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1、初中英语语法归纳复习:被动语态虫血点:学»,、轩常见时为的被动语恣,共能根看不冏情景,灵活遂用被动语杰,【勤识总桔”访】-.麋念:农示动作与主语之间是被动关系的句子是坡动语杏.二. 主动语态与被动语态之间知何转换We visited gt factory last summer -主动话态王ZfliS 3S状语That factory was visited bv us last summer -»被动语杰主语 谓语宾i§=各种不同时芯的主功语态与被动语态的比照时态主动语态被瞬杏般现在时am /1$ / are + P.P.(1) Do they speak Fr

2、ench?2) They donl use the room .Is French spoken by them ?The room isn't used by them .一般过去时was / were + p.p.(1) The hunter killed a tiger.(2) He mote many stories last year.A tiger was tailed by the hunter.Many stories “as vmtten by him last year.现在瞄时am / is / are * being *p.p.(1) These workers

3、 arc building a new bridge .(2) He is mending his carA new bridge is being built by these workers.His car s being mended by him.过去进展时was / were + being + p.p.(1) He was sell«g books . They were discussing the pUn at thatBooks were being built by him.The pian was being discussed by them at that

4、time time.现 flEVfcfiWhave / has + been + p. p.(1) She has learned many English words.(2) He has finished the work.Many English words have been learned by her .The work has been finished by him.过去完成时had + been p.p.(1) They has sofved the problem.(2) We had told him the news by then .The problem had b

5、een solved by them.The news had been toW to him by us.shall / will be p.p.(1) I shall make a plan .(2) They are genng to fix the radio in an hour.A plan mb be made by me.The radio 略 going to be fixed by them in an hour.过去将来时would be p.p.was/ were going to be .PP-(1) He toW me they would paint the ro

6、om .(2) They were gang to put on a play the next week.He toM me the room would be painted by them .A play was going to be put by them the next week 情态阪can / may / must / should be p.p.(1) Wc should hand in our homework (2) You must answer the question in Enghsh.Our homework $hou*d be handed in by us

7、.The question must be ansvsred in English by you.四.如何正酸使砌动语态1. 有些动词带有两个直语,即百检宜语和间接富语,受被动语恣时,可宅其中一个在语变成主语.另一 个留在枝动构造谓语后冏.需要注意的是:假设把宜接宾敝成被动语态的主语,需要在间接宾语之闯n 上介词-to-.eg. He often tells us interest Ssxxs.(被动语志)We are often told interesting stories by him.Intcrcstiiv storks arc often told to us by hun.推帝双

8、宾语的词有:tell, show, lend , pass等.2. 在主动语态中.某些动词之后常有复合兵酒,KRiSfDKiBIbSig .这个18合在i§由动词不定式来充 当,to核谷路.但奁皴瞬态中.这个t。还要8!原,eg. I often bear hgr sina this popular son。.主动语态)宾ifi底口捋是尚She is often heard to sing this popular song .被SB语态)有这舛用法的精用谕词有:make Jet, see z bear, watch , feel, notice等.3. 有些 k 过去分词的咨造并不

9、是被动语态.它们有可能是”系表构造即系动同之后由过去分词 来充当表卸. . iThcdoorKckjscd.fJAJ美苟的.(系表结扮The door k ckxxd by Fcngping业个门是由沔平来美的(般动语jnuhNWbrWxn.这个玻璃杯是坏的>(乘表缁榕I The glass w as bnAen by Maiy .这个坡璃杯是玛HH TrWJ .狼助ifi国4. 只有及物所词和可有宾治的动词.介词词也才可以有被动语蕊JGrciil changes have Uikcn place in Chin” .(正偷iGrai changes have been taken pl

10、ace in China .(ffliK)(The dolphin disappeared in thcdcq>sca.( ilifift)The dolphin wasdnuppeared in (he deep sea【曲一、被动语茁的构成形式I. 被动诺企的根本时在变化被的冯彩通常为十种时窘的被动形式,戡动沿作由辰+过去分洞构成.be的时密的变化而变化.以&)为 W-各种时咨的被劫仍佥形式为:1) an/is/arc »done (分词)一JR现在时M Visitors <ir*> rnque脸d not to touch the pxhibit.2)

11、 has /have been done 现任完成时M Al 1 l he preparations for I be laxk have bwn corpletcd. and 】x? ix?«dy to start.3) as.*is /are being done 现在迎段时伊J A nev ciDcsti in being built here.4J ««8/were d«x)e 般过去时W ( *as Riven ten ninutes to decide vhelher I should reject hv offer.51 had been

12、done ii 去完成时W By tbc* end of lASt year, another new gymnsiui had been ccapletcd in Beijing.6J vtts/were being done 过去避展时M A xeetinj: bcinn held when 1 vas there.7) shAH/vill bo 如* -MIKindreds of jobs will be lost if the fecury closes.8) should./w(xjld be done 位去将来lHffl The news would be sent to the

13、soldier's rwthcr as soon as it arrived.9) shaH/vill hnv<? bo«n done 将束完成时(少用)M rhe project will have been ccapleted before July.2. 被功语方的特殊的透形式】)带饬衣功诃的被功构i&M形式为:情态助何+be+过上分可M Hie baby should be taken jond carc of by the baby-sitter.2) 有些动得可以有两个宾谄.在川于梭动构造时.可以史1:动构造中的个宾谄变为上诺.另宾诏仍博 保存在训滔

14、后面.通常变为主滔的迎间M His notber cave hin u present for his birthday.可改为 He vas ci ven a present by his mther for his birthday.3) 当动漏实谄,宾论补足满.构造变为棱动谄在肘.将宾遭变为被幼构论中的:Eifi. H余不动. MSonwone caughi the boy snAime a cigareu.可改为 The boy /院 caught 8noMng a cigareiu.4) 在使役功诃have mke» gel以及够官功诃see, »alch. no

15、lice, hear, feel, cbwe 希面不定式 作真语补语时,在主动构造中不定式3耍谷略,但变为被动构造时.ffifeto.例 Sonxinn sav h trnngor valk into th»> hui Iding. OJ改为 A stranger vas to vnlk into th*i building.5) 白我相当于及粉切司的功诃词粗.如“功诃+介词. f诃+副诃.等.也可以用于核劫构ifi.旧安 史它们。作一个整体.不能分开.其中的介诃或刷河也不能谷略.例 Th。iwot ing is; to be put off till Friday.3. OT

16、ifi动涮的帙动由作v.inic形式及不定式to do也。被动诵鑫-般时右和完成时:击M I den't like being luushed at in the public.二、圳何使用帔动诰右学习帔动沼怒时.不仅N知论诙动谄盛的各种滔法杓给.汪W知道在嗔些境况中使用技动遮恣,】讲话名不知道劫作的执行者或不0说出劫作的执行者(这时诃省by例 My bike »as stolen last niRht.2. 动的动作夹出动作的换行若例 1 »H8 given ten einutes to decide whether I should accept the off

17、er.3. 为了坦好地变挎句子.M The well-known person cat an the bus and mas i med lately i-ccocnizcd by people.(一 个主国莪 wri三、It 2 said tZl从句及其他类似句型些表示*抠说.或"相仰 的动祯如bel2m consider, expect, report, say, suppose, ihink 等可 以用于句墨MIi+be+过去分W + thit从何.或“主ifi+be+过去分词+w do汛h、 W:It is said that-, 耕说. It is reported tha

18、t,!<filifl. It is bcliered that*-大享相伫,It is hoped th砒大家命R. It is *<!I kn(y#n ihm众所峭知.It is thought thaf*大家认为.It is suggested thatM It Is said that the boy lias passed lhe national exaw. (=The boy id 邪Id to ha*e 网88ed the natiana) exan )四、道诰动诃的主动形式表示梭动意义1. 英沿中有很名动议如 breek. cotch. clen. drive, l

19、ock* open. sei). read* vrite» vsh 5f.当它 们被用作不及捞动伺来描述主论特征时.常用其主动形式表迫戡劫竞义主诏泅常是物.M This kind of cloth nushes well.主功璃咨表枚功强是主ifi的伶征.而被功琳咨蓦么强UI外界作用1&成的影响.试比较:The door .、“" lock.:搐门本身有毛稍)The door Wt be locked.(指不会有人来债门.指"J没咨慷是入的KiW)2. 我示"发生、进媛”的不及物动伺卬Hi田.如:happen, last, lake place,

20、 break out. con* out. cate abexit. cone true, run out. give out. turn out 3以主功形式表示戒动世义.M I如 & the rxmicpapcrs; caw out?以些报侬是也何引出来的呢?3. 是动词没有被前形式.任!有些灰示娘实,翳白的连泰动列f伽I, 8/nd, taste, book, feel (£主系 我材造中常以主动形式表示极动意义.W Your reason sounds reasonable五、*而语功诃的主助形式表故动意义在某些句型中可川动名词网不定式的主动形式表被动意义1. fti

21、K-ed. want, require, bear的后IK前名诃用主动形式表示被网意义.M含义相当于动洞不定式的检幼形式.M Tbc house needs repairing I to be repaired!.这房子请要fJMt.2. 形容浏s”h后而跛动名诃的主动形式表示被动自义但不敏动诃不定& Worthy V;而阳动训不 定式的棱动形式.W lhe piclure-bouk is 首ell »x>rlh retsdinc. (=The piclure-buok is very wirlhy lo be n»d.)3. 动诃不定我在名诃希而作定语,不定

22、式和名诃之间白动宾关系时,又和句中另一名诃或代诃构成主讷美 «.不定犬的主动形式表示帔动含义.M ( have a lot of things to do this afurnoon. (s do 与 things 地动宾美第.与 I 是主前关嫡.) 试比较:'11 no to the post ofriee. Dv you have a letter to be polled?(此it用不;£式的峻dj 语咨作定语说明mu不垦post劫作的执行希.)I. 在某些形容诃+不定XV找汲语或徒语补足语的购造中,句子的主语成代语又是动词不定式的 谄时.这时常用不定式的主动

23、形式龙达被动电义这些形容词有nice, ea«y. fit. hard, difficult. Inportant. (dpcsBlble. pleesant. interedting5.M This problrn is diTficult to work aut . 1 可看作 to vork cut 省略了 for nr).5. K ton- to构诋中不定式前面可如建机主语,所以应用主动彰式汲示酸动意义.W This book is too expensive (for n?> to buy.6. 在电re间句55中.立前词不定式昨饰名词作定i«?.不定式用主

24、动式作定iB童盘在人.用被劫形 式作定馅.收也在物.fXj There is no tin? to lose (to be lost) .(用 to lose 町(J浅 for us to lose:用 to be last. 谁lont liiw不州确.)7. 在be睥&,构击中的些不卷式通常虚用主动表主动,被动表被动,绒而,由于古英谄的影响'以下动 何r«>l. blane. let笄仍用不定式的主功形式表示被益愈义.M <ho is to blaxe for starting the fire?六、介诃in. on. inwkr等名kj构成介诃妣治表

25、被动意义&示方位的介司与含动作意义的名词合用.合莪动之义.其成义相当于彼名词相应动词的被动形式.«>1 OT «不用恩初.1. -under -名研 Wifi.表示-某小在诅展中.富见的有:under control (受控&J),under trfiAUMnl (在泊疗中J , under repair (在理中) under discussion (在讨论中),under construction在施工中)<例he building id under eondtructicn( Is being constructed).2. “bemnd,

26、名何'构逵.出丫Mil、建国眼&°常见的白:beyond belief (令人策以此 fn) beyond one* s rcoch 1鞭怡莫及) beyond one' s control 无注控制)« beyond our hope. 我们 的幽功均H不及.MThe nimur Is beyond belief t be believed)3. ,bove名诃 WL表示“(品质、行为.能力部)ttit, BT.M His honest character is above al praise. -His honest character cann

27、ot be praised enough.4. "foL名UT构击.表示-诂于、为希-< Bh for以戒岫,for rent (出坦)等. M Hull house is for sale. (= lhat bouse id to be sold).5. 名UP构造.表示在it程中常见的有:in print (在印刷中.in *好视 好范囹内),等.M The book i$ not yet in print. (=i$ not y* printed)6. 名WT Wifi.表示“在M事W 常,的向 on sale(tttt). on show :燃出).on trial (

28、受事)M Today sene treasures; arc on show in the nuitcus (- are bcinj; showed).7. Mout 名河构造i表示爆出之外,常兑的有8 out of control («?W4<7). out of sight (WHim之外) out of g/ s reach(tt不UK out of ghlon不族行)等.M The plane was oul of control (can* I be control led).8. "withirV名诃构ifi,"在内、不超H”M Ik took

29、two days off vithin the tencher* s pc>mij;sion【题型展示1. A talk on Chinese history _ in the school hall next week .A. be given B. has been given C. will be given D. will gtveTo make our city more beautiful, njfabish _ into the river.A. needn't be thrown B. mustnl be thrownC. canl throwD. may not

30、 throwYou may go fishing if your wodc.A. is done B. will be done C. has done D. have doneThe trees must _ three times a week .A. water B. is watering C. be watered D. waters I git come to the party unless Sue, too .You mean if Sue comes youll come ?A. will invite B. invites C. invited D. is invited6.1 like my new bike . Itvery well.A. rides B. is riding C. is ridden D. has ridden7. Mr. Chen has a lend voice. His voice can _ dearly even in that big dass


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