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1、Good is good, but better carries it.精益求精,善益求善。上海高考英语黄埔区二模上海高考英语黄埔区二模1 A man _plenty of money doesnt always have plenty of friends.A of B with C without D .for 2 The two stories share too much in common. There is no doubt one is copied from _A each other B other C another D the other 3 .Exercise 3 is

2、 _ difficult in this book, so all the students finish it successfully.A least B. the least C .more D. the most 4. Although this _sound like a simple task, great care is needed.A .must B. may C. shall D. should 5 Isnt this the third time that you _late for school this month?A .were B. have been C. ar

3、e D. be 6. Braddock was forced into retirement during the Great Depression, but he never gave up his boxing dream, and _.A so was his manager B. his manager dude so C. neither did his manager D. neither was his manager 7 A number of art workshop are believed _during World War II.A being stolen B. ha

4、ving been stolen C. to be stolen D. to have been stolen 8. In his pioneering work, David explains how languages come into being, _that children are the driving force.A being argued B. having argued C. arguing D. agued 9 _ you lose your key, please keep a spare one in your office.A. As long as B. tho

5、ugh C. Unless D. Incase 10. As a graduate in computer science, he cant have failed to have work out the problem yesterday, _he? A .can B. havent C. did D. hasnt 11 _ you are given a form to fill out does not necessarily mean that you have to answer all the questions in it.A. That B. Why C. What D. W

6、hether12. Birdwatching is becoming a popular pastime, with almost 3,000,000 of us _ in our fluttering feathered friends.A. absorbed B. absorbing C. absorb D. to absorb 13 Parent-teacher conference should be pleasant, civilized, a kind of dialogue _ parents and teachers build partnership.A .whose B.

7、as C. that D. where 14 The course “World Literature” examines the common people found in quality literature worldwide and _a variety of cultural background.A .introduces B. introducing C. to introduce D. introduced 15 In the third and fourth columns of your monthly budget, list you expect to spend y

8、our money on and the amount.A .what B. how much C. how D. which 16 Each person excuses himself by thinking someone else will help _the more “other people” there are, the greater the total shifting of responsibility.A. if B. until C. so that D. as if Section BA. personal B. further C. aspects D. tuit

9、ion E. degressF. launch G. simply H. created I. traditional J. revolutionized Back in the last century self-study used to mean trying to learn from books. Then as technology moved on, electric products 1 the way people learn a language. Audio cassettes enabled people to practice listening, video pro

10、vided a vivid cultural environment of the language, computers made interactivity possible, and the 2 of the Windows 95 operating system opened the door to full multimedia programs that could offer more than what the traditional materials could do.Today technology has moved on 3 . The Internet has se

11、rved as a communication centre. The general use of email has 4 new opportunities for teachers to assist learning at a distance, which has an impact on 5 learning structures. As you can make more and more progress on your own, the role of the teacher is changing. Basic information and drill can be pr

12、ovided by computer; the teacher is then free to concentrate on the more important 6 : motivation and production of language in speech or writing.The latest development is a direct email link from self-study CD-ROMs to an online teacher. Now you can get 7 one-to-one tuition from any multimedia PC wit

13、h an internet connection.When you need more help you 8 email the tutor. The tutor will know which course you are following and your results to date so he is able to provide good, relevant advice. All you do is buy the CD-ROM at normal price and then get additional 9 as you feel the need. So the self

14、-study becomes distance learning with all its advantages of flexibility and low cost.Section AI had a weeks holiday to use and I wanted to spend it in the best hotel I could find. That was why I chose the haven. Set in a country park, I thought I would be able to escape the problems and pressures of

15、 1 life. But, just twenty-four hours after arriving there, my wife and I experienced problems with the restaurant, the service and the 2 .We should have left and returned to our 3 when we saw two policemen walking outside the hotel, 4 the building. One of them showed us how our room could be 5 in th

16、rough the windows. It seems that the hotel has no 6 on the windows. Although we were a little worried, our XXX were 7 when we believed a good-sized bed, a flat-screen TV, a spa bath and more suggested a comfortable stay.Things started to go from bad to worse the following morning when I found the re

17、staurant only served 8 meals. I was disappointed and upset: six days of rabbit food and no steak and chips? What had I let myself in for? We should have been told about the food before we 9 . I ordered my breakfast against my will 10 , but I had to wait forty-five minutes for it to arrive. This was

18、not the 11 I expected.That afternoon, when we returned from a tour around a village nearby, we found that nearly 200 had been stolen from our room. The Haven 12 to refund us the money. They claimed that they could not be responsible for any loss if our 13 was not locked.My holiday was then a total 1

19、4 ; I thought a “Haven” was supposed to be a quiet, peaceful place. 15 , I have experienced more stress and worry in that one day than I usually do working in the office for a week.1. A. real B. daily C. whole D. holiday2. A. price B. staff C. luxury D. security3. A. home B. hotel C. room D. country

20、4. A. admiring B. searching C. restoring D. inspecting5. A. viewed B. flown C. slipped D. crawled6. A. locks B. glass C. frame D. curtains7. A. shown B. concealed C. forgotten D. overemphasized8. A. low-fat B. high-nutrient C. home-made D. ready-cooked9. A. started B. ordered C. planned D. booked10.

21、 A. somehow B. instead C. anyway D. otherwise11. A. food B. service C. holiday D. entertainment12. A. promised B. refused C. pretended D. desired13. A. safe B. room C. door D. window14. A. risk B. comedy C. failure D. conflict15. A. In fact B. Despite that C. By contrast D. At lastSection B(A)Uncle

22、Jeremiah sighed. He wondered if he had made the right decision in agreeing to look after Ant and Cleo over the school holidays while their parents went to London to catch a month-long festival of Shakespeare plays.Ant and Cleo were having a whale of time staying with their research scientist uncle.

23、They easily bullied(欺负) him into letting them stay up to watch the late-night creature features. It was fun, they said, being scared sockless by vampires(吸血鬼), wolfmen and other not-so-nice people. They could handle the late nights; what they couldnt were the nightmares(梦魇). Watching such fearsome m

24、ovies as the Curse of the Yeti(雪人), the Dread of Dracula, Fangs of the Wolfman and More Dread of Dracula had resulted in the most terrifying nightmares imaginable.Once Cleo dreamed she was at a dico wearing a fur coat which turned into a yeti that totally ruined her evening by eating her boyfriend.

25、Ant had a frightful dream about being a wolfmen, going all hairy and getting locked in the dog house where he was bullied by a brainsick huge dog. And the nightmare that caused Cleo to wake up in a cold sweat was all about a pale, toothy plumber(水暖工) who kept trying to fit a tap to her neck.Uncle Je

26、remiah sighed-again. He trailed back to bed and buried his head under the pillow. Ant and Cleo settled down to watch The Great, Great Nephew of Frankenstein.1. The children were staying with Uncle Jeremiah . A. overnight B. at weekends C. several weeks D. permanently2. The children stayed up late to

27、 . A. play with Uncle Jeremiah B. watch creatures outside the window C. watch horror movies D. meet not-so-nice people3. When Cleos fur coat turned into a yeti she was . A. amused B. upset C. scared D. surprised4. What was Uncle Jeremiahs attitude towards the childrens behaviour? A. Aggressive. B. R

28、esponsible. C. Critical. D. Helpless.(B)How to Become a Police OfficerIf you think joining the force is the right choice for you , here is how you can prepare for a career in law enforcement.Rule:You must have a clean police record. If you have committed a crime in the past , you are not qualified t

29、o join the police . Your application STOPS HERE!Preparation:Take courses in Business, Maths , Accounting, ComputerApplications and Behavioural Sciences. Think about a period of military service. Two years in the armed forces is excellent mental and physical conditioning for police work.Maintain a go

30、od level of physical fitness. Those who have participated in school sports stand a better chance of success,Procedure:Pass a pre-entry lie detector test.Take the written exam for police offices, you can obtain information about the exam through your local police department.Take a personality test to

31、 assess your personal characteristics. For example , judgement, reliability and responsibility.Pass the physical examination. This usually includes tests for your eye-sight , hearing ,strength and agility.Attend an interview with senior police officers.1. The underlined phrase “law enforcement” is c

32、losest in meaning to A. making laws B. interpreting laws C. keeping law and order D. reforming laws and regulations2. If one wants to become a policeman, he must. A. serve in the army B. take some required courses C. be a law-observing citizen D. be a player in a sports team3. Before the applicants

33、are interviewed, the police wants to test them on their qualities EXCEPT their . A. total honesty B. examination ability C. healthy personality D. physical condition(C) ARTU is not human, he is mechanical thats right, a real-life robot police officer, like the one made famous by Arnold Schwarzenegge

34、r in Robocop ! ATRU (Advanced Tactical Robotic Unit) is the next weapon in the war on crime. Now in development by a team of robot specialists, ATRU is a 1000-pound fighting machine that can zero in on bad guys and wipe them out without sacrificing innocent lives. “ARTU is an efficient and effective

35、 tool against crime,” said one of the robot policemans developers. “We still have some finishing touches to do, but within a few months, we plan to approach the Los Angeles Police Department about adding him to the police force.” The Los Angeles Police Department already has several robots, includin

36、g one used for seeking out objects or criminals and one that can be programmed for tasks such as lifting dangerous objects, firing a water cannon(大炮)or exploding a bomb. ARTUs creators say their robot combines the separate capabilities of all those machines into one single, powerful unit that does i

37、t all. Better still, ARTU can make its way into confined spaces, unlike the present ones used. He stands eight-feet tall when fully extended with fully flexible arms and legs, rather than being a square, tank-like vehicle with limited mobility. ARTU can also carry out many other police duties beside

38、s the ones mentioned. “Hes an all-purpose crime fighter,” says one team member. “He can handle terrorist situations, explosive devices, armed robberies, security in large crowds and even missing-person searches in disaster situations.”ARTU is also fitted with a body heat sensor that enables it to de

39、tect criminals in hiding, or victims trapped in fallen buildings. The robot carries a fully automatic weapon that he can fire with 100 percent accuracy. If that is not enough to scare suspects off, ARTUs specially programmed brain also allows him to a hostile (敌意的,危险的)action in milliseconds. “The re

40、al beauty of that”, says a team member, “is that we dont have to worry about the ARTU making a mistake and shooting unarmed people who look like they are raising a gun. He can make the kind of split second decisions human police officers fear because there is often so much room for error.” Currently

41、, ARTU is being fine tuned to make him quieter and faster. “But those are minor points, really,” says a team member. “We expect to be finished by the end of the year and by that time, we will have an all round robotic police officer, ARTU and his “mates” will be in demand from police agencies around

42、 the world.” 1. Which of the following statements is TRUE about ARTU talked about in the passage?A. It is a human police officer who fights against crimes.B. It is a machine in development intended for police duties.C. It is robot already used by Los Angeles Police Department.D. It is an efficient t

43、ool which appeared in a well known movie.2. From the passage we may draw the following conclusions EXCEPT that _A.ARTU is being perfected at the moment.B.ARTU can be of great use in life searching after earthquakes.C. The writer of this passage is sure about the popularity of ARTUD.ARTU will take th

44、e place of the police force to fight against crimes 3. According to the third paragraph, we know that _A.ARTU is superior to human police officers in making great decisions B.ARTU will fire once it senses armed people with 100 percent accuracy C .It is likely that human police will misjudge whether

45、a person has weapon D. With a body heat sensor, ARTU can tell whether someone is a potential criminal 4. What might be the best title for this passage?A. Fighting against Crimes B.A Real life Robocop C. The Next Weapon in the war D. An Effective Robot A. Get the picture B. Exclude termsC. Find lost

46、pages D. Finds similar terms E. Look up synonyms F. Substitute for unknown words Google is not the only search tool in town, but it comes with such a vast collection of tools to focus your search that it is the engine of choice for many of us .the trick to efficient Google search that it is the engi

47、ne of choice for many of us. The trick to efficient Google searches is mastering its tools to get what you want faster more easily. Following are some trickster to do just that._You thought the tilde character served no useful purpose. When you insert the tilde in front of a search term, Google will

48、 retrieve(检索)sources matching the word as well as synonyms. Searching “-conservative” will yield the National Libertarian Party, the National Pepublican Committee and the Right Wing News home page. Do not leave a space between the tilde and the search term._Sometimes a keyword will come up with item

49、s totally unrelated to the subject you are interested in. A student researching plasma in the universe would type in the word “plasma”, and be forced to look through scores of sites referring to plasma televisions. The fastest way to solve this is to use the exclude function, the hyphen (-). Search

50、“plasma tv” and you will eliminate irrelevant sites._Friends kid me about my poor memory; I think they exaggerate (夸张). But sometimes I need to look up to a quotation for which I cant recall all the words. _A wonderful feature of Google search is the cache (缓存)option . in virtually all search result

51、s ,you will see a link to cached versions of pages you are looking for. You usually wont need to refer to these archival pages, but if your search ever turns up an old news page, for instance, you may find that when you click on link , and that will retrieve the last saved version of the page that h

52、ad failed to show. This is a powerful, extremely helpful tool when you come across old pages from Web sites that no longer exist, or are no longer maintained._Did you know can search for pictures with Google home page, click on “Images,” and type in what you are looking for. You can narrow your sear

53、ches using the advanced search function to, for example, retrieve certain types or sizes of files.The British government has started a campaign to ban British schoolchildren from speaking slang in the classroom in an attempt to improve their academic performance. Fearsome have been raised that the c

54、onstant use of street slang and the rejection of traditional English speech patterns and vocabulary is contributing to the educational failure of pupils.As part of a government pilot progamme, students at Lilian Baylis School ,in south London ,are being taught that slang is only appropriate in certain circumstances and that they must master atandard English .Inspectors found that students often used slang phrases in their written work .Gary Phillips, the head teacher , said ,”all the children ,not


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