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1、Sports AdvertisementSport Sponsorship and AdvertisementSports AdvertisementOutline:pFramework of ads management pCampaign planningpCreative strategypMedia strategypEvaluation pAds videosSports AdvertisementlFramework of ads managementResearchCampaign planningCreative developmentMedia planningImpleme

2、ntation and evaluationSports AdvertisementlCampaign planninglWhat is the purpose of the advertising? lWho is it aimed at?lWhat is promised?lHow will it be delivered?What will be the personality of the product?Sports AdvertisementlCreative strategylDemonstration advertising 使用说明型使用说明型 lTestimonial ad

3、vertising 现身说法型现身说法型lAnnouncement advertising 宣布推广型宣布推广型lSlice-of-life advertising 日常生活型日常生活型lLifestyle advertising 生活方式型生活方式型lUnique selling proposition 突出卖点型突出卖点型 lUmbrella advertising 背靠大树型背靠大树型lHonest twist advertising 出奇制胜型出奇制胜型Imitation association - 属性联想型属性联想型 Sports AdvertisementlMedia strat

4、egymediaFeatures hintsnewspapersInexpensiveReach a mass audience Eye-catching, targeting readersmagazinesLeisure readingDifferent consumer groupsAppearance and layout designOutdoor Uncomplicated messageAppropriate time, Slogan, logo, date, ticketRadioNoisy environment, lack of visual imagesFrequency

5、, element of mysteryTelevisionExtremely cluttered, largest possible audience, most effective mechanismHumor, celebrity, pop musicBrochures, flyersCombination of newspaper and outdoorComprehensive information, targetingInternetComprehensive, linking, interactive Easy, up-to-dateSports AdvertisementlT

6、iming and costlCost-per-thousand:lFor example, if a radio commercial costs $200 and is estimated to reach 175 000 listeners, the CPM is $1.14.1000ReachCostCPMSports AdvertisementlEvaluationlIdentify the brand early?lSimple, interesting and involving?lAdopt audio and visual reinforcement?lLink the br

7、and to the image created?Important: Against these criteria does not mean a bad ads.Sport AdvertisementuBefore the Pepsi Ad, could you please answer the following questions:uhow many Pepsi Ad can you remember?uHow many stars appeared in Pepsi ad?uWhat impression did Pepsi ad give you before? PEPSI系列系

8、列.mpg PEPSI-曼联舒梅切尔曼联舒梅切尔.mpguAfter the Pepsi Ad, could you please answer the following questions:uWhat are the main elements of a sport ad? uWhat are the attractive feature of Pepsi ad? Sport AdvertisementuBefore the Nike Ad, could you please answer the following questions:uhow many Nike Ad can you

9、remember?uHow many stars appeared in Nike ad?NIKE-偷天和格斗偷天和格斗.mpg NIKE-外星人决斗外星人决斗.mpg NIKE-机场和葡萄牙比赛机场和葡萄牙比赛.mpguAfter the Nike Ad, could you please answer the following questions:uWhat are the attractive feature of Nike ad? Sport AdvertisementuBefore the Adidas Ad, could you please answer the following questions:uhow many Adidas Ad can you remember?uHow many stars appeared in Adidas ad?AD-卡通卡通.mpg AD-足球对


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