已阅读5页,还剩18页未读 继续免费阅读




1、安装环境:Centos5.5Linuxip: 6 密码:Lan123.Ps:所有服务都要确保你的防火墙没有把那个服务的端口拦截或者把它关闭! ! ! ! ! ! 一.安装Samba文件服务安装步骤及配置如下1)关闭防火墙或者添加规则和关闭LinuxSE,操作完成后重启防火墙和系统。2)检查Samba安装包是否已经安装,没安装使用yum或者挂载光盘镜像安装。光盘安装使用-force -nodeps强制安装,忽略依赖关系。roon&localhost centos# rpm -ivh samba-3.0. 33-3*2S. el5. xS6_64, rpm -for

2、ce -nod 叩swarning: samba-3.0, S3-3 + 28.el 5»x66_64rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: nokey( key IPreparing. T .#*#*#伴# 1OOK工:SamGa#¥#/#*#*#*#*# 100fl£root&localhost Centos# rpm -ivh samba-swat-3. 0.33-3. 28. el 5. xS6_6j1. rpm -force -nodepswarning: samba-swat-3. D, 3B-3< 2S. el5,x

3、86_64, rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID eB562S97Preparing.#并#寺界#=#t*#*#*#甫#10C%l:samEa-swat#*# 1005eocalhost cerrtOS# service mmb restart 关厢SMB服务, 失败 关用NMB服务:失败 启动SM6服务;确定 启动NMB服务!确定 l , 一 n _. r I. _ _ r m_ _j ._ j _ _ _ * .3)设置开机自启,备份后修改配置文件修改 samba配置文件,创建跟配置文件里指定/etc/samba/smb.confbak的

4、目录路径一样的目录。备份配置文件:cp /etc/samba/smb.conf因没有开启匿名登陆所以需要创建一个用户指定了这个用户的家目录并且让其不能登陆 linux 系统(useraddlan -d /home/lan -s /bin/falsechownlan:lan /home/lan -R )4)只用于samba服务登陆,设置好所共享目录的权限,不然登陆后不能 RWX。可以把该目录的所有者更改为 samba登陆用户或者更该目录所有者所属组其他用户的权限。将用户lan添加入到Samba用户数据库,并设置登录共享目录的密码为:123到时候登陆使用该用户名以及密码。重启samba服务然后进入

5、 windonws端测试raot©loca7host /# smbpasswd -a lanNew SMB password:Retype new smb password:rootlocalhost /I# service smb restart关闭she服务工确定:关闭nme服务:确定启劭SMB既多:确定启动NME既务:确定: rgt里locah03t /J# 5)客户端测试Win+R 键后入6 回车输入用户名lan密码123yumjajuu: £./£,Wi ndows安全性X输入网络凭据输入你的凭据以连接到;192.1681286刖

6、二域:记住我的梵据用户名或密码不正确.确定取消测试可以新建删除文件。进入linux 查看有没有创建成功!关闭5F1B版务;关闭MME服务:褊定 -t 确定启动5MB服务:启劭NHB服务:确定r&ot1ocalhost /# cd 1j p/lan/>oorlocalhost lan# IsgE host lan声到此samba完成。二.安装vsftp服务1)进入挂载好的光盘路径安装ftp,然后启动。就可以直接在客户端使用匿名登陆里面会有一个默认的共享目录。Ps:因为上面已经关闭了防火墙这里就不再细说root<&localhost centas# rpm -ivh f

7、tp-0.17-35. el5. x86_64. rpmwarning: ftp-o. 1 /-si.e 1 5>.xkfc_t>4. rpn: Header V3 D5A signature: hiOKEV, key ID 电85H 2897Preparing.#*-#*#粕和i#*# 1003Spackage Hp-% 17T5, eW %的_64 Is already 1nsiailedrnotPl oral host rentes# rpn -ivh vsfr pd-2.0. 5 -1C. pl 5 4.1. xB6 64. r pmwarm ng: vsftpd-2.0.

8、 5-16.b!S_4.1. x86_64. rpm: Header Vl OSA sigrature: NDKEY, key ID e05£2097Preparing.#冉#出才神中#*#"#,省冷#停*A#岸#A#*#*#用1CDW1 ivsftpd*#*#抻#楣#密#棚柑彬#*#<加和# lOOflSrootlocalhost centos service ftpd rcstiirtftpd:未被识别的服务Lrootlot mlhost centosj# service vsTtpd restart,闭vsftpd,失融:为vsftpc启动vsftpdi 硒定0

9、0】翅10221110!>匚 <:>;门103“ |就绪ssh2: AES 255CTR27, 26 27 行,BO 列 VTIQD大写数字« f _* > jrterwt S«2.1Gai2LB5*知右幻pubm9*1* Tfi. I9羽* I. OF. HitterJ "r口鱼S.Sf' i W, 0MgnF.第Ms2)匿名登陆配置,在/var/ftp下创建一个用于匿名登陆的文件夹,或者直接使用默认的pub文件夹也可以,将文件夹所有者所属组改为ftp。首先备份配置备份文件,然后更改配置文 件。第 *92,168,12,66- S

10、ecureCRT粕0£4岁我P明国文时旧温镉(口 当看M (0)南ecn ar(s)二具卬套匚cw)赶勘【用工通。34二三匚 MM.wi9Z1t>«J2Sb X# Thi*; dirpctive enahlf*i lisiening nn IPv6 sockets, to listfh on IPv4 and IPv6 持 sockets, you must run two cnips of vsfTpd whirh two rmfiguration fi 1 ?s.* Make 5Ua thax one of the 1i sten opti ons i 5 com

11、mented !#1 isterv-! pv6-YESam_*er 1ce_ridme«vi r Lpduser 11st_efiable-¥ES七口_"现口W5=95nnnkrfTrZwri _F_pnabIe=vr s革允许底包月户仓J建文件&non_ot he r_wr < re_enable-YES,光评国名用户因建目录chown_uploads=¥E5I萍竺许直名用户更改邮除目录或者文外chortn username=Lserl当匿名用户传的文件所有者尊女user这个月户anoruupl oarl_enjhl e=YE 5允许底兰

12、可以上传文件一. rorf '. 4nl.c m t >n(Vrot®lQcalhost ftp# service vsttpd restart关闭'ripd:确定?为vstrpd同动vsttpdj 跳雷root®localho f Is -la /Yar/fs/nypublit/IrvHyr-xr-x 1 xOQfi 11 -19 1R”7 WFTMCTTTCTm gr ootsl ocal hcsT一3)测试匿名创建文件图 C:WI NDOW&£ytem32cmd.e)te - ftp 6匚AU白红炉至建平

13、ftp 192. 168. 12. 86连接到 192. 163. 12, 86c220 (vsFTPd 2. S 5)530 Pleage login with USER and PASS.用户(192, 168, 12. 86: (nane) : anonymous331 Please specify the password,密码:230 Login suceessfuL ftp> dir200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.150 Here coniss the directory listing.drwsr-Kr-x2

14、 1450409& Nov 19 10 :52 rnypublicdrwxr-xrx3 14504096 Nov 19 10:26 pub22G Directory send OK.ftp:收到1M0字节,用时0.00秒32, 50千字节/秒ftp cd mypublic250 Director qycc ess fully changed.ftp> ±k(3ir 123. txt257 '7kypyblic/l23r4A" cheatedftp> Is200 POET command successful. Consider using PAS

15、V.15。Here Cannes the directory listing.123. tri;226 Directory send OK4ftp:收到21字节,用时0.0型2LOOT字节/秒”ftp> put c:/I打开求地文律C;/1出错口ftp> put c:/789. txt200 PORT coimnand successful. Consider using PASV.150 0k to send data,226 File receive OK.ftp:发送14字节,用时0.0电14. 00千字节/秒。 f tp>4) ftpusers 和 user_list

16、 文件即usres=相当于一个用户黑名单,在这个文件里面的所有用户都不允许登陆ftpuser list=他默认的userlist deny=yes 则表示在这个文件里面的用户不允许登陆,如果userlist=no则表示在这个文件夹里面的用户允许登陆,其他用户无法登陆。创建一个useri的用户密码是1,自定义他的家目录,因为你用这个账号登陆FTP他打开的目录就是这个账号的家目录,并切设置让其不可以登陆系统。测试登陆。TootSlocalhost centos# useradd -d /home/userl -s /sbin/nologin userl root©l ocalhost c

17、entos cd /x ar/ftp/rootlocalhost ftp# 1 s触S3 C :W IN D 0WS?yst? m 52cm d, ex - ftp 192J 63.12.36lllcrcsoit lindovs版本 10. 0. 14:393(G 2016 Hicrosoft Corporatiano 保留所有权利口CAlfeer会建平” tp 192. 168. 12. 86连接到 192.168.12. 86o220 (vsFTTd 2. S 5)530 Please Ingin 讲ith USER and PASS.用户(192.168. 12. 86: (none):

18、 userl331 Please specify the password.密码:230 Login successful.ftp pws无效命令.ftp> pwd257 /hcnue/ugerlf tp>5)对用户设置 chroot按照刚刚创建用户的方法我们再创建几个用户用于测试,这些用户都被限制在自己的目录中不能跳的其他用户的目录中,保证安全性。测试发现我们用useri登陆进去是可以随意切换路径因为有些文件夹它没有进入的权限其他很多还是可以进入的,我们再登陆usre2会发现他不能跳到自己的上一层文件夹达到了我们的要求。# This dlrecTlve enables liste

19、ning on IPv6 sockets, to Tisren 料 sockets f you must run two copi es of vsftpd whith two config # Make sureP Thai one of the 11 sten options is cammented !1 用1isten_1pvC»YESpam_s er vi ce_Fiame-vsft pduserl15T_enab1e«YE5tcp_wrappers-YESanon_upload_enab1e-Y£sanon_mkdi r_wr1te_ e n ab1E

20、=YE5anon_wor 1 d_r eadab 1 e_ar»ly-YESanon_other_wr i Te_ e n ab1e=Ytschown_up-l odds«YE 5ctiowH-iiser n ame- u 5 erTprir oot_l ocalLuse r -NOjchr oot_1 1 st_enab 1 =ye 5chroot_list_f i 1 e-/etc/vsf tpd. chrSit 11 st/etc/vsftpd/vsfTpd. confT, 1Z8L, 4812c written jIXoqx&-|ocalhost 7* se

21、rvii ce vsftpd restart J关可愁hpd:失败为 vsTvpcCgv sf t pd t L 确定roox(&lqcalnc7L -# vi /yCCy VsttpQ. throor.listuser? user 3 user4ftp>ftp> quit221 Goodbye.C:VJ吕文 d 兰建平 >ftp 19Z 168. 12.86 连接到 192. 168. 12. 86e220 (vsFTPd 2. 0. 5)53。 Please login with USER and PASS. 用户(192. 168. 12. 36: (none)

22、 5 : userl 331 Please specify the password.密码:230 Login successfulftp> j>wd257 /Vhome/Liserlftp> uit221 Goodbye.C 八口台红d兰建平>ftp 192.168. 12. 86 连接到 192. 169. 12. 86o 220 GsPTPd 2. 0. 5)5Mo Please login with USER and PASS- 期户(192. 168. 12. 86: (none) J : us er 2 B3L Please specify the pass

23、word.密码;.230 Login successful, ftp> pwd257 Tftp三.安装LAMP服务器ps :关闭防火墙,selinux1 .安装apche ,通过挂挂载光盘安装然后启动服务。设置开机自动启动。因为没有域名,所以通过本地来测试更改etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf这个配置文件(记得备份)。roatSlocalhost Centos# r即-hh httpd-2. 2. 3-43.el 5, centos.x36_64.rpmwarning: httpd-2.2, 3-4 3, el5.centos.ram; Header vi dsa sig

24、nature: NOKEYt key ID C65C2397Preparing.#/朴哥# 1OO%g httpd-. 2. -41. el 5. centos. Jtfl6_64 i s already i nstal led root&localhast centos# rpm -i vh httpd-deveV2. 2.1-43. el 5. centos. i386rrpm warning: httpd-devel-2,2,3-43. el5*centos.H36, rpn: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key id easczaaz# it

25、 xplicirly to prevent problems during startup.i* if th1 s 1 s not set to valid uns name for yaur host, serer-qeneraied # redi recti ons wi 11 not work, sec al so the Jsecanonri clNome recti ve.# if your host doesn't have a regisrered DMS name, enter its IP address here.# You w1 11 ha7e ro access

26、 it by its addresst anyway, ard this wi 11 make押 r cd i)eel ions vvof k in a stiri51 bl e way*-serverName 1ocalhost# usecanonncalName: octermlncs how Apache construccs self referencing# hcls ftnd rhe server_mare and SERVER_port variahlps,# when set "off11 f Apaclie will u$e The Hosmane and Port

27、 suppl led clierrt. Uihn set "QrT , Apache wi 1 1 115H The value oT the-yserver Name2 .安装mysql ,也是通过挂在安装,安装以下服务,忽略依赖关系强制安装然后启动,覆盖 一个文件 cp /usr/share/mysql/my-f/etc/f192.163,12.86 xAlternatively you can run:/u5r/bin/riy5ql_s ecure_in5tal 1 at ionhh I di Hill also give you Uit! upl 1 on uf v enuv

28、 Ing Che lesL daiabases and anonymous user created by defauli. ihls Is strcnqly recommended for pocu匚tlor servers.see the manual for more inslructiors.vou can start the lySQL daeHon uiirh:cd /usr ; /ucr/bin/mysqld_&ifc &yqu can test the Hy5QL daemon with mysql-teit-run,plcd iryscl -Les t ; p

29、er 1 nysql-rEst-r un- plHl ease repon any problems with rhe /usr/bi n/mysqlbug scrlpi IThe latest informarion about m/sql is available on the web athrrp: /Aaw. mysql. com,*u前口t My5QT '-ay buying suppart/11 cat http:/shap. mysql. com工诚定HyECLTjfc»l 1r;一 root®! cd I rhJi»L lctfeosJ&#

30、163;/ Xhkccnfi iigql U ,hXctirtloual三e严。T grep trfs 1mysql -test-5.0, 77-4 ¥ el 5_/l, 2 mysql -ser ver-5.0. r7-4. el 5_4. 2mysql-devel-5. D./-4.2ysql-5.0.77-4. el5_4.1php-mysql-5+l* 6-27,el 5nysql-5.0.77-4. el5.4. ?一jiysql -rievel -5. D. 77-4. el 2 _. : _下74i3面1口匚21曲5卬/usr/shaP©/myql/iny-W

31、BChuE,EriFftc/.myc旺卬;是否型堂自"/ny. tnf华L Toot4lmudl he3t-更改mysql的root密码,记得重启服务Byeroorlocal host /# mysql_secure_1 nsrallationNOTE: RUNNING ALL PART5 OF THI5 SCRIPT IS RECOMMENDED FOR ALL MySQL SERVERS IN PRODUCTION U5E! PLEASE READ EACH STEP CAREFULLY!n order to log into MySQL to secure it t we

32、9;ll need the current password for the root user, if you've jusr 1nsral 1ed mvsql( and /ou haven't set the root password yet, the password wi11 be blank( io you should just press enter here.-inter current password for root (enter for none): 3K( successfully u5ed password, moving on*.setting

33、rhe root password ensures that"oot user without the proper aut hor i sat5on.nobody can log 1nro rhe MySQLset root password? ¥/n yuew password:<e-enver new password;Password updated successfully!<eloading pri vi 1 ege tables. r.Success!ETTeut iurmeciTaie iy.Reload privi1ege tables now

34、? 丫/口 y .success!cIeani ng up.All done! if you've completed all of rhe above stps. your MySQL installation should nw be secure.Thanks for using MySQL!3 .挂载安装php'rootlocalhost cdrom# cd centos/Voot9localhost centos# rpm -ivh php* -force -nodepL|4 .apache配置。先备份配置文件再修改文件,使用/* 查找要修改的选项,输入:setnu显

35、示行1IWIMOA* M rgcmF.l, _ ,rooc31 ocalbcsi centoslr cp /eccjlhicpd/conf/hrrpd . conf ZeiLL/hcLpd/corifjIhTTpd, corrf bak froOT®localhost centos Jr vi /ct c/litr pd/ccnf/hrrp d. conf? Thi s i s the mai n 乱口己匚he server conf i qurati on f ii 1 e* It ccMitai nts the* configurdtIon dlrBctfves that glw

36、 tne server tt.£ InstrucLlor.* ser <ijrl s htrpr/htrprt- spar he* nrg/dcw5/Z, ?/> fr detailed informatlan- Tn parti cu 1 ar ai see# .URL JhLLp;/UiLLpd- &pdihe b§ dtK_s/Z- 2/mod/d 1 ii4«cL i!-型匕 ht.nt I># for a dUcu&5lion of each connyuraiion dtrecxlue.# 8 NOT sinply r

37、aad ths instructions in hwr« without undsr5tending# what they do. Theypre here only as Ih1 ms or raalndrs. if you are ensure consulr The online docs, vo<j have hen earned, *# The configurai:loo (directives are grouped Inro rhnaa basic sections;* 1. Directives that control the operartori 4 Th

38、eserver process as a1 MhQl t ,th qlnifeKl prhrirwTnihpnt' J.# 2- Di recti ves that d ef i ne the p*irimelLErs of ths 1 aim" or ! default.' server # Hitch F g pun&g t& rLt“L jren11 handliEidl by a virtual J mt-# Tlhpp directives aI5d pravlde drfulT valuer far rhe s-erting17; 产 of

39、 all virtu ail hosts,$ 3. SeLLfntji ¥ virtual *? wtiidh 曲I lew 改吧b i 胜quwutt 1口 be svfit to# differ电rrc ip addresses cr ho&cirwies and have the- handled by ihe声 same Apache server process-# Configuration and logfile nims; If the f i lenaiie& you specify for many# of rhe server's con

40、trol fIlas begin wiih "/ tor ' drivefor wln3.Z), ihe.server will use that explicit pathr if the filenanes do *not* MgWn1 with "广0 th* vilof 亏is prpppnd.d - eolog"# m th ServerR-OQt &et to "Jeitx/htfLpd" wi 1 I be interpreted by thenaiHidrw 士心lobaIi rcrwieritrtirectiv

41、essuch 1g凶性d 口 par At MiDirecTives whole the DirectivesThat conrrolLonf ryur'diion dlretLlvtii aneTh ser rver ahp subc Dmpofwndr n1t mind renot runningrtae has it. 当rliIcmb:* Apache server processruimbr ert c-oncurrerTt r-equts confi-gwraticn files,'global environnnt That de+ime the par

42、overall operation11 can hand 1 e or 1THuitih you specifynfigurarlon iand logfile ranes the; server" s corrtrol les hrvidr w i 11 uw ttidit expl ici L pw强bto b#IhJivp thFfi handled hv thth« viilue erf S*rv«rR.«?t is prepeindigd - sq " 口艮81 sei to 'Vetc/ipd-1 浦111 be Inter

43、 preiei "/eTc/hTT p<i/log5/Toc. log";May toa vnuch inf-ormation about ri ng. Coonent cirt this 11 ne i f _*.hdiopiiori.Ali rniodulms yu,41 Don'tIF# w-e ars 43 f f I Adj LL HrservefTOwhich re&porid requ星岳 th4t *量 11 t hrirdl«d These dlrecilves also provide dfaul 1 alue% -of

44、all virtual hosts.5#rtin>gs for virtiuAli hoars, which a r|iffiprrrt TP iddre-ssip-s 口 ho”tniinF、 sans Apache server precess.1眦IbILI工晒就毫AES-25 6-CT RtfTIOCServerTokens OS 在 44 行修改为: ServerTokens Prod (在出现错误页的时候不显示 服务器操作系统的名称)ServerSignature On 在 536 行修改为: ServerSignature Off (在错误页中不显示Apache 的版本)O

45、ptions Indexes FollowSymLinks 在 331 行修改为: Options IncludesExecCGIFollowSymLinks (允许服务器执行 CGI及SSI,禁止列出目录)#AddHandlercgi-script .cgi 在 796 行修改为: AddHandlercgi-script .cgi .pl (允 许扩展名为.pl的CGI脚本运行)AllowOverride None 在 338 行修改为: AllowOverride All (允许 .htaccess )AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 在 759行修改为: AddDefau

46、ltCharset GB2312 (添加GB2312为默认编码)Options Indexes MultiViewsFollowSymLinks 在 554 行修改为 OptionsMultiViewsFollowSymLinks (不在浏览器上显示树状目录结构)DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var在 402 行修改为: DirectoryIndexindex.html index.htm Default.html Default.htmindex.phpDefault.phpindex.html.var (设置默认首页文件,增加index.php

47、)KeepAlive Off 在 76行修改为: KeepAlive On (允许程序性联机)MaxKeepAliveRequests 100 在 83 行修改为: MaxKeepAliveRequests 1000 (增加同时 连接数)/etc/init.d/httpd restart# 重启rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf /var/www/error/noindex.html#删除默认 测试页</Di rector y>Di rectoryIndex: sets The file that Apache wi11 serve if a

48、di rectory is requested.The index.html,var fi1e (a type-map) is used to deli 7«r content - negotiated documents. The Multiviews option can b色 used for the purpose, but it is much slower-DirecToryimdex index.html index.htm Default,html Default.htm index.php Default.php index.html.varAccessFileNa

49、me: The name of the file to 1 ook for in each directory for additional configuration di rectives. see also the Allowoverride directive.,ccessFi 1 eName . htaccessThe following 11nes prevent .htaccess and . htpasswd files from being viewed by web clients.Files 11 a.htn,>order allow,denyDeny from a

50、ll/Files>/eTc/htrpd/conf/hrtpd.conf" 991L, 33606c writtenroox&localhost centos* /etc/1nit.d/httpd restart用止httpd:失败昌劲httpdj 确定rootlocalhost centos# cd ,5.php配置,跟上面一样操作 vi /etc/php.ini# 编辑 date.timezone = PRC# 在 946 行把前面的分号去掉,改为 date.timezone = PRC disable_functions =passthru,exec,system,

51、chroot,scandir,chgrp,chown,shell_exec,proc_open,proc_g et_status,ini_alter,ini_alter,ini_restore,dl,openlog,syslog,readlink,symlink,popep assthru,stream_socket_server,escapeshellcmd,dll,popen,disk_free_space,checkd nsrr,checkdnsrr,getservbyname,getservbyport,disk_total_space,posix_ctermid,p osix_get

52、_last_error,posix_getcwd, posix_getegid,posix_geteuid,posix_getgid, posix_getgrgid,posix_getgrnam,posix_getgroups,posix_getlogin,posix_getpgid, posix_getpgrp,posix_getpid, posix_getppid,posix_getpwnam,posix_getpwuid,posix_getrlimit, posix_getsid,posix_getuid,posix_isatty,posix_kill,posix_mkfifo,posi

53、x_setegid,posix_seteuid,posix_setgid,posix_setpgid,posix_setsid,posix_setuid,posix_strerror,posix_times,posix_ttyna me,posix_uname# 在 386 行列出 PHP 可以禁用的函数,如果某些程序需要用到这个函数,可以删除,取消禁用。expose_php = Off# 在 432 行禁止显示php 版本的信息magic_quotes_gpc = On# 在 745 行打开 magic_quotes_gpc 来防止 SQL 注入short_open_tag = ON# 在

54、229 行支持 php 短标签open_basedir= .:/tmp/# 在 380 行设置表示允许访问当前目录(即 PHP 脚本文件所在之目录)和/tmp/目录,可以防止php木马出匏*,如果改了之后安装程序有问题(例如:织梦内容管理系统) ,可以注销此行,或者直接写上程序的目录/data/:wq!# 保存退出/etc/init.d/mysqld restart# 重启 MySql重启 Apche/etc/init.d/httpd restart#客户端输入打开浏览器输入6成功!四.Dns服务安装安装之前确认防火墙,selinux有没有关闭。挂载安装,完成后查看安装

55、情况由于是dentos ,需要多安装一个软件,不然没有配置文件。进入挂载光盘安装上 lib-1.就即E1b 1.2.3-3.XB6 64zi1t> rtevtl-1, zt-k 14 I, 2_ ET. e 15. xB6_64. rp4 /,.h ht-l 一 l 二0 p " -= h i tbind-u«:HE-ft. 3.6-4. Pl. el 5J-2ypbfnd 1,19 1355Hnrt-1 讣3L 6-4. P1.fl,*.ZrDDtillocal host CentaS_> rpn -i vh hirebind 5. 3. 6 .ipI-115

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