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1、FLAC3D 5.0培训教程培训教程(武汉)(武汉)工程师工程师 李振李振2014.3.27-3.28ITASCA(武汉武汉)咨询有限公司咨询有限公司FLAC3D 5.0培训日程培训日程安排安排1. FLAC3D V5.0界面操作2. FLAC3D基本操作方法vs应用流程;3. FLAC3D内置Fish语言的应用;4. FLAC3D结构单元vs接触单元;5. FLAC3D渗流模块6. 其他2014.3.27 2014.3.28StructuralElementFLAC3D结构单元1. 结构单元的类型2. 结构单元的建模方法3. 结构单元的参数取值4. 结构单元实例分析5. 关于linkFLAC


3、作用。注意:结构节点并不是简单地与实体网格的节点(gridpoint)建立联系,也不能建立node与gridpoint之间的link1、结构单元的类型梁梁单元单元sel beam id 1 beg 4 0 -1 end 5 0 -2 nseg 4sel node id=1 0 0 0sel node id=2 2 0 0 sel node id=3 4 0 -1sel node id=4 5 0 -2sel beamsel cid=1 id=1 node 1 2 ;sel beamsel cid=2 id=1 node 2 3sel beamsel cid=3 id=1 node 3 4桩桩单

4、元单元sel pile id 1 beg 0 0 0 end 0 0 10 nseg 42、结构单元的建模方法两种建模方式各有各的优点,第二种方式适合建立复杂曲线结构单元(但但是要注意它不会自是要注意它不会自动建立动建立link!若不!若不手动手动link就无任何作就无任何作用用)锚索锚索单元单元sel cable id 1 beg 4 0 -1 end 5 0 -2 nseg 42、结构单元的建模方法建立梁单元,并显示单元坐标系!2、结构单元的建模方法线型结构单元起始点坐标并给定分段数目的方法;ID号相同,共用Node,ID不同,各个ID对应的结构单元有各自独立的node。除非设置联系,否则

5、即使节点位于同一位置也不会传递力。结构单元的显示!GUI操作和命令操作(manual)!调整好显示效果后可以将显示的命令文件另存出来,以备下次使用。(最适用于几何模型相同,参数不同的,不同工况分析的比较)2、结构单元的建模方法线型结构单元先建立节点再联接成单元的方法;2、结构单元的建模方法线型结构单元壳单元壳单元2、结构单元的建模方法壳型结构单元def set_vals global ptA = 25.0 * sin( 40.0*degrad ) ; global ptB = 25.0 * cos( 40.0*degrad )endset_valsgenerate zone cylinder

6、p0=( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) & p1=( ptA, 0.0, ptB ) & p2=( 0.0, 25.0, 0.0 ) & p3=( 0.0, 0.0, 25.0 ) & p4=( ptA, 25.0, ptB ) & p5=( 0.0, 25.0, 25.0 ) & size=(1, 2, 2)sel shell id=5 range cylinder end1=(0.0, 0.0,0.0) & end2=(0.0,25.0,0.0) radius=24.5 notplot add zg plot ad sel geom

7、 delete zones ; delete all zonessel node init zpos add -25.02、结构单元的建模方法壳型结构单元通过附着在实体网格表面来生成shell单元。The shells can then be repositioned if ecessary by using the SEL node init command2、结构单元的建模方法壳型结构单元FLAC3D是岩土工程的专业软件,因此一般很少用来做专门的结构是岩土工程的专业软件,因此一般很少用来做专门的结构分析。在涉及到结构单元的问题中,往往都要考虑结构与周围的实分析。在涉及到结构单元的问题中,往

8、往都要考虑结构与周围的实体单元的相互作用。在结构单元的建模时要特别注意一个基本原则:体单元的相互作用。在结构单元的建模时要特别注意一个基本原则:一个一个zone至多包含一个至多包含一个structure node!因此在建立线型结构单元时,要特别注意因此在建立线型结构单元时,要特别注意nseg变量的大小。变量的大小。nseg太太小则会导致计算不精确,而太大就会违反结构单元建模的基本原则。小则会导致计算不精确,而太大就会违反结构单元建模的基本原则。2、结构单元的建模方法注意事项梁单元梁单元 emod弹性模量,弹性模量,Enu泊松比,泊松比,xcarea横截面积,横截面积,Axciy梁结构梁结构y

9、轴惯性矩轴惯性矩, Iyxciz梁结构梁结构z轴惯性矩,轴惯性矩,Ixxcij极惯性矩,极惯性矩,Jdensity密度,密度,pmoment塑性矩,塑性矩,Mpthexp热膨胀系数,热膨胀系数,tydirection矢量矢量Y锚索锚索单元单元 emod弹性模量,弹性模量, Excarea横截面积,横截面积,Agr_coh单位长度上水泥浆粘结力单位长度上水泥浆粘结力cggr_fric水泥浆的摩擦角水泥浆的摩擦角ggr_k单位长度上单位长度上水泥浆刚度水泥浆刚度kggr_per水泥浆外圈周长水泥浆外圈周长Pgslide大变形滑动标志大变形滑动标志slide_tol大变形滑动容差大变形滑动容差yco

10、mp抗压强度抗压强度(力力)density密度密度thexp热膨胀系数热膨胀系数3、结构单元的参数取值3、结构单元的参数取值某些结构单元参数的取值要视具体情况而定,根据经验且必要时调整参数通过试算来确定。4、结构单元实例分析 4.1、简支梁(beam单元)承受两个相等集中载荷 4.2、简支梁(shell单元)承受两个相等集中载荷Simple Beam Two Equal Concentrated Loads4.1、简支梁(beam单元)承受两个相等集中载荷A simply supported beam is loaded by two equal concentrated loads, sym

11、metrically placed as shown in Figure 1.9. The shear and moment diagrams for this configuration are also shown in the figure.The shear force magnitude,V, is equal to the applied concentrated load,P. The maximum moment,Mmax, occurs between the two loads and is equal to Pa. The maximum deflection of th

12、e beam,max, occurs at the center and is given by AISC (1980, p. 2-116) as4.1、简支梁(beam单元)承受两个相等集中载荷载荷(N)载荷距支座的距离(m)铰支座之间的距离(m)弹性模量(Pa)惯性矩(m4)惯性矩(m5)最大挠度(m)PaLEIyIzmax10000392.00E+11 2.00E-04 2.00E-04 0.006468750 根据理论公式计算得到:4.1、简支梁(beam单元)承受两个相等集中载荷newtitle Simple Beam - Two Equal Concentrated Loads S

13、ymmetrically Placed; =; Create the grid, insure that nodes will exist at third points.sel beam id=1 begin=( 0, 0, 0) end=( 3, 0, 0) nseg=3sel beam id=1 begin=( 3, 0, 0) end=( 6, 0, 0) nseg=4sel beam id=1 begin=( 6, 0, 0) end=( 9, 0, 0) nseg=3; =; Assign beam propertiessel beam id=1 prop emod=2e11 nu

14、=0.30 &xcarea=6e-3 xcj=0.0 xciy=200e-6 xciz=200e-6;=; Specify model boundary conditions (including applied loads)sel node fix z xr yr ; restrict all non-beam modessel node fix y range id=1 ;sel node fix y range id=9 ; ; rollers at beam endssel node apply force=(0.0,-1e4,0.0) range id=2 ; apply p

15、oint loadssel node apply force=(0.0,-1e4,0.0) range id=5 ;4.1、简支梁(beam单元)承受两个相等集中载荷; =; Setup histories for monitoring behavior.history add id=10 sel node ydisp id=7history add id=30 sel beamsel moment mz end2 cid=1 ; moment, right of SEL-1history add id=31 sel beamsel moment mz end1 cid=2 ; moment,

16、 left of SEL-2; =; Bring the problem to equilibriumsolve ratio=1e-7save equal-concent-loads; =; Print out beam responses.list sel beam forcelist sel beam momentlist sel node disp range id=7return4.1、简支梁(beam单元)承受两个相等集中载荷如何设置结构单元的跟踪变量!Beam_concent_loads_Example1.34.1、简支梁(beam单元)承受两个相等集中载荷挠度计算4.1、简支梁(

17、beam单元)承受两个相等集中载荷剪力、弯矩计算剪力、弯矩计算这是节点力!梁单元局部坐标系:x轴从节点1到节点2,y轴在横截面中4.1、简支梁(beam单元)承受两个相等集中载荷弯矩矢量的指向,右手法则!弯矩矢量的指向,右手法则!4.1、简支梁(beam单元)承受两个相等集中载荷List sel beamnodal forces: components are displayed in terms of the beam local coordinate systems. These are the forces exerted by the nodes on the beamSEL.小结:梁

18、单元的常用命令4.1、简支梁(beam单元)承受两个相等集中载荷history sel beamselcid怎么找?(坐标or鼠标information?)selSel node 命令 针对所有的结构单元Sel node fix keyword . . .newtitle Simple Beam (modeled using shellSELs)gen zone brick size 12,3,1 &p0 0,0,1.0 p1 9,0,1.0 p2 0 0 0 p3 0 1 1.0 ;shell 宽度为单位1(z方向上)sel shell id=1 crossdiag elemtype

19、=dkt range y -0.1 0.1sel shell id=1 prop iso=(2e11, 0.0) thick=0.133887delete zonesel node fix x y xr yr range x=(-0.1, 0.1) ; support at left end hinge 铰支座sel node fix y xr yr range x=( 8.9, 9.1) ; support at right end roller 辊轴支座sel node fix z xr yr ; restrict non-beam deformation modessel node ap

20、ply force=(0,-1667,0) range union id=71 id=12 ; out nds, leftsel node apply force=(0,-3333,0) range union id=46 id=13 ; in nds, leftsel node apply force=(0,-1667,0) range union id=79 id=24 ; out nds, rt.sel node apply force=(0,-3333,0) range union id=54 id=25 ; in nds, rt.将均布载荷转换为等效节点力4.2、简支梁(shell单

21、元)承受两个相等集中载荷history add id=1 unbalhistory add id=10 sel node ydisp id=19 ; displ at center; moment, left thirdhistory add id=20 sel recover sres Mx surfX 1,0,0 cid=59; shear, left thirdhistory add id=30 sel recover sres Qx surfX 1,0,0 cid=59solve ratio=1e-7list sel node disp range id=19save shell0re

22、turn 4.2、简支梁(shell单元)承受两个相等集中载荷4.2、简支梁(shell单元)承受两个相等集中载荷sel shell id=1 elemtype=cst range y -0.1 0.1 ;no-crossdiagsel shell id=1 crossdiag elemtype=dkt range y -0.1 0.1Crossdiag vs no-crossdiag 4.2、简支梁(shell单元)承受两个相等集中载荷局部坐标系!看弯矩到底应该看哪一个?4.2、简支梁(shell单元)承受两个相等集中载荷4.2、简支梁(shell单元)承受两个相等集中载荷4.2、简支梁(s

23、hell单元)承受两个相等集中载荷surfX Xx Xy XzThe surfx vector (Xx, Xy, Xz) enables a surface coordinate system to be generated for all nodes used by the shell-type SELs in the optional range. The surface coordinate system, xyz, has the following properties: (1) z is normal to the surface; (2) x is the projection

24、of the given surfx vector onto the surface; and (3) y is orthogonal to x and z. The z-direction is found at each node by taking the average normal direction of all shell-type SELs in the range. If the surfx vector is aligned at z at any node, then processing stops and an error message is displayed.

25、To proceed, designate a different surfx vector, or restrict the range of shell-type SELs considered.The surface coordinate system can be queried with the command LIST sel recover surface and the FISH function nd_ssys. It can also be set for an individual node with the FISH function nd_ssysx. It can

26、be visualized with the sel geometry plot item by setting the systemtype switchword.The validity of the surface system at a particular node can be queried with the FISH function nd_svalid. The surface system at a node automatically becomes invalid under the following conditions: (1) large-strain upda

27、te; or (2) creation or deletion of a shell-type SEL that uses the node. Validity must be reestablished with the SEL recover surface command.Sel Recover keyword 5、关于link两种: Node-Zone Node-Node创建一个新的link,link的源节点为sid,而联接目标为node或zone。Id为新link的ID号。Sid是已经存在的节点(作为源节点)的ID号,可选关键字target用于确定目标对象(node或zone)。默认


29、nk以预应力锚杆的托盘模拟为例sel cable id=1 beg 0, 0, 0 end 0 ,29, 0 nseg 10 sel cable id=1 beg 0,29,0 end 0,35,0 nseg 6sel cable id=1 prop emod 2e10 ytension 310e3 xcarea 0.0004906 &gr_coh 1 gr_k 1 gr_per 0.0785 range cid 1,10sel cable id=1 prop emod 2e10 ytension 310e3 xcarea 0.0004906 &gr_coh 10e5 gr_k

30、 2e7 range cid 11,17sel delete link range id 1 ;这里删除的是谁的id?Sel link id=100 1 target zonesel link attach xdir=rigid ydir=rigid zdir=rigid xrdir=rigid yrdir=rigid zrdir=rigid range id 100sel cable id=1 pretension 60e3 range cid 1,10FLAC3D数值模拟计算实例pBeam单元基坑开挖支护p以前述extrude的模型为例,进行隧道和基坑开挖支护bulk(Pa)shear(P



33、岩土工程中涉及到很多的接触问题,比如挡土墙与墙后填土之间的接触、桩与土接触、土石坝中混凝土防渗墙与土体之间的接触等。FLAC/FLAC3D提供了接触面单元,可以分析一定受力条件下两个接触的表面上产生错动滑移、分开与闭合。概述FLAC 和 FLAC3D中的接触面单元可以用来模拟岩体中的节理、断层; 地基与土体之间的接触; 矿仓与仓储物的接触面; 相互碰撞物体之间的接触面; 空间中的障碍边界(即固定的不变形的边界)条件。FLAC3D中建立接触面单元应遵循以下原则: 小的表面与大的表面相连时,接触面应建立在小的表面上; 如果两相邻的网格有不同的密度,接触面应建立在密度大的区域上; 接触面单元尺寸通常

34、应该等于或小于相连的目标面的尺寸; 使用 Attach 命令连接的两个表面不应再建立接触面。Interface-概述FLAC 和 FLAC3D中的接触面采用的是无厚度接触面单元,接触面本构模型采用的是库仑剪切模型。FLAC3D中接触面的基本理论FLAC3D中接触面单元由一系列三节点的三角形单元构成,接触面单元将三角形面积分配到各个节点中,每个接触面节点都有一个相关的表示面积。每个四边形区域面用两个三角形接触面单元来定义,然后在每个接触面单元顶点上自动生成节点,当另外一个网格面与接触面单元相连时,接触面节点就会产生。FLAC3D中接触面是单面的,认识这一点很重要,这点与二维 FLAC 中所定义的

35、双面接触面不同。可以把接触面看作“收缩带”,可以在指定面上拉伸,从而导致接触面和与之可能相连的其它任何面的相互刺入变得敏感。接触面单元可以通过接触面结点和实体单元表面(称为目标面)之间来建立联系。接触面法向方向所受到的力由目标面方位所决定。 在每个时间步计算中,首先得到接触面节点和目标面之间的绝对法向刺入量和相对剪切速度,再利用接触面本构模型来计算法向力和切向力的大小。Interface-概述接触面单元、接触面节点以及节点表示面积的示意图。为何要分离网格后再“移来移去”1、手册中给出的接触面建立方法So-called “移来移去法”gen zone radcyl p0 (0,0,0) p1 (

36、8,0,0) p2 (0,0,-5) p3 (0,8,0) &p4 (8,0,-5) p5 (0,8,-5) p6 (8,8,0) p7 (8,8,-5) &p8 (.3,0,0) p9 (0,.3,0) p10 (.3,0,-5) p11 (0,.3,-5) &size 3 10 6 15 ratio 1 1 1 1.15gen zone radcyl p0 (0,0,-5) p1 (8,0,-5) p2 (0,0,-8) p3 (0,8,-5) &p4 (8,0,-8) p5 (0,8,-8) p6 (8,8,-5) p7 (8,8,-8) &p8

37、(.3,0,-5) p9 (0,.3,-5) p10 (.3,0,-8) p11 (0,.3,-8) &size 3 6 6 15 ratio 1 1 1 1.15 fillgen zone reflect dd 270 dip 90group zone clay ;group clay (old command)1、手册中给出的接触面建立方法So-called “移来移去法”interface 1 face range cylinder end1 (0,0,0) end2 (0,0,-5.1) radius .31 &cylinder end1 (0,0,0) end2 (0

38、,0,-5.1) radius .29 notinterface 2 face range cylinder end1 (0,0,-4.9) end2 (0,0,-5.1) radius .31gen zone cylinder p0 (0,0,6) p1 (.3,0,6) p2 (0,0,1) p3 (0,.3,6) p4 (.3,0,1) p5 (0,.3,1) &size 3 10 6& ;写简写的时候要注意新老版本的区别gen zone cylinder p0 (0,0,6.1) p1 (.3,0,6.1) p2 (0,0,6) p3 (0,.3,6.1) &p

39、4 (.3,0,6) p5 (0,.3,6) &size 3 1 6gen zone reflect dd 270 dip 90 range z 1 6.1group zone pile range z 1 6.1pauseini zposition add -6.0 range group pile ;ini z add -6.0 range group pile(old command)1、手册中给出的接触面建立方法So-called “移来移去法”“移来移去”法; Create Basegen zone brick size 3 3 3 &p0 (0,0,0) p1 (3

40、,0,0) p2 (0,3,0) p3 (0,0,1.5) &p4 (3,3,0) p5 (0,3,1.5) p6 (3,0,4.5) p7 (3,3,4.5)group zone Base; Create Top - 1 unit high for initial spacinggen zone brick size 3 3 3 &p0 (0,0,2.5) p1 (3,0,5.5) p2 (0,3,2.5) p3 (0,0,7) &p4 (3,3,5.5) p5 (0,3,7) p6 (3,0,7) p7 (3,3,7)group zone Top range gro

41、up Base not; Create interface elements on the top surface of the baseinterface 1 face range plane norm (-1,0,1) origin (1.5,1.5,3) dist 0.1; Lower top to complete geometryini zpos add -1.0 range group Top2、接触面建立方法So-called “倒来倒去法”我们最终的目的就是在中心小块体与外围网格之间建立接触面。1. 分开建立网格2. 建立inner网格及其表面的Interface3. 导入外围

42、mesh4. 赋予材料属性,测试接触面是否发生了作用。小练习:1. 三种建立接触面的方法计算结果是否相同(只要接触面有响应,肯定是相同的!)2. 如果将接触面建立在外部网格的内表面,然后移入小块体,结果是否相同呢?3. 不加接触面跟加了接触面,模型的响应(位移、应力)有何区别?NrangeExample-7.1 union nrange3、切割模型的方法实际上是分离连续网格(原来网格连续,通过共用节点(GridPoint)传递力,分离后通过接触面来传递。gen zone brick size 3 3 3group zone inner range x 1 2 y 1 2 z 2 3group

43、zone out range group inner notgenerate separate face group aa range group inner group out ;very different from old versioninterface 1 wrap first group inner ;second group out ;interface 1 permeability oninterface 1 maxedge 0.5Wrap first keyword . . . second keyword . . .Interface elements are create

44、d on all zone faces belonging to the range specified after the keyword first. The tokens following first are a range descriptor as though normally used following a range keyword. Optionally, a second range may be given following the second keyword. Interface elements are created along the zone bound

45、ary between the first and second ranges. If no second range is given, the default second range is the entire model, indicating that the entire boundary of first range will be used. Note that for an interface element to be created, an exact match must exist between gridpoints in space on either side

46、of the boundary, although the faces themselves do not have to match exactly. To separate one group from another, see the GENERATE separate command.For example, the following command would find the twinned faces between group rock and group soil, and put interface elements on the rock faces. Only fac

47、es with centroids within the range x 50.0 75.0 would be erface 1 wrap first group rock second group soil range x 50.0 75.0 接触面建立在第1个类组上面,若不指定第2个类组,就默认第2个类组为整个模型,边界面为整个第1个类组的表面。Generate separate face keyword separates (unmerges) the internal faces specified by the range. The gridpoints

48、of the face are duplicated, and a new surface face is created. New faces and gridpoints get copies of all group and extra variable assignments belonging to the original face and gridpoint.Note that faces may be restricted by giving two group range elements, therefore indicating that the face must be

49、 on the surface of the first and the second group. For instance, if Fred and George are group names assigned to zones, thenrange group Fred group George ;生成的应该是一个共享面will select faces that are connected to both Fred and George. Also note that faces can be selected by group directly.(此外,(此外,face也可以通过也

50、可以通过group直接选中)直接选中)The following keywords can be used to affect the behavior产生由产生由range定义的内部定义的内部 face。面上的节点复制,并创建新的表面。面上的节点复制,并创建新的表面。The following keywords can be used to affect the behavior.Clearattach By default, an error occurs if any gridpoint that has an attach condition associated with it is found among those to be separated. However, if the clearattach keyword is supplied, then the separation of gridpoints will occur regardless. In addition, FLAC3D will remove any attach conditio


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