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1、读后续写精讲精析读后续写精讲精析-以以20212021八省联考为例八省联考为例读后续写Step 1Step 1:精深语篇,精深语篇,精准理解精准理解Step 2Step 2:理清思路,把握全局理清思路,把握全局Step 4Step 4:积累素材,激活表达积累素材,激活表达Step 3Step 3:推动情节,展开续写推动情节,展开续写 During this past year, Ive had three instances of car trouble. Each time these things happened, I was sick of the way most people ha

2、dnt bothered to help. Para. 1 instance n 情况,例子,事例 car trouble 汽车故障 be sick of (doing) sth 对(做)某事感到厌倦 / 厌烦 not bother to do sth 懒得做某事,不愿费心做某事Step 1:精深语篇,精准理解精深语篇,精准理解One of those times, I was on the side of the road for close to three hours with my big Jeep. I put signs in the windows, big signs that

3、 said NEED A JACK (千斤顶), and offered money. Nothing. Right as I was about to give up, a Mexican family in a small truck pulled over, and the father bounded out.Para. 1 say v 写着 offer v 自愿给予 pull over (使)停靠在路边 bound v 跳跃,跳跃着前进Para. 2 He sized up the situation and called for his daughter, who spoke En

4、glish. He conveyed through her that he had a jack but that it was too small for the Jeep, so we would need something to support it. size up 判断,估量 size up the situation 对情况作出了判断 convey v 转达,传达 support v 熟词生义 支撑Para. 2Then he got a saw (锯子) from the truck and cut a section out of a big log on the side

5、 of the road. We rolled it over and put his jack on top, and we were in business. cut a section out of a big log on the side of the road 从路边的一块 大木头上锯下一段儿 roll v 滚动,翻滚 be in business 准备就绪Para. 3 I started taking the wheel off, and then, if you can believe it, I broke his tire iron. No worries: He han

6、ded it to his wife, and she was gone in a flash down the road to buy a new tire iron. She was back in 15 minutes. We finished the job, and I was a very happy man. take the wheel off 拆卸轮胎 tire iron n 拆轮胎棒(iron此处指铁器,通常用来构成复合词) hand to 把交给 in a flash 转瞬间,立即Para. 4 The two of us were dirty and sweaty. H

7、is wife prepared a pot of water for us to wash our hands. I tried to put a $20 bill in the mans hand, but he wouldnt take it, so instead I went up to the truck and gave it to his wife as quietly as I could. I asked the little girl where they lived. Mexico, she said. They were in Oregon so Mommy and

8、Daddy could work on a fruit farm for the next few weeks. Then they would go home. sweaty adj 满是汗的 a pot of water 一壶水 go up to 走近Step 2:理清思路,把握全局理清思路,把握全局 本文是一篇记叙文记叙文,作者讲述了自己亲身经历的一个感人故事。作者的汽车出故障后,本以为无人愿意帮忙,没想到墨西哥一家人不嫌麻烦,不计回报,甚至全家出动,帮作者修好了汽车。然而,故事并没有结束,感动作者的远远不止这些,后边还会发生什么样的故事呢?Step 2:理清思路,把握全局理清思路,把握

9、全局Para.语篇结构关键词语篇结构关键词1汽车出故障2-3好心人帮忙修车father: cut a section out of a big log; rolled it over and put his jack on topdaughter: English, conveywife: gone in a flash to buy a new one4作者支付报酬car trouble,a Mexican familyput a $20 bill in the mans hand, but he wouldnt take it; gave it to his wife as quietly

10、 as I couldStep 2:理清思路,把握全局理清思路,把握全局Para.语篇结构关键词语篇结构关键词5午饭与纸袋午饭与纸袋6返还报酬返还报酬 After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag.When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch.Step 3:推动情节,展开续写推动情节,展开续写文章通过情节线“汽车出故障好心人帮忙修车作者支付报酬?”和情感线“失望开心感激?”,按照时间顺序进行叙述。根据情节线和感情线可以清晰理清篇章结构和接

11、下来的发展脉络,即小女孩给纸袋,返还报酬,以及作者的情感变化:惊喜、惊讶、感激、感动等。Step 3:推动情节,展开续写推动情节,展开续写语篇语篇情节线(动作词汇)情节线(动作词汇)情感线(情感词汇)情感线(情感词汇)Para. 1汽车出故障失望失望(be sick of;give up)Para. 2-3 好心人帮忙修车开心(a very happy man)Para. 4作者支付报酬感激(a $20 bill; as quietly as I could; I asked the little girl where they lived)Para. 5-6 小女孩给纸袋,返还报酬(Acti

12、on ?)?)惊喜、惊讶、感激、感动(Feeling ?)?)Step 4:积累素材,激活表达(细节描写词汇)积累素材,激活表达(细节描写词汇)细节描写:动作线:小女孩给纸袋,返还报酬(侧重面部表情、心理活动、肢体动作等人体与动作的细节描写)情感线:作者的情感变化(侧重惊喜、惊讶、感激、感动等情感描写)Step 4:积累素材,激活表达(细节描写词汇)积累素材,激活表达(细节描写词汇)人体与动作描写人体与动作描写(面部表情、心理活动、(面部表情、心理活动、肢体动作等)肢体动作等)情感描写情感描写(惊喜、惊讶、感激、感动等)(惊喜、惊讶、感激、感动等)面带笑容面带笑容 wear a smile o

13、n ones face面露喜色面露喜色 sbs face lights up / brightens脸上露出灿烂的笑容脸上露出灿烂的笑容 a bright / shining smile appears on / spreads across / crosses sbs face勉强笑了笑勉强笑了笑 force a smile步伐轻快步伐轻快 with a spring in ones step眼睛闪烁着喜悦的光芒眼睛闪烁着喜悦的光芒 sbs eyes shine brightly with joy眼睛紧盯着某人的脸眼睛紧盯着某人的脸 ones eyes fix on sbs face好奇地看

14、了某人一眼好奇地看了某人一眼 throw / cast a curious glance at sb词:词:affect, move (moved, moving), touch (touched, touching), curious, shock, wonder, surprise (surprised, surprising), amaze (amazed, amazing), astonish (astonished, astonishing)appreciate, thankful, grateful, aid, assist词块:词块:do sb a favour, help ou

15、t, with the help of, give / lend (sb) a hand, in return (for),express / show ones thanksStep 4:积累素材,激活表达(细节描写词汇)积累素材,激活表达(细节描写词汇)人体与动作描写人体与动作描写(面部表情、(面部表情、心理活动、肢体动作等)心理活动、肢体动作等)情感描写情感描写(惊喜、惊讶、感激、感动等)(惊喜、惊讶、感激、感动等)紧紧抓住某物紧紧抓住某物 hold tightly on sth伸手抓某人的手伸手抓某人的手 reach for sbs hand手里拿着某物手里拿着某物 hold sth

16、in ones hand伸出双臂拥抱某人伸出双臂拥抱某人 put / throw ones arms around sb冲上前去冲上前去 rush forward to do sth冲到门口冲到门口 rush to the door挥手挥手 wave ones hand摇头摇头 shake ones head手舞足蹈手舞足蹈 jump / dance for joy兴高采烈地兴高采烈地 in a cheerful voice目瞪口呆目瞪口呆 with sbs eyes wide open 惊讶地说不出话来惊讶地说不出话来 be shocked beyond words惊讶地惊讶地 in ama

17、zement / astonishment出乎意料地出乎意料地 beyond ones expectations潸然泪下潸然泪下 / 泪如泉涌泪如泉涌 tears roll / run / stream / flow down sbs cheeks 或或 tears well up in sbs eyes感动地说不出话来感动地说不出话来 be touched beyond wordsSample 1: When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch.My gut feeling was to refuse. But

18、 my stomach was growling since I hadnt eaten for more than four hours. Seeing my embarrassment, the girl just pressed some bread into my hands and changed the subject to talk about my car. After the seemingly simple meal which pulled us closer together, the family was ready to leave. When the father

19、 started his truck, the little angel handed me a paper bag, then waved goodbye to me. I stood and watched the truck until it vanished around a turn. After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag.The fruit inside didnt look perfect, but the tantalizing aroma filled the air. Picking one

20、 up to take a big bite, I found a $20 bill in the bag. Recalling their sincere eyes and smiles while chewing the juicy fruit, I felt the warmth flowing into my heart. Certainly, Ive encountered many indifferent people and Ive experienced some helpless moments, but I still put my trust in this beauti

21、ful world. Because I finally realized one thing that stands the brunt of life throughout its course: a kind heart. (177 words)出彩表达积累1. gut adj. 本能的2. growl v. 低声吼叫3. vanish v. 突然消失4. tantalize v. 逗引,招惹5. aroma n. 芳香;香味6. indifferent adj. 漠不关心7. stand the brunt of sth. 首当其冲8. When the father started

22、his truck, the little angel handed me a paper bag, then waved goodbye to me.当那位父亲发动他的卡车时,小天使递给我一个纸袋,然后向我挥手告别。(对动作的生动描写)9.Recalling their sincere eyes and smiles while chewing the juicy fruit, I felt the warmth flowing into my heart.咀嚼着多汁的水果,回忆着他们真诚的眼神和微笑,我感到温暖流进了我的心里。(对神态的生动描写)Sample 2: When I was a

23、bout to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch.Before I could speak, my stomach answered in a delighted grumble. After ages of hopelessly waiting and an hour of hard work, my body was desperate for fuel. The girl giggled and led me to their truck. There I saw a small portable table. I must have

24、 said “thank you” a thousand times during the meal. The father simply smiled and patted my shoulder. His wife gestured to the dishes. “This one good?” she asked. And then I was handed a paper bag filled with Mexican delicacies. After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag.Lying on top of the food was my $20 bill. I immediately looked around for the truck, but it was long


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