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1、Module 5Lao She TeahouseUnit 1I wanted to see the Beijing Opera 京剧京剧I plan to this Sunday.What do you plan to do this Sunday?What do you plan to do this Sunday? I plan to this SundayBeijing OperaWhere do you want to go?I want to go.Where do you want to go? I want to go. teahouseWhat do you decide to

2、 eat/drink?I decide to eat/drink .What do you decide to eat/drink? I decide to eat/drink .Who would you like to go with?Id like to go with.I plan to see the opera; I want to go to the teahouse;I decide to eat a hamburger; Id like to go with Dad and Mom!Beijing Opera梅兰芳梅兰芳actor张火丁张火丁actressLao Shes T

3、eahouse老舍老舍 Job:Writer Born:1899 Die:1966 Birth Place:BeijingLao SheWhos Teahouse by? 老舍(18991966),本名舒庆春,字舍予,北京满族正红旗人,原姓舒舒觉罗氏(一说姓舒穆禄氏,存疑),中国现代著名小说家、文学家、戏剧家。他1948年唱过黄梅戏,还受到严凤英的表扬。由于文革期间受到迫害,1966年8月24日深夜,老舍含冤自沉于北京西北的太平湖畔,终年67岁。夫人胡絜青(1905-2001)。代表作品有茶馆、骆驼祥子、四世同堂、龙须沟等 some of Lao Shes works(著作著作)The yel

4、low storm老舍茶馆老舍茶馆是以人民艺术家老舍先生及其名剧命名的茶馆,是以人民艺术家老舍先生及其名剧命名的茶馆,始建于始建于1988年。在这古香古色、京味十足的环境里,客人年。在这古香古色、京味十足的环境里,客人每天都可以欣赏到来自曲艺、戏剧等各界名流的精彩表演每天都可以欣赏到来自曲艺、戏剧等各界名流的精彩表演,同时可以品用各类名茶、宫廷细点和应季北京风味小吃,同时可以品用各类名茶、宫廷细点和应季北京风味小吃。自开业以来,老舍茶馆接待了很多中外名人,在世界各。自开业以来,老舍茶馆接待了很多中外名人,在世界各国享有很高的声誉。国享有很高的声誉。 茶馆茶馆,中国话剧名,中国话剧名,老舍先生的

5、代表作,老舍先生的代表作之一;剧中故事全部之一;剧中故事全部发生在北京城一个茶发生在北京城一个茶馆里,茶馆里人来人馆里,茶馆里人来人往,会聚了各色人物往,会聚了各色人物、三教九流,一个大、三教九流,一个大茶馆就是一个小社会茶馆就是一个小社会。老舍先生抓住了这。老舍先生抓住了这个场景的特点,将半个场景的特点,将半个世纪的时间跨度,个世纪的时间跨度,六七十个主、次人物六七十个主、次人物形象高度浓缩在茶馆形象高度浓缩在茶馆之中。之中。Lao She Teahouse nowadays(如今)(如今) Reviewdifficult difiklt 困难的困难的drink喝喝 drank drk (过

6、去式过去式)especially ispeli adv. 主要地,特别主要地,特别interesting有趣的有趣的 - interested感兴趣的感兴趣的actor 男演员男演员 actress 女演员女演员actors 男演员男演员 actresses 女演员女演员actressteahouseofferendin the endno idea n. 女演员女演员 n. (尤指亚洲的)茶馆(尤指亚洲的)茶馆 v. 提议;提出提议;提出 n. (时间的)最后一段,(时间的)最后一段, 末尾末尾 v. 结束结束 最后;终于最后;终于 finally 不知道不知道Words and expre

7、ssions1.Why did Lingling take Betty to the teahouse ? 2.What did Betty and Lingling do at the teahouse3 Listen and read.Now check () the true sentences. Tony went to Lao She Teahouse with Betty and Lingling. Betty understood the opera. Lingling and Betty stayed longer than they planned. Betty enjoye

8、d the opera.5. Betty would like to see the Beijing Opera again.6. Betty knew about Lao She before she went to the house.Language pointsUnit11.You know, I wanted to see the Beijing Opera. 你懂的,我想要去看看京剧。你懂的,我想要去看看京剧。want sth. 想要某物想要某物 I want you.(The voice of China) want to do sth.= would like to do st

9、h. 想要做某事想要做某事 I want to visit Shanghai. I would like to have a hamburger.2. So Lingling offered to take me there. 因此玲玲提议带我去那里。因此玲玲提议带我去那里。 offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 给某人提供某物给某人提供某物The old man offered me a nice room.这位老人给我提供了一个不错的房间。这位老人给我提供了一个不错的房间。 offer to do sth 提出要做某事提出要做某事She offered to

10、 buy a colour TV.她提出要买一台彩电。她提出要买一台彩电。 3. No, it was difficult to understand the words. 不是的,要理解那些词的意思有不是的,要理解那些词的意思有点难。点难。 It is/isnt+adj.+(for sb.宾格宾格)+to do sth.eg: It isnt hard for me to do the job. 对我来说,完成这项工作不难。对我来说,完成这项工作不难。 It is interesting to play computer games. 玩电脑游戏是很有趣的。玩电脑游戏是很有趣的。4. We

11、only planned to watch for an hour, but in the end, we stayed for three hours.我们只打算看一个小时,但最后我们呆了我们只打算看一个小时,但最后我们呆了三个小时。三个小时。 end n. 最后部分,末尾最后部分,末尾 v. 结束,停止结束,停止The road ends here. 路到了尽头。路到了尽头。 常见短语:常见短语:in the end 后来,终于后来,终于 He passed the exam in the end. 他最后考试及格了。他最后考试及格了。3. Well, it was interesting

12、. 恩,很有趣。恩,很有趣。 interesting意为意为“有趣的有趣的”,在句子中在句子中 可以作表语,亦可作定语。可以作表语,亦可作定语。 This is an interesting book. 这是一本有趣的书。这是一本有趣的书。 interested 意为意为“感兴趣的感兴趣的”,但一般,但一般不单独使用,常用于短语不单独使用,常用于短语be interested in :对对感兴趣感兴趣 Im interested in English. 我对英语感兴趣。我对英语感兴趣。4. Who is Lao She? No idea. Ask Lingling. 老舍是谁?老舍是谁? 不知

13、道,问问玲玲吧。不知道,问问玲玲吧。这里的这里的No idea是是I have no idea.的缩略的缩略形式,相当于形式,相当于I dont know。例如:例如:She has no idea what they are talking about.她不知道他们在说什么。她不知道他们在说什么。5. Hes especially famous for his play Teahouse. 他尤其因他的话剧他尤其因他的话剧茶馆茶馆而闻名。而闻名。 be famous for 以以/因为因为而著名而著名 be famous as 作为作为而著名而著名Now York is famous for

14、 its high buildings. 纽约以高楼大厦而闻名。纽约以高楼大厦而闻名。Lu Xun was famous as a writer. 鲁迅是位著名的作家。鲁迅是位著名的作家。 英语语句中的英语语句中的重读规则重读规则即对所强调的即对所强调的信息进行重读。在信息进行重读。在含有动词不定式的含有动词不定式的语句中语句中,动词动词和和名词名词往往往往重读重读,介词、介词、连词、助动词弱读连词、助动词弱读。Speaking Read and predict which words in the answers the speaker is likely to stress. Do you

15、 want to see the Beijing Opera? Yes, Id love to.2. Do you want to come to Lao She Teahouse with me? Yes, Id like to go with you.Now listen and check.Work in pairs. Read the conversations in Activity 5 aloud.56一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. She asked me _ (wait) for her at the cinema.2. I enjoy _ (

16、listen) to the radio in the evening.3. It is not easy _ (learn) a foreign language.4. He agreed _ (get) someone to help us.to waitlisteningto learnto getQuiz5. I told him _ (not play) in the street.6. Would you like _ (come) with me? 7. Your task is _ (find) the cost of the hotel. 8. Should I _ (go)

17、 home now?9. Im glad _ (see) you again.10. He needs _ (buy) a new bike.not to playto cometo findgoto seeto buy二、根据句意及汉语提示,完成下列句子。二、根据句意及汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. My sister showed an _ (兴趣兴趣) inmusic when she was only two years old.2. She wants to be an _ (女演员女演员).3. World War _(结束结束) in 1945.4. Milk and eggs a

18、re my _ (主要的主要的) food for breakfast.5. Edward made an _ (优秀的,优秀的,卓越的卓越的) erestactressendedmainexcellent1. 我想在那个美丽的城市呆更久。我想在那个美丽的城市呆更久。I would like to _ _ in that beautiful city.2. 你知道那位穿红衣服的女孩的名字吗?你知道那位穿红衣服的女孩的名字吗? 不知道。不知道。Do you know the name of the girl in red? _ _.三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。三、

19、根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。stay longerNo idea3. 法国以其葡萄酒而闻名。法国以其葡萄酒而闻名。France _ _ _ its wine.4. 你如果努力工作,你最终会达到目你如果努力工作,你最终会达到目的的。的的。You will get there _ _ _ if you work hard!5. 安静些,我们可不想让人人都知道安静些,我们可不想让人人都知道这件事。这件事。Keep quiet, we dont want everyone to _ _ it. is famous for in the end know about1. A/An _ can u

20、se his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, the blue sea and many other things. (2013德州德州) A. actor B. scientist C. artist D. doctor 2. The little boy _ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus. (2013莱芜莱芜) A. lent B. offered C. took D. brought3. Our teacher often asks us _ questions in groups. (2013北京北京)


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