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1、2014学年第一学期期中质量测试预备年级英语试卷Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力 共25分)I. Listen and choose the right picture.(根据你听至U的句子,选出相应的图片)(5分)ABCDEF1.2. 3. 4. 5.II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听至U的对话和问题, 选出最恰当的答案)(6分)11. A. It was interesting. B. It was great.D. Lily.D. To

2、do some housework.D. A manager.D. French.D. At 7: 00.D. It was wonderful.6. A. Jill.7. A. To play the piano.8. A. A teacher.9. A. English.10. A. At 7:15.B. Joe.B. To see a new film.B. A dancer.B. Chinese.B. At 6:15.C. Julia.C. To clean her room.C. A singer.C. German.C. At 6:45.C. It was boring.(根据听到

3、的单词,选出正确的音标)(4分)12. A. li ?vB. l ?vC. l ?vD. l af13. A. ri ?dB. r?dC. redD. ra %14. A. f ?mB. f a 制C. f ?stD. far15. A. b 附B. be?kC. ba?kD. b?kIII. Listen to the word and choose the correct phonetic symbol.IV. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(判断下歹U句子

4、是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T'表示,不符合的用“F'表示)(5分)16. Peter went to the countryside and stayed with his uncle for a month.17. When they went for a walk, his uncle waved to all the people they saw.18. Peter knew all these people were the friends of his uncle 's.19. All the people felt happy when they

5、 saw Peter 's uncle.20. Peter's uncle waved to everyone he met because he wanted to make them happy.V. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences.(听短文,完成句子内容填写。每空格限填一 词)(5分)21. The girl is free on.22. The girl will go to the with her little sister.23. Jerry invites the girl t

6、o go with him.24. They will meet at in the morning.25. They will meet at the of their school.Part 2 Phoneticsvocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法 共 39 分)VI. Look at the phonetic symbols and fill in the blanks.(看音标写单词) (5 分)26. There is'?nl? a little water in the glass.27. I usuallyk ?'lekt she

7、lls with my cousin on the beach.28. In the Spring Festival, we often visit friends and. 'rel ?t?vs29. The ?n'va?r?nm?nt is all the things around us. We must protect it.30. My sister ' s dream is to be a in an offcsekr?tr?VII. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(15 分)31. Jimmy learn to play

8、 piano on Saturdays.A. /B. theC. aD. an32. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A. Which film are you going to see?B. Let's djscussthe problem with our classmate.C. Don't shout at him. He is a child.D. There 're many kind of fishes in the rive

9、r.33. I get a lot of presents my foreign friends.A. fromB. toC. forD. of34. the night of National Day, we watch fireworks at Century Park.A. OnB. AtC. InD. For35. I don't like swimming. I go swimming with my father.A. sometimesB. usuallyC. alwaysD. never36. Alice and I are good friends. We alway

10、s help.A. otherB. anotherC. the othersD. each other37. Jenny promises late for school any more.A. to beB. beingC. not to beD. not being38. Mum, could you help me to my pet cat? Of course.A. look atB. look afterC. get upD. pick up39. Hurry up! We have to the airport as quickly as possible.A. reachB.

11、arriveC. get toD. go40. Our teacher always tells us play in the street. It 's dangerous.A. not to playB. not playC. don't playD. not playing41. How about a trip to Hangzhou this weekend?A. planB. to planC. planningD. planned42. - Where is your father? - He has Beijing. He will be back in a w

12、eek.A.been toB.beenC.gone toD. gone43. There a flower show in the City Center.A. is going to have B. is going to be44. It's 11 p.m. Sam and his sister.A. sleepB. sleeps45. What about a barbecue this Saturday.- A. What's the matter?C. will haveD. are going to beC. sleptD. are sleepingB. That&

13、#39;s a good idea.C. What about you?D. Anything important?VIII. Choose the right word and fill in the blanks.(选择适当的词填入所缺的空格中)(5 分)A. favourite B. special C. spend D. go to a movie E. plant flowers F. during the weekendAmerican families usually have a two-day weekend. The weekend is Saturday and Sund

14、ay. Over the weekend people enjoy their time in many different ways. Many families 46 weekends together. They may go shopping or 47 . They also invite friends to have a party at home. Many American families take part in sports 48 . Running, biking, playing basketball and swimming are their 49 sports

15、 in summer. Skating and skiing are popular in winter. Weekends are also a time for American families to do something important in their houses. Many families 50 and mow the lawns (修剪草坪) .Some families use weekend to repair their houses. So, for most Americans, weekends are very busy.IX. Fill in the

16、blanks with the given words in their proper forms.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)(6 分)51. Mr. Li teaches English, we all like him. (we)52. Mary sometimes goes to the park with her dog. (love)53. We will take some at the Space Museum. (photo)54. Americans, like Chinese, call the ground floor the floor. (one)55. He fo

17、und a black suitcase at the of this building. (enter)56., we arrived in Shanghai safely. (final)X. Rewrite the sentences as required.(根据要求改写句子)(8 分)57. Johnson has bread for his breakfast.(改为否定句) Johnson bread for his breakfast.58. Susan has already been to the Lucky Island.(改为一般疑问句) Susan been to L

18、ucky Island?.59. Mr. and Mrs. Bell often go cycling at weekends (对划线部分提问) do Mr. and Mrs. Bell often at weekends?60. The students walk to school every day.(保持原意基本不变)The students go to school every day.Part 3 Reading and writing (第三部分阅读和写话共36分)XI. Reading comprehension.(阅读理解)(20 分)1. Choose the best

19、answer.(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(5分)True friends are not easy to find, so we should do our best to find real friendship and keep it.When we are with friends, we should try to bring them closer to us. Smile is one of the easiest ways. People like to see happy faces greeting them.When we talk to someone, ask

20、questions to help him or her keep talking. Don 't ask personal (私人 的) questions, or they may want to walk away.Listening is an important part when you are with friends. You should listen carefully to what people are saying, and respond in the right way. Body language can show that you 're li

21、stening.Some people have the same interests and hobbies as you. It 's easier to make friends with them.You may spend hours talking about the same interests you have.Friendship may last for all our life. We should try to keep it long.61. We should do our best keep real friendship because.A. we ca

22、n't find new friends laterB. it's hard to find true friendsC. friendship always lasts quite shortD. friendship is easily found62. If we are with friends, we should often when we talk with them.A. tryB. laughC. smileD. repeat63. The underlined word respond" probably meansA. laughB. answe

23、rC. writeD. jump64. It's easier to make friends with people whoA. never stop talkingB. are good at body languageC. like asking questionsD. have the same interests and hobbies as you65. What does the writer think of friendship?A. We should try to keep it long.B. We should make friends with all pe

24、ople.C. Friends must have the same hobbies.D. Friends should always be together.They write to66.A.leaveB. reachC. loveD.hate67.A.nearB. far fromC. next toD.close to68.A.badB. possibleC. importantD.wrong69.A.withB. aroundC. exceptD.beside70.A.whatB. whenC. whereD.howC. Fill in the blanks with proper

25、words.(根据首字母填空,每空格限填一词)(分)Mr and Mrs Bert married (结婚)thirty years ago, and they have lived in the same house since then. Mr Smith g 71 to work at eight o 'clock every morning, and gets home athalf past seven every evening, from Monday to Friday. There are quite a lot of houses in theirstreet, a

26、nd most of the neighbours are n 72 and friendly. But the lady in the houseopposite Mr and Mrs Bert died, and after a few weeks a young man and a young womancame to l 73 in it. Mrs Bert watched them for a few days from her w74 and then said to her husband,Joe, the man in that house opposite always ki

27、sses his wife when he leaves in the morning and kisses her again when he comes home in the evening. Why don 't you do that, too? ” Well,“ Mr Bert answered q 75, I don'tknow her very well. " With these words, he went out for work.D. Answer the following questions.(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(5分)How do

28、 you get to school every day? By bike, by bus or by car? Americanusually go to school by school bus. What do American school buses look like?have a look.studentsLet'sAmerican school buses are bright yellow. They are stronger than the army'scars.Each yellow bus has a big nose. This keeps the

29、students safe when other cars crash into(撞)the school bus. The bus(5分)8. Close test.(根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案)Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries. Most American families have one or two children each.Children in the USA will 66 their parents' home when they grow up. us

30、ually live 67 their parents because they want to find good jobs. They often their parents or telephone them. And they often go to visit their parents on holiday.68Parents usually let their children choose their own jobs. Americans think it ' for young people to decide on their lives by themselve

31、s.Children are asked to do some work 69 their house. And in many families, children are asked to do some housework so that they can learn 70 to make money for their own use.also has some safety devices (装置),such as warning lights and a stop signal arm.In the USA, yellow school buses are very common.

32、 There are about 480,000 school buses in the country.Usually, the yellow buses are free to ride.In China, school buses became popular in the past few years. Besides the bus driver, there is always a teacher on the bus. The teacher watches the students. Children usually rest on the bus. Some of them

33、also recite texts. School buses in China are not free. The fee (费用)is different from school to school.76. How do American students go to school?77. What colour are the American school buses?78. Why does each school bus have a big nose?79. Do students in China need to pay by school bus?80. What do yo

34、u think of American school buses?XII. Writing.(写作)(16 分)A. Make up sentences.(连词成句)(6 分)81. usually, do, you, at, do, what, weekends82. me, and, this, a, photo, is, my, of, brother83. music, the, is, wonderful, all of us, and, it, enjoyB. 84. Write at least 50 words on the topic "My parents "(以"My parents ”为题,写 篇不少于 50 个单词 的


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