disagree?lTo what extent do you agree or disagree?l例:In order to learn a language well, we should learn about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2. 题目中给出双方观点,要求分析正反方观点后做出结论Some say

4、Others argue that What is your opinion?Discuss both views and give your opinion.Express some reasons for both views and give your opinion.Do you think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages?;.5Task 2 中报告 Report ,出现概率为20%题目中没有观点,只给出一种现象,让考生分析该现象的causes, solutions, effects . 通常题目的标志词为What are?例子:To

5、day, there are more images of disasters and violence in the media. What are the causes and what are your solutions?;.6 雅思写作评分标准;.7TRTask responseTA -Task achievementCCCoherence and CohesionLRLexical resourceGRGrammatical range and accuracy 雅思写作评分标准;.8IELTS TASK 2 Writing band descriptorsBand Task Ac

6、hievement Coherence and Cohesion Lexical Resource Grammatical Range and Accuracy765;.9Task Achievement;.10Coherence and Cohesion ;.11Lexical Resource ;.12Grammatical Range and Accuracy;.13Comments on Sample Script 2 (International Tourism)Band 7TA: The candidate addresses both aspects of the task an

7、d presents a clear position throughout the response. Main ideas are generally clear and relevant, although some supporting ideas lack focus (as in the opening of paragraph 2). CC: Ideas are generally well-organised, and there is a clear overall progression with only minor lapses where points are not

8、 well-integrated into the argument. A range of cohesive devices is used effectively, although there is some under-use of connectives and substitution, and some lapses in the use of referencing. LR: A good range of vocabulary is used with some flexibility and precision. The candidate has a good aware

9、ness of style and collocation, although occasional awkward expressions or inappropriacies in word choice and word form limit the rating. GRA: Likewise, a good range of sentence structures is used with a high level of accuracy resulting in frequent error-free sentences. Minor systematic errors persis

10、t, however, and punctuation is unhelpful at times;.14Comments on Sample Script 3 (International Tourism)Band 5TA: The input material is directly copied as an introduction to this response, and once this is deducted from the word count, the response is under-length at 194 words and so loses marks. Ne

11、vertheless, the topic is addressed and a relevant position is expressed, although there are patches (as in third paragraph) where the development is unclear. Other ideas are more evidently relevant, but are sometimes insufficiently developed. These ideas are clearly organised and there is an overall

12、 progression within the response. CC: There is some effective use of a range of cohesive devices, including referencing, but there is also some mechanical over-use of linkers in places. Paragraphs are sometimes rather too short and inappropriate. LR: A range of vocabulary is attempted and this is ad

13、equate for a good response to the task. However, control is weak, and there are frequent spelling errors which can cause some difficulties for the reader, thus keeping the rating down for the lexical criterion. GRA: The candidate uses a mix of simple and complex structures with frequent subordinate

14、clauses. Control of complex structures is variable, and although errors are noticeable, they only rarely impede understanding of the message,;.15Practice 剑桥雅思7 P169请判断考官是怎样给这份试卷打出5分的?评分标准考官评语对应评分标准描述得分评分标准Task responseCoherence &CohesionLexical ResourceGrammatical Range and Accuracy其他Under lengt

15、h/Off-topic/ Illegible ;.16评分标准考官评语对应评分标准描述得分评分标准TRIt does not address all parts of the questionAddresses the task only partially 5C&C正评价(6分)+there is also a lot of repetition due to inadequate use of referencing and substitutionmay be repetitive because of lack of referencing and substitution 5

16、.5LRThe high level of repetition indicates limitations in range of vocabularyUses a limited range of vocabulary 5GRAThe answer includes attempts at complex sentence forms, but+正评价nevertheless, there are examples of accurate complex structures (6分)Attempts complex sentences but these tend to be less

17、accurate 5.5其他 Less than 250 words扣0.5总分(5+5.5+5+5.5)/4=5.25 5.55.5-0.5=5;.17其他预备知识1. 格式:不用抄题目,齐头格式2. 缩写: 不要使用were , cant , dont 等缩写,应使用正式文体,可以使用全球通用首字母缩写,如NBA, KFC, WTO等,国内通用的不可以写,如CET-43. 数字:十以下数字用英语单词表示4. 标点符号: 、 “Avatar” , , and so on5. I , My, We, You的使用;.186. 美式和英式拼写-re 与ercentercentre theater

18、-theatre -our 与 orcolorfulcolourful laborlabour-ise, -isation 与 ize, -izationrealizerealise organizationorganisation-ce与-selicenselicence defensedefence 英式在美式拼写中被简化programme-program traveller-traveler其他预备知识;.19雅思写作流程5+33+25分钟构思,写提纲 (写作观点,2个主要论据,1个例子)33分钟写作2分钟检查 语法:主谓一致,标点词汇:用同义词和代词(it,them)替换重复过多的单词

19、逻辑:是否需要在句子中添加therefore, moreover, in contrast等linking words;.20练习:请利用在本节课学到的内容找出下面句子的错误。练习:请利用在本节课学到的内容找出下面句子的错误。1. 下面的句子从写作风格看存在什么问题?Mobile phones are so important to our lives. Everyone should use mobile phones!2. 请在下面的两个句子中间加上一个恰当的连接词将其改写为复杂句:Air pollution is increasingly serious. Measures should

20、 be taken to tackle this problem.3. 请迅速找出下面句子里的拼写错误:The color scheme of this design is not very organised.4. 请找出下面句子的非正式词汇并替换:Lots of rivers and lakes have been severely polluted.5. 请改写下面句子中的词汇使其用词更正式:The crime rate in cities is higher and higher, so the advantages of these security measures are mor

21、e than disadvantages.;.21Chapter 2 语法与从句 考官最敏感的三大语法错误 可数名词单数孤立出现。请判断下列翻译是否正确 :“狗是朋友。 ” Dog is friend. Dogs are friends.A dog is a friend. The dog is a friend. ;.22 主谓不一致The growing use of computers_causing enormous changes in work. (be)Watching TV and playing computer games _one of the most importan

22、t childrens leisure activities. (be)How we can cope with these problems _an interesting issue. (be) 逗号不能连接两个独立的句子。isisare;.23练习: 请找出下列句子的语法错误(每句仅有一个错误)1. Allow employees to work from home can help employers to reduce costs. 2. Because many parents do not spend enough time with their children. 3. Som

23、e companies have plans to replace for their human workers with robots. 4. The Internet is a useful educational tool, spending too much time online is harmful to children. Allowing-Allowing删掉 Because删掉 forAlthough the;.245. The results of space research has also increased our knowledge about our own

24、planet. 6. An ageing population means an increased tax burden for worked adults. 7. Students are expected to sit quietly and pay attention on their teacher. 8. They argue that, large cities offer a higher standard of living. 9. These activities can improve students foreign language skills. has-havew

25、orked-workingon-to删掉 ,studentsstudents;.25复合句的写作1. 什么是复合句?I love you. I love you, and you love me. I love you that you love me. 简单句并列句 and/or/but复合句;.26复合句是不是越多越好?剑桥雅思考官范文平均每篇12句话简单句 2句并列句 2句从句 8句平实通顺简单句、并列句和基础的复杂句易懂把意思表达清楚不长也不难不要让考官数词数到手软;.27高分复合句1. 宾语从句宾语从句Many people believe that we have develope

26、d into a “throw-away society”.This means that change is not always a personal option, but an inescapable fact of life. While there are both benefits and drawbacks to a multicultural society, it is safe to say that the pros out weigh the cons.Traditionally, the approach has been to punish criminals b

27、y placing them in prisons to pay for what they have done.;.282. 状语从句状语从句If 引导的条件状语从句引导的条件状语从句如果学生想知道具体的职业信息,他们无需坐在教室里就可以得到。如果一个人失去工作仍能获得帮助,或者一个少数民族仍能够获得和其他人一样的成功机会,那我们才可以说这个国家是进步的。If a student wants to learn about job-specific information, they do not need to sit in a classroom to get it. If a perso

28、n loses a job but get assistance, or a minority still has an equal opportunity of success, then we can say this country is advanced. ;.29While 引导的让步状语从句引导的让步状语从句尽管经济的进步使我们的生活变得舒适,但同时也使社会在财富分配中产生了两极分化。尽管传统建筑外观美观,但通常内部使用起来却并不是很方便。While the economic development has made our life more comfortable, it ha

29、s also polarized the society in the distribution of wealth.While traditional buildings might look nice from the outside, they are often not very user-friendly. ;.303. 定语从句定语从句who 引导,修饰引导,修饰“人人”Those who feel that sports stars salaries are justified might argue that the professionals with real talent

30、 are very few. Student without teachers will surely be lost; but students who simply rely on teachers for knowledge are not really learning. Children who enter school at an early age are generally more confident and independent than children who stay at home with their parents. ;.31 that 引导,修饰引导,修饰“

31、物物”如何处置罪犯是所有国家和社会都需要面临的问题。 原本需要人工花费数月时间完成的工作现在可以由机器人在几分钟内毫无瑕疵的完成。How to handle criminals is a problem that all countries and societies face. The workload that could take months to finish by manual labor now could be done flawlessly by robots in minutes. 逗号加逗号加which引导非限制性定语从句引导非限制性定语从句If fuel prices

32、go up, either fewer people will drive or people will drive less, which makes sense for reducing pollution.Demand for various commodities creates a huge market for the local and international businesses, which in turn increases demand for the labor market. ;.324. 主语从句主语从句 whether 引导的主语从句Whether is a

33、controversial issue/ has caused a heated debate. it 引导的主语从句It is obvious that what引导主语从句 + not butWhat most companies and workforces need are not robots, but creative people who can contribute ideas.What the poor countries need most is not money, but advanced technologies and talent in some key area

34、s. ;.335. 同位语从句同位语从句The fact that we have different languages demonstrates that we have different cultures. Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenomenon that our kids are spending more time watching TV. 6. 表语从句表语从句 This is because it is the rich and powerful people in

35、our society who are able to impose changes. Another reason for this is that old buildings, like native languages, form a cultural identity and keep a unique record of a country. ;.34作业:语法改错练习易错词选择练习判断练习定语从句练习宾语从句练习;.35Chapter 3 写作思路哪里来?无话可说没有思想具体分类法举反例法1.关键词法;.361. 具体分类法- it dependsMany people use d

36、istance-learning programs (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the same benefits of attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment; only

37、 governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ;.372. 举反例法only/ -est/ always/ never/ ban/ stopThe only way to improve safety on the road is to impose severe punishment on driving offenders. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people say tha

38、t the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others, however, say that this would have little effect on public health and that other measures are required. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. ;.383. 关键词法身体(健康) VS. 心理 (安全,求知,自信,被尊重)物质上 (经济基

39、础) VS. 精神上(文化娱乐)International travel is becoming cheaper, and countries are opening their doors to more and more tourists. Do the advantages of increased tourism outweigh its disadvantages?Skill & Efficiency Technology & SafetyRight & Responsibility Environment & HealthEmployment &am

40、p; Money Culture & Fun;.39PracticePlease write down your main ideas or arguments for the following two writing tasks. 1. Some people think that students should focus on a few subjects while others think they should study a wide range of subjects. Discuss both these views and give your own opinio

41、n. 2. Some people think the media should stop reporting on details of crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ;.401. Some people think that students should focus on a few subjects while others think they should study a wide range of subjects. Discuss both these views and give your own opinio

42、n. Skill & Efficiency: core subjects help students to develop important skillsFocusing on these subjects helps them to gain knowledge quickly Employment & Money : students who have a good understanding of a wide range of subjects can find jobs more easily after graduationCulture & Fun: a

43、rt subjects, such as painting and photography, develop their interest in art. ;.412. Some people think the media should stop reporting on details of crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Safety: People are better informed about criminal activities, which helps them to protect themselves and

44、 their communities against crime.Health: Detailed media reports on crime may increase peoples fear of crime. Right & Responsibility:These reports may violate the victims privacy. Media crime reports are likely to mislead the public. Money: Such reports can attract more viewers, listeners or read

45、ers and increase advertising revenue for media companies. ;.42Chapter 4 最简化15句框架模板 到底要不要模板?模板的好处:操作简单见效快分数高模板的缺点:结构死板千篇一律有被判定“Memorized”的可能性;.43最简化15句框架模板脱胎于官方7分以上评分标准结构固话但句子自由规范文章的逻辑简化思维和写作难度低碳环保,无毒,无副作用;.44A 15-Sentence Solution to IELTS Writing第一段第一段(引出话(引出话题,表达题,表达观点)观点)1Nowadays, an increasing

46、number of people are concerned about_背景介绍背景介绍2However, whether_is a controversial issue.辩论话题辩论话题3My view is that_写作观点写作观点第二段第二段(说理)(说理)4First, it is obvious that_原因一,中心句原因一,中心句5(This means that)_具体理由具体理由6So, _所以观点成立所以观点成立第三段第三段(举例)(举例)7Moreover, _原因二,中心句原因二,中心句8For example, _举例,越具体越好举例,越具体越好9_例证解释说明

47、例证解释说明第四段第四段(让步)(让步)10That is not to say that_not _并不完全否定反方观点并不完全否定反方观点11Of course, _承认反方观点的合理性承认反方观点的合理性12But_驳斥反方观点不合理性驳斥反方观点不合理性第五段第五段(结尾)(结尾)13In sum, _重申观点重申观点14Meanwhile, _不能忽视反方观点不能忽视反方观点15By doing so we can make sure that_思想升华思想升华;.45实战练习Some people think that universities should provide gra

48、duates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?Give

49、reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words. ;.46第一段第1句. Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose of university education. Tips:Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about th

50、e phenomenon thatNowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose that university education serves.Nowadays, more and more students are concerned about what they will learn in the universities. Universities are one of the most important institutions in modern society. ;.47第一段

51、第2句. A. “是否应该”However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills to graduates is a controversial issue.B. “是这样还是应该那样”However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills or pure knowledge to graduates has caused heated debate. However, what kind of knowledge and

52、 skills universities should mainly provide to graduates is a controversial issue.C. 一些人认为另一些人认为Some people state that universities should focus on giving access to knowledge; others believe that the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace are more important for university graduates. ;.48第一段第3句

53、In my view, My view is that I agree with the view that, for the following reasons. I mainly agree with the former/ latter view for the following reasons. My view is that job-related knowledge and skills should be the main focus of universities. ;.49第二段第1 句 First , it is obvious/ clear that for most

54、students, the purpose of receiving university education is to obtain practical knowledge and skills which will enable them to become qualified employees in the future job market. First, there is no doubt thatOne reason for this is that ;.50第二段第2句1. This is because most of them, after graduation , wi

55、ll enter workplace ,earn a living, and support their own families. (想上一句话的原因)2. This means that the courses focusing on jobs will become the most welcomed subjects which the majority of students will select. (想上一句话的结果)3. If universities do not pay enough attention to such skills, most graduates will

56、 not be able to find satisfactory position in the workplace, leading to a higher unemployment rate.(反证中心句);.51第二段第3句So universities, as service providers, have to give top priority to these customers real needs. (重申写作观点)OrTherefore, it is necessary/ crucial/ important for universities to give top pr

57、iority to the students real needs. ;.52第三段第1句Moreover/ In addition/ Besides , focusing on the job-related skills can benefit the university itself. ;.53第三段第2句For example, the sci-fi blockbuster Avatar has marked a milestone in the filmmaking industry and drawn massive interest in 3D technology. or F

58、or example, 3D technology has become a hot topic after the movie Avatar made the whole world crazy. ;.54第三段第3句If a university can quickly respond, and consolidate teaching resources to offer courses about 3D, not only will its graduates be more competitive in the job market, but the university itsel

59、f will keep pace with the technological development and move forward. OrAnother example is ;.55第四段第1句1.That is not to say that universities should not pay any attention to developing pure science and knowledge. 2. It is also true that universities should develop pure science and knowledge. 3. Those

60、who harbor the view that the main function of universities should be to give access to the knowledge believe that the theoretic knowledge is the foundation of any practical skills. ;.56在讨论优劣势的作文中,可以使用下列模板This is not to say, however, that we should neglect the problems it has caused. But to acknowledge the positive impact only would be short s


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