1、 Unit 2 Hiroshima_the Liveliest City in Japan 1.Background information 2.New words and phrases 3.structure of the text (listen) 4. Text analysis 5. exercise 1.Hiroshima: A seaport, capital of Hiroshima prefectureprifektj in southwest Japan. On Aug.6,1945, Hiroshima was the first city to be struck by
2、 an atomic bomb, dropped by the U.S. air force. Almost 130,000 people were killed, injured, or missing, and 90% of the city was leveled. Much of the city has been reconstructed, but a gutted section of the city has been set aside as a peace city to illustrate the effect of an atomic bomb. Since 1955
3、, an annual world confrence against nuclear weapons has met in Hiroshima. 2. Nippon nipn; nipn:Japan 3.Tomo aligato gozayimas: Thank you very much. 4. kimono kimunu: a loose robe with wide sleeves and a broad sash腰带 traditionally worn as an outer garment by the Japanese. 5. Tatami:Straw matting used
4、 as a floor covering in a Japanese home. It is a custom of the Japanese to remove their shoes once they go indoors, walking on the tatami matting in their socks. slip: v. to move or cause to move smoothly and easily, or with an easy, gliding motion滑行,滑动1.4 lump: n.a mass of something solid without d
5、efinite shape肿块1.7 reportorial,rept:ril a. relating to a newspaper reporter记者的,新闻报道的1.10 scene n. the place where an action or event, real or imaginary, occurs1.11 preoccupation n. sth. that holds the attention or preoccupies the mind使人全神贯注的事物2.13 oblivious blivis, - a. unaware, unconscious or forge
6、tful未察觉的,健忘的2.17 bob v.to move up and down repeatedly使上下或来回快速摆动2.17 ritual a.1.of, relating to, or characteristic of religious, social or other kinds of rituals典礼的,礼仪的;2.(of an action) arising from convention or habit(行为)常规的,例行的2.18 formula n. an established form or set of words, as used in religiou
7、s ceremonies, legal documents惯用词语,套话;公式2.19 facadefs:d n. the face or front of a building房屋的正面2.20 pop v.to make or cause to make a short sharp explosive sound发出爆裂声3.22 grin v. 咧着嘴笑3.24 martyr m:t v. to kill sb. bacause of their religious or political beliefs杀害327 lurch v. to lean or roll suddenly t
8、o one side突然倾斜3.27 screech v. to make a loud high unpleasant noise as a vehicle moves发出刺耳尖锐的声音4.29 halt n.an interruption or end to activity, movement, or progress停止,暂停4.30 intermezzo ,intmetsu n.插曲,间奏曲5.35 gigantic a.very large;enormous巨大的5.36 usher n.an official who shows people to their seats, as
9、 in a church or theatre引座员,招待员 v. to act as an usher to引,领5.36 heave v.to make a sound slowly and often with obvious effort发出叹息,呻吟声等5.36 sketch v. to make a rough drawing绘草图6.41 embankment n.道路的路堤,河流的岸堤7.44 embank mbk; em- vt. 筑堤围堵;以堤围绕;以堤防堵挡 barge 大型游艇7.44 moor v.to land by means of ropes or cables
10、停泊7.45 arresting a.striking引人注意的,醒目的7.47 spectacle n. a view which is very impressive to look at壮观的场面或景象7.47 adrift a. 漂泊的,漂流的7.47 beige bei a.米色的,淡棕色的7.48 incessant a.unceasing, continual不停的 持续不断的7.48 stunning a. very attractive, beautiful极吸引人的,极漂亮的8.50 porcelainp:slin, -lein n.瓷8.50 tread v.踩,踏8.5
11、3 matting n. 地席,草席8.53 twinge n.刺痛,剧痛8.54 bombardment bmbdm()nt n.炮击,轰炸9.59 slay v. to kill, murder杀害,谋杀9.60 linger v.1.苟延残喘,奄奄一息2.徘徊,逗留9.61 inhibited a.拘谨的,不自在的10.66 spinal a.脊柱的12.70 agitated a.1.worried or upset不安的,焦躁的2.颤抖的16.78 oyster 牡蛎17.81 jolt dultv. 1.to give sb. a mental shock使震惊2.使震动,颠簸18
12、.83 reverie revri n.白日梦,幻想18.84 heinous hains a.即可恶的,凶残的19.86 confess v.1.承认2.供认错误或罪行22.93 cataclysm kt,klz()m n.大灾难22.95 errect v.建立 a. upright竖立的,笔直的25.103 demolish v. to tear down or break up拆毁,推翻25.104 lens镜片27.108 gay a.愉快的欢愉的,艳丽的27.109 formaldehyde fmldhad 甲醛28.111 ether乙醚28.112 stretcher担架28.
13、112 nickel-plated镀镍的28.113 pajamas pd:mz睡衣裤29.118 spare v.1.饶恕,宽恕2.抽出(时间),让出3.节约,节省29.123 humiliate hju:milieit v.羞辱,使丢脸to lower or hurt the dignity or pride of sb.34.131 scar 伤痕,伤疤34.132 encounter v.偶然遇到,遭遇34.132 genetic基因的遗传的34.134 earthly a. 尘世的,世俗的earthly pleasure现世的享乐38.141 have a lump in ones
14、throat(因为感情激动)哽咽,喉咙哽住1.7 rub shoulders with sb.与某人有来往2.15 at the sight of一看见就3.22 set off出发,动身3.25 flash by一闪而过3.27 in response to 对作出反应3.27 be about to将要,正打算18.82 sink in1.渗入,陷入2.被理解18.83 march on向前进,向推进27.106 consist of由组成,由构成28.116 by trade就职业而言29.117 end 1. writing style of the text 2. Rhetoric
15、of the text 3.Outline of the textWriting Style Narration: The telling of a story. A good narration has a beginning, a middle and an end. Writing Style In a narrative writing, the actions or the incidents, are generally presented in order of their occurrence, following the natural time sequence of th
16、e happenings, It is called to be in Chronological order. But it can also start in the middle or at some other point in the action and move backward to the earlier happenings. This is called flashback倒叙.Writing Style There are three basic components of a narration: a. Plot: the frame of the writing,
17、which consists of a series of events. There are usu. one or several climaxes, the highest point of the story, with suspensions悬念, conflicts, to arouse the interest of the audience. After the climax is reached, the story quickly moves to a conclusion.Writing Style b. Characters: the leading character
18、 is called the hero or protagonist. c. Background: the time and place of the story The plot usually dominates narration, however, some narratives focus on character or atmosphere. Writing Technique l1. Contrast: description of the scenery and of his own emotionlPsychology: sorrowful and repentant ri
19、pentnt .lHiroshima symbolizes war crime, sin, death, terror, etc.lScenery: lively, happy, vigorous, cheerful, etc.Writing Techniquel2. Humour: serious looking men, bob up and down, the cab driver, the usher, meeting the mayor in his socks, spinal column flexible, Hiroshima-oysters, small man with ve
20、ry large eye-glasses, his eyes nearly closed behind their thick lenses, etc.l endRhetoriclAnti-Climax: the sudden appearance of an absurd or trivial idea following a serious significant ideas and suspensions. This device is usu. aimed at creating comic or humorous effects. la town known throughout t
21、he world for its-oysterslThe duties of a soldier are to protect is country and peel potatoes. RhetoriclAlliteration: the repetition of an initial sound that is usu. a consonant in two or more neighbouring words.lslip to a stopltested and treatedlRhetorical Question: a question that needs no answer,
22、but used for emphasislWas I not at the scene of the crime?lEuphemism: the substitution of an agreeable or in-offensive expression for one that may offend or suggest sth unpleasantleg: lHe was sentenced to prison-He is now living at the governments expenses.lto go to heaven-deadlEach day of suffering
23、 that helps to free me from earthly cares.RhetoriclMetonymy转喻lMetonymy: a figure of speech that consists in using the name of one thing for that of something else with which it is associated. l.little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers .struggle between kimono and the miniskirtl Rhetor
24、iclMetonymy can be derived from various sources: la. Names of personslUncle Sam: the USA lb. Animalslthe bear: the Soviet Unionlthe dragon : the Chinese (a fight between the bear and the dragon)Rhetoriclc. Parts of the bodylheart: feelings and emotionslhead, brain: wisdom, intelligence, reasonlShe w
25、as a girl who excited the emotions, but I was not one to let my heart rule my head.lgrey hair: old age RhetoricRhetoricld. Profession: lthe press: newspapers, reporters etc.lHe met the press yesterday evening at the Grand Hotel.lthe bar法庭(审判席、律师席或被告席的)围栏: the legal professionle. location of governme
26、nt, business etc.lDowning Street唐宁街: the British Governmentlthe White House: the US president and his governmentlthe Capitol Hill美国国会山: US CongresslWall Street: US financial circleslHollywood: American filmmaking industryl endRhetoric OUtline Part1(Para.1):The author arrives at Hiroshima。 Part2(Para
27、.2-27)This part represents two different thought which had preoccupied in the authors mind. The writer also finds the reasons why the mayor and ordinary people are willing to forget the history. Part3(Para.28-38)The author talks with an old atomic victim and hopes to solve his puzzle. Part4(Para.39)
28、The author understands deeply the thoughts of the mayor and ordinary people of Hiroshima. They dont want to bear the heavy burden forever. end 1)They were so absorbed in their conversation that they seemed not to pay any attention to the people around them. 2)As soon as the taxi driver saw a travele
29、r, he immediately opened the door. 3)The traditional floating houses among high modern buildings represent the constant struggle between old tradition and new development. 4)1 suffered from a strong feeling of shame when I thought of the scene of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima wearing my socks only.
30、 5)The few Americans and Germans seemed just as restrained as 1 was 6)After three days in Japan one gets quite used to bowing to people as a ritual to show gratitude 7)1 was on the point of showing my agreement by nodding when I suddenly realized whwords shocked me out my sad dreamy thinking 8)I thought for some rea
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