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1、高考备考英语语法之二主谓一致要点概述:v1就近原则就近原则v1)两个做主语的名词或代词由两个做主语的名词或代词由 either or ,neithernor ,not only but also, or 连接时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致连接时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致v2) there be/ here be 结构中结构中be 动词与后面的最近的名词保持一致。动词与后面的最近的名词保持一致。v3)倒装结构倒装结构v4) one of +复数名词复数名词+which / that /who(引导定语从句引导定语从句) +谓语用复数谓语用复数; that/which 引导定语从句,谓语动词

2、与先行词一致。引导定语从句,谓语动词与先行词一致。v2 . 就远原则就远原则v1)主语后面跟)主语后面跟as well as, with ,together with, in addition to,besides,along with, including ;except, but, not; like 短语时谓语动词和最前面的名词一致短语时谓语动词和最前面的名词一致v2)each 作同位语时,它不决定单复数。谓语动词跟前面的主语一致。作同位语时,它不决定单复数。谓语动词跟前面的主语一致。v3) the only/very one of +复数名词复数名词+which / that /who

3、 +谓语用单数谓语用单数v3 意义一致原则意义一致原则v1)集合名词,作为整体时看为单数,强调个体时看作复数。)集合名词,作为整体时看为单数,强调个体时看作复数。v2)单复数同形的词,根据主语本身要表达意思来判断谓语动词用单数)单复数同形的词,根据主语本身要表达意思来判断谓语动词用单数还是复数。还是复数。v3) 表示数目,时间,金额或距离的名词复数做主语根据意义将其看作表示数目,时间,金额或距离的名词复数做主语根据意义将其看作整体谓语动词用单数。整体谓语动词用单数。v4)由)由and 连接的名词短语如果表示同一人或事物,谓动用单数;若表连接的名词短语如果表示同一人或事物,谓动用单数;若表示两个

4、不同的概念,谓动用复数。示两个不同的概念,谓动用复数。v5)分数或百分数)分数或百分数+ of + n.; a majority/minority of +n谓语动词跟后面谓语动词跟后面的中心词的中心词n. 保持一致。保持一致。v6)不定代词做主语,谓语动词用单数,如不定代词做主语,谓语动词用单数,如something,nobody,somebodyv7)each, either, neither, another, the other 做主语或主语被和他们有做主语或主语被和他们有关的短语修饰,谓语动词用单数。关的短语修饰,谓语动词用单数。v8)有些以有些以s 结尾的名词本身不表示复数意义,谓

5、语通常用单数形式结尾的名词本身不表示复数意义,谓语通常用单数形式v9)the number of (谓动用单数)(谓动用单数);a number of /a great many of + 复数名词复数名词 (谓动用复数谓动用复数)v10)the +adj. 指人用复数指人用复数,指物用单数指物用单数.v11) “form(s) / kind(s) / type(s) of + 名词名词”作主语时,谓语作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与动词的单复数与form(s)等的单复数一致,此时,若名词是不可数名)等的单复数一致,此时,若名词是不可数名词,谓语动词也要用复数形式。词,谓语动词也要用复数形式。v4

6、 形式一致原则形式一致原则vmany a + n(单数)(单数) / more than one +n(单数)(单数) / every(each) +n +(+and+ each +n)/ a majority(minority)极少数极少数/ one and a half +复复数名词数名词 以上的短语做主语谓语动词用单数。以上的短语做主语谓语动词用单数。一,一,概念透析概念透析: :定义:主语和谓语动词在定义:主语和谓语动词在人称人称和和数数上保持一致。上保持一致。几个做题原则几个做题原则1 1就近原则就近原则-谓语和最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致1)1)两个做主语的名词或代词由两个做主语

7、的名词或代词由either either or ,or ,neitherneithernor ,nor ,not only not only but also, but also, or or 连接时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致连接时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致识记例句v1,Not only he but also I a teacher. vA am B is C are D wasv2, Neither the students nor the teacher anything about it.(know) A know B knows 3,The manager or his as

8、sistant 3,The manager or his assistant planning planning to go.to go. (were or was)2) there be/ here be 2) there be/ here be 结构中结构中be be 动词与后面的最动词与后面的最近的名词保持一致。近的名词保持一致。例如,例如,1,There1,There a pen and two books on the desk.(isa pen and two books on the desk.(is or are) or are)2, Here 2, Here a letter

9、 and a book for you.(isa letter and a book for you.(is or are) or are)3)3)倒装结构倒装结构 1 1,He works well in the factory, so He works well in the factory, so she.she.(dodo) 2 2,The boy doesnt like playing football,neitherThe boy doesnt like playing football,neither/nor/nor( ) his younger brother.his youn

10、ger brother.(do)do)3,On the top of the hill 3,On the top of the hill a temple.(stand a temple.(stand) )4) 4) one ofone of + +复数名词复数名词+which / that /who(+which / that /who(引导定引导定语从句语从句) +) +谓语用复数谓语用复数; ; that/which that/which 引导定语从句,引导定语从句,谓语动词与先行词一致。谓语动词与先行词一致。He is one of He is one of studentstuden

11、ts who s who to catch snake.(dareto catch snake.(dare) )2 2 就远原则就远原则谓语动词的人称和数与最远(最前面)谓语动词的人称和数与最远(最前面)的主语保持一致:的主语保持一致: 1 1)主语后面跟)主语后面跟as well as, with ,together with, as well as, with ,together with, in addition toin addition to,besidesbesides,along with, along with, including ;except, but, not; lik

12、e including ;except, but, not; like 短语时谓语动词短语时谓语动词和最前面的名词一致和最前面的名词一致A boy A boy with his parents with his parents going to zoo next week.(be going to zoo next week.(be) )Nobody Nobody but the students but the students in the classroom.(be in the classroom.(be) )She not I She not I playing volleyball

13、.(like playing volleyball.(like) )2 2)each each 作同位语时,它不决定单复数。谓语作同位语时,它不决定单复数。谓语动词跟前面的主语一致。动词跟前面的主语一致。They each a dictionary. (have)(区别:(区别:each of them has a dictionary.)3) 3) the only/very one ofthe only/very one of + +复数名词复数名词+which / +which / that /who +that /who +谓语用单数谓语用单数He is the only one of

14、 students who to catch snake.(dare)3 意义一致原则意义一致原则-指主语形式上为单数,但意义为指主语形式上为单数,但意义为复数,因此谓语动词用复数形式;或主语形式上为复复数,因此谓语动词用复数形式;或主语形式上为复数数, ,但表示单数意义,这是谓语动词用单数形式但表示单数意义,这是谓语动词用单数形式。1 1)集合名词,作为整体时看为单数,强调个体时看作)集合名词,作为整体时看为单数,强调个体时看作复数。复数。 如:如:Group/class/committee/family/army/team/audience/government/staffMy famil

15、y having lunch now. (be)(family强调个体强调个体)My family moved into the new house. (have)family强强调整体调整体)The basketball team of 20 players.( consist)(team强调球队整体)强调球队整体)The basketball team having a bath now.(be)()(team强调个体强调个体-球队球员)球队球员)2 2)单复数同形的词,根据主语本身要表达意思来判断)单复数同形的词,根据主语本身要表达意思来判断谓语动词用单数还是复数。谓语动词用单数还是复数

16、。如如means, cattle, sheep, Chinese, Japanese, works, species, fish A sheep running along the riverEvery means of solving the problem discussing.The cattle grazing near the river. 牛在河边吃草牛在河边吃草(Is needs are)3)3)表示数目,时间,金额或距离的名词复数做主语根表示数目,时间,金额或距离的名词复数做主语根据意义将其看作整体谓语动词用单数。据意义将其看作整体谓语动词用单数。Twenty dollars

17、too expensive for the book.Two hours enough for us to finish the experiment. (Is is )4 4)由)由and and 连接的名词短语如果表示同一人或事物,谓连接的名词短语如果表示同一人或事物,谓动用单数;若表示两个不同的概念,谓动用复数。动用单数;若表示两个不同的概念,谓动用复数。如:如:The bread and butter my favorite. (同一事物指同一事物指“黄黄油面包油面包”) The singer and the dancer from another country. (两个不两个不同身

18、份的人,指同身份的人,指那个歌唱家和那个舞蹈家那个歌唱家和那个舞蹈家)(is come)5 5)分数或百分数)分数或百分数+ of + n.+ of + n.; a majority/minority a majority/minority of +nof +n谓语动词跟后面的中心词谓语动词跟后面的中心词n. n. 保持一致。保持一致。6)6)不定代词做主语,谓语动词用单数,如不定代词做主语,谓语动词用单数,如somethingsomething,nobodynobody,somebodysomebody7)each, either, neither, another, the other 7

19、)each, either, neither, another, the other 做做主语或主语被和他们有关的短语修饰,谓语动词用单主语或主语被和他们有关的短语修饰,谓语动词用单数。数。Neither answer is correct. Each of them likes eating cakes 8)8)有些以有些以s s 结尾的名词本身不表示复数意义,谓结尾的名词本身不表示复数意义,谓语通常用单数形式,语通常用单数形式,如如news, mathematics, physics, politics等等No news good news. Maths popular in our cl

20、ass.9 9)the number of the number of (谓动用单数)(谓动用单数);a number of ;a number of /a great many of + /a great many of + 复数名词复数名词 ( (谓动用复数谓动用复数) ) The number of athletes 40. A number of / a great many of the students diligent.(is is is are)1010)the +adj. the +adj. 指人用复数指人用复数, ,指物用单数指物用单数. .如:如:the wounded

21、(伤员伤员),the old(伤员伤员) 谓动用复数;谓动用复数;the beautiful(美好的事物美好的事物),the good(好的地方优点好的地方优点)谓动用单数。谓动用单数。 The old taking good care of. The beautiful worthy of being remembered.11)11) “formform(s s) / kind/ kind(s s) / type/ type(s s) of + of + 名名词词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与formform(s s)等的单复)等的单复数一致,此时,若名词是不可

22、数名词,谓语动词也要用数一致,此时,若名词是不可数名词,谓语动词也要用复数形式。复数形式。如:如:This kind of book well. Two kinds of salt proved to be harmful to human body. 区区别:别:Books of this kind sell well (need is sells have )4 4 形式一致原则形式一致原则不注重短语表示意思,只注重不注重短语表示意思,只注重其形式,形式为单数谓语动词就用单数:其形式,形式为单数谓语动词就用单数:many a + n(单数)(单数) / more than one +n(单

23、数)(单数) / every(each) +n +(+and+ each +n)/ a majority(minority)/ one and a half +复数名词复数名词 以上的短语做以上的短语做主语谓语动词用单数。主语谓语动词用单数。Many a student playing the computer games.More than one student ever been to Beijing. One and a half hours enough. Every man and every woman at work.A majority expected to be admi

24、tted to the famous university.(likes has is is is )习题精练:习题精练:1. Either Jane or Steven _ watching TV now. A. were B. is C. was D. are 2. Two days _enough for me to finish the work, I need a third day.A. isnt B. is C. arent D. are 3. How many lessons do you usually have a day? Six lessons a day. And e

25、ach of them _45 minutes.A. last B. lasts C. have D. are 4. Neither he or I a professional football player.A. am B. is C. be D. are 5. There _ only one difficult sentence and few new words in lesson one. It is very easy. A. is B. arent C. isnt D. are 6. The number of the students in our school _1200.

26、 A. is B. are C. has D. have B C B B A A 7. Mathematics _ my favorite subject. A. be B. is C. am D. are 8. The boy with the two dogs _ when the earthquake rocked the city.A. were sleeping B is sleeping C. was sleeping D. are asleep 9.Every one except Tom and John _there when the meeting began. A. ar

27、e B. is C. were D. was 10. That place is not interesting at all, _of us wants to go there. A. Neither B. Both C. All D. Some 11.Nobody but Jane _ the secret. A. know B. knows C. have know D. is 12. The office staff_ gathered to hear the president speak.A. is B. are C. be D. will 13. This pair of gla

28、sses _mine. A. are B. be C. is D. will be B A D A B D C 14 Both Lily and Lucy _to the party yesterday. A. invited B. was invited C. had invited D. were invited15. Two months _quite a long time. Yes, Im afraid that he will miss lots of his lessons. A. is B. are C. was D. were 16. In the city,the old _. A. take good care of B.


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