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1、上海财经大学浙江学院毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文:现金流量表概述现代财务报表.国际会计标准的理解和应用指南,CECCAR出版商,布加勒斯特,20041 简介财务报表旨在确定区别于实际经营情况和对外报表数据之间的有效的数据,目的在于可据此获得企业存在和可持续发展的能力和价值。损益表在分析中虽然占据重要地位,但是现金流量表作为重要补充报表,它不但提供经营活动过程中财务动态的状况,而且它能对反映其财务结构和现金流量的财务状况提供一个清晰的视觉。一个公司公布的财务报表,只提供了重要的、关键的财务数据。但现金流量表除此之外还提供了资金的“来龙去脉”,对有效的投资决策和和投资成本回报率以及提供外部的资金的


3、日施行。这一规定弥补了现金流量表原有的漏洞,并替代了国际会计准则中“财务状况变动的形式”这一项内容。现金流量表能直观的展示企业现金流方面的状况,并可对企业长远发展做出展望。一些中小企业也可针对现金流量表对企业状况得出一个结论。人们对现金流量表认识的不断加深,表明现金流量表对企业价值分析越发重要。2 现金流量表提供的信息的应用现金流量表提供的信息可用于多方面。第一,财务报表是基于权责发生制的财务制度和独立性原则下编制的。在这种情况下,现金流量的产生受制度和公司的其他事项的影响是公认的,而不是当现金或现金状况发生变动时,并不是只是为了满足权责发生制会计信息使用者的满意。第二,是体现在损益表中的运营




7、对企业进行静态分析。现金流量表可以反映企业净资产动态的变化,并使其在企业运营过程中的收入和支出中分别反映。所以资产负债表和所有者权益变动表的构成成为被分析的行列。这样的分析主要是用于反映用于偿还的融资费用。现金流量表还提供了与来自股东、债权人的外部资本相关的利润和费用的支付,及其股利和利息的支付。通过分析,我们可以了解到公司盈利能力和现金流之间的关系可以影响公司某一时期的营业额和利润。3 现金流量的测定和编制方法现金流量表描述了在某一会计期间,经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动确定现金收入和现金支出的状况。现金流量项目是根据经营活动现金流、投资活动现金流和筹资活动现金流的产生和支出来划分的。在国际会



10、编制现金流量表。间接法以利润表上的净利润为起点,通过调整某些相关项目后得出经营产生的现金流量。通过将企业非现金交易,过去或者未来经营活动产生的现金收入或支出的递延或应计项目,以及与投资或筹资现金流量相关的收益或费用项目对净收益的影响进行调整来反映企业经营活动所形成的现金流量。以损益表为出发点来列示企业经营活动的现金流量情况。损益表直接体现了连接筹资和投资活动的收入和支出项目。因此采用间接法,我们就可以调整和计算筹资和投资活动的收入和支出。原文:The summarize of cash flow statementRistea M., Lungu C. I., Jianu I.,IAS 1Pr

11、esentation of Financial Statements.Guide to understanding and application of international accounting standard,CECCAR Publisher,Bucharest,2004,P731. IntroductionFinancial reports aim at assuring an efficient dialogue between the entity and the external operators interested in having realistic estima

12、tions on the growing perspectives of the entity and, equally, on its sustainability. In spite of the fact that the profit and loss account, as a component of the cash-flow statement financial report, provides a dynamic image on an entity's activity, it nevertheless does not offer a clear vision

13、on the financial flows that modify its financial structure and its cash flow. Out of the information officially issued by a certain entity, only that providing financially-significant data is selected, once it expresses "nonconventional" realities on the cash resources necessary for suppor

14、ting an efficient investment policy and for remunerating the invested capitals, or that referring to the external contributions of capital assuring financial balance.Within such a context, to evaluate a company's capacity of generating cash flow and cash-flow equivalents, the users of financial

15、situations analyze the cash-flow statement an expression of the cash and pay operations performed by an entity, and not only the "hypothetical" dimension of its performances, determined by the conventions of the obligation accountancy. The cash-flow statement is conceived so that to offer

16、a most pregnant image of the inputs and outputs of the availabilities afferent to the main categories of activities developed by a company (exploitation, investment and financing activities) and to justify the treasury's balance at the end of the financial exercise. Otherwise, the cash flow stat

17、ement explains the company performances in generating cash.The IASB has developed, at the international level, the IAS 7 norm “The cash-flow statements”. This norm renders void and replaces IAS 7 “The situation of changes in the financial position” from 1977 and has been revised in time, its last va

18、riant being applied on January 1st, 1994. The other entities, considered small and intermediate, can optionally conclude such a document. The obligation imposed to some companies to develop The Cash-Flow Statement emphasizes the increasing importance of this statement in evaluating the companys perf

19、ormances.2. The Informational Application of Cash-Flow StatementsDrawing a Cash Flow statement has several reasons.First, the financial statements are concluded according to the commitment accounting and based on the principle of exercise independence. In these circumstances, the effects of the agre

20、ements and of other events from the company are acknowledged when they are produced and not while the cash and cash considerations are cashed or paid by the company, an aspect that does not always satisfy the necessities of the financial-accounting information users.Second, the result of the exercis

21、e, reflected in The Profit and Loss Account, is affected by a series of accounting conventions (for example, the redemption calculation system) and does not express the real company performance. In exchange, The Cash-Flow Statement has the role to express unconventional realities because it eliminat

22、es the effect of using various accounting treatments for the same agreements and events and, also, does not take into account the operation revenues and expenses considered as calculated that do not generate profits and payments in the analyzed financial exercise (expenses for redemption and provisi

23、ons, revenues from provisions, revenues from subsidies for investments, etc).Another aspect worth mentioning is that in conditions of under-liquidity, the analysis of cash flows becomes a priority for the analysis of results.The analysis of the company results involves, from the simplest point of vi

24、ew, comparing the revenues and expenses from The Profit and Loss Account, independently from the effective moment of revenues cashing and of the expenses payment. Thus, The Profit and Loss Account allows determining profitability without allowing the direct measure of liquidity by cash flows. There

25、is a tendency to give priority to the profitability analysis to the prejudice of the analysis of liquidity.Profitability and liquidity are two distinct approaches that characterize the company balance sheet. A significant profitability points out that the difference between revenues and expenses ens

26、ures the payment of the invested capital. But the revenues do not always correspond to the profits or to the expenses of parties. On the other hand, certain profits do not represent revenues (loans) and certain payments do not immediately determine the expenses (investments). A sufficient or insuffi

27、cient liquidity does not correspond, by definition, to a significant or inexistent profitability. A chronic negative (absent) profitability means that the company revenues are insufficient to cover expenses and the difference between them cannot pay the invested capital. On a long term, this can lea

28、d to a lack of liquidity, in case that the company cannot earn other profits. On a short and medium term, profitability and liquidity can be sensitively divergent. Thus, the profitable companies can face cash difficulties, both as a result of the rapid increase of investments in the fixed capital, w

29、hich determined the increase of the financing needs for the operation cycle, and as a result of a decrease in the rotation speed of the current assets. On the contrary, the less profitable companies can maintain a satisfying liquidity in the absence of investments or through the progressive decrease

30、 of their value. As a result, liquidity, which depends on the companys profitability and on its financial structure, is an essential approach drawing the creditors attention. The difference between the revenues capable of generating profits and the expenses capable of generating payments is represen

31、ted by the cash flow, an index that connects profitability and liquidity (Ooghe H., Van Wymeersch C., 2000).Fourth, The Cash-Flow Statement, by taking the census of company profits and payments, allows knowing its historical capacity to generate cash flow and offers the elements that lie at the basi

32、s of predictions, on short term, of the future cash flows. The cash-flow information is considered by the financial-accounting information users one of the most intelligible and objective source of information that presents the facts without leaving space to subjective interpretations. As a result,

33、the cash-flow information represents the essence of some new modern methods of business evaluation (a method based on updating/capitalization of future cash flows) (Pantea I.P., Deaconu A., 2004).Finally (without pretending to mention all the uses of this situation), The Cash-Flow Statement offers e

34、xtra information about a series of aspects that have already been analyzed statically, on the account of financial statements.For example, the change of the company net assets can be statically analyzed starting from the balance sheet, thus being the expression of unsettled agreements. The Cash-Flow

35、 Statement presents the change of net assets, dynamically, materialized in the profits and payments of the respective agreements carried out during the financial exercise. Consequently, the financial structure is analyzed starting from the Balance sheet and The statement of changing equity capital.

36、Such an analysis mainly reflects the amounts belonging to the financiers, due to be repaid at the end of the financial exercise, without revealing their dynamics. The Cash-Flow Statement presents the profits and payments concerning the external capital coming from the shareholders, creditors, as wel

37、l as their payment by dividends and interests. The relationship between the companys profitability and the cash flows can be emphasized by analyzing, in dynamics, the way in which the price variation influences the period turnover and profits.IAS 7“The Cash-Flow Statement” synthesizes the informatio

38、nal utility of the Cash-Flow Statement mentioning that the information offered to the financial statement users is the basis for: evaluating the companys capacity to generate cash and cash equivalents; identifying the moment of cash and cash equivalents occurrence; knowing the destination of the res

39、pective cash flows (in order to re-start the operation cycle, the investments, financiers payment).3. The determination and interpretation methodology of cash flowThe Cash-flow Statement describes the way in which the operation, investment and financing activities determine the positive (profits) an

40、d negative (payments) cash flows during the financial year. Thus the cash flows are divided upon the activities that generated or consumed them in: cash flows from the operation activities; cash flows from the investment activities; cash flows from the financing activities.In IAS 7 “The Cash-Flow St

41、atement” it is mentioned that the operation cash-flows (OCF) are essential for appreciating the companys financial performance. It is on their dimension that the company capacity depends in order to: maintain the production capacity, achieve new investments, reward new dividends, and repay loans wit

42、hout referring to expensive external financing resources.The Cash-Flow Statement turns the operation result into an effectively cashed result. Cash-flows from investment activities (CFI) are imputable to the operations of investment/disinvestment in/from invested and financial capital and reflect th

43、e deficit or surplus generated by such operations.The cash flows from financing activities (CFF) present the profits and payments related to the external finances to which the company refers, when the cash resulted from the operation activities was insufficient to cover the investment operations and

44、 to reward the financiers (banks, shareholders).The separation of flows in relation to their origin has the advantage of further explanations concerning the companys financial position, by means of the partial balances resulted from comparing the profits and payments specific to each activity. Simultaneously, the separate emphasis on cash and cash equivalents resulted from the period agreements and from cash surplus investments allows the factorial analysis of their variation during


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