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1、2013届高三广东北师大版英语一轮复习学案:M6 unit 18 Beauty(2)In 19th-century Europe, women used to wear corsets to achieve a body shape that is no longer considered healthy. 19世纪的欧洲,女人通常穿紧身胸衣来塑造 体型,而这不再被认为是健康的。 本句中的动词不定式短语“to achieve a healthy”作目的状语,不定式短语中又含有一个 修饰body shape的定语从句“that is no longer considered to be heal

2、thy”。句中的“sb. / sth. be considered to be+n. / adj.”结构意为“某人或某物被认为是”,其中,“to be”也可省略,主动形式为“consider sb. / sth. (to be)+n. / adj.”。It was not considered lawful to act that way.大家认为这样做是不合法的。She is considered to lack experience.人们认为她经验不足。I consider him to be a clever fellow.我认为他是一个能干的人。世界与环境(读写任务) 环境问题影响着人

3、们的工作,学习,生活等,而我们的工作,生活,生产等又使环境污染越来越严重,如何保护我们的环境成为人们最为关注的话题之一。 涉及此话题的读写任务,常常涉及:1.世界范围内环境污染的原因,如水污染越来越严重、砍伐森林严重、大气污染严重、白色垃圾、人口增加等。考生应该意识到最为本质的原因是人类活动。2. 环境问题给人们带来的危害,其中包括自然灾害问题。3. 如何应对环境问题,政府、个人应该做些什么。以及绿色生活、珍惜水资源、使用再生资源、实现经济可持续发展、创建绿色学校等问题。 实用表达: in the long run 从长远看来 greenhouse effect 温室效应water short

4、age 水资源短缺be unfriendly to the environment 对环境不利ruin the environment 破坏环境litter collection and disposal 垃圾的回收和处理be in short supply 供应不足make every citizen aware that使每个人都意识到call on the efforts from all sides号召各个方面做出努力 utilize the natural resources 利用自然资源 sustainable development 可持续发展 Everyone should t

5、ake the responsibility to protect the environment./ It's everyone's duty to protect the environment. 保护环境,人人有责。 raise the awareness of environmental protection 提高环保意识 conserve natural habitats 保护生存环境 take effective measures; effective measures should be taken / adopted 采取有效措施 take active mea

6、sures to protect rare animals 采取积极措施保护珍稀动物 environment­friendly products 环保产品 Gone forever are not only, but永远失去的不仅是,还有阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Science Daily (Jan. 31, 2009) Scientists from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) have selected 262 European observatories which analyzed t

7、he series of (minimum and maximum) daily temperatures from 1955 to 1998 to estimate trend variations in extreme temperature events. According to the study, in Europe days of extreme cold are decreasing and days of extremeheat increasing, from 0.5 to 1 in the average minimum temperature, and from 0.5

8、 to 2 in the average maximum temperature. Continuous rises in annual temperatures in certain areas lead to “changes in the environment and significant increases in the frequency of values considered extreme temperatures”. To reach this conclusion, the scientists worked with 135 stations witha daily

9、series of minimum temperatures and 127 stations with a daily series of maximum temperatures, located in 34 European countries. During the 44 years of analysis, the researchers recorded extreme cold events (between the months of November and March) and extreme heat events (from June to September) not

10、ing a slight decrease in days of extreme cold and increase in days of extreme heat.The decrease in days of extreme cold and increase in days of extreme heat are due to both local and global factors, according to the scientists. Some of them include the heat produced in cities or the change in the ge

11、neral circulation of the atmosphere which directly determines extreme temperature events. Apart from their direct relationship with climate change, extreme temperatures (minimum and maximum) particularly affect human health. 【写作内容】 1以约30个词概括短文的内容要点; 2以约120个词就“极端天气频繁”的主题发表看法,内容包括: (1)分析极端天气出现的原因; (2)

12、极端天气对人类健康的影响; (3)人类应如何应对? 【写作要求】 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得引用原文中的句子。该篇读写任务所给文章是一则新闻报道,属于说明文文体。文章告诉我们(According to the study) in Europe days of extreme cold are decreasing and days of extreme heat increasing以及这个问题产生的原因The decreaseare due to both local and global factors. Some of them include

13、 the heat produced in cities or the change in the general circulation of the atmosphere. 所以在进行概括时,我们首先阐述文章所说明的问题,然后再概括原因。正文部分,三个要点所占篇幅部分伯仲。要点(1)和(2)属于现象和影响的分析,属于说明文文体,应该用一般现在时来写。我们要意识到全球变暖是导致极端天气出现的主要原因,所以对于要点(1) “极端天气出现的原因”,我们可以从导致全球变暖的原因的角度来思考,比如:滥伐树木,人类活动大量排放二氧化碳等多种温室气体等。极端天气对某些传染疾病的传播起到推波助澜的作用,极

14、端天气会导致极端高温,对人体健康最直接的影响是发病率和死亡率的升高,这些都是极端天气对人类健康的影响(要点2)。 所以我们要减少二氧化碳的排放,植树造林,保护地球的气候,阻止其继续恶化,是我们的共同责任(要点3)。According to the passage, extreme temperatures happen much more frequent than ever before in European countries. These are largely due to the heat produced in cities and the circulation of the

15、atmosphere.Reasons for extreme temperatures are varied. For one thing, human's activities like burning fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide, which make the globe warmer, causing the global temperature to go up. For another, people's cutting down trees that can absorb large quantities ofcarbon

16、 dioxide for furniture also contributes to the warmth of the earth, which gives rise to extreme temperatures.Extreme temperatures can do a lot of harm to people's health. The heatwave or the high temperatures can cause stress, worsening of diseases and even death, especially among children and o

17、ld people. Therefore, to cope with the extreme temperatures, the most effective way is a global effort to reduceemissions of greenhouse gases. Individuals should use less energy, plant more trees and recycle materials because everyone's contribution counts.阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Lakes, ri

18、vers and the air in many places in China are still polluted, some seriously, in spite of continuous efforts to control pollution, a Chinese environmental official said on Tuesday. Zhang Lijun, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection,said environmental protection departments across the country sh

19、ould press enterprises harder onpollution control. The quality of the water sampled in almost a quarter of the monitoring stations set up along major rivers and in 28 major lakes averaged at level ,which is too polluted to be used even for farm irrigation, while the air quality of 39.5 percent of 32

20、0 cities of prefecture level and above averaged level or worse,according to a document circulated at the meeting.The Ministry of Environmental Protection was considering a policy to deprive polluting enterprises from enjoying favorable treatment in subsidies and taxation, usually given by investment

21、­seeking local governments. Last year, 156 projects with a total investment of 473.7 billion yuan (US$69.28 billion) failed environmental evaluations due to potentially high energy consumption and pollution emissions,including many chemical and coal­burning plants. In 579 projects that pas

22、sed the evaluation,with a total investment of 2.4 trillion yuan, clean production technology and facilities had been used to ensure the reduction of pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide,Zhang said. 【写作内容】 1以约30词概括所阅读短文的主要内容; 2以约120词就“经济的可持续发展”发表看法,内容包括: (1)请举例描述许多工厂或企业为了经济利益不顾环保; (2)你对这些工厂或企业的看法; (3)请

23、就“发展经济不应以牺牲环境为代价”展开论述。【写作要求】 作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。_One possible version: As lakes,rivers and air in most places are still seriously polluted,Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection is considering a policy to urge the enterprises to take measures to stop pollution. To ma


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